Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, December 04, 1919, Image 2

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Notice of School Meeting.
Price and Value
A suit of clothes can cost too much or
too little. No possible combination of
materials and workmanship can justify
$200 for a business suit.
Motor Trucks can cost too much or too
little. There is a happy medium — a
point where service and price balance—
a middle ground w here value is greatest.
The limited market for the high priced
truck means a small production, high
overhead; necessitates a wide margin of
profit, an inflated market price. The
motor truck built down to a price is an
expensive investment. Too many hours
in the repair shop, high upkeep, short
life, quick depreciation, low resale value.’
Bethlehem Motor Trucks are not built
down to meet a price or up to justify a
price. They represent the right eco­
nomic combination of proper price and
proper value. Buy your Motor Truck
on Facts.
1 J'S-Ton Chassis
254-Ton Chassis
3J^-Ton Chassis
Buy; Safely • Buy ^Bethlehem
Sunset Garage, Tillamook, Oregon
Notice is hereby given, that a
special school meeting of School Dlst.
No. 9, of Tillamook County, Oregon,
will be held at the school house in
said district on the 19th day of De-
cember 1919, at the
hour of 2
o’clock p.m., for the following pur-
1st. To authorize the school board
of the said district to purchase for a
school site the following described
tract of land situated in Tillamook
City, Tillamook County, Oregon, to-
Beginning at a point 1775.5 feet
south and 570 feet west of the north­
east corner of the Edrick Thomas D.
L. Claim and running thence south
620 feet; thence west 209 feet;
thence south 209 feet; thence west
271 feet; thence north 829.8 feet;
thence east 480 feet to the place of i i
beginning, less tract beginning at
the northeast corner of said tract and
running thence west 240 feet; thence
south 235.5 feet; thence east 240
feet; thence north 235.5 feet to the
place of beginning.
Also beginning at a point 2386.3
feet south and 570 feet west of the
northeast corner of said Thomas D.
L. Claim and running thence south
119 feet; thence west 209 feet;
thence north 119 feet; thence east to
place of beginning, all being known
as the Hays tract of substantially
five acres, for the sum of Ten Thou­
sand and no-100 ($10,000.00) Dol­
lars. And to authorize said board to
contract an indebtedness therefore
in accordance with Sub. 6 of section
two of chapter 172 of the General
Laws of Oregon for tKe year 1913.
By order of the board of directors
of School District No. 9, of Tilla­
mook County, Oregon.
H. H. Rosenberg, director
Chairman pro tem.
J. M. Smith, director.
Attest: C. A. McGhee.
School District Clerk.
What the Editors Say
c a package
before the war
a package
during the war
a package
School District Bond Election Notice.
------ o------
State of Oregon, Cdunty
fence in the administration’s "no 1
compromise” attitude was sure to I
wreck the treaty. The attitude did
persist, and the treaty was wrecked.
The president stood pat, and the
democratic senators offered no com­
promise. although it can hardly be
doubted that a compromise could
have been effected if the democrats
had been willing to recede ever so
slightly from their demands.—Spokes
man Review.
of Tilla­
Three Million Men Rebuild France. mook, School District No. 9:ss.
----- o-----
Notice is hereby given that the
Two hundred million working days school district bond election hereby
will be required to complete the re­ called to be held at the school house
construction of the devastated region in Tillamook City, Oregon, in and for
of France. To finish the task in one School District No. 9, of Tillamook
year it is estimated it will require County, Oregon, on Friday, the 19th
approximately 1,5000,000 men, in- day of December, ,1919, between the
tluding 150.000 bricklayrs. For the hours of 2 o’clock p.m. and- seven
The agricultural department in
construction of 100,000 buildings de­ o’clock p.m., there will be submitted
Washington has decided that there is
stroyed the total of 22,000,000 tons ' to the legal voteA thereof the ques­
too much water in butter. A little
of material will be required. Three tion of contracting a bonded indebt-
further investigation will convince it
million tons of material and 1,500,- ness in the sum of $17,000 for the pur
that there is too little butter in a dol­
men will be needed to construct rail­ pose of providing funds with which
Restoration of the Death Penalty.
lar’s worth—Telephone Register.
roads in regions where the war was to erect and furnish a school build­
------ o------
ing for a gymnasium in and for said
Where is the island of Yap. It has
Demand for the restoration of the
The rejuvenation of the war area school district. Said building to be
been suggested that the United States death penalty for capital crimes is is said to be one of the surprises to I erected on the cite of the present
make use of its newly acquired coming from all
parts of Oregon, battlefield visitors. Lille, Soissons, high school building in said district.
island of Yap as a place for the de­ This sentiment has been inspired by Rheims, Verdun and even such shat-
The vote to be by ballot upon
portation of the "reds”. Yap is said many cold-blooded murders in this tered remnants of prewar glory as which shall be the Word "Bonds—
to be the only thing we got in the state and the I. W. W. riots in Wash­ Arras, Ypres and Bapaume hum with Yes” and "Bonds—No/’ and the vot­
settlement of the war. Who will tell ington. Some voters are even insist­ energy and life amidst appalling des­ er shall place a cross <X) between
where Yap is?—Telephone Register. ent that the matter be not deferred olation,
the word "Bonds” and the word
until the regular election next year,,
"Yes,” or between the word "Bonds”
Whatever President Wilson may but that special election be called
During the first ten and a half and the word "No" which will in­
have promised over the peace table, soon for the purpose of passing upon months after signing of the armistice dicate the choice.
otTe thing is sure, England, France the matter at once.
The polls for the reception of the
the United Kingdom exported to Ger­
AND 3 rd avn.
and Japan have learned that the
many goods of the value of over ballots cast for or against the con­
president does not constitute the ment at present would carry capital $80,000,000 and received from that traction of said indebtedness will, on
great American public. This is not a punishment in any form, the framers country Imports valued at about said date and day and at the place
oue-man government, although it
$1,000,000. Details of these imports aforesaid, be open at the hour of two
was apparent that Mr. Wilson had well to study the laws of this kind and exports were given by Sir Auck­ o'clock p.m. and remain open until
those foreigners "buffaloed" Into be­ existing in other states. For Instance, land Geddes, president of the British the hour of seven o'clock p.m.
lieving that he was "it".—Umpqua the Iowa law provides that the death board of trade.
said day when the same will
penalty shall only be imposed upon
Valley News.
----- o--------
recommendation of the jury. When
------ o ■
By order of the district board
Berger ,the German Socialist who
The Eugene Guard demands that that recommendation is not made the was convicted of disloyalty and sen­ School District No. 9 of Tillamook
th-- professional reformers get busy defendant, if found guilty of murder tenced to twenty years in prison, has County, Oregon, made this 25th day
and stop the people of the Unted in the first degree, is sentenced to been jxcluded from the House of of November, 1919.
H. H. Rosenberg,
States from ruin by the coffee drink­ life imprisonment, but that sentence Representatives, to which the more
Chairman pro tem.
ing route. The Guard has discovered ’does not carry with it the hope of or less disloyal German Socialists of
J. M. Smith.
trout reliable statistics that our peo­ ultimate pardon or parole through Wisconsin elected him—by the suf­
Members of School Dlst. Board
ple are hitting an awful coffee pace, executive clemency. The governor ficiently decisive vote of 309 to 1.
.oing on n regular bust'as It were. has no jurisdiction over life prison­ | Had there been no other count Attest: C. A. McGhee.
District Clerk.
Why not have some freak initiate a ers. It requires an act of the legisla- against hint, the unseemly harangue
bill abolishing the sale or use of cof- iture to free them. Result: Few life 1 which he made at, his hearing before
i prisoners ever leave the confines of
1-< in Oregon?—Gazette Times.
[the Iowa penitentiary alive unless the House should have been suffi­ Administrator’s Notice to Creditors.
---- o------
they escape. If the proposed Oregon cient cause for that action. The soli­
The repeal of the daylight saving law is framed along similar lines, full tary and unique vote in his favor was NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that
law over the veto of the president measure of justice would be meted cast by a Wisconsin member,, whose the undersigned L. A. Miller, by 5BSE5H5BSZ5i2SESH5H5Z5hE525H5i25HSZ5Z5Z5ZS25ZSc’5252SB5Z5ZSHSH5Z5E525?525HS2
demonstrated for one thing that the out in most cases of murder brought record in "Who’s Who” begins thus: order of the County Court of the 0
tanner gets what he wants, and that to trial in this state, and we
State of Oregon, for Tillamook Coun­ 0
the farmers as a group is a force to the measure would be voted
ty, has been appointed administrator a
by the in Bremen, Germany."
1» reckoned with in this country, people by a large majority.—
------- o——
of the estate of Peter J. Heyvaert,
.'lark Sullivan in a recent issue of er.
The people are willing to pay the deceased, late of Tillamook County, a
Armoured Inner Tires are a practical, common sense,
Colliers’ Weekly shows that the
salaries of such clerks as are needed Oregon, but more recently of
largest single group in the popula­
money-saving tire necessity for all tire users. By
to carry on business, but are not will­ Kingdom of Belgium.
Bring on Another Goat.
tion of this country Is the farming
preventing punctures and blowouts, they add plea­
ing to keep clerks on the pay roll
------ o------
element. In a presidential year the
sure. safety and economy to motoring. Lubricated
simply because they do not want to undersigned has qualified as said
farmers contribute a heavy third of
Speaking at a meeting of the | look elsewhere for work. An officer mlnlstrator, and that all persons hav­
inside and out, they require no cementing aud no vul­
the entire vote. It is fortunate for Women’s Executive committee of I th«.who
made a tour through one Wash­ ing claims against the said estate
canizing. Placed on your tires as easily as inner tube.
representative government that the Republican States committee of New ington department reported that
must present the same to the under­
termers as a class are conservative York on November 17, Paul D. only a few women workers had any­
signed at Beaverton, Oregon, or to
and level-headed. They are opposed Cravath, who went abroad with Col. thing to do the others were knitting
his attorneys Johnson & Handley,
to radicalism and the farmers who House in 1917 and later accompanied or doing fancy work. This can be done
t Tillamook, Oregon,
own their lands fear new "Isms.” No the American Treasury Mission to at home as well as in Washington
months from this date.
fundamental change in the economic Paris as its legal adviser, declared and with far less expense to the peo­
Dated December 4, 1919.
or political structure of this country that
President Wilson was a “great ple who pay the bills.
L. A. Miller,
can be effected, if it be against the leader," but that he had instituted a
Administrator of
will of the farming population.— "dangerous system of personal gov­
It is estimated by Congressman
estate of Peter J. Hey-
News Reporter.
ernment,” had surrounded himself James W. Dunbar, of Indiana, that
vaert, deceased.
■ - o-------
with his own "little coterie,” result­ during the coming year our annual
. !
It is clear as day that what pre­
expenditures will approximate $5.-
vented ratification
of the peace ed by "narrow little members of this '000,000,000, which will amount to
— o------
treaty by the senate was the stub­ coterie.” Does a "great leader” sur­ 'about $50 for every man. woman
A huge, burly soldier was arrested
born refusal of the president and his round himself with and delegate his and child of our population.
For disenfecting where Contagious or
for drunkenness and confined to the
any sort duties to members of a "narrow little
administration to consider
guardhouse. His constant attendant
of compromise on the questions of [coterie.
¡coterie, ” with the result that "tor-
infectious diseases are prevailing.
Timing Herself.
for the next few days was a little tim­
reservations. The president took the ¡rible incompetency” characterises the
stand that the senate must forgo Its management of his administration of
"Say, Jim .what happened at your him like a child. One morning they
constitutional rights as a treaty- public business?
house yesterday? I went past there were late to mess, whereat the cook
making body. It must accept, with­
Germicidal mixture and by its use
Sarcoxie in Missouri had a "dupli­ and your wife was singing, "Nearer assailed the guard.
out reservation or amendment, the
will improve general stable conditions
’Can’t you come on time! Thig
treaty as he brought it back from cate wedding” the other day. the My God To Thee.”
"Yes. that’s the one song she cooks ain’t no hotel!" he shouted, The
Paris. He did what he threatened to bridegrooms were twins, also the
do when he told the senate that the brides. The two men are both ▼eter- eggs by. Two stanzas for solf boils, guard shrank away, and the cook.
I’-ngue of nations covenant had been Inary surgeons. Both couples are to three starna« for the hard boiled.”
emboldened struck him. Instantly
so Inextricably sewed into the treaty live In the same county and their
the big prisoner intervened with a
thaVno changes could be made in It homes have been furnished exactly Lives of married men remind us
well aimed blow at the cook.
without rejecting the treaty alto­ alike. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Loveless
“Hey you!” he roared, "you leave
We must not make wifey sore
gether. As the Spokesman-Review will live In one and Mr. and Mrs And departing leave behind us
my guard alone* I ain’t going to have
has repeatedly pointed out Persia- Harmon Loveless in the other.
anyone at ail tbusing him.”
Mudprints on her kitchen floor.
The .Oregonian head line writer
must be a graduate from a school of
Journalism. He puts "15 1. W. W.
held in Coos” over a Tillamook dis­
patch.—Gazette 't imes.
Prevents Punctures and Blowouts.
C. MILLS, Agent, Tillamook, Ore-