Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, December 04, 1919, Image 1

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Two reports have been filed in the Resources of Tillamook County Banks THREE I. W. W. TO BE DEPORTED make their home in Tillamook
Moore condemnation suits, which
the present.
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was decided by arbitration, the dam­
Following are the resources of
Friday, Dec. 5—"Hulda From I
“C” Holden about the Hood tire, age being placed at $3,400.00. W. G.
Tillamook County Banks on the 17th
------ o—- ■
| land," Paramount production, feat­
actual mileage guaranteed.
Dwight and J. C. Foster placed the of November 1919:
uring Mary Pickford.
Judge Geo. R. Bagley will hold
Empty sacks wanted, 5 cents cash, damages at $2,000.00, and Wm. Nestucca Valley Bank . $144,955.92 ’court on Monday for the purpose of
Tillamookers Who Took Part in
"Burton Holmes Travelogue.”
Maxwell, R. O. Richards and Amos Nehalem Valley Bank. .
at Lamb-Schrader Co.
196,936.74 (disposing of some of the I. W. W.
The War.
Saturday, Dec. 6—"Easy to Make
Vaughn placed
the damages at First Bank of Bay City.
89,465.87 cases. As most of them, it is thought,
Money.” A Metro production, feat­
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Rock
$3,500. The place is assessed at Tillamook County Bank
673,554.77 (will plead guilty, those who do not I At a smoker given on Wednesday j uring Bert Lytell. A 5-act comedy
on Thanksgiving day, a son.
First National Bank .. 1,756,492.04 will have to remain in jail until evening by the local Post of the. drama of speed.
M. W. Harrison is back from Cali­
Herbert Olson, formerly tester for
the February term, for it was decided ¡American Legion, steps were taken | "Spring Fever.” Lloyd comedy.
fornia on business and will return in
Total ...
to incorporate in the budget ot the Sunday,, Dec. 7—“The Death Dance”
not to call a special jury.
the Tillamook Cow Testing Associa­
a few days.
Select production featuring Alice
E. T. Gooch, immigration officer, County for the coming year an ap-
tion, is registered in the school of
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ethel, agriculture at O. A. C. Olson is doing Bayocean Votes 10 Mill Road Tax.
was in the city the first of the week propriation of $5,000 to be used to- I Brady,
------ o---- -
of Cloverdale, on December 1st. a official testing for the cellege. He
investigating the men under arrest. wards the erection of a memorial to Monday, Dec. 8—"The Rescuing An-
At a meeting of the Bayocean road
has tested - several fine registered (district last week, it was decided to ' He left Tuesday morning for Port- the men and women who went into ■ gel,” A Paramount production,
[land, having James Audreen, William federal service during the late war. ! featuring Shirley Mason.
The W. R. C. will meet Friday Jersey herds, those of William S. levy a special road tax of 10 mills.
Senator T. B. Handley, who introduc-1 "A Dog-gone Shame.”
[ Pulse and Axel Larsen i in custody.
night, December 5. Members are all Ladd, at Oswego, S. A. Richards, at .Only four persons attended the meet­
Turner, Roy Cox at Albany and ing, viz: J. A. Biggs, Swan Hawkin­ [These men are aliens and I warrants ed the bill in the legislature which Tuesday, Dec. 9—“Branding Broad­
invited to attend.
Brewer and Gentry, at Almsville and son, F. D. Mitchell and H. L. King. men still in the county jail who provides for the appropriation, gave ( way.” An Artcraft production, feat­
| Monday. They are Harry Ashmore, a resume of its history in the legis­
Lem Partridge, of the Gem Theatre others.
uring William S. Hart. It might be
The money raised from this special
lature. Other speakers, among them
is in Portland this week booking
of interest to the public to know
tax will be used to build the road to were issued by the federal authorities. Rollie W. Watson, W. G. Dwight,
that we have exclusive rights on all
special features for the Gem.
They will be taken to New York and
giving eve drew a large crowd, as did
Joseph Mannix, S. S. Johnson, Allen , of the late picture made by this
A marriage license was issued to the masquerade dance given by the ' goes as far as the Bayocean property. deported.
Page and Sam Moulton, spoke favor-1 star. If you want to see the latest
Clarence Corder, of Nehalem, Ore., Tillamook Post, American Legion. This will mean that the property in
ably of the proposed appropriation.
come to the Gem.
and Naomi A. Scovell.
The prizes for thd'best masqueraders the Bayocean road district will have
The sentiment expressed at the
Pathe News.
men still in the county pail who
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cady, were won by: Best dressed couple;
were sentenced last week, having smoker favored the construction of Wednesday, Dec. 10—"Three
of Wheeler, at the Boals hospital, on Lucille Wells and Lee Stephens; other parts of the county 10 mills.
failed to pay the fine imposed upon a prominent building as a memorial ( and a Girl.” A Paramount produc-
best individual lady’s dress. Miss
Tuesday, a son.
tion, featuring
Marguerite Clark.
them. The judge advised the Sheriff rather than a shaft or tablet. This
Evelyn Hoag; best individual gentle­
to hold them until he came in on
Buy a Hood tire. Why? More mile­ man's dress, Floyd Wilson; most
Monday. Thew are Harry Ashmore, ities and has the approval of the Thursday, Dec . 11—"Auction
age at less cost. J. C. Holden.
comical lady, Miss Flo Imus; most
A very pretty home wedding oc- Axel Simon and Hans C. Hollerand. American Legion throughout the
Souls” Playing this week at th)
E. J. Roberts and wife, of Portland, comical gentleman, J. Houser.
cured Friday night, November 28th, There are still seven men to be tried, country F. D. Beltz emphasized the
Liberty Theatre at Portland, and
spent a week at their cottage at
will come direct to the Gem. Show­
The members of the United Breth­ at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. and it is expected that four, if not need of community service in the
ing sale of women for 85c. in the
ren Church, and the friendB of Mrs. Hill, when their daughter Fay Lu­ five, will plead guilty Monday. structure if built. It should, as he
suggested, have facilities required
Turkish slave Market, One of the
Mr. and Mrs. E. Kuratli, of Hills­ Frank Dye, tendered her a Thanks­ cille was given in marriage to Walter Those who do not plead guilty will be for gatherings of the various organ­
biggest features of the year. Ad-
boro, spent Thanksgiving with Mr. giving surprise party. To say that H. Stark of Tillamook. The groom kept in jail until the regular term in izations whose object is the good of
mission 15c. and 25c. Wilkins’ or­
she was surprised indeed, is putting served overseas and the bride has February.
and Mrs. David Kuratli of this city.
the community. A committee of seven
chestra will furnish music for this
it mild. After spending several hours been employed in the County Clerk's
was appointed, upon resolution, to
N. A. Blanchard and
family in a pleasant social time, refresh­ office. They will continue to live in
special feature.
present the matter to the budget
loved to Bayocean on Tuesday and ments were served, after which the Tillamook, and will be at home to
ill engage in the crab and fish assembled guests said good night their many friends. We wish these
Alice Brady in "The Death Dance.1’
Indictment Returned by Tillamook
The committee appointed to inter­
' leaving behind them many gifts as a young people the very best success.
Jury is Found on Leonard Von
Alice Brady will be seen in her
view the County Court and attend
I Born to Mr. and Mrs. L. F. David- manifestation of their love and The impressive ring ceremony was
the budget meeting is composed of latest Select picture “The Death
used. Rev. Harry E. Tucker, officiat­
n, of Hemlock, on December 4th, a friendship.
Senator T. B. Handley, J. M. Smith? Dance,” at the Gem Theatre, Sunday.
j Prof. J. H. Ackerman, president of ing.
Leonard von Wingerden, alleged I. Allen Page, Rollie W. Watson, Joe December 7.
I Tillamook Post, American Legion, the State Normal School at Mon­
Maginnis, Joe Mannix and ] F. D. I The story deals with Flora Farns-
Noted Star Delightful Dutch Girl in 1 W. W. organizer, was arrested Sun­
| worth, a dancing girl (Alice Brady),
gave a smoker at the Armory on mouth, Is in the city this week at-
'concerning whom a wager is made
-------------- -----
Wednesday evening, a number of in­ tending the teachers’ institute. Mr.
Arnold Maitland, a society man
vitations being sent to the business Ackerman has done a great deal to
Mary Pickford has been starred Parker and Burghart, and is held for All Tillamook Cheese Taken Out of
¡promote better schools and better upon the screen in characterizations
I (H. E. Herbert) who signs a state-
1 investigation by federal authorities.
teachers for Oregon schools, having
------ o------
|ment that he can win Flora in two
©n November 29th, at the Tilla­ devoted considerable of his life to in many picturesque nationalities, The police seized as evidence 130
I Carl Haberlach returned from a months' time.
mook General Hospital a son was that purpose. We have known Mr. but her little Dutch girl in "Hulda blank membership cards for that or­
trip to Portland last week, where he I Later, he meets her and becomes
born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lagler, Ackerman many years and have al- from Holland”, which will be dis­ ganization, 40 books ot stamps to be
had gone to try to dispose of more of honestly interested in her ambition
issued on payment of dues and a
of Mohler.
ways found him highly intereated in
the second quality cheese, and deal­ to become a singer, forgetting the
Friday, December 5, has never been quantity of incendiary
0. The weather the first part of the education, and besides, he is a fine
surpassed in humor aqd genuine ap­ One pamphlet was in defense of the ers who have heretofore handled the compact as unworthy. In order that
«reek had a wintery appearance, the gentleman, and a fine friend to those
second grade cheese report a very he may divorce his wife and marry
I ,W. W. activities at Centralia,
mountain tops being covered with who have had the pleasure of mak­
slow sale. Two or three of the cheese Flora, whom he loves, he plans to let
Miss Pickford is finally supported Wash.
■now, with a cold east wind with ing his acquaintance.
makers have made more than their 1 Cynthia secure a divorce on the
in this production. John Browers, her
One paper which puzzled the au-
I Eric Goulstrom was run down by leading man. plays the part of an ar­ i thorities was an indictment returned share of the second grade cheese and grounds of desertion, and to _. go to
vg Married on the 25th of November, Car Possetti on Friday evening, and tist, while Frank Losee, one of the by the Tillamook county grand jury the directors should look into this‘Europe until it is over, taking with
*t the home of Rev. Harry E. Tucker, as a result Goulstrom is in the Vid- I best known screen players in the on November 25, charging James carefully, as It means a great loss to him Flora, who is to Btudy under a
Tillamook’s reputation to have poor'foreign master.
Who peiformed the ceremony, Ed- ito Hospital, ,his right leg below the country, is seen as the cold, calculat­ O’Neil with criminal syndicalism.
especially when the cheese 1 He is killed on the evening prior to
fvard D. McDonald and Mrs. Mina knee being crushed and broken in ing business man. Russell Bassett al­ How the prisoner obtained possess­
sailing and Flora accepts Boresky’s
two places, with his thigh bruised so has a good part. The three little ion of the document is a mystery. are branded with “Tillamook” on the
joffer to use her as his partner in a
The police have no record of James
C. B. Wiley returned on Saturday
| Practically all of the cheese has new dance. Cynthia now tiring of
m a trip to The Dalles, where he ing on the pavement north of the
now been taken out of cold storage. Boresky, turns her attention to Phil­
sited his ftother. It was quite cold
State Teachers Association to Meet in
October production was over 2,000 ip Standish, Maitland’s young part­
Jkhilc he was there, being 10 degrees
Portland Dec. 29-31.
boxes greater than a year ago and ner, and together they dine at the
struck him. The unfortunate man
¡given to O’Neil by District Attorney
Above zero.
with over 5,000 boxes having been cate where Philip, .seeing Flora, falls
The Oregon States Teachers’ Asso­ I t . H. Goyne, when he was arraigned taken out of storage makes the mar­ in love with her. Matters progress,
•SB Chas. F. Pankow, of the Star Gar- was brought to the city and Drs.
Shearer and Crank attended his in­ ciation will meet in Portland Decem­ 'before Judge Bagley. The man plead-
ket temporally overstocked. Hence and Philip and Flora are engaged.
Age received a car load of Nash-toAr- juries. Goulstrom was a member of
ber 29-30-31. This will undoubtedly ‘ed guyty and the judge sentenced the checks tor October milk will not Cynthia is jealous of the girl who not
4ng cars and trucks this week, and the 10th Company Coast Artillery
be the largest and most important him to five years in the state peni­ ¡be out before the 13th. Several of the only took her husband from her, but
pccts a car load of Overlands in and saw service in France.
teachers’ conventiln ever held In this tentiary and to pay a fine of $1000. factories have not got enough boxes dances with her former lover who
e near future.
I Edward Roberts vs. Hazel Roberts state. Already the number of teach­ He was paroled on a promise of good to box all October cheese. It has also seems to be very much attracted, and
Marriage licenses were Issued to is a divorce suit filed in the circuit ers who have enrolled and paid their behavior and paying a fine of $200. been difficult to get refrigerator cars finally becomes engaged to Cynthia’s
us Christen and Mrs Mary Hoff- court. These parties were married in fees far exceeds that of any previous He paid the money and was released. | Mr. Haberlach called our attention own latest catch, and plans a revenge
an; Edward D. McDonald and Mrs. this city January 19, 1918. Plaintiff year. Delegates from every county He must either have seen Wingerden to typographical error in reporting
Working upon Boresky’s real love
ina Booth; hauncey E. Davis and alleged during a spell of anger on and from every local teachers’ or­ and given him the copy of the indict­ population of Aberdeen and Hoquiam for the girl and his naturally Jealous
l^*udrey Earl; Walter H. Stark and defendant’s part and without any ganization in the state will attend
in which the Headlight quoted him nature, she persuades him to stab
■ay L. Hill.
provocation called her husband abus­ the business meetings of the repre­ prove that O'Neil is still identified as having giving the population of Flora during the dance, In which he
^Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Case, of Tilla- ive names; she insisted on going to sentative council. This meeting as with the wabbles. The best way to those two cities as 5,000. The figures pretends to kill her, saying that it
well as all the others of the session 'deal with hint is to have him brought should have read 35,000.
I can all appear as an accident. Phillip
mk were guests of their daughter, dances; that she has persisted in
back and sent to the penitentiary to
is open to all teachers in the state.
I however saves Flora and Boresky
rs. C. G. Reiter at Hillsboro for
President A. C. Hampton, City Su­ serve the sentence imposed upon «m Big Bill Hart Does Exciting Stunts turns the weapon on himself.
anksgiving. Miss Helen Case who who is obnoxious to plaintiff; that
perintendent of La Grande is prepar­ by Judge Bagley. He seems to be the
In "Branding Broadway.”
a student at the U. of O was also she persisted in her scolding and
ing a most Interesting program and only one ot the I. W. W.’ b who had ■
------- o ——
Get Together Dinner Great Success.
They put "Big Bill” Hart in a
------ o —
dances and associate with another expects to secure for the general ses­ money.
O'Neil was picked up at Wheeler dress suit at the studio where he was
Adam J. Schmelzer, executor of the man to such an extent that life with sion two speakers from outside the
Last Sunday was perhaps in many
tate of Laura I. Chance, deceased, the defendant became unbearable to state. One of these will be Mr. H. B. when the American Legion and engaged on his new Artcraft picture, respects the greatest day in the his­
. Karl Wilhelm, is a suit filed in the plaintiff and last May left the Wildbn, City Superintendent of Berk­ others scoured the county for I. W. "Branding Broadway,” and thereby tory of the Tillamook Methodist
e circuit court to recover $197.50, defendant. No children were born to ley. California. Mr. Wilson has held W.’s.
rendered him as uncomfortable as a ‘church. There was manifested
n a leSse of certain property which the union.
Important positions in Kansas and
man can be under ordinal y condi­ various ways the fact that.
Davis-Earl Wedding.
e defendant has failed to pay for.
Indiana and is the atfthor of a num­
,church is neither dead nor dying,
----- -o-------
ber of well known educational works.
made me _________
,,,, ” but one of the livest organizations
Obituary Notice.
■ The annual convention of the Til-
A simple wedding was held at the confided the Thomas H. Ince star to'either religious or secular in the city,
..•■'Bamook County Teachers’ Association
home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Chaffee, one of his associates "to be rigged The first 'gun was fired promptly at
• «
®<>nveiled on Wednesday at the High
To Insure First Class Cheese Makers.
Bister of the groom, on Thursday, out in one of these boiled shirt out- ten o’clock when Superintendent G.
------ o------
School building, which is presided Newark, Wayne County, York State,
when Miss | ¡fits. The collar J.inds like u bridle B. Lamb, called the Sunday School to
The Tillamook County Creamery Nov. 27, at high noon,
•ver by County School Superintend­ I March 10, 1826. He came to Michi­
Audrey Earl, daughter of Mr. and I bit on a mustang, and I feel as order, which is, In the matter of at­
G. B. Lamb. A full report will be
Earl, , became the bride of awkward as a cayuse in harness for tendance, almost twice what it was
Michigan regiment and was honor­ ing was held on Monday. Fifteen di­ Mrs. J. I.------
gr. • i> in i our next issue.
Chauncey E. Davis.
the first time. Of course, if art de­ six weeks ago, and a brief but splen­
ably discharged May 28, 1863.
rectors attended the meeting.
■ Hans Hanson is expected to return
The ceremony was read in front of mands that 1 wear the thing, I'm did Rally Day program was staged
He was married Oct. 18, 1866, to
Messrs D. M. Botsford and Arthur
jn about a week from Rochester, N. Miss Percilla Bailey in Midland, Mich
Booth of the advertising firm of the fire place festooned with Thanks­ game, but give me a soft shirt and a under the supervision ot assistant
•Y., where he went to consult the She died May Sth, 1919. Two sons Botsford. Constantine & Taylor ap­ giving decorations. Rev. Tucker of pair of overalls and chaps and I'm 1 superintendent Mrs. Robert
»1 ayo Bros. Although they were able being born to the union, viz: Geo. H. peared before the meeting with their the Christian Church officiating^ * icontented as a Comache with a bottle Grath. Ar eleven o’clock Dr.
eure him, they gave no assurance Williams and Andrew Williams. The plans for 1920 advertising campaign. using the beautiful ring ceremony. 'of snake-bite"
¡Ford, District Supt. of this district,
at the trouble would not re-appear deceased came to Bay City, Oregon, Thiq will be taken up further at the * The bride was attractively attired
"Bill” looks well enough in Iris rig preached a powerful sermon to a
In white net over cream satin, and a I j but he is manifestly uncomfortable, j large and appreciative audience,
some future date.
in 1907, where he has resided up to January meeting.
o 1. 1, f V.
I.. >■ ... Siu iri.iVl.
the slight concession
to bls moving his hearers to laughter :tn<
the time of his death December 1,
Letters were read suggesting a carried a bouquet of white carna ¡To »■>
________ temperament,
___ ____
I Western
ho wore his, tears al will. At the close of the sei
combination of the Tillamook and tions and fern.
They were attended by Miss Betty ___________
^telaon sombrero
The W. R. C. will have their bazzar
_____ > when he wasn't jVice three new members were receiv
Services were conducted at the Coos and Curry Associations. No ac­
Lantz, bridesmaid, who was attired
'•'W'iBaturday. Dec. 13, at the old Conover
inreu j j working and the combination wkh ed into the church. Others will be !•
home of Geo. Williams in Bay City, tion was taken by the meeting.
Z , ¡decidedly encogruous. Mr. Hart has ceived next Sunday. Al one o'clock
Btore, now occupied by Kuppenbend- Tuesday afternoon, December 2, by
Secretary was authorized to engage in white net and gold, and Mr. ■ “
Br. Those who are donating Friday
for this Rev. Harry E. Tucker of Tillamook. any necessary help for his office.
Edgar was best man.
accomplished wonders with the pie- dinner was announced and approxi-
As the wedding march was played | ture, which has much of Its action mately 150 members and friends ot
azzar will have their fancy Rollie
Resolutions adopted that "no con­
by Geo. Chaffee the bridal party
nd cooking at this store on
Attention—Tillamook High School tract be entered into by any cheese entered the doors on opposite sides in little old New York, It will be the church sat town to tables loaded
fternoon, Dec. 12, or at
shown at the Gem Theatre next I
factory with cheese makers without
------ all
....... the good
-- of which Til-
• ••
Ask Holden
’s office. why the extra ply In
lamook can boast. But the climax of
first getting recommendations from of the room, at which were stationed Tuesday, December 9.
e Hood tire.
the attending matrons. Misses Clara
the day came when following brief
At our last meeting it was agreed this association.” This was done so
and Flossie Davis, sisters of the
The dedication of the new school
addresses by Thos. H. Goyne, R. H.
Excellent Photoplay.
that the Alumni should do every- that the several directors could at all
McGrath, Dr. Ford, and A. G. Beals,
tiding at Nehalem will take place thing in it« power to assist in better- times satisfy themselves as to quali­ groom.*dressed In pale blue silk.
The music consisted of "All the
Good photography is a predominat­ the finance committee through Its
xt Saturday, and will be attended ing the condition of our schools.
fications of any certain cheese mak­
World Will be Jealous of Me” and “I ing feature of “The Rescuing Angel,” chairman, A. G. Beals, announced
State School Supt. Churchill and
We now have a golden opportunity er. This will give the association an
of. J. H. Ackerman, of the State to boost for a new gymJSfou already iopportunity to weed out the makers Love You ”. After the ceremony, a a new Paramount picture starring ¡the largest budget that has ever 1»-
Shirley Mason which will be shown foreJpen undertaken by this church,
irmal school. Elaborate prépara­ have full information /n the Gym. who do not make nandard cheese, dinner was served to relatives.
Miss Audrey Earl was a prominent at the Gem Theatre next Monday.
¡which, including the Armenian Re
nts are being made by the Nehalem question. But for thos« of you who keep their factories in a sanitary
member of the 1919-20 Senior Class
The beautiful Hawaiian r exteriors
lief and Centenary, will approxima’e
»1 district for this event.
have not had I shall merely say here condition and make out proper re­
of Tillamook High School until her impart the very spirit of the “ tropica $4,500 thiB year, practically all of
he new building erected by the that the question is to be voted on ports.
D. R. Tinnerstet. Dairy Herd In­ marriage. She was a member of Ito the spectators. Throughout the which has been subscribed. All of
amook Mercantile Co. on First St. December 19th. Let me urge you to
made report covering his de­ Alpha-Xi-Delta Sorority at O. A. C. ¡picture the photography Is clear, which is evident that a new day has
ire the old Cohn building stood, is inform yourselvs at once, and have
He suggested that exhibit­ which she attended during the year vivid and realistic. The picture was <1
ted for the Methodist church of
’ occupied anil is quite an im- your arguments at your ready com­
directed by Walter Edwards. Thi . A
ors at recent International Dairy 1918-19.
remain to « ihat >art ___
of the eity.
Mr. Chauncy E. Davis is the story Is based on the play by Clar«'
Next Sunday morning the pastor
re are pMfty of other old shacks and crush it with your argument of Show be given a dinner for good youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Kummer. Fori eat Stanley plays the will speak on the theme: “Dreaming,
work done by them at the show.
fire traps on that street which truth.
F. W. Christensen made report cov­ Davis of this city, and la very popu­ leading male role and other promt-1 Dari ng. Enduring." At night on "The
Cloyd 0. Dawson,
h® replaced with modern
lar among the younger set. They will nent player« round out the cast.
iTwentieth Century Christian.”
President T, H. 8. Alumni. ering this department.
Tillamook Jottings.
...._ _