Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, November 27, 1919, Image 9

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to speak for labor, although they
represent less than 10 per cent of
those who labor. They have threaten­
ed and thundered, and many politi­
cians have yielded to them, as the
Columbus (Ohio) Dispatch: "If President and Congress did in 1916,
¡ver we are engaged in another war, » on the eve of the presidential elec­
which God grant we never be, the tion. But nowadays the masses of I
estimony taken in connection with people have, come to appreciate the j
the Camp
Sherman investigation menace to public interest and safety
night to be valuable, It ought to contained in the activities of ambi- ■
tlons and thoroughly organized mi- I
each us that the first thing to do norities. The public can protect itself !
s conscript labor—and by labor we
ean everyone who is capable of do­ against such aggressions. It need not
ng or directing. The testimony become a victim unless it wants to.
And it is ready everywhere to an­
What Would Your wife do
hows among other things that while
Jf I had all I ve SA VED,
nounce its intention not to become a
^lusands of boys who had been con-
if fire broke out ?
believe me, I'd be
cripted for the army were suffering
the way.”
rein cold, contractors and foremen
some rich kid!
Are you leaving her with­
nd workmen, all receiving the very
ighest pay, were frittering away
Michigan, chairman of the House
tion of
heir time and wasting the govern-
neut’s money and material. Every Committee on Labor, has expressed
one-quart hand chemical ex­
his firm belief that a permanent so­
ne of these men—contractors, la­
lution of industrial unreBt can be
instant and panic­
borers and superintendents—should
found through legislative channels.
ave been under the government’s
proof in operation; child can
Don’t delay getting this ex­
Hiss committee will give considera­
irection as completely as were the
tinguisher in your home.
work it perfectly; for fac­
tion to the question upon the recon­
oldiers. It is surely no more of a
Call or phone right now,
vening of Congress next month, and
offices, homes, garages,
aidship for a man to be conscripted
in the mean .time the members of
autos. Install at onte; call
o build a camp than it is for one to
the committee will work out the in­
e conscripted to fight and die. If
or phone now.
dividual plans which they have in
r we have another war, every
mind. Mr. Smith said: "It has not
lan and woman and child in this
been very long since the country had
ountry should be conscripted for the
chronic financial
uration of the war—and nothing
brought about great industrial dis­
brings out the point more forcibly ruption. Finally a way was discover­
than this investigation. But, getting ed, through wise legislation, to pre­
way from that proposition, and vent their recurrence. At the present
From the Lincoln (Neb.) Herald.
ooking at the testimony, it is the time, the country is suffering from
When President Wilson went to | They took what they wanted, and
lost tragic thing we have encounter- labor panics, but I feel certain that Europe he went in the George Wash­ pledged the United States through
(1 for a long time. For, iliminating Congress, if it will keep at it, can ington steamship, in all the glory of its representative and 1299 bottle-
11 of the prejudice which certain find a remedy for the present trouble an oriental potentate. He took the holders to agree to and uphold all
itnesses may have had against the just as surely as it did for the fi­ chef and the expert waiters of the their grabs and outrages. Without
iontractors, remembering the fact nancial disturbances."
Baltimore hotel along to prepare and doubt they pledged us to remit the
'serve the meals. He also took the ten billion dollars debt they owe us.
hat some of the witnesses were dis-
iharged from their places and would
Paul M. Warburg, former vice great Baltimore orchestra to play The shock of that disclosure is re-
naturally have resentment against governor of the Federal Reserve during meals. Another band was served for the future.
oreuien and contractors, there is Board, says the world is living in a provided to play while the "world
Coming out of the fracas we get
till enough evidence left to justify world’s paradise, based upon ficti-(sa^e
democracy” folks were nothing except the pleasure of aiding 3
31 J.
is in saying that if the prison walls tious wealth, rash promises and mad ' Promenading the decks.
and abetting international thievery.
o not soon surround a number of illusions. He has traveled in Europe ! The decks of the great steamer We have run into debt to the tune of S2>i25252S252S25252S2525252525aS252525252S25E525252S252S25252S2525a525252
these men, then justice wijl go the last three months studying the were glassed in to make a great sun twenty-one billions dollars to bring
financial situation “The disease is Parl°r- Paid flunkies and subsidized about this new apportionment of
world wide,” he says, “It is spread college professors kow-towed at every spoils in Europe. We have left a
Representative John W. Langley, too far to enable us to deal with it door and stairway. Another steam­ hundred thousand boys under ground,
f Kentucky, has returned to the as a whole. We may agree on the ship had been sent ahead with a Four European nations owe us ten
¡apital after making 40 speeches and principles, but each country will flock of automobiles, so that the billions which they never expect
raveling hundreds of miles during have to be treated in accordance grand retinue could-go up from the to pay. We are called upon to send
our food and clothing to Europe
he recent campaign in his state, with its own conditions. The first harbor in regular state.
Over there it was one grand fiesta while our home folks pay double
which terminated in a Republican step, however, is to prick the bubbles
najority of the lower house of the of false promises and to begin by for awhile. All the kings within prices for what is left;
Along with other fine things we
egisiature, and in carrying seven of clearing the world balance sheet of reach were visited. The millions of
the eleven congressional districts as fictitious assets as far and as fast as dollars worth of jewels of "starving are asked to maintain an army of
(Europe” were displayed in the din- practically a million soldiers and
ow constituted. "While the cam- we can.”
i ing halls of royalty. The parade of sailors to police the world and guard
aign was waged largely on local is-
countries were enough to turn the the loot of royalty in Europe, with a
rues," Mr. Langley says: "It was by
I head of any man already addled draft clause in the army bill, and a
ho means confined thereto. The un­ MAYOR OF PORTLAND OPENS
DRIVE TO RESTORE HANGING with the intoxication of power.
I 'no reserve” clause on every bulletin
popularity of the Wilson administra­
------- o ■ . ■
Thirteen hundred book sharps and board Even within the last few days
tion had much to do with the result,
particularly the feeling of the Ken­ Double Murder at Tavern Prompts ex-sports and stock broker touts and army bulletins posted upon the Lln-
flunkies were on the pay roll of the 'coln post office square call for "50,-
tucky voters against the proposition
Quick Action.
United States at this “peace confer­ 000 volunteers for Three Years for
to tie up America with a foreign
------- o-------
ence.” One hotel was reserved for France and the Rhine.” Other bulle­
league of nations without reserva­
Restoration of capital punishment (their use, the Crillon. It only held tins boldly refer to the "American i
Come and Hear this Machine Play before Buying.
tions protecting the sovereignty of
in Oregon as the penalty for persons .four hundred of the choicest of the Expeditionary Forces in Siberia, Eu­
bur own country. The soldier vote
It’s tone is natural—No metallic sound, only
convicted of first-degree murder will I ¡retinue. Seventy gaudy limousines rope and the Mexican Border.”
figured largely in the outcome,
be provided for in an amendment to l were kept standing in front night i Nothing is left undone to push
primarily because the soldiers do not
the natural sound of voice and instrument played.
the state constitution being drawn and day for the use of these citizens through this unholy scheme. The
Jwant our government to enter into
by City Attorney LaRoche, upon in­ of democracy. The contract with the mails and telegraph wires are flood­
Any covenant that may necessitate
struction from Mayor Baker, of Port­
■their return abroad to help settle land. Documents necessary for the hotel was that they were to be fed ed with propaganda. Millions of dol­
Burope'a quarrels. The sentiment of circulation of petitions for the sub­ Tor J8.00 a day apiece. They took lars is being spent to hire speakers
1 part of their meals at the fashion­ and send out printed matter. The
It he soldiers is almost unanimous on
mission of the act to the voters at the able cafes and Uncle Sam paid that trains under the Macadooized gov­
■ hat proposition. The overwhelming
next general election by the initia­ ‘bill too.
ernment management are crowded
■najority, which was a landslide, is
tive will also be prepared and the j The liquor bill of the Hotel Crillion with pass-holders riding up and
Sn no sense temporary, but indicates
work of obtaining necessary signa­ (turned up to the gurgling tune of down the land purchasing the beau­
■t general realignment of political
tures to the petition will begin im­ :|250,,000. Breakage of furniture by ties of the bunko league.. » » »
piartiss in the border states, which is
There are only a few hundred of
these "peace advocates" was another
k forerunner of largely increased
The decision of Mayor Baker to ¡big item. Where the other nine hun­ the original thirteen hundred who
Republican representation in Con­
start the ball rolling toward restor­ dred paid excursionists hung out in charged the trenches of Paris last
gress and in the electorial college
ing the extreme penalty for convict­
winter left to guard the grill of the
next year from that section. This is ed murderers following the killing [Paris is not stated in the two million
dollar expense bill presented to Con­ Hotel Crillon and the barriers of the
¡shown in the fact that Louisville and
of Newton Burgegss, state higghway i gress.
greBB From
prom the price they must Latin Quarter. Some came back to
the towns in the Blue Grass section
commissioner, and George Perringer, have divided their patronage between recuperate for the strenousities of
for the first time in their history
both of Pendleton, by bandits, whoithe Holej De Ville and the Crystal special train junkets across this
registered republican majorities.”
robbed Claremont Tavern late Friday 'paiace,
country. Some "professors" came to
Gas and Motor Oils, Auto Robes.
night. .
4 D was a fine performance. Presl- instruct their less fortunate associat­
Dr. Charles J. Hatfield, Managing
Need For Penalty Shown.
'dent Wilson was so intent on getting es and let a few drops of their Euro­
director of the National Tuberculosis
___ _ .W.
,C„BUD that
...... ..-
— Willing to peanized wisdom dribble upon the t J. A. PARKER, 1 door West of Woolfe’s blacksmith’s; shop
is „„
no time
for sympathy for his league
he was
Association, in discussing the 1919 the vicious element,” said Mayor Ba- I trade off all the odd corners of the ignorant masses here at home. Only 0
Red Cross Seal sale which will be ker. “The plain statement by mur- ¡earth to get it. This was all the more those with iron livers and copper- K5252525252525a52S2S2Sa5a52S2S2S25252Sa5?5252S252S25ES2S2S2S2S?5?52S2S2
held from December 1 to December derer Johnson that he would not easy because the odd corners belong- lined skulls remain behind to direct
10, said: "The strongest force of the have committed the atrocious crime [ed
to some one else anyway. The the final charge of the light brigade
Red Cross Christmas Seal is felt in for which he was convicted had cap­ European
European wuuu.™,
countries, the'big ones, on the Crillon winecellar.
the communities in which it is sold, ital punishment
been in vogue in were quite willing to amuse Wilson I It is a fine dish set before us, and 5H5HSH5B5ZSH52S25252Sa525252S25252525252S252S252S25252St!52S2525252S2S2S2
because it develops the local fight this state should be enough to con­ with any plaything he desired while all those who gag at its nastiness
against the disease by educating the vince any right-thinking person that they gathered in the real spoils of are "pro-Germans” and "Insane ¡so­
people. Through a budget system ad­ the lack of such a penalty is danger- war.
apted by the National Tuberculosis our to society.
.'^Association and the 1000 state and
"The outrage of Armistce day at '
.jJocal organizations affiliated with it, Centralia is another reason for the less than four months prior to the 'which the organs could be removed J
pout 92 per cent of the funds raised immediate resoration of capital pun- date of the general election,
¡from the body of a person who had
All Work Guaranteed.
in any state are spent there to fight ishment in Oregon. Had such a crime
The death penalty for convicted I met with accidental death.
the great white plague at home. The occurred in this state, the best that murderers in the state of Oregon was
Let Me Keep You Out of Trouble. I cany a Stock of Goodrich
funds have been used to show that could have been done with the guilty removed by a vote of the people on
Tires, Tubes and Tire Accessories.
Choice Holstein Bulls For Sale.
hospitals, clinics, dispensaries, sana­ would have been to send them to November 3, 1914. The success of
Your Patronage Solicited.
toria, open air schools, and other prison for life, with the opportunity 'the abolishment act was by a narrow
I have a few choice registered
thing are necessities for the cure and of obtaining a pardon after a few margin of but 157 votes. The cam­
prevention of tuberculosis. Members years of the sentence had rolled by. paign in favor of the removal of the Holstein bulls I am offering for Bale '¿a5252S2525E525252525aS25E5a525252S252525t!S2S252Sa5E52525252S2S2Sa5a5Z5
• for a price much less than the same
of local and state associations have
death penalty was carried on by a
Tavern Murder is Climax.
¡breeding can be procured elsewhere.
backed up requests for hospitals or
league known as the Anti-Capital
¡The dams of these bulls are all good
"The terrible, cold-blooded murder
clinict, by making demonstrations
Punishment league. Former Gover­
throughout the community. They of two representative men of our | nor Oswald West was one of the (individuals and good producers; one 5 ï 525H5Z5H5Z5H5 ï 525Z525HSZSZS?5Z5HS25H5H5H5H525Z. j H5?5?5' ¿SZ5¿5?525Z5?5 H SH.
state at Claremont tavern Friday j
of them Lady Aaggie Ormsby of Rock
have requested nurses from health
prime movers
in this league and
boards, and to shffw the need for night caps the climax. Someone must i gave much aid to the campaign to won the milking contest at the re­
cent County Fair. The sires are
them, have hired nurses and begun begin the work of preparing the remove the death penalty.
Maplecrest and King Segis breeding.
Burveys to detect suspected cases of
These animals are here at home
the disease. The local campaigns which will provide the opportunity
where you can inspect them; we in-
against tuberculosis have succeeded of imposing adequate punishment to
the 'vile the fullest investigation; come
in practically every case through the persons who place no value on hu­
The grafting of organs from
— milking [ time and bring your
bodies of dead persons to the bodies • (ot
work done in education, demonstra­ man life.”
The mayor will send a petition to of Invalids who have bee?
been wasted
wasted scales an<1
and Babcock tester.
tion and supervision by the associa­
F. R. Beals.
bv disease
disease was
was today
today advocated
advocated by
by !
tions, using the funds from Red Cross the American Legion posts through­ I by
out the state and to all other clubs Dr. Sergius Voronoff, famous physi-
and organizations which he believes (cian who recently announced the dis-
will support him in the plan of
covery of rejuvenating of old man.
New York Tribune considers that
taining sufficient signers to place
any other state, courageously led.
of Brick and Stone, All Fire
would parellel the result in Massa- act on the ballot.
"After death the robust parts of
Places absolutely guaranteed
Many Names Necessary
chusetts, referring, Ijicidentlally. to
not to smoke or money re-
the passage of the Adamson act in ■ The act cannot be voted on by the the body retain their vitality for
■•16 as an illustration of weak yield­ people until the next general election hours. If transplanted to a living
Brick work of all kinda dona
ing to labor. The same thing, we which will be heltLin , __________
November, body they will continue to function,
on short notice.
law provides
lieve. would have happened in any 1920. The initiative 1-.
------------ ---
We make a specialty of re­
her state. The people generally that to submit a measure to the vot- ¡alive for several months by keeping
We are just completing 14 years of bank service for the people of
pairing smoking Fire Places.
ave looked on indifferently while ers by the initiative it is necessary them in a refrigerator."
Bay City and tributary country.
We invite your further patron­
Dr. Voronoff suggests that hospl-
the labor radicals build up their sys- to obtain the signatures of 8 per cent
age, and full cooperation so we may be able to give you still
m of intense minority activity and of the legal voters of the state.
-, The talB in big cities keep stock* of vital
better service. You are cordially invited to carry your business
hand for
r-reaching economic pretensions, petitions and the act must be
L-. sub-
--- 1 organs
.,.BUU„ on
-- the need
----- of pa-
with us. Depository for City, County, Port and Siate.
radicals have arrogated the right mltted to the secretary of state not pleat*. He pointed out the ease with
Newspapers Discuss
Public Questions.
The Junket Brigade
Expert Dyeing
That Old Coat, Dress or Suit
can be dyed to look like new at
at a Small Cost.
$ Pacific Cleaning and Tailoring Co
Repairing Auto Tops & Curtains
— I
City Vulcanizing and Tire Shop
Expert Tire Service.
Vulcanizing and Retreading
Dr. E. L. Glaisyer,
County Dairy Herd Inspector