Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, November 27, 1919, Image 8

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Traveler Felt It When He Saw
j. ,
Those Whiskers.
■Mt That Didn’t Prevent Him «Fall-
Ing" for Probably the Oldest "Suck-
•r" Game In Ixlstsnce, and
Then Kicking
"Nice day!" said the stout man as he
lowered himself on the seat beside me
In the day car with a parlor car look.
“Nice,” I remarked just to humor
him, although I must say that I always
try to avoid a man who wears whisk­
ers. This man was wearing a No. 0
face fungus with ear flaps. I thought
at first of asking him if he had to take
out a license for his luce trimmings.
But, after all, I felt that he had a kind
face—what I could see ef It—behind
the shrubbery, as it were.
"Are you a commercial traveler?" he
asked, stroking his beard to starboard.
"N'o," I replied, “but I once had a
fourth cousin who did seven years In
jail for another offense. That was the
only member of my family who stray­
ed from the narrow path of virtue.”
"Lucky for you I" he snapped out,
pushing his plantation In my face, “It’s
a dog’s life. Everywhere you go peo­
ple talk about the peace.”
“Ah 1” I Interposed, "there Is a peace
on, then? I thought I saw something
•bout it in the press.”
"Are you an American?"
out, getting nnsty.
"Yes.” I said. "Are you? Or do you
live in Hoboken, N. J.” I felt 1
would like to have struck a match and
started a bush Are around the wooded
portion of his face.
“I see you have some cuts on your
face,” he remarked.
“Yes. My tonsorlal artist illustrat­
ed me with some funny cuts."
“Ah I” he slipped in. "You should
shave yourself and you would never
have a face like that.”
I should like to have totd him that
his was no oil painting. Especially did
I hate his face mats. I detest a man
who tries to look venerable by wearing
face mats, when underneath he may
have the chin of a criminal.
"Do you wear those germ traps on
purpose?” I asked curiously.
"Them’s camouflage," he said. "Just
to show what people look like when
they don’t shave. I travel for Raxro's
safety razors, $2.50 each, and seeing
you're a nice sort of a boob I can do
you on« for $2. Here Is the last one
I have.”
I took It. If It bad been a scythe I
should have had a harvest with his
Then I fell to thinking of his whisk­
er» again. They were the most vile
whiskers I had ever seen. They atood
out at all angles from his face. I
couldn't make up my mind whether I
should like him better with or with­
out them. But I was quite prepared
to get a lawn mower and try.
"Seeing you are a good business
man,” he went on, “what nbout a nice
pll>e lighter? I have a really good line
at 28 cents each. Sorry I haven't got
one with me, but I can send it on. Nev­
er falls, nnd always lights a pipe or
cigarette. In fact. It is one of the best
pipe lighters ever Invented. Just give
me 28 cents and your address and I
wilt send It along.”
Of course I fell. I handed him the
quarter and got out at the next station.
Some days later a package arrived
at my villa. Here was the pipe lighter.
Breathlessly I opened the package,
eager to see the contrivance. It was—
Yea. a match. I gulped two mouthfuls
of fresh air and threw my cigarette In
the porridge.
And that Is why, when I meet a man
with a full set of face mats, I always
•ay----- (Oh no. you don't. Not here,
•t any rate.—Editor.)'—Walter Stuart
Marsden In Pennsylvania Grit.
Three-Point Cantilever Springs protect
the car from the hammering and wear of road
Blows. They lengthen its life and reduce
upkeep costs.
Equipment of Overland 4 is dependable
and complete from Auto-Lite Starting and
Lighting to Tillotson Carburetor.
250,000 miles of test have made the
strength and endurance of this car a matter
of record.
See Overland 4 at the first opportunity.
Ask for booklet. Overland 4 Touring, $845;
Roadster, $845; Coupe. $1325; Sedan, $137^.
Prices f. o. b. Toledo.
■olshavlks Got Diamonds.
Diamonds, rubles, radium and Just
ordinary gold huve been discovered In
the Kola peninsula, Russia, It was said
by James Patrick Wood», a sailor, who
arrived at New York recently on the
Matroslna. He was booked by the
transport officials as "a destitute sea-
Woods says he went to Russia on a
cargo vessel and was left there on ac­
count of Illness. He went prospecting
at a place called Kendaloska. In a
creek, he says, he found "pecks Hnd
peeks of diamonds.” He also found
rubles, and sat down on a rock only to
find the rock was pure gold. He also
discovered coni veins and radium. "1
bad my pockets full of diamonds,” he
•aid. "but the bolsheviks took them
•way from me. I mn going to organ­
ise a company and go back.”
Munition Work Not Injurious.
Dr. Rhoda H. H. Adamson In an ar­
ticle recently published In n London
periodical undertakes to prove that the
work done by women during the war
In the engineering trades has not In­
jured their health. Her conclusions
are drawn after a year and a half
apeat as medical supervisor of several
thousand women working tn munition
factories. The applicants for work
were given a thorough physical exam­
ination and assigned to work commen­
surable with their strength. Other ex­
aminations were made from time to
time, which showed no had results
from the work the women were doing.
Warns Punishment.
**I*o you think the food profiteers
should he sent to JallF'
“Well. I don't know. This tunra-
Ing 1 thought the profiteer should
have been made to eat the egg be sold
p« as being strictly freak,'*
C. F. PANKOW, Agent, Tillamook, Ore
Notice of Budget Meeting.
- ■ o ■
To the taxpayers of the Port of
Bay City, Oregon. At a meeting of
the Board of Commissioners of the
Port of Bay City, Oregon, held on the
24th day of November, 1919, the fol­
lowing estimate or budget of the re­
ceipts and disbursements of the said
Port for the year 1920 was ordered
Balance on hand with the
First Bank of Bay City. $
On hand with County
Treasurer ........................ 10,916.20
Estimate of Interest on U.
S. Treasury Certificates
held by the Port
Claim against U. S. Gov-
eminent allowed $12,917.30
bonds, $100,000 of which have been
By order of the board.
Needed from taxes ....
24,970.00 delivered, balance to be delivered by
Theodore Jacoby,
July 1st. 1920. The bonds delivered
Secretary of the Port of Bay City
Total .......................... $44,123.01
brought $101,483.30.
The uncertainty as to when gov­
Notice to Creditors.
Interest on bond s for the
ernment will pay our claim of $12,-'[
Port, due Jan. 1st. 1920.
917.30, which is the balance over
Notice is hereby given, that the un­
$507,000, t> months at 6
| the actual cost of jetty work, forces dersigned has been by the County
per cent per annum . . $ 15,210.00 the commission to levy the same sura
Court of Tillamook Coimty, Oregon,
Ditto July 1st, 1920 . . .
15,210.00 as last year. If the claim is paid the
appointed Executor of the Will and
Ditto Jan. 1st. 1921 ...
15,210.00 sum will, of course, be considered in • ■state of Herman Henry Miller, de­
interest on bonds to be is­
making next budget.
ceased. AU persons having claims
sued by July 1st, 1920
Please take notice that a meetinf, against said estate are required to
For sundry expenditures
1,000.00 ■of the taxpayers of the said Port of
present them for allowance, duly
[Bay City, is hereby called to meet at
verified according to law. at the of­
Total ................... ... $51.130.00 the City Hall in said Bay City. Ore­
fice of John Leland Henderson, 206
For the dredging of channels in gon. on the 15th day of December,
East Third Street. Tillamook City,
lower bay, which work will be com- [1919, at the hour of 10 o’clock a.m ,
Oregon, within six months from date
inenced during the spring of 1920. for the purpose of discussing the said . hereof.
. >-
the Port has sold $260,000 of Port ¡estimate or budget.
Dated this 12th day of Nov. 1916.
First publication November 13,
1919. Lust publication Dec. 10, 1919.
Mrs. II. C. Potter,
:---------- = Executor.
November Victor Records on Sale at
The Song Shop.
Dixie la Dixie Once More.
Caroline Sunshine.
Golden Gate.
Mammy O. Mine.
Waiting Fox Trot.
Mandy, Fox Trot.
Portland Fancy.
Weeping Willow Lane.
Cohen at the Picnic.
Wonderful records played at their
best on the Brunswick.