TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, NOVEMBER 27 ages to the property and lands situ­ ate in said drainage district and to appraise the cash value of the land necessary to be taken tor right of way, holding basins and other works of said district within or without the limits of said district, filed their report in this otiice on the 27th day of October, 1919, and you and each of you are hereby notified that you may examine said report and file excep­ tions to all or any part thereof; on or before the second day of December, 1919. Homer Mason, County Clerk of Tillamook County, Oregon. Citation. Notice. ■ ■ o Notice is hereby given, that on Monday, the 15th day of December, 1919, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, at the Court House, in Tillamook County, Oregon, a public hearing will be held at which the taxpayers will be heard in favor or against any proposed tax levies as shown by the following estimate of the County Court of Tillamook County, Oregon. Estimate of the amount of money proposed to be raised by taxation for the ensuing- year for Tillamook County, Oregon. Figures assembled by the County Court show that it will require the sum of »413,110 to defray the ex­ penses of Tillamook County. Oregon, for the year 1920, and for the object and purpose of County improvement, the maintenance of county buildings, roads, bridges and for the salaries of county officers and employees, and for other purposes, as follows, to-wlt. Road Purposes. DISTRICT NO. 1. Machinery and repairs »14,000.00 Seaview to Brighton .... 20,000.00 Bridges, Culverts and Gen­ eral maintenance of roads ............................ 28,500.00 In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Tillamook. In the matter of the estate of Nicholas Job, commonly known as Nick Job, deceased. To the unknown heirs of Nicholas AMELS are the most refreshing, satisfying cigarette you Job, decensed. ever smoked! Put all your cigarette desires in a bunch, In the name of the State of Oregon, Camels are »old e very- where in scientifically then buy some Camels, give them every taste-test and know you are hereby cited and required to ••ated package» of 30 for your own satisfaction that in quality, flavor, smooth­ appear in the County Court of the cigarettes or ten pack­ State of Oregon, for the County of body and in many other delightful ways Camels are in a ages (300 cigarette») Tillamook, at the court room there­ class by themselves! in a gl»»»ine-paper- of, at Tillamook, in the county of Til­ covered carton. We Camels are an expert blend of choice Turkish and choice atrongly recommend lamook, on Thursday, the 4th day of Domestic tobaccos. You’ll not only prefer this blend to either thia carton for the December, 1919, at 10 o’clock, in the Total........................ »62,500.00 home or office supply kind of tobacco smoked straight, but you'll appreciate the forenoon of that day, then and there DISTRICT NO. 2 or when you travail remarkable full-bodied-mildness and smooth, refreshing tp show cause, if any exists, why an Machinery, repairs, gas flavor it provides! Camels are a cigarette revelation! R. J. Reynold» TobaccoCe. order of sale should not be made as . . »15,000.00 and oil ..................... Wiastoa-Salea, N. C. in the petition prayed for after ten Bayocean road........... .. 24,000.00 Camels win you in so many new ways! They not only days from and after said 4th day of Bewley Creek road ... 1,500.00 permit you to smoke liberally without tiring your 18c a package December, 1919, for that certain Bridges, culverts and lum­ taste but leave no unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste or un- real estate described as Lots 1 and 2, 9,000.00 ber ................................ pleasant cigaretty odor! of Block 46 of Thayer’s Fifth Addi­ General maintenance of tion to the City of Tillamook in the Compare Camels with any cigarette roads ........................... 13,000.00 County of Tillamook and State of in the world at any price! You’ll Oregon, and that said citation be prefer Camel quality to premiums, Total........................ »62,500.00 served on you by order of the County coupons or gifts! DISTRICT NO 3. Judge, A. M. Hare, entered No­ Roads, bridges and high­ vember 4, 1919 by publication in the ways .............................. *50,500.00 Tillamook Headlight, a weekly news­ paper published in said county and of Machinery and repairs.. 12,000.00 general circulation therein, for not Total..................... . . *62,500.00 less than four successive weeks and ■ ■ • 1 for five insertions,prior to said date. Total road fund ........... . *187,500.00 ■ - 15,700.00 First publication November 6, 1919. Market road fund .... . 8,290.00 k Last publication December 4, 1919. Interest on road bonds School Fund. The sale to be made for claims County school fund .... *42,000.00 against the estate. Witness, the Hon. A. M. Hare, High School fund........... 20,200.00 Judge of the County Court of the Total.......................... »62,200.00 State of Oregon for the County of Tillamook, with the seal of said court General Fund affixed, this 4th day of November, A. ASSESOR’S OFFICE. D. 1919. Assessor's salary ............. »1,800.00 and allotment of any profits or losses Seven* Township Three South, Range Notice to Creditors. Attest: Homer Mason, Clerk. One deputy’s salary......... 1,140.00 among the members of said associa- Nine West of the Willamette Meri? — o------ By Vida A. Millis, Deputy. One field deputy............... 450.00 otice is hereby given that the un­ tion; and that the plaintiff have dian, in Tillamook County, Oregon, 100.00 Extra help extending taxes ¡less Tracts 1264, 814, 1283, 589, 592 signed has been by the County judgment against each and all of Making index for rolls . . . 150.00 Summons. urt of Tillamook County, Oregon, the defendants for whatever sum an ¡and 588, described in Tract Book in Six assessment rolls ......... 385.00 pointed administrator of the estate accounting herein may show the said the office of the County Assessor of In the'Circuit Court of the State Incidentals ........................ 175.00 John L. Bozorth, deceased, and all association is due and owing him, Tillamook County, Oregon, on pages of Oregon for Tillamook County. 335, 334, 334, 333, 334 and 333" re ­ sons having claims against the less his appropriate share of such A H. Harding, Plaintiff. Total .......................... *4,200.00 d estate are required to present sum, and for such other and further spectively, of said Tract Book, con­ vs. CLERK’S OFFICE. m duly verified to the undersign- relief in equity as the Court may taining 110.5 acres more or less; C. P. White and Eva White, *1,800 00 Clerk’s salary I all according to the petition of the his wife, also all other per­ at the First Bank of Bay City, deem meet and just. 1,200.00 Deputy’s salary Administrator of said estate hereto- This summons is published by the y City, Oregon, within six months »» »» sons or parties unknown 1,020.00 order of Hon. Geo. R. Bagley, Judge fore filed in the above entitled pro- claiming any right,, title, It m the date hereof. »> 900.00 of the above named Court, dated ceeding. ated November 6th, 1919. estate, lien or interest in the 1,280.00 Supplies The .foregoing citation is served real estate described in the October 23, 1919, and the first John O. Bozorth, Administrator of said estate. publication is fixed at October 30th, upon you, the unknown heirs, if any, complaint herein. Defendants. Total....................... »6,200.00 1919, and the last publication Dec. of Fritz Buhrow, deceased, by pub­ To C. P. White and Eva White, his lication, by virtue of and in pursu­ wife, also, all otheF persons or par­ District Attorney’s office. »1,000.00 11, 1919. Notice. Johnson & Handley ance of an order entered in the above ties unknown claiming any right, Dairy herd inspector .... »2,750.00 ------ o------ SHERIFF’S OFFICE. Attorneys for the Plaintiff. ¡entitled proceedings on the 21st day title, estate, lien or interest in the , n the County Court of the State of of October, 1919, by Hon. A. M. Hare, P. O. Address: Tillamook, Oregon. com- Sheriff ’ s salary................. »2,100.00 real estate described in the gon, for the’ County of Tillamook. County Judge. The date of the first plaint herein, defendants: ¡Deputy sheriff’s salary... »1,320.00 1 the matter of the estate of publication is October 23, 1919, and In the name of the State of Oregon, 1,320.00 ” ” ” . hulas Job, deceased, commonly Citation. the date of the last publication is you are hereby required to appear Stenographer ................... 1,000.00 ■ ■ ■ o > — wn at Nick Job. In the County Court of the State of November 20th, 1919. and answer the complaint filed Traffic officer................... 1,000.00 otice is hereby given to all whom | Witness the Honorable A. M. Hare, against you in the above entitled 18000 tax statements .... 360.00 ay concern, that the undersigned Oregon, for the County of Tillamook. 300.00 In the matter of the estate of Fritz County Judge of the County of Tilla- suit within six weeks from the date 15000 stamped envelopes been by the County Court of Til- I mook in the State of Oregon and of the first publication of this sum­ Stamps .............................. 100.00 ook County, Oregon, duly ap- Buhrow, late of the county of Tilla­ ¡Judge of the County Court of the mons, to-wit: on or before the 8th Printing ............................ 100.00 nted Administrator of the Estate mook, deceased. 50.00 To the State of Oregon and to all State of Oregon for the County of day of January, 1920, the last day of 1000 Return envelopes ... Nicholas Job, deceased, commonly 50.00 the time prescribed by the order of Bi nd1 ng tax receipt s .... wn as "Nick Job; and all persons unknown heirs or next of kin, if any ¡Tillamook. Attest: Homer Mason 50.00 publication hereof, and if you fall so Tax collection register ... ing claims against said estate are such there be, of Fritz Buhrow, late County Clerk of the county of to answer tor want thereof, the Telephone and telegraph . 200.00 eby notified to present same, duly of the county of Tillamook in the Tillamook in the State of Ore­ plaintiff will apply to the Court for Freight and drayage .... 50.00 ifled, as by law required, to the State of Oregon, deceased. gon and ex officio Clerk of the the relief demanded in his said com­ 'Gasoline and tires........... 250.00 In the name of the State of Oregon, erslgned, at his office in Tilla- County Court of the State of plaint; viz: for the foreclosure of a Extra help collecting taxes 250.00 within six you are hereby cited and required to k City, Oregon, Oregon for the county of Tilla­ mortgage dated July 1, 1915, record- Miscellaneous ................... 250.00 be and appear in the County Court of nths from this date. mook. ed in book 1, page 403 for *2,950.00 ated October 16th, 1919, being the State of Oregon for the County T. H. Goyne Total ........................ »8,750.00 of Tillamook, at the court room and interest from said date at 8 per first publication of this notice. cent per annum upon real property SCHOOL SUPT’S OFFICE John Leland Henderson, thereof at the county court house in Robert H. McGrath. in Tillamook County, Oregon, to­ Salary of Superintendent. »1,600.00 Administrator of the Tillamook City, in said county, at the Tillamook, Oregon. wit: The East half ol the notth- Salary of assistant........... 1,020.00 estate of Nicholas Job, December term of said court, on the Attorneys for the Administration. fifteenth day of December, Nineteen west quarter and the north half of I Traveling expenses........... 200.00 Deceased. Hundred and Nineteen, at ten o’clock Notice of Filing of Commissionen’ the northeast quarter, section 15, Stationery, supplies, etc., a.m. of that day, then and there to township 5 South, Range 10 West of and other expenses con­ Summons. Report for Stillwell Drainage show cause, if any cause there be, W. M., containing 160 acres, more or nected with Superintend­ ------ o------ District. less, excepting, however, the north 4 800.00 ent's office.................... ------ o — n the circuit court of the State of why the administrator of the above named estate shall not compromise Notice is hereby given to all per­ rods of the east 80 rods of said sec­ gon for Tillamook County, with the County Court of the County sons interested in the land included tion; also excepting all saw timber Total........................ »3,620.00 ■ D. Smith, Plaintiff. of Tillamook for the sum of Fifty ¡ within the Stillwell Drainage Dis­ suitable for lumber on said premises vs. SURVEYOR’S OFFICE Dollars for the land taken by it for trict. Tillamook County, Oregon, de­ and the right to remove same until ¡Salaries .............................. »2,250.00 Okas. Kunze, Ben Kuppen- February 6, 1925; and to bar defend­ Supplies and equipment. . road 'purposes, and, upon payment scribed as follows: bander, Henry Rogers, Fred 250.00 Beginning at the point where the ants of all or any interest or claim being made, to make and deliver a urer, Thad Robison, Rol- deed therefore, in the usuabform, for quarter-section line running east and in said property and for the sale W. Watson, B. A. Folks, Total...................... »2,500.00 the following described land, being west through the center of Section thereof to satisfy said mortgage, and B. J. Geinger, A. L. Mapes, TREASURER’S OFFICE 26, Township 1 South, range 10 west, for such further or other relief as may Salary ................................ *1,200.00 the land so taken, namely: John Ebinger, M. W. Harri­ All that part of the property of F. ¡W. M., intersects the east side of seem equitable. This summons is Books and stationery .... son, John Schild, W. J. Pet- 200.00 Buhrow in the NE% of the SW54 of .Tillamook River, and running thence served upon you by publication jBon, E. H. Zurflueh, Hugh thereof Section 7, Township 3 South, Range9 east along said line to where said in the Tillamook Headlight a krber. B. W. Neilsen, F. J. Total............... .... 11,400.00 West of the Willamette Meridian in­ ¡line intersects the right bank of weekly newspaper of general clrcu- pinehan, F. R. Beals, J. J. COUNTY COURT. in Tillamook cluding within a strip of land 60 feet 'Trask River near the center of said lation published iupp and Chas. I. Clough, County Judge, salary .... *2,000.00 County, Oregon, pursuant Section 26; thence following the to an or- wide, being 30 feet on each side of Defendants. 'Commissioners’ salaries. . 2,400.00 To M. W. Harrison, one of the the center line of the Coast High­ right bank of the Trask River up­ der made by the Hon. Geo. R. Bagley, Expenses, supplies, etc. .. 1,600.00 way as surveyed across said property stream southerly, easterly and north­ Judge of the above entitled I Court, ve named defendants: In the name of the State of Oregon: and more particularly described as erly to the northerly bank of a dated November 18, 1919, ] prescrlb- Total................. (6,000.00 You are hereby required to appear follows; Beginning at a point on the slough connecting said Trask River Ing that the same be published in COURT H0U8E AND JAIL d answer the complaint filed North line of the NEU of the SW>4 with what is known as Trask River said paper once a week for 6 weeks Insurance premium ......... » 200.00 alnat you in the above • entitled of Section 7, Township 3 South, cut-off at a point near the north­ Dated and first published November Janitor's salary............. .. 1,080.00 use on or before the date of the Range 9 West of the Willamette west corner of the southeast quarter 27, 1919. Night watchman ............. 180.00 C. A. Applegren, t publication of this summons, Meridian, which point is North 60 of the southwest quarter of section 600.00 Attorney for Plaintiff. Wood .................................. d if you fail so to answer for want degrees 25 minutes West 901 feet 25, in township 1 Soutth of range 10 450.00 701-4 Chamber of Commerce, Light and water............... ereof, the plaintiff will apply to and South 34 degrees and 15 minutes West, W. M.; thence following the 600.00 Telephones ........................ bank of said slough northeasterly to Portland, Oregon. Ike above named court for the relief west 496.1 feet from the *4 corner in 340.00 Supplies, repairs, etc. ... |*ayed for in the complaint, to-wit: the center of Section 7, Township 3 the left bank of what is known as 300.00 County jail, etc................... the association composed by the South, Range 9 West of the Willam­ Trask River cut-off; then following For Sale. itlff and the above named de- ette Meridian; thence South 34 de­ said left bank of the Trask River *3,750.00 Total........... .. to its inter­ Dairy-man, this is a snap for a northerly ints (being an association deal- grees 15 minutes west 540.5 feet to a cut-off la® in Holstein cows) be dissolved ¡point in the > present traveled road. section with the south, or left man who wants to rflake money. 180 , County poor ...................... *4,000.00 by a decree of this court, and that Containing 69-100 acres, more or bank of Hoquarton slough; thence acres, 2% miles south of Coquille, Circuit court, Jurors, Wit­ nesses, Bailiffs and ex­ ¡down Hoquarton slough, following 40 acres cleared, % mile frontage on each jt the defendants be required to .less; penses .............................. 4,000.00 tggear herein and make an individ- I And also why said administrator the left bank thereof, to the intersec­ river, about 5 acres up land, balance 150.00 tal accounting and adjustment of should not be authorized to sell the tion of Hoquarton slough with the the very finest bottom easy to clear. Coroner fees and inquests. tie businem of said association with ¡following described real estate (sub- , Tillamook river; thence following Fair barn on place, no house. My District sealer of weights and measures................. 100.00 »•« individual members thereof, and ‘ * ject _______________ to the right of way _ for said road) the right bank of Tillamook River, price is »90 an acre if taken soon, sale, ... in ________ the manner provid- 'upstream, to the place of beginning; worth *150 now, easy terms to right Justice Court—Justice and vtth all other persons who have or 'at private ._„, constable fees, Jurors, wit­ Cole, ' ; that the commissioners heretofore man. Address Mrs. h.ve business relations with said as-'ed by law, for cash, namely; nesses and supplies ... 400.00 ■■Btlon, and to make distribution _ The Southwest Quarter of Section appointed to assess benefits and dam- Myrtle Point Oregon. C 1 1 • Elections Mother’s pensions Printing .......... Stock indemnity Truant officer Rebate on taxes Insane Health officer Fire warden . Farm demonstration......... County fair............. .......... Auditor .............................. Juvenile court................... Relief, Indigent Soldiers . Cruising burned timber .. Emergency ........................ County Fair grounds and improvements............... Dairy and food commis­ sioner .............................. Advertising........................ 3,000.00 2,500.00 450.00 1,000.00 50.00 50.00 100.00 500.00 600.00 1.500.00 1,000.00 200.00 50.00 200.00 4,500.00 1,000.00 5,000.00 2,400.00 1,000.00 Total general fund.. *73,920.00 Library fund ................. 1,000.00 State Taxes...................... 64,000.00 Bounty ............................ 500.00 Total all funds ....*413,110.00 Probable receipts of County other than by direct taxation: Receipts from County Clerk’s office, estimated........... *4,500.00 Dairy herd inspector .... 1,500.00 Interest on county deposits 1,000.00 Total »7,000.00 The following School Districts have filed with the County Clerk and Assessor, the special levies: School Dist No. 1 . . ............... 9 mills School Dist. No. 2 . . ......... 1.8 mills School Dist. No. 5 . . ........... 5.2 mills School Dist. No. 6 . ......... 2.6 mills School Dist. No. 9 . ............7 mills School Dist. No. 11 ........... 6.3 mills School Dist. No. 23 . ......... 2.2 mills School Dist. No. 26 . .........6.1 mills School Dist. No. 28 ........... 7.9 mills School Dist. No. 36 . ........... 7.1 mills mills School Dist. No. 37 . ......... 8 School Dist. No. 39 . ........... 6.9 mills School Dist. No. 42 ........... 4 mills School Dist. No. 51 . ......... 1.2 mills School Dist. No. 59 . ......... 2.2 mills Dated this 19th day of November, 1919. Homer Mason, County Clerk. mook City, Oregon. Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of Tillamook City, Oregon, has prepared the following estimate of the proposed Tax Budget as follows: Budget for Tillamook City, Oregon, for 1920. General Fund. Treasurer's salary and ex­ penses ............................ .. * 150.00 Salary Health Officer .... 120.00 Interest on general bonds. 3,530.00 Salary City Marshal......... 1,500.00 Salary Night Watchman.. 1.500.00 Salary City Recorder .... 1,320.00 100.00 Fuel.................................... .. 800.00 Fire Department............... 200.00 Salary City Attorney .... 100.00 Printing .. . 50.00 Elections ... 500.00 Miscellaneous Í Total .......................... »9,895.00 Road Fund. Salaries, two men cleaning *2,650.00 streets ................... .. Repairs, Cross-walks.......... 100.00 Lights ................................ 2,800.00 360.00 Salary Street Commissioner 100 .00 Engineers office............. Interest on Bonds........... 1,000.00 For For For For Total ........................ general purposes .,. street purposes......... library purposes .... sinking Fund........... *7,010.00 *9,895.00 7,010.00 625.00 2,000.00 Total ........................ *19,530.00 And that the City Council has fixed Monday, the first day of De­ cember, 1919, at the hour of eight o’clock, p.m. at the City Hall, in Tillamook City, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing any and all ob­ jections. remonstrances or sugges­ tions to said proposed budget. Dated this 19th day of November, 1919. Frances B. Stranahan, City Recorder. Notice of Budget Meeting of Tilla- CANCER NO KNIFE AND LOSS OF BLOOD No Plasters and Pains for Hours Or Days. TUMORS, PILES, FISTULA, GOITRE DISEASES OF WOMEN Four Years Study in Europe. Over thirty years experience Portland Physical Therapy Labora­ tories. 412 to 417 Journal Building Portland Oregon NELSON & CO General Merchandise Bay City, Oregon. -o- Square Deal and Good Goods Our Motto Phone 72.