I ’"1LL.Ä.M00K HEADLIGHT, NOVEMBER 27. 10J9. Democrats Kill Treaty and League of Nations by Voting Down Reservations. IF your immediate need is a de­ pendable, painstaking- handling of some business or financial matter, read the last paragraph of this ad­ vertisement. Our desire is to go less directly to the point. council of the league of nations and .may, in its discretion, provide for the participation of the United States i in any commission, committee, trib­ unal, court, council, or conference, First. or in the selection of any member The reservations and understand­ thereof, and for the appointment of ings adopted by the Senate are to be | members of said commissions, com­ made a part and a condition of the | mittees. tribunals, courts, councils resolution of ratification, which rati- j or conferences, or any other repre­ fication is not to take effect or bind sentatives under the treaty of peace, "the United States until the said res­ or in carrying out its provisions, BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL LADIES, recognising the many ad­ CONDITIONS are maturing new vantages in a personal checking ac­ ervations and qnderstandings adopt­ and until such participation and ap­ problems almost daily and this bank count. will find us ready to do every, ed by the Senate have been accepted pointment have been so provided for has prepared itself with facilities very thing possible to make their transac. by an exchange of notes as a part and the powers and duties of such valuable to a wide variety of interests. tions with this bank a pleasure to them. and a condition of said resolution of representatives have been defined by TO THE FARMER AND RANCH­ ratification by at least three of the law, no person shall represent the TO THE THRIFTY, we offer 4% ER, our membership in the Federal four principal allied and associated United States under either said interest compounded twice yearly for Reserve System is an at!vantage. It their savings plus the security of 4 powers, to-wit: Great Britian, Italy, Teague of nations or the treaty of gives us a broad and practical ability Strong Home Owned Bank. France and Japan. to meet their particular needs. The peace with Germany or be authoriz­ same connection serves The Butintu Second. ed to perform and act for or on be- Man Here each of these differing lines TO THE VISITORS IN THIS SEC­ The United States so understands nalf of the United States thereunder, of endeavor will find that conferences TION, this bank is a place for them article 1 that in case and no citizen of the United States and construes with our officers often bring out ad­ to enter and feel at home and they vantages which anxiety and business are invited to call and make their of notice of withdrawal from the shall be selected or appointed as a cares have hidden from them. desires known. league of nations, as provided in said member of said commissions, com­ article, the United States shall be mittees, tribunals, courts, councils, the sole judge as to whether all its or conferences, except with the ap­ n the final analysis, it will be found that this in­ international obligations and all its proval of the Senate of the United stitution is governed by a spirit of helpfulness, and, obligations under the said covenant States, have been fulfilled, and notice of , whatever your business interests in this section may Ninth. withdrawal by the United States may be, you can confidently rely upon its cordial, intelli­ The United States understands'that be given by a concurrent resolution the reparation commission will regu­ gent and personal co-operation. of the Congress of the United States. late or interfere with exports from TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK the United States to Germany, or Third. Ths Str'png Home Rank from Germany to the United States, The United States assumes no ob­ ligation to preserve the territorial only when the United States by act integrity of political independence of or joint resolution of Congress ap­ any other country or to interfere in proves such regulation or intejrfer- nations — — . 'ence. controversies between nations whether members of the league or Tenth, not— under the provisions of article i The United States shall not be ob- 10, or to employ the military or na- ligated to contribute to any expenses val forces of the United States under 'of the league of nations, or of the any article of the treaty for any pur- 'secretariat, or of any commission, or j pose, unie.-- in any particular case I committee, or conference, or other i the Congo ", which, under the Con-[agency, organized under the league stitution, has the sole power to de- of nations or under the treaty or ciare war or authorize the employ-[for the purpose of carrying out the melt of military or naval forces of [ treaty provisions, unless and until the United States, shall by act or an appropriation of funds available | for such expenses shall have been joint resolution so provide. made by the Congress of the United Fourth. I No mandate shall be accepted by States. Eleventh. I the United States under article 22, If the United States shall at any i art 1, or any other provision of the treaty of peace with Germany, except time adopt any plan for the limita- , by action of the Congress of the Unit- lion of armament proposed by the | i council of the league of nations un- ed States. THE BEST STOCK OF HARDWARE IN [der the provisions of article 8, it re- Fifth. THE COUNTY. The United States reserves to itself • serves the right to increase such arm­ aments, without the consent of the See UsOfor Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere. exclusively the right to deçide what questions are within its domestic . council whenever the United States jurisdiction and declares that all do­ . is threatened with invasion or en- mestic and political questions relat­ . gaged in war. Twelfth. ing wholly or in part to its internal I ' affairs, including immigration, labor, , ' The United States reserves the coastwise traffic, the tariff, commer­ ■ right to permit, in its discretion, the ce, the suppression of traffic in i nationals of a covenant-breaking women and children, and in opium state, as defined in article 16 of the JACK HARPER and other dangerous drugs, and all I c.ovenant of the leaguge of nations, other domestic questions, are solely residing within the United States or BALL SHOP, TILLAMOOK. within the jurisdiction of the United ; in the countries other than that vio­ Take your Herses there and get States and are not under this treaty lating said article 16, to continue First Class Shoes for them. to be submitted in any way either to , their commercial, financial and per- BUSINESS MEN, HOUSEWIVES arbitration or to the consideration of ' sonal relations with the nationals of I guarantee all work to be AND CHILDREN. the council or of the assembly of the (the United States. ACH and evert one of those find the First Na­ satisfactory, if not, bring it back league of nations, or any agency Thirteenth. tional—a Rood place to bank. Onr facilities and I will make good without thereof, or to the decision or recom­ Nothing in articles 296, 297 or in cover the needs of all three classes—and our extra charge. mendation of any other power. ■any of the annexes thereto or in any service is appreciatively helpful - whether one has a We pay top prices for Hides. other article, section, or annex of the Sixth. large account or small. The United State will not submit treaty of peace with Germany shall, By banking here—you place your account under to arbitration or to inquiry by the as against citizens of the United the supervision of the NATIONAL banking Laws assembly of by the council of the States, be taken to mean any confir­ and Regulations. league of nations, provided for tn mation, ratification or approval of 52SH5?SE5aSB5a5HSa525a5a5ESHS25H52525a52SH5a5HSB52SaS?S2SZ5ZS252525E5a DIRECTORS : said treaty of peace, any questions ¡any act otherwise illegal or in con­ A. W BUNN. Farmer. P. llEISUt., Farmer. which, in the judgment of the United travention to the right of citizens of JOBS MORGAN. Farmer C J. EDW ARDS. Mgr. C. Power Co. States, depend upon or relate to its the United States. B. C. LAMB Building Material. W. J. KIRCHERS. Viec-Pres. and Mgr. long-established policy commonly Fourteenth. a known as the Monroe doctrine; said The United States declines to ac­ Armoured Inner Tires are a practical, ccjimon sense, doctrine is to be interpreted by the cept as trustee or in her own right United States alone and is hereby any interest or in any responsibility n money-saving tire necessity for all <-re users. By declared to be wholly outside the .for the government or disposition of preventing punctures and blowouts, they add plea- jurisdiction of said league of na­ the overseas possessions of Germany, B sure, safety and economy to motoring. Lubricated tions and entirely unaffected by any her rights and titles to which Ger­ B inside and out, they lequire no cementing aud no vul­ provision contained in the said treaty many renounces to the principal al­ canizing. Placed on your tires as easily as inner tube. of peace with Germany. lied and associated pow'ers under ar­ ticle 119 to 127, inclusive. Seventh. The United States withholds its as­ Fifteenth. sent to articles 156, 157 and 158 and The United States reserves to itself reserves full liberty of action with exclusively the right to decide what respect to any controversy which questions affect its honor or its vital ^5HS2Sì5BSHSB5?525H5a52S25HSBSE5ESE5H525HSHSa525Z5aS252525?5?Sì5HS2S^^B£! SHEET METAL WORKS OF ALL DESCRIPTION, may arise under said articles be­ First Class Tinning and Plumbing. A trial will Convince. in tween the Republic of China and the interests and declares that such ques­ 1* tions are not under this treaty to be ?! AUTOMOBILE BUG BODIES A SPECIALTY. Empire of Japan. submitted in any way either to ar­ TENDERS AND BODIES REPAIRED. Eighth. bitration or to the consideration of Can make your old Radiators as Good as New. K The Congress of the United States the council or of the assembly of the wholesale and retail Service is our cfMotto. c_/lll Work Guaranteed. Ln will provide by law for the appoint- 'league of nations or any agency ment of the representatives of the thereof or to the decision of recom- United States in the assembly and the mendations of any other power. ■ Following are the Republican reser­ vations to the treaty of peace and league of nations, which the Demo­ cratic Senators voted against. J J I flüEX. JVIeHRIR & CO I GEHERAL i HARDUUARE I Kitehen Ranges and Heating 5’toves. SHOEING E | ARMOURED INNER TUBES Prevents Punctures and Blowouts. 'Thefirst National Bank I g C. MILLS, Agent, Tillamook, Ore- § BAYOCEAN SHEET METAL WORKS, § TILLAMOOK, ORE. LAMB-SCHRADER CO Todd Bldg. NEXT T0 SERV,CE I the palaces of the rich and noble. "I’d like to.try one of those pearl N WAREHOUSE AND OFFICE- Old Clerking Job Does Not Appeal to diy,*"6 iob®’ ,” he spluttered. . r-ver m over had any experience as a COR. FRONT AND 3 rd AVE. WEST, TILLAMOOK, OR. Former Service Man. pearl diver?” asked the agent. ¿SHSBSBSB52SiSHS2Sa5aS2Sa5HSH5a5a5E5a5Z52525afa52SZ5ZSa5aS2SZ5i^5iSZ58 “Not exactly, but I’m a darned He was just out of the army. His good swimmer.” thoughts were on the future. His old I "What you tryingg to do, kid some­ 5252Sa5a5a5Z5a5aS25a5a5aS2S2S2SH5a5BStSa5H5B52SH5aSS5aS25a525252<^52S2 clerking job had no appeal for him. body?” He wanted no more prosaic counter­ I “No, that’s a fact. I’m a good diver, jumping. The war had given him a too. I’ve held my breath under water new point of view. His new work 45 seconds. Where is the pearl div­ must be in the great outdoors and ing job, Samoa or the coast of Cey­ touched with romance and adven­ lon?" ture. “It's down the street in the old Pondering bis problem as he walk­ Pumpernickel restaurant. A pearl ed the street, his eyes fell upon a diver,’ silly, is slang for dishwasher, For disenfecting where Contagious or building, the front of which was The war veteran in quest of ro- covered with placards. It was an em­ ntance fled . infectious diseases are prevailing. ployment agency. He glanced with casual Interest over the assortment If congress will enact legislation CARBOLIC COMPOUND is a power­ of odd jobs offered. He thrilled with compelling the determination of dis­ ful Germicidal mixture arid by its use sudden excitement as he encountered putes in industry by legal process, a sign which read; with means provided for enforcing will improve general stable conditions. | "Wanted: Three pearl divers— $15 ' these decisions, it will do the one bi*? and board." thing needful to reconstruction. It is • -..« There was the job for him. He time to quit doing the seemingly thought of the romance Of the expedient thing in this matter and South Seas, of diving into crystal to do the right thing. And It would ocean depths and bringing up lus­ surprise a good many statesmen to RELIABLE DRUGGISTS. trous pearls destined to gleain on the find just how popular that method of ivory throats of beautiful women in handling affairs really is. OUT FOR ROMANCE. Least Carbon Zerolene, scientific­ ally refined from se­ lected California crude oil» gives maximum lubrication with least carbon deposit. Get a Correct Lubrica­ tion Chart for your car. ZEROLENE : STANDARD OIU COMPANY (Calif or aUl CEMENT LIME, PLASTER, LATH AND BRICK; DOMESTIC STEAM AND SMITHING COAL. CLOUGH’S CARBOLIC COMPOUND C. I. CLOUGH - CO. H. C. BOONE, Agent, Tillamook, Oregon. 25252SH5BS2S2SH5ZS2S25HSaS25aSZSa52S SHSaSESH52S2S2525Z5^'252SS