__________________________ TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, NOVEMBER 27, 1919. The Gem Theatre Feature Attractions. The original “Arizona”—on the stage—thrilled great crowds everywhere for years. With no gallop­ ing Lieutenant, no wild prairie, no Douglas Fair­ banks! See it now on the screen! With all these added! . WILLIAM FOX Presents GLADY BROCKWELL Douglas Fairbanks “THE SNEAK.” “ARIZONA” ALSO “PATHE “The Foolish Age” NEWS” TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2nd. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4th. EOU j GLAS.PAIRBANKS DONT MISS THIS ONE, IT’S A DANDY. A»ACTCBAFTP«*.re ji. ’Ariz/ona« SPEND YOUR EVENINGS AT THE GEM. "9 ■- "1— Obituary. AUTOMOBILE BARGAINS FOR SALE One 7 Passenger Studebaker Car, electric lights, starter, new tires, and in good run- ning order ; price $500 One Overland chase, overhaul- ed and repainted, ready for bug or truck body ; price $200. I One 1-ton Forgi Truck, chain drive ; price $300. Is W’E WILL ALSO PRESENT A MACK SENNETTCOMEDY ui Tillamook Jottings. May Donaldson was born near Til­ ä Oregon, Feb. 25, 1876. Sii# S The Civic Improvement Club will lamook, S meet next Wednesday afternoon In grew to womanrood in the locality of her birth and received her educa­ B the city hall at 2:30 o'clock, | Born to Mr. and Mrs. Leo. B. tion in the Fairview school. She be­ a Sanders at the Tillamook General came a teacher and taught in the P Hospital on November 25 th, a county schools a few years, She was married to Rev. R. Y. P daughter. P Married in this city, on the 18th of 'Blalock, who was pastor of Clover- P November, Justice E. W. Stanley . dale Baptist church at that time. She P performing the ceremony, John L, 'professed religion while in girlhood, P Craver, of Meda, and Miss Bessie F. and soon after her marriage she join­ P White. ed the Baptist church and lived a I constant Christian life until her Rev. F. S. Ford and wife, of P death, which took place at her home P Banks, and Mrs. Hatton, of Minne­ in Cloverdale, Nov. 21st, 1919. At are in spending the Thaksgiv- the time of her death she was 43 o sota, ing holidays with Mr, Trombley’s years, 8 months and 26 days old. She family. her husband and six children, j p All women knowing themselves to 1 leaves besides many ____ other ___ relatives and p have chairs in the old Red Cross moss ' friends to mourn her loss, p rooms will please take them away ' She was ready to go. She said she p soon, as the rooms are needed for felt that Jesus was with her and p other purposes. , would carry her over the river. She J on Tuesday .was so anxious that her children I SPECIAL ! ! ! A few of our Regular Prices Snow Drift, Hard Wheat Flour, per Sack $2.90 Folgers Coffee, any size, per pound .50 Bulk Coffee, per pound .45 Libbys Milk, Tall Cans, per can .15 Yellow Corn Meal, per sack .70 White Corn Meal, per sack .70 Citrus Powder, per package .30 White Wonder Laundry Soap, 16 Bars 1.00 White Bear Laundry Soap, 20 Bars . 1.00 Oregon Walnuts, per pound • .34 Mill Run, per sack 1.65 Born at Salem, Ore., moring, to Mrs. Alegja McLeod, a should trust in Jesus and meet her in daughter. This places Mr. and Mrs. heaven. Her last word was ‘children.’ Dear mother is now gone. She can­ Homer Mason in the grandpa and We carry a complete line of FIRST not come back to the children but grandma list. CLASS GROCERIES and gou can Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Brannger and they can go to her. Mamma has left j little daughter Veronica Elizabeth, us dear children and is going to be always come to our Store knowing that have returned to their home in Los with Jesus. She said to meet her in heaven. We cannot say goodby to we have what you want and that the Angeles, after visiting at the DeLil­ mamma any more here, but we can Reasonable Terms on any of these cars. lies home in this city. price will be right. Married on the 20th of November, do as she said, “trust in Jesus" and meet here there where there will be We Pay tbe Highest Market Prices for at the court house, Justice E. W. no goodbys. | Stanley performing the ceremony, * "Through the valley of shadow she EGGS and HIDES. August Saucy, of Sheridan, and Mat- j passed tie M. Worthington. Into the realms of light; TILLAMOOK, OREGON. Simmons Glove Mfg. S? < fB.' And her weary soul found peace at City Logging Co. is a suit filed in the last circuit court to recover >277.99 for In a land of pure delight. 5252525^5c*5E5252SB5ZSZ5Z5Z5B5Z5Z52SZ5rlSZ5E5iE5i25B5B525E5BSE5Z5E5252S25E5i goods furnished the logging com­ "Come unto me” said the Savior, pany by S. W. Conover and E. M. And I will give you rest.’ Condit and R. F. Zachman. And she in his sight found favor Miss Elizabeth Tandy, field repre­ “Safe on his gentle breast.” sentative for Oregon of the Red Cross ' To the sorrowing heart of her dear will be in Tillamook December 4th ones and Sth, and she will meet with the He speaks in tones of love, executive board of the Tillamook . “Yet a little while” and you shall Chapter. meet her. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. DeLillies have In a happy home above, just received word that Mr. and Mrs. The funeral services were held Sun- J. C. Neidlinger, of New York City, day, Nov. 23rd, in the Fairview And we are Thankful, among many other things, for the had arrived in Los Angeles, where Grange hall, conducted by Elder W. they will make their home. Mrs. Z. A. Wright, of Portland. patronage you have given us during the past year. The body was laid to rest in the Neidlinger is a daughter of Mr. and We ask you to note these prices carefully and see if they old Fairview cemetery beside the Mr. DeLillies. do not warrant your future business: Mrs. LaRue came in on Friday to body of a little boy wlj had pre- w«»v ceeded her. visit . mi. Mr. ouu and mm. Mrs. ■>. J. *i. H. rciMuo, Perkins, who Oregon Walnuts . . .2 1b. for 65c. friends and neighbors when | The following verses were compos- are old < - ed by Mrs. Blalock when she was sit- Solid Pack Pomatoes . . . 20c. they lived at Atlanta, la. Mrs - LaRue is quite charmed with Tillamook and UP by the body of her mother, Standard Corn . . 3 for 50c. may locate here, She visited for four at her death Jan. 14, 1916. M. J. B. Coffee, Per Pound . 45c. They are so appropriate as a trlb- months in Portland before coming Small White Beans. 12j4 pounds for $1.00 !ute to her, we give them here, here. Corn Meal ..... 65c. In response to a number of re­ i You have left us darling mother, quests from prospective students the ¡You have crossed the great divide; A. & H. Soda .... 3 for 25c. school board has decided to open a | You have joined other loved ones Lemons ..... 35c. doz night Bchool in the High School .Waiting on the other side. Corn Flakes . . . .2 for 25c. building. For the present classes in | And our hearts seems almost break ! ing. Wlrrte Corn Syrup, 5 lb. 60c.; 10 lb. $1.15 stenography and typewriting will be offered and other commercial courses ' And the tear drops dim our eyes, For a loving face is absent. We also have many other equally low prices will be organized, if enough desire such work. A fee, payable in advance Broken are the fond home ties. in our store. We assure you that we have But we know dear loving mother, of >2.50 per month, will be charged every item of Merchandise on this list, and that to cover expenses. Classes will be You have only gone on before. And you’ll watch and wait and held on Monday and Wednesday when you come here for it you will not be beckon evenings beginning Monday, Dec. turned away and compelled to go elsewhere to 1st. Anyone interested may secure From the shining golden shore. Though the day seems dark and further information by calling at have your order tilled. dreary the High School or*telephoning 150. The county budget for 1920 calls Somewhere shines the sun as bright; I And our Savior ever watching for >5000.00 for a fair grounds, and there appears to be some dairymen If we'll look up we’ll see the light, and breeders who would like to Bee | And I pray we all may meet you that amount doubled. They contend In that Celestial home above Where there'll be no more parting. that after the land Is bought there will not be sufficient money for nec­ And where all is peace and love. Across from the Sunset Garage. essary improvements. We are anxious F to see the county own its own fair Nonna Talmage at the Gem. ■... o----- - grounds and the building of a stock Norma Talmage the beautiful Se- pavilion, and, probably, if the dif­ ferent breeders’ associations would lect star, will be presented by Joseph confer with the county court or at­ M. Scheneck in her latest Select —— tend the budget meeting another Picture, "The Heart of Wetona,” at Wetona refuses to tell the name of good for nothing, is the man Wetona >5000.00 could be added to the am­ the Gem Theatre on Sunday, Nov. her lover All shewlll tell her father loves. Later her eyes are opened to ount provided in the budget. There 30. This is an Indian story by George is that he la a white man. the kind of a man he really is and is this much to be said in building a ,Scarborough, New Syrups. Come and See She goea to John Hardin, the agent she has a change of heart. Hardin 1s I The story begins when Quannah. is the pavilion next year, and that in charge of the reaervatlon. and the the lucky man this time. none 32. high cost of building materials. For 'chief of a tribe of Comanche Indians, only white man the indians trust that reason it may be wise to delay learns that hie daughter, Wetona has to ask him to aave her lover. While the building of the pavilion and i been wronged by a white man. We- she la talking to Hardin, Quannah Krönt, Krönt, first get the grounds laid out in the tona's mother wan a white woman in bis search of the man who wronged o----- most artistic manner; The different and Wetona has been brought up as his daughter sees Wetona and Hardin BAY CWY, OREGON. breeders’ associations should get to­ a white girl. Who want’s krout this winter? talking so Intimately together that The Comenches decide to seek ven- he judges Hardin must be his daugh. Stulvenga has got the cabbage. Send gether and offer Borne suggestion« whether the >5.000 is sufficient or geance. They find the man who has ter’s lover. Hardin, in order to save him your order, price« right. Mutual whether It should be increased to wronged the daughter of the chief Wetona, offers to marry her. Tony, a 'Phone, Wm. Stuivenga. of their tribe and put him to death. I >10,000. 0 p p p p p Si p A. Hudson Garage, Star Grocery Co Î. It Is THANKSGIVING, An Opportunity for Christmas Gifts C. 0. & C. M. Dawson. BAY CITY DRUG CO. Entire New Stock of Candies. C. H. JONES TRADING | CO MPANY Fruit, Groceries andCampers’ S upplies Dry Goods and Gasoline. Phone Main 71 The L. A. Society will hold their Annual Sale, Friday and Saturday, the 5th and 6th of December, in the building rented by Kupenbender Bros., adjoining the 15 cent Store. Fancy Work, Quilts, Children’s Dresses, Men’s Shirts, Boys’ Blouses, etc., will be sold. In addition a Home Cook­ ing Food Sale will be offered on Friday, the 5th December. No one can afford to miss this timely sale. I