—73 -t I r TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, NOVEMBER 27, 1919. THE LIVE STOCK SHOW WAS Willumnnk 3ruMight. ■ ]l „X1 A GREAT SUCCESS. Fred C. Baker, Editor. ! Christinas shopping early is good ad- -o------- -. - ■ .. . « ivice. Tillamook County Breeders Win o------- SUBSCRIPTION per year .$2.001 Many Prizes. Our sympathies are with Bro. Bla­ From all appearance there will be lock in the sad loss of his wife and (By Rollie W.*Watson) a good Christinas trade this year, and the young family who mourn a de­ The Pacific International Livestock by merchants advertising and dis­ voted loving mother. There is this playing their Christmas goods right consolation however, she lived a good Exposition which was held in Port­ away it will stretch the Christmas Christian life and she has gone to her land from Nov. 17lh to 172nd, has passed into history. Il was a wonder­ trade over a longer period and will reward. ful show in every respect. In fact the ■ old timers” who have been in at­ tendance for years at the great ”In- ternational” at Chicago, state that the show of stock at Portland excel­ led in many particulars the world’s SPECIAL PRICE ON TIRES AND TUBES greatest stock show held in the east. The stock breeders of the west are FOR BALANCE OF NOV. setting a pace, have set a pace, rather at this 1919 show that is going to keep them very much "alive” in 1920 to excell; yet this will be accomplish­ f ed, for plans are now being made by ■all to bring out their prize animals ¡at the exposition next year. Tillamook Has Many Prize Animals. it was indeed gratifying that so many of the Tillamook exhibitors The melodies that have set all.Broadway to whist­ were awarded prizes—and most all of . 5-ü-dSHSH5HSESSS25H5ZSES25ES25HEH5E5a5E5a525aS2SH5E5HSH5a52525SSHSES2’5H5ZSE5H5B5HSE525252SB5aSBSH5?h?72SH52 H the breeders entering stock got into j ling are included in the splendid assortment of the line somewhere. The competition , dance, vocal and instrument records that we are was strong as in some of the classes just unpacking, Come hear them now while the there were as many as sixteen enter­ ed for places. The very first seven widest choice is yours. animals were awarded six prizes. ¡This quite naturally made the Tilla- . mook bunch very happy. There were ma forty-six head entered from Tllla- Intook which were represented in the 22196—While Others Are Building Castles in the Air— ¡Holstein, Jersey and Guernsey Campbell and Burr. Breeds. The' 1st prize, champion and Henry Buri- Sometime It Will be Lovetime grand champion aged cow prize was Billy Murry 22198—Freckles awarded to “Countess of Sunnyside Arthur Fields In Miami DeKoi 2nd,” which belonged to Jack Sara Ash. 22200—Your Eyes Have Told Me So Rupp. This cow was one of the Weeping Willow Lane L. James & Elliot Shaw. greatest attractions of the Holstein 22201—I’ve Got My Captain Working for Me E. Cantor show at the exposition and was en­ When They’re Old Enough to Know Better— tered in competition with the great­ Eddie Cantor. Jest show animals of the Hollywood, 22202—Karavan, Fox Trot, Joseph Samuel’s Orchestra ¡Carnation and Bishop stock farms La Guapa Muchacha, One-Step Joseph Sam­ ¡of Washington. “Countess” was sold uel’s Orchestra. Scratch Food, Per 100 lb. Sack 1 to Mr. C. A. Harrisonz of Seattle, for - $4.40 Master Saxophone 22203—Wild and Wooly, One Step .»2,100.00. Picnic Hams Sextet. per pound 25c. Master That Shanghai Melody, Fox Trot M. J. B. Coffee Exposition Buliding And Grounds. per pound 45c. Saxophone Sextet. I The exposition building and Yellow Corn Meal per sack 75c. Tuxedo Syncopaters. 22204—Coo Coo, Fox Trot grounds are located between the Un­ A Good Bulk Coffee Moonlight on the Nile, Medly Fox Trot, , per pound 40c. ion Stock Yards and the Interstate Tuxedo Syncopaters Cornation Feed bridge across the Columbia river, in per sack $1.90 22205—You’ll Be Sorry,, Medly Fox Trot Palace Trio North Portland. The building covers Ivory Soap Flakes 2 packets for 25c. Palace Trio. Just for Today, One Step,, approximately seven acres and the Lilac Rose Talcum Powder Belle Baker. per can 15c. 22208—Poor Little Butterfly grounds embraces seventeen acres ♦ Wash-O Belle Baker I Love Him per packet 5c. which were - deeded by the stock 22169—Tears Tell, Harry McClaskey and Invincible four. yard company to the Pacific , Inter­ Lewis James. Girl of Mine national Live Stock Exposition com­ 22192—Dreamy Alabama, Hotel Baltimore Hawaiian pany. The officers of the company Just arrived a Complete Line of Rasins, Currants and Dried Fruits. Orchestra. are composed of the leading stock Hawaiian Lullaby, .Hotel Baltimore Hawaiian i men and business men of the Pacific Orchestra. Coast, who have made it possible to » 22194—My Sugar Coated Chocolate Boy, Duane Sawyer. Satisfaction «Guaranteed. own and control such a magnificent Tittle Girl Duane Sawyer property and show place for exhib­ 22197—1 Used To Call Her Baby , Billy Murray ition purposes. Mr. O. M. Plummer, If You Don’t Stop Making Eyes At Me, Arthur through his untiring and indomita­ Fields. ble energy has worked night and day Acme 22199—Open Up the Golden Gates to Dixieland, ever since the project was started to Male Quartet. realize this final achevement of Mending a Heart Sam Ash. success; and to him the greatest of " K credit should be given in putting the finishing touches to the enter­ prise. The grounds will be further year of 1919 produced 60,000,000 improved and the completion of pounds of milk, making 6,000,000 I THE PATHE PLAYS building in many little details before pounds of cheese with Tillamook On the next stock show in 192Q. Trans­ The Rind.” SAPPHIRE RECORDS portation and accomodation for every It is needless to say ths.t Tillamook .body will be greatly Improved; al­ was a recognized factor in the great though it is authoritlvely stated that success of the Pacific International s BALL in 1000 TIMES. over 75,000 people were in attend­ Live Stock Show. It is safe to say ance during the week of the show, that the exhibitors all had a big time, nJ a This wonderful sphere is no larger than the end of there was no friction evident, every­ enjoyed their trip, and will profit In body was exceedingly happy, pleas­ much by their experience; the prizes a pin, but it holds within its polished surface the ant and accomodating and at one won they are entitled to, as decreed n secret of the sweetest music ever played on a time there were over 12,000 people in by what are considered to be among 4 phonograph'. It does away with needle wear. The the auditorium. at the the best judges of live stock in the B nJ Palhe plays all makes of records. Many Tillamook People at the Show. . country. I 3 In Tillamook was well represented, The Live Stock Industry. ¡there probably being over one hun- i Let us all take our hats off to the dred of our people at the exposition Tillamook boys who had the get up TILLAMOOK, besides those who had stock on ex­ and enterprise to take their stock out ORE. hibition. It would be impossible at to the big show, and show them as 1 this time to give a complete list of all they did. Let us take our hats off to ) our people who were there. All ex- jthe 1 prize winners and the Tillamook r pressed their surprise at the magni­ dairy animal of whatever breed and nJ tude of the show, and are thoroughly I all work for the purpose to put our Ln nJ Report of the Condition of the interested in the future of the pure county on the map of pure bred live In bred live stock industry, especially ¡stock centers of the world. In the for Tillamook County, and it is sug­ ¡next ten years every animal in Tilla­ At Tillamook, in the State of Oregon, at the close of gested by many that we should "sit mook county should be a developed business, Nov. 17th, 191», as rendered to the State Banking up and take notice” and plan now pure bred type and thereby add to for greater things in the future for the wealth of our wonderful dairy Department of Oregon ¡Tillamook along the line of advanc­ county returns that are sure to be RKSOl’RCKS. ing in the production of pure bred ¡worth while. r lxxins and discounts............................................... »515,234.00 'stock. It is also suggested that a Overdrafts, secured and unsecured .................. 6,851.81 ¡movement be started at this time, to I TESTED AND PROVEN Bonds and warrants ............................................ 46.676.29 build a large exposition building on | tn Stock, securities, judgments, etc. .................... 2.952.43 the fair grounds to suit our needs There is a Heap of Saloce in Being 5E5H5Z5BSE52SHS,a5Z5Z5a5a5a5H5a V A, F. L. Berk»: •. •* 4» t s.