TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, NOVEMBER 27 1910. WILL ROAR TOWARD GERMANY The Motor Truck Investment of the United States at*. X ' io« knowing what a smack tnarrtagv «A the lawyer iixiked fur­ ther. and c«'t coe.si.’.mMe light upon a evste« that i■ .xi cs. “&aock aaMrtnges were wed ‘ • gs where the brMe speeared dreamed >a a white shew: or chenrtaw The reascr f.T each a garb was the be ef that If a =xaa aaarrted a w.-caaz who was 1= CS j $1MS £M6S r. e. x VU.IXTVWX. r.x. BETHLEHEM MOTORS CORPORATION. AILLVIVWN. Pte* ¿IMS L atest ? Pa»,t on of Sculptured Lion on Fa­ mous Battlefield of Waterloo la to Be Reversed. TTie lion on the battlefield of Water­ loo is to face the other way. and before long it whl stand with open, pi'n ierous paws roaring silently, after the manner of your fierce but consid­ erate sculptured lions, toward Ger­ many Instead of France. Fortunately for the quiet of the countryside the roar is imaginary or the lion would long ago have become a nuisance whichever way be faced. The lion was set up by Belgium after the bat­ tle of Wateriorf and stood as a warn- ing to France not to engage l^ any more Napoleonic dreams of conquest; and year after year It looked toward France, while behind it Gyrmanv pre­ pared for the next effort to dominate other nations It maintained its atti­ tude wh.le Germany carried through ■he pry cram that separate«! Alsiice- Lorraine from France: but presently behind the lion s back Belgium began to fortify, and eventually left him tn the ridiculous psvsition of looking in one direction while the Belgian fortifi- dttiems looked in another. A tame I: r one might say. roaring for the edi­ fication of tourists and » th no per- >ci feel.ng abet! it But now Bel- gm decides to turn him round and let him rear toward Germany as a «etesn re—z-!er of the unwisdom of dress-s cf world conquest. Electricity s latest gift to the housewife—greatest since the electric iron and electric vacuum cleaner—the Western Electric P ortable S ewing M achine No more tiresome treadle pushing - no more backache—a little electric motor does the hard work. - A A foot control gives any X speed desired. The entire machine in its case can be carried anywhere—it’s no larger than a typewriter. THIS* TERM IS EFFEMINATE Sc«—e Tenv < »layara Ob feet to Word *Love‘ as at Present Er-ployed in Sc-onvfl System. Ask for a demonstra­ tion. V COAS7 POHER CO r^e ELECTRIC STORE Buv SufelÀ^BìiviBetÌilelìe * m S’ — Sunset Garage,-Tillamook, Oregon. What the Editors Say » 1 .• 1-.- a ’.-« ».«> .. > 73.- ' .- !» s ihw tacit tXai ttey x-v always :rvl g *v,h w«rta.ity Ctstvsi- I.» t «a * eh -. xìv . XX tewaxmc- x»4 bevaghì ■ Ti M.4 îgj C14XV. * -CSV.!-. I.-* wxs XZ-.-q.^id cgA-ts X g-.-Mt xTtex: .-»xwirsl y rf hii i eis. l’-xmwc «a: .xtwa: ww.’ » ..- te <33 d 37* 'ed n.47j rt- '.US3.-XX 4XÍ 1-4 thmwcs 4-A teg-.X' ■: zx t.- ««te .la. a. • ■; ja. .»was-si.y vi S. -te . px.te x.’ TV etc JÙXXTS. VA-f Ca'xlotnx IkMwmaa WÏC w.te.-i rrea.x leu - -te au. y 7C"- sgrcmù cvax-nss-voxl ahtinatn, siqr Awy wtev .lx vx'.ns rf “w»r tvn- »3.4 O.-, te-'-l ZO3. 73.« X ìxc-gw ».1U.A '■?«:.-x >~3»ac dw yva «xyqvsw . ns .•>. » . 4 tee. rc> xi z .• xy .xx-ns. TAw la. g-.tfs 4 r*eathxm.tf pxxrtrtiit . . irit .-.. f .te Altea S^ v A xtz . ••< -iMacs ’ . iftsu days ’ .-■ty tòte '.-a :1a. .te Wxjù .xgvza -------- J-------- A iter *v«wc .vitt jixt.« X-iz.te yay-s Suaa ,-e ."•.•.Lx S.lx-? W. xn.s -x- ox-cv !u .-.rw-ttegl teX.l rf trf 11» .«s $«aa..-c Wartd. rf MiasucYa- XV« tei w.-fu » A.» z.'.y. w.Xb 4« 'e-tùui i woa:cc ’ Via* 3* leu X' •« x-t .-vifd >y r.i a n.-vts Swiia'xc W xxits rtgnw- ti . i -.- 73 •« .hty te'.-'.'Ote fieaiyc s«-3 1 iw Sv !X.W. .1 v u* rf 1.3 te« xi 4 iza xi-z le XX hu-dea rijuau.-.iiMà n.4.vti>f trist ■rf .lx ivrfy sviuu n<.-a.te »g-. “ais te el ’.-nt .-.• le íf w-x -xijuiji-fte x-3 4-, r-tu hzi-a Sxp- .-s.l.n« l ” V« 13. -3 •:a. st» la 4 F U I t » ite ye T. > i» 7MC- • 14 SlUk.- li « ww zi te thrt le jw- rtiu ' yw.-ry A XV«. Sa? raw 1 M rf 71H zi te '.X1 «a $-i n» la >■» ter .13 ?z te .tty z.te-îl.nd ihm te teua àtiu<4.r>xxi«£ -Ite .n.iunn- W i 1-Í .'/ti a ty Xt-d Zitw- A te 3Z -. te « km ina&aS ‘«n4t.va rf ti* i.ioatuiirttid ♦UX M> lx .- \y wh.'iLlt WO<£.- Sii. htel ywarfj« S wvuùi 1.»”» rt .-vi­ «fctÄ ux :ta .-qgwK -t uv- la li I l'I'l lw X1JU.VWCS t. -wutt* ».ni i ik*yr rt rf A* hlCMMit vzOjii -------- »......... te «ti .“.te 1-s 'x-nxi-s, L. le ’ ’ ’ h* hriM «à nixi.3rtft-.3gs rf lx* u'-tre.-. ri uix.e. •> . ’’’te Sii. » am . 1/ ita zvuAty n>. 1 » rf ?»-f»Krtta'. W Jszn icr Ju *'ru.u late ta H amìm m >5 » ifanr- fM.-» twouw .•vnitrua.-w yr-.-«« Ja. ti- hrey ta k. ta «teKteta« bt way w nzn-wr- a «tarvrtar wuir*- n : te czu.i s? talli«* ita “K-Htf» "Ki-íi- JIÂW 4 sywud.43 <: siia/giííf s . Uve ut ;ta fue Ym ttt :J m ytn>>;i; ywy ml xnx •/ ta natta ij >« taa •'»#<• «i bm 4 ¡»«fit iAituaC M«g»- L/*l /K ta n ita itQt .ua. w ’••»auL? ta «tao Í w $Jhmùâ su.aiMixt yc-- 2 '>r>s rtraf W.».il. 43 .lu.<:u»a * Ul­ * i * tar*Ql;^. .htcw wwuu >u«-< !g 1» lo -fiMgrwn zt crux—t iji uu 3Z te. XI niQí'tttattte sMA rf ht kax ■¿t/o-n-mn- Cuviiuzp*. rf jLicasiu 1 hn-teu. k hi - ta b.-nwi-f W’ZlUtt gWI n u«tu lu. 1« cwuu a áte -ùnicun te *'/rw «14 rf ’ A* wo.. CAw« nú la* xnt zr-tur # j««jw n- i t ;• •■ lajcBBe i.m>wi! IwÔïrB 1« nrtnuurt ”rfu yihrwwi; lu lu V'tld ».'to Vht ritahi AuSWC- taitetek ta tawl ta W-* <» 1* 'Vatm a‘!hwti'ta. is. t S T'tr'i-*’/*<> littet. ÎWtta il. • ? * > -1 V»? ' Vr-tnj- •»<»! I Lift tele» ta*‘I A/ l/u.kbr2* 7» ‘/V au . in- y* )ite ‘r'y'Miiuta b ♦/U.'ta tom ^.*1», .vit j-t ta J Vis 'Ll l • H. A/unnvii w” 1( /».'ta* Qíik* hti.V K ¿ ta ♦/r’mii' 5 t>L''n wii / a ■t&U»> 7% ta •• tatui ’••« ai Ktei :Itai- /tt b# f»ta- » Q»| /I MhiJΫ4 tabs W TAn X-inei-s la «u i »ay rf .1,ntiA» stat Y/r< uie)ulx.*n ’**inws um. W'/r u. iuum < iteir 4U-Í? 4 »1 «Ufur-ix. viuoto tguu ■ IH Willi .3 te i*», va. ■» U ;b» wwi'ui.v Au- ai Die :iuu •nl.Mvrt-» st lx utuuw'btbu .-¿««murr . 'bnti- intuir tuonila., un. i.nu mm ••nuu lu««» M i-wiuiu'» 'J uuj noci- via ■*»<•».r*»t xtr 4 -»O'M v ixwm inrm. fA» nwMb.in« b btoitg «watlVw- EXU' vhtu Men* *tr< uni wi um « lu lu un. dir ui »irn-iri nart .rit, .ta s*ì» ita ’•/ b tvlur3 '«uà. CZOX.I.UI 11», x-l 04114 l. ’/iitta *ìii Ai«m L-i te ime tat KlHkU ta‘ * X¡'>*4 te y Itntiui- ta li'iw 'but >*r ics*» h*«®*' ta -ta rt «riltUil .ta Wuii’W T tVlOM' .ta ivti vyt ott km «t> V X' *wi • -te- .teiQwr ta'nuttab ¿iu* ta Whs* I r*«z IUU UH M r*»t -Munîtes. it ta*aV»*MÌ ’’A* Acnu .-**.!}> 1 ytr «S- ?t Arttnw < tettar v. Ita im hív’i ir«! ta Bnm'V. Mi' Hpuit lut tav'taMM ta ta» ftMRta MP hitaUT*ta. ’Ute ta* nwbn» -dv» » í '««r* Ht*v tí •tati’Kte ”n-» j bi til tmuK.' 114 r-tnimitM dta tw ntuuù < te *•**••' ‘Xte'tai# ’’^te tuiuiumi' I mu swUu '.ftad • juif W*v »K • A t '/*• í/í* 0*1*1 »i ta i-ttUeu u lintM. nt •n-'nlwunuts. nwidltx T'uhiu :ïtt lu- Utf MIMMHlui? lte»lv"whp. tttiHll.’uu» arid* bn ' b-n nmiH num ti ;te Anee- I.Una liu :te -ftt-tt ta .'Uttitrt *te*wr<*..UM a Jkuvm tiqM* » fi’wesJia: Nu rtteM. S coimcaimu A w 7c- •* jc -. v C la a civ*rt ami je har te -■» Acvax* 4 l.-i'e A the izar wnie- ttee-s tòw s»nni teö.-.i'd s cl-.d sc-wwc und 7at 1er lax-i zot as rae s. xg-L z. töe wvaa.f itext 1er 4 white «te-te Am :s.lw-d ly Aw le .^g—.va. lz : swmwctztww tüt served a 1er .Aeaáw re sœ-tvte. E”«t"-m.-y A T.-ssex sratay s: eu.Ä 41 33xn.-ite»cy w-a» arttrtrf ly Aw gantai Ì»n..«J-!’g ai- '.le *b.'* sui.- Tursua w-tteo# aoythag rf write lind Au Lf-fla Au w-At rf xm.atc lu-iA vili IfctT tte wtSt rf Thi.-mu.» Sfi.-WW* il'! Ml-fU-’" ie w « .’3 it« ïæiiii tu rf fcu-astr-i wüte V ittese-s la: tte terete» «te Awn la: m »feu in» ;ri«-ifinx ami le-sr'/-»«-; igeo -*Jt » n/rmt 1’ Au sunn »“ At- Ait ■tt s.1 omm rf sane.-t snu—uy« in: tun .-/me it its artet Au ico* te'u iw«« w.iBrww •Ä b Aumr» 'm- tur-uit Au -rgi rf "eei-pf TE Auca we« ani? s«n./.r< nu,—ugm» 3 Mi. nu. Ana 1 .’ur rf nu ir-íe-uc-» rf lta.«u-Anauc-s îu.’ r!turf y B île i»œ :w rf CujiBiia imf TwM /r B tte se——try whnA i» mr* sv Lnrwtx. Ther-f » iinAituc -ry «hrv Ane Ite ymte os 1W Bu-ummun. >, JCnne. m xz «CM. i liueieau vm 1- llbH Srt IMO CS rf lus «1Ö» «UCAl.Aef lirfrr» nue—uxe. sau lu «u;a rolóse- *»P< ».-iA- «un rf Au Stn.iusil-AJiMr'i.-ua •ar. Âen-te. ÀraiMU vu» iiranteit i: i joO- br -ei.tejri.ti jr-ia jy ele xnerexa in- a » rc’.-m-’-ing natela i: Ans tmu. —F» iijiuuc KitAujùc» Migriame. GOYNL A rrORNEY AT LAW Orrcam Coen t " 1 X. fT*S3^ *- A TTC «NT» ANT* CL< VS4LE . a ATTA» 'ilutnuu* nJBEST S. «kW: TCLL-VK-O*j<. O®&X"c n «Jut­ m la JWS jl D T£X