» / TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, NOVEMBER 217. 1919. Tillamook Headlight’s Prize Winners at the Livestock Exposition. Trade Mart. (By R. C. Jones.) The Pacific International Livestock Exposition just finished in Portland Singer Agency—H. F. Cook, Prop. . * has in a great many ways been a re­ markable even,, lor Tillamook Coun­ For Sale.thoroughbred pigs Duroc, ty. We, of course, knew that we with papers, also some graded, also could walk out with the top places four grade Holstein heifers for with the cheese but a great many sale, three coming two year old and I did not realize that we could step in one coming three year old. Julius with our pure bred cattle aud come Erickson, R. F. D. No 1, Box 102 out near the top and iu some in- Tillamook, Dec-11. stances on top. •The pure bred industry in this For Sale-pig four months old. Phone county is only in its infancy and it 136 J Tillamook. speaks well for our judgment in sell­ Would like to exchange new Bruns­ ing and developing our foundation wick Phonograph for Piano. At the stock so it will go to a show of this Song Shop Dec.4 caliber and win out. It is no disgrace to go down to the lower places when For Sale—Fourteen sheep: fourteen you are up against such herds as the pigs over two months old and two Hollywood Carnation and William brood sows. Call 2F21 Dec.-4 Bishop in the Holstelns, Waikiki Stump Loughary and Cary in the Farm for sale cheap, 115 acres, on Jerseys, and Jean De Luth, Caribou, Highway, good buildings, for par­ ticulars inquire of J. B. Gochnour, and Chicona Farms in the Guernsey. Many classes had over 20 animals Montesano, Wash. Nov.-27 and as there was only 10 moneys it For Sale—Top buggy and single was some honor to even get in to the harness. At a bargain if sold at money. Very few Tillamook animals once. Apply to L. C. Daniels, 1% were left outside the money. The Vic­ miles north of Tillamook, Mutual tory and Holstein classes were su­ Phone. • preme as Countess of Sunnyside De Koi 2nd, owned by J. J. Rupp, was Pigs for sale—W. H. Banke, Netarts pronounced Grand Champion female Our line of New Pianos are works of of the show. Mr. Rupp entered this art. On exhibition at Cook's Music cow in the sale and she sold to Mr. Harrison, of Seattle, for the sum of House, opposite P. O. $2,100.00. Judge Moscrip declared For Sale—1919 Grant Six Touring that this cow showed up the best of car. In perfect condition. Price any dairy cow that he had ever $900.00. Enquire of Geo. Hansl- handled. mair, Tillamook, Oregon. The Jersey men also have cause for elation, as they took two blue rib­ For Sale—7 room modern house, cor­ bons and were well up in the money ner 3rd Ave. and Sth St. East, two in nearly every class. The older toilets, large laundry room with breeders will have to look out for stationary tubs, lot 52^105 ft. their laurels as Edwin Glad with a Price $2,500 cash if taken at once. school club calf, Gambog’s Gay Ann, Also two story store and lot on won 1st place in the school club second Ave. East, price $5,000, division and 5th place in the open Terms. Address W. A. Williams, class of 20 head. The calf clubs are a 10 N. Higgins Ave, Missoula, Mont. thing which the breeders of this county will do well to emphasize and Miscellaneous Advertisements. they will have to get busy if they keep ahead of the boys with the club Dr. Wise—Dentist. calf. The show was jronounced by those Truck for hire, with or wjthout trailer, also slab wood for sale. who should know, as the greatest Mutual Phone, F. J. Klinehan. * live stock show that was ever held on the Pacific Coast. Every Tilla­ Now is the time to can your meat mook breeder who exhibited received Let me fill your order from grain; his money’s worth in ideas and fed cows. Prices, right and satisfac­ knowledge gain, to say nothing of tion guaranteed—Mutual Phone, the advertising which our county has Win. Stuivenga. • obtained. Following is a list of Tillamook If it is cabbage you want for krout, why Stuivenga’s got the goods. winners: Send along your orders, Mutua> Holsteins—Females. * phone, Wm. Stuivenga. J. J. Rupp, Countess of Sunnyside De Koi 2nd, 1st prize, aged cow, For Life Imurance, there ii nothing Senior and Grand Champion. better than what the Muss. Mutual F. R. Beals, Lady AAggie Ormsby offers. Ask to see specimen policy. of Rock, 7th prize in aged cow class —W. A. Church. • of 19 head. J. B. Honey, Hillside Jewel Hen- If you are in need of a heating stove, greveld 2nd, 9th prize in aged cow it will pay you to call and see my line of new and used heaters. I al­ class of 19 head. C. N. Gilmore, Tillamook Lola May so exchange new stoves for old De Isol, 2nd prize in cows 3 year old stoves.—Allen Page. and under 4. C. N. Gilmore, Tillamook Bessie Wanted: Men or women to take or­ ders among friends and neighbors Fobes De Koi, 5th prize in 3 year old for the genuine guaranteed hosery, class. full line for men, women and C. N. Gilmore, Tillamook Daisy children. Eliminates darning. We Butter King De Koi, 3rd prize in 2 pay 50c. an hour Hpare time or year old class. $24 a week for full time. Exper­ C. N. Gilmore, Bessie De Koi Starin ience unnecessary. Write Internat­ of Tillamook, 8th prize in 2 year old ional Stocking Mills, Norristown, class. . Pa. Dec 30. Clay Daniel, Buttercup Hilda Ger- ben, 4th prize Senior Yearling. Dr.’s Allen and Sharp. Dentists. Clay Daniel,Easter Colantha Wawn National Building. 5th prize, Junior Yearling. One cent a word per issue. Let W. A. Church write your hay insurance. • Dr. J. B. Grider, dentist, I. 0. 0. F. Bldg, Tillamook, Oregon. Counter Sales Books—Order .your Sales Books from W. F. Baker, agent Pacific SaleB Book Co. Call 68 Headlight. Dr. W. E. Lebow—Dentist with Dr, Wise. INDEPENDENCE. Another Declaration. We We We We We We We We ------ o------ are the most independent grocers in Tillamook, are independent of Rosenberg Bros. are independent of any whole- saler. nre independent of high rent, are independent of high interest charges on great capital Invest­ ed in a store building. are independent of high or ex­ orbitant delivery expenses. are independent of anyone and everything save only our cus­ tomers. are their servants, to satisfy and to please them we labor con- tlnuously. C. 0. & C. B. Dawson. Side Lights on Business. ■ o------ He who dances must pay the ftd- dler. He who buys merchandise must pay the merchants cost of doing business: rent; or interest, taxes, and insur­ ance on store building, salaries, .and delivery expenses, etc. When interest, taxes, und insurance on store build­ ings are high the merchant must charge more for his goods or lose money. Where private deliveries are ■salntained, the delivery expense is MONEY SAVING MONTH a HD SALES FOR SATURDAY Here is Another Opportunity to Reduce the Hi-Cost of Living See the Big Mil­ linery Window Bargain Display Any person purchasing $2.00 or over this Saturday may buy any of our Crochet Cotton at 8c. ball, limit of 5 to customer $3.49 “T1 As this is the fancy work time of the ^ear, this opportunity LADIES’ HATS will be appreciated. # Nifty Models, some of Silk Velvets. $5.79 SPECIAL Pattern Hats—wonderful values. Some worth $12-00 See the line today while the selections is good. Examine our fine line of Angora Scarfs—in all colors. $5.98 up, On Bargain Balcony, HOUSE SUPPERS Just received a large assortment of Men’s, Women’s and Children’s House Slippers in felt and leather. Special from $1.39 up. MEN’S AND BOY’S SPECIALS Men’s Rubberized Fabrics Rain Coats—length 50 in. Dark Grey Patterns. Boy’s Grey Flannel Waists—Special Special $18.65 $1.89 Boy’s Wool Mackinaws in O.D. and Dark Grey Mixtures *7 OJT Ajjfes 5 to 9—Specially Priced at »p/nOu « Boy’s Caps in Grey and Brown Mixtures—Special 69c Bulb. C. N. Gilmore, Sir Bessie Fayne De Koi Fobes, 5th prize in aged bull, class of 9. F. R. Beals, King Ormsby Repeater of Tillamook, 2nd prize, 2 year old class of 6. Ebiuger & Son, Sir Maplecrest Highluwu Schuiling, 4th prize year­ ling. 4th produce of Dam to C. N. Gil­ more. 9th get of Sire to C. N. Gilmore. Jerseyt —Bulls. Everything Sold for Cash making it less at contract an indebtedness therefore and the word “No" whlch will ln- In accordance with Sub. 6 of section dicate the choice. Notice is hereby given, that a two of chapter 172 of the General The polls for the reception of the special school meeting of School Dlst. Laws of Oregon for the year 1913. ballots cast for or against the con­ No. 9, of Tillamook County, Oregon, By order of the board of directors traction of said indebtedness will, on [will be held at the school house In of School District No. 9, of Tilla­ said date and day and at the place [said district on the 19th day of De- mook County, Oregon. aforesaid, be open at the hour of two H. H. Rosenberg, director camber 1919, at the hour of 2 o’clock p.m. and remain open until I Chairman pro tem. the hour of seven o’clock p.m. of o’clock p.m., for the following pur- I Females. poses: J. M. Smith, director. said day when the same will be Albert Johnson, Flossie May of St. 1st. To authorise the school board Attest: C. A. McGhee. closed. Mawes, 7th prize in aged cow, class of the said district to purchase for a School District Clerk. By order of the district board of of 23. school site the following described School District No. 9 of Tillamook L. A. McCormack, Helen’s Fussy tract of land situated in Tillamook School District Bond Election Notice. Coitnty, Oregon, made this 25th day Maid. 6th prize, 3 year old. City, Tillamook County, Oregon, to- of November, 1919. ------ o------ Alfred Zwald,Nehalem's Pride, 1st wit: H. H. Rosenberg, State of Oregon, County of Tilla­ prize, junior yearling. Beginning at a point 1775.5 feet mook. School District No. 9:ss. Chairman pro tem. L. A. McCormack. Helen's St. south and 570 feet west of the north­ J. M. Smith. Notice is hereby given that the Mawes Marea of W. N., 2nd prize, east corner of the Edrlck Thomas D. school district bond election hereby Members of School Dist. Board Junior yearling. L. Claim and running thence south called to be held at the school house Attest: C. A. McGhee, Edwin Glad—Gambog's Gay Ann, 620 feet; thence west 209 teei, in Tillamook City, Oregon, in and for District Clerk. Sth prize. Junior calf. thence south 209 feet; thence west iSchool District No. 9. of Tillamook Joe Donaldson, Pussy s Fancy 271 feet; thence north 829.8 feet; County. Oregon, on Friday, the 19th Report of the Condition of Maiden. Sth prize. Junior calf. thence east 480 feet to the place of day of December. .1919, between the THE FIRST BANK OF BAY CITY L. A. McCormack, Lads of St beginning, less tract beginning at Hours of 2 o’clock p.m. and seven I i Mawes Rosie, 6th prize, Junior calf. the northeast corner of said tract and o'clock p.m., there will be submitted At Bay City, in the State of Oregon, L. A. McCormack, Lads of St running thence west 240 feet; thence to the legal voters thereof the ques­ at the close, of business. November Mawes Violet, 7th prize, junior calf. south 235.5 feet; thence east 240 tion of contracting a bonded indebt- . 17. 1919. RESOURCES. 3rd prize, breeders young herd, L. feet; thence north 235.5 feet to the ness in the sum of $17,000 for the pur Loansand discounts $31,990.17 i A. McCormack. place of beginning. I pose of providing funds with which Overdrafts, secured and un ­ Also beginning at a point 2386.3 to erect and furnish a school build­ Guernsey». secured .......................... 1,270.«9 J. J. Berne. Alma's Glen of Mound feet south and 570 feet west of the ing for a gymnasium in and for said Bonds and warrants .... 17,382.73 northeast corner of said Thomas D. school district. Said building to be Banking house and lots . City, Sth prize, aged bull. 2.500.00 J. J. Berns, Tillamook Glenna, 10th L. Claim and running I thence south erected on the cite of the present Furniture and fixtures . 2.219.85 119 feet; thence west feet; t 209 high school building in said district. prise. Senior heifer calf. Other real estate owned. 13,910.08 thence north 119 feet; thence east to The vote to be by ballot upon Due from banks (not re­ R. C. Jones, Ultra King of Tilla­ place of beginning, all being known which shall be the word “Bonds— mook, 9th prize, Junior bull calf. serve banks) ................ 4,761.99 as the Hays tract of substantially Yes” and “Bonds—No." and the vot­ Due front approved reserv- five acres, for the sum of Ten Thou- er shall place a cross (X) between i ed banks ...................... 4,142.93 90) Dol- ithe word “Bonds ----- ‘ (Checks and other cash word hoart to Items ............................. S31.IT W. S. Hare, St. Mawes 2nd, 3rd prize in aged bull class of 7. Joe Donaldson, Golden St. Mawes Rosaire, 1st prize, 2 years old. Theresa M. Ross, St. Mawes of Una Ash. 3rd prize, yearling. L. A. McCormack, Poppy’s St Mawes Lad, 3rd prize, junior calf. Notice of School Meeting. ----- o----- 3 Berkey Cash on Hand............... Expenses........................ Bond Interest................ Advanced for Liberty Bonds .......................... 6,069.20 1,146.81 308.04 472.2» Total ........................... $89,465.27 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in .. $25,000.0» 600.60 Surplus fund ... i ..... Individual deposits subject to check...................... ... ... 55,000.2« 190.96 Certified checks............. 8,675.47 Time and savingB deposits Total ......... ............ $89,465.27 State of Oregon, County of Tillamook: ss I, John O. Bozorth,, cashier of th* above named bank, do solemnly swear that the abov^ statement 1» true to the best of my knowledge an» belief. John O. Bozorth, Cashier. Subschibed and sworn to before ■* this 26th day of Nov., 1919. T. E. Ashley, Notary Publie. My commission expiree August 18tw 1920. Correct—Atteet: R. J. Hendr'-'M* Scott Bozorth, directors. Bay City Garage ----- o----- A