SÄmook HcaìUnjljt TILLAMOOK, OREGON, NOVEMBER 2", curve, known as "death curve”, and GEM THEATRE PROGRAM. SIXTEEN I. W. W.’S INDICTED. the plaintiff. One of the provisions Condemnation Suit» Settled. Legion Post has 156 Members. ------ o------ it is notorious for the number of ac­ ------ o — ------ o------ • ■ o of the settlement of property rights, Five Plead Guilty and Eleven Not plaintiff has allowed defendant the The usual semi-monthly meeting cidents there. In one scene of the Friday Nov. 28—“Sold”. A Para­ The condemnation suits growing custody of the minor child, which has out of the State Highway surveying of Tillamook Post of the American picture Mr. Reid rounds this curve mount production, featuring Pau- Guilty—Judge Sentence Men. been settled by a contract in writing. a road through I. H. Moore’s dairy Legion was'held at the Armory last with perfect ease and accuracy of i line Frederick. o “Burton Holmes Travelogue.” farm was settled by arbitration, it Friday evening. Charges preferred by control, and at the same time, it is The grand jury was in session on j yj g sctipulated i nil 1 a t zazl 4kn4 »• AJT xvawa the Post against Dr. R. T. Boats were said, breaking the record for speed Saturday, Nov. 29—"The Microbe,” Monday and returned indictments that A.f Mr. Moore Tillamook Cow Sold for |2.100.00. A Metro production, featuring select two persons and the County withdrawn by resolution following in rounding the curve which had against 15 1. W. W.s who were gath­ o------ been established and broken many Viola Dana. ered up in the roundup in Tillamook Countess of gunnside De Kol„ win­ Court two persons, and the four se- an explanation given by Dr. Boats times by various famous speed kings. "The Rajah”, Harold Lloyd Com- county for being members of that or­ ner of the grand championship for lected to choose the fifth. Both par- to the members present. The com­ I edy. ganization by members of the Ameri­ Holstein cows, at the International ties were to agree to the decision ot plaint of the Legion was based upon can Legion and a number of promi­ Live Stock Show in Portland last the arbitrators. Mr. Moore selected an advertisement which appeared in John Barrymore in Dramatic Picture. Sunday, Nov. . 30—“The Heart ot q j WotAn n ’ ’ A A Select production, feat­ Wetona", nent citizens. week, brought *2,100 in the Holstein Bob Richards and Wm. Maxwell and the German language newspaper of Appearing in one of the strongest ' uring Norma Talmage, Six reel Judge Geo. R. Bagley came in on sales pavilion during Friday after­ the County Court selected Joe Foster Portland. As explained by Dr. Boals, , the afternoon train on Tuesday and noon. Claude Harrison a farmer of and W. G. Dwight, the fifth being he was misled into inserting the ad roles in which he has appeared on | feature. by statements that the paper was to the screen, John Barrymore will be • “Pathe News.” the grand jury handed the Judge the Seattle, won the- ownership of the Amos Vaughn. I Roaring indictments. The wabblies were im­ prize animal after spirited bidding. The committee of arbitration devote a full page "boosting” Tilla­ i seen in his latest Paramount photo­ Monday, Dec. 1.—"The mediately arraigned and their pleas The animal was owned by Jack J. award the damages at *3,400.00, mook county. The proposition had play, "The Test of Honor", at the . Road," a Paramount production, . were as follows: Rupp, of Tillamook, and was the which includes two cases at issue. the endorsement not only of weU Gem Theatre next Wednesday, Dec. j featuring Wallace Reid. Harry Ashmore pleaded guilty. Holstein cow that won the first The county court had offered *1,875 known residents of this city but al­ 3. There are few more popular actors j "The Model Husband”, Lyons- B. Walther, A. Larsen, and Gus prize at the Tillamook county fair, to settle the three Moore casees, one so of promient citizens of Portland, than Mr. Barrymore, who is equally - Moran Comedy. some of whom had taken an active [well known as comedian and diamat- ¡Tuesday, Dec. 2—“Arizona”, An Art­ Hersche pleaded not guilty. when he was offered *1,000.00 for of which was tried before a jury. interest in war activities. The ad ic player. Alex Simon, A Lewis, Steve Ross- the animal. , This is the biggest i craft production, featuring Doug­ las Fairbanks. In his latest starring vehicle, Mr. ehau, Hans Christiansen Hollerand, amount that any Tillamook cow sold Annual County Teachers’ Institute. has been withdrawn. “Pathe News.” A contribution of *25.00 to Grant Barrymore is seen as- Martin Win­ John Lund, James O’Niel,, J. A. La for, and will increase the interest Hodge Post of Centralia was author­ grave, a young Virginian, who loves Wednesday, Dec. 3—“The Test ot Clear, H. P. Haddock, .Eugene Ban- taken in blooded stock in this coun­ The annual convention of the Till­ ized. The money is to be used for the a married woman. When her jealous Honor ", A Paramount production, drez, James Audreen and William ty. amook County Teachers’ Association benefit of the families of victims of husband interferes, there Is a fight, featuring John Barrymore. Pulse were given until next morning will be held at the High School build­ the outrage of Armistice day and in in which the husband is knocked Biay Pictograph. at eight o'clock to plead. New School to be Dedicated at Ne­ ing in this city on December 3rd, 4th bringing the criminals responsible down. The man subsequently dies, Thursday, Dec. 4—“The Sneak”.A On Wednesday morning the men halem. and 5th. County Superintendent G. for it to justice. William Fox production featuring; not as a result of the battle, but be­ were again taken before Judge Bag- ------ o B. Lamb was fortunate in obtaining Gladys Brockwell. Basket ball will probably be one of cause of his weak heart. Wingrave is ley all pleading not guilty with the I The new public school building at some first class instructors, viz: J. “The Foolish Age” 2 reel Mack. exception of four. The four were Nehalem will be dedicated on Satur­ H. Ackerman, President Oregon Nor­ the activities of the Post during the accused of murder and the treacher­ Sinnett Comedy. [coming winter. An athletic commit- ous widow openly accuses Wingrave, Harry Ashmore (who had pleaded day afternoon, December 6th, when a mal School, Monmouth. I tee, composed of Arthur Wallace, who is convicted and sent to prison guilty the previous afternoon), Alex number of prominent speakers will Mrs. Blanch R. Blumauer, Port- Floyd Eberman, Clarence Provoost, for seven years. Simon, John Lund and Hans C. Hol­ be present. Death of Mrs. Geo. R. McKimens. Chapter, Junior Red Cross. How Wingreve is finally exoner­ lerand. J The new school building at Nehal­ i J. A. Churchill, .State Superintend­ | Everett Wells and -Bruce Hare was appointed and steps towards the or- ated and finds happiness in the love John Lund changed his plea of em, although only a frame structure, ent of Public Instruction, Salem. The friends of Geo. R. McKimens. . guilty ’o not guilty, and those who ' is one of the best designed school , Ralph D. Coleman, department of ' ganization of a team will be under- of a pure girl, is shown in a series ex-county commissioner of Tillamook . taken without delay. of thrilling scenes that afford Mr. pleaded guilty «were Harry Ashmore, buildings in the county. It cost over physical education, O. A. C. I The rule requiring payment of a Barrymore abundant opportunities County, will be sorry to hear that Axel Simon, *Hans C. Hollerand, »15,000. Mrs. McKimens died on the 13th Inst, | C. O. Gregory, bureau of educa­ membership fee of *2.00 was ordered for the display of his gehius. Axel Larsen and James O'Neil. | The dedication will be attended by tional research, U. of O., Eugene. at the Good Samaritan Hospital in I 1 suspended up to and Including De­ Judge Bagley took quite a time in State Superintendent Churchill, Prof. • J. T. Mathews, department of I Portland, after undergoing an opera- questioning these men and put them Ackerman, president of the State Mathmatics, Willamette University, cember 31st. The Post now has 156 Rally Day. Ition. She was 52 years of age at-the members enrolled and it is expected under a severe examination, finding normal school at Monmouth, County Salem. o- time of her death and the deceased that the roster will contain more that the men had only recently join- School Superintendent Lamb and Next Sunday will be observed as , was much beloved and respected by Edwin T. Reed, College Editor than 200 names before the 1st of I ed the I. W. W., had never attended other prominent teachers of the O. A. C., Corvallis. Rally Day at the Methodist Church. neighbors and friends when she re­ the year. Some difficulty has been a meeting of that order and the or- county. Ida Mae Smith, primary critic, met in reaching prospective members Program by the Sunday School be­ sided in the north purt of the county. I ganizer had told some of them that Oregon State Normal School, Mon- on account of failure to find lists gins promptly at 10 a.m. The at­ Mr. and Mrs. McKimens moved from I they could not obtain work unless Swenson Reception. tendance is rapidly increasing, it Tillamook last year making their mouth. of men who went into the service I they had an I. W. W. card. , The ------ o------ New ¡home near Corvallis, where the de- H. C. Seymour, State Club Leader, from Tillamook county. So far as can ought to be 150 next Sunday. J' ■ Judge passed sentence on the five One of the most pleasant and large­ Corvallis. classes are being organized and new be learned, only one list was kept by adjustments made to meet the grow­ ceased was burled. [men as follows: ly attended social events of the sea­ draft officials, and this has been mis­ ing demand. Optimism is the predom­ | The deceased’s maiden name was; Harry Ashmore, ten years in the son was the occasion of the farewell High School Notes. placed. The annual dues of the post inating note. A splendid record has Miss Mary Robertson, and she was. ¡penitentiary and a fine of *1000.00. reception given by the members and áre *2.00 and this is the only pay­ been attained by this school in hav­ born in Illinois in the year 1867, This young man had been in the friends of the Methodist church of and was married to Geo. R. McKim­ The Armory was the scene of much Canadian service and his father was this city Tuesday night to Mr. Chas. merriment Friday evening. “Why?” ment required of members. ing already subscribed *800 to the ens in 1884. They came to Tillamook i Union army during Swenson and family, who for many you will say. Have you forgotten that a captain in the Armenian Relief Fund, with the pos­ county in 1904 and located on a the civil war and his grandfather had years have been earnest and faithful the Junior-Frosh classmen were to • sibility of making it *1000. dairy farm near Mohler, residing Teachers Meet at Cloverdale. bought in the rebellion. The Judge I workers in the church. ------ o------ Following the Rally Day program ' there until last year. Besides her give a party to the Senior-Sophomore [paroled him on condition ot paying After a program of Bong and a few classes in honor of the winning foot­ Last Saturday, twenty-three teach­ will be the preaching service at 11, , husband she is survived by ten fine of »100.&0. brief addresses a two reel movie com- ball team. The main booth was dec­ ers responded to the invitation of the at which time Dr. T. B. Fold, Supt. children, viz: Mrs. Percy Vansiel. for James O’Neil, five years sentence edy afforder entertainment orated with the Senior-Sophomore County School Superintendent to of the Salem Dist., will preach. At Seattle, Wish.; Mrs. L. 'Bonn and land *1000.00 fine. Paroled on paying those present. Nnmerous gameB were ----- class colors. The chief amusements meet at Cldverdale. It was an ex- the close of the morning worship a Mrs. Ray Letson, of Cloverdale, Ore.; 1*200.00. ¡enjoyed by the young folks and were the grand march cellent meeting in every respect and fellowship luncheon will be served Banard Mcimens, Klamath Falls. I Axel Simon, Hans C. Hollerand and bountiful refreshments were served stunts, with the Seniors and class all enjoyed it. by the ladies of the church and con- ¡Ore.; Frank (who is in the U. S. carrying off LAxel Larsen, one year sentence and 'by the ladies. The meeting was called at 11 a.m. gregation, of which all are most navy,) Marie, Ralph, Elton, Eula and the prize. Most all the High School line of *1000. Paroled on paying | cordially invited to participate. Harden. students and members of the faculty by Supt. Lamb. ■ 200 each. These three men are Viola Dana is Seen in Clever New turned out to this party. Everybody Mr. F. C. Baker, president of the Jiveryone interested in the welfare of | While residing in this county the ■ liens and have been reported to the Drama. enjoyed the eats, which were plenti­ Tillamook Red Cross, aroused the in­ the church is urged to come prepar­ deceased took a great interest in the federal authorities as such. ful and well served. At twelve, be­ terest of the teachers present in a ed to remain for this important fea­ Grange and was a member of the I Judge Bagley will hold a special Presbyterian church. "The Microbe”, an original story cause the faculty were getting sleepy very pleasing and instructive talk to ture of the day’s program. bession of the circuit court on De­ by Henry Altimus, published in Ains- the party broke up. them concerning the needs of the New members are being received at ■ember Sth and he ordered County lee’s Magazine, is the latest addition Wednesday evening the 19th, the Red Cross. All responded, and ex- almost every service. Eleven adults United Brethren Church. Clerk Mason to draw another trial to Viola Dana’s long list of success Zetagethian Debate Club met and de­ pressed themselves as willing to as- have united with the church in the ------ o------ juiy of 15 persons. sist in the drive in their various last two weeks and others coming and will be shown at the Gem Thea­ cided to give the new members an in­ Preaching at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p. - - — next Sunday. If you are looking for m. Morning subject: "The Relation itiation party after the Thanksgiv­ school districts. tre next Saturday night. More Divorce Cases. After a few remarks by the County church work you are needed in this of the Religious Life to the Secular.” A girl of the slums—the Microbe, ing holidays. A committee was ap­ ------ o—-—■ Superintendent, the teachers ad- organization, if you desire a church Evening subject: "The Power of tho I Mary J. O'Brien vs. 3. R. O’Brien her friends call her—is resuced from pointed to look after this matter and journed until one o'clock. home you are most cordially welcome Cross." also a committee was appointed to the gutter by De Witt Spense, a is a divorce case filed in the circuit The teachers spent a very pleasant and will receive inspiration and help. see about club pinB. 'young author, she is taken to his Sunday School at 10 a.m. Prayer­ •ourt. the plaintiff alleging cruel and The organization of each depart­ meeting every Wednesday at 8 p.m. The football game is the big talk hour over lunch, visiting and renew­ ■j¡Inhuman treatment as well as per­ ¡home, to be educated, much to the ment of the church is being perfect­ It is with great satisfaction that we ___ plain ___ ­ disgust ot his friends and of Judith thlB week. There is no subject in ing acquaintances. gonal indignities as to render The afternoon session opened by a ed and tt is hoped that in the near notice the growing interest and at­ curriculum having a more prominent Plaintiff also Winthrope, a young woman who has tiff’s life burdesome. __ . during their married an eye on the author herself. Due to place. The Frosh delightfully agreed most interesting and instructive talk future the ideal of "everyone a Job tendance at both Sunday School and Alleged that life her husband never settled down Judith’s jealousy and treachery the to build a big bonfire west ot the by Mrs. Clara Burge, of the Primary and everyone working the Job” will preaching services. Come and bring I your family and friends and we will * to one business, and compelled his , Microbe is forced to leave i and De school house and the foot ball rally department of the Tillamook School, be attained. 'give you a hearty welcome. Wife and family to move from place (Witt does not see her until he is is going to start from that place on on the use of the Beacon Method of Carpenter Work on Flour Mill Com ­ teaching reading. Her talk was il­ E. F. Wriggle, Pastor. to place. He left Tillamook county called to a hospital to find her crit- Wednesday evening at 7:30. lustrated by a class of eight first pleted. this year to go to the harvest fields ically ill. All the treachery and un­ Why We Should Have a Gym. in Eastern Oregon, but instead of happiness is cleared away and the Among the numerous reasons for grade children. Her suggestions as Presbyterian Church The contract for the carpenter taing so went to the state of Wash- .romance, so rudely interrupted be­ the need of a BChool gymnasium,, to busy work for the littleT folks were work to be done on the new flour Sunday School, 10 a.m. ing ton and took up the business of tween the author and the girl who physical education, athletics, etc, good. Miss Edna Reusser, primary teach­ mill was completed Tuesday and the Morning worship, 11 a.m. Subject: bootlegging, and is now serving a ,has become his Inspiration, is re- each one in itself more than enough work will now be in the hands of J. to Justify a gymnasium, comes the er of the Cloverdale school, using a M. Camatta, of Spokane, Wash, who "‘The Pathway of God’s Providence." four months sentence in the county sumed. class of small children for the pur ­ We are drifting away fror^ faith in one of hall renting. For every high J ~ J jail of Whitman county. Plaintiff .1 will finish the installation of the Maks the court to dissolve the mar-' Dairy Cattle Feeding School, also school function or indoor activity a pose, illustrated splendidly the value machinery. Mr. Camatta will do all prayer, in providence, in God. Evening worship, 7:30 p.m. Sub­ committee is appointed which scours of story telling in the school by a the milling and have complete tiage contract and give her the Home Makers Course for Ladies. ject "Christ our Lawyer,, our De­ the town In search of a hall. Some- competent teacher. «ha rge of three mior children. ------ o------ charge of the flour and feed man- fender.” A special invitation is ex- Teachers ’ salaries and professional o * Arrangements have been made times the committee succeeds and ufacturing. Itended to all lawyers. Special music Henry Schild vs. Maude P. Schild with the extension division of the I sometimes it does not. In all previous relation to the public was the sub­ Mr. Frank Bester together with by the choir. ject of an interesting talk by Supt. "is a divorse suit filed in the circuit Oregon Agricultural College, for a years we have had to rent a hall in L. W. Turnbull, of the Tillamook Mr. Bettcber will manage the sales God’s house; the place where His These parties were married in_____ series of _ ____ Dairy Cattle Feeding which to play basket ball and this City schools. end of the business and they are is preached, where His power is felt, year we started on the usual search Tillamook county on October 16, Schools to be held in the county dur- anxiously awaiting the shipment of Mr. J. I. Montgomery of Pacific where Ills spirit is manifested, where 1912. The complaint alleges that de- 'lng lhe first week in December as fol- for a suitable place and so far find City, entertained the teachers by re­ the machinery which was to have His love is revealed, where His unity there is none available. ^■endant is guilty of cruel and inhu- lows: been here this week, so as to go On Is perceived, where HI h life is re­ Of course we are still hopeful and lating some experiences he had ex­ with the work. J4nan treatment and of personal indig- December 1 and 2 at Cloverdale. perienced In many years of service. ceived. Everybody always welcome. trying to find a place to put up a | ill ties towards the plaintiff. In the December 3 and 4 at Tillamook. All necessary bins, and spouts are After remarks by Mr. Parkes, Mr. Allan A. McRea, Minister. couple of baskets and play ball. If we Hvear 1915 defendant told the plain­ December 5 and 6 at Nehalem. ready and it will be simply a matter Buell and others, the institute I ad- stiff that she had lost any and all af- This gives very little time for pub­ do not succeed in getting a hall we journed. of a short time after the machinery .Xection she may have ever cherished licity but I am sure that all that at- will be the only high school in the Reformed Church-. The meeting was a valuable i one. arrives that Tillamook will have its State of Oregon that cannot play. -o------ for ------------------------- him and defendant -------------------- had consulted .tended these schools last year will be It Is by such meetings that the ] pro- own flour and feed manufacturing Cor. 4th Ave and E Sth Street. Rev dfe*'1 attorney for the purpose of ob-'anxjoug t0 attend again this year plant. Mr. Camatta has Just com ­ fessional spirit of the teacher ’ Is W. G. Llenkaemper, pastor. Training a divorce. The plaintiff in- 'an(j bring their friends. built up and maintained, They are pleted a plant of the same kind in Douglas Fairbanks in “Arizona.” At this church the annual Harvest duced his wife not to start divorce | jbe speakers will be: Prof. E. B. Eastern Oregon, and also was a mill ­ ------ o— more beneficial to the boys and girls Home service will be observed nex: Proceedings and this was done pro- pitts and E. L. Westover of the wright in the new Sperry Plant in Filming "Arizona” is a radical than to the teachers themselves as Spokane, Wash. Sunday. "Stewartshlp of Possession»-'* tided plaintiff promised to let her Dairy Extension Division of O. A. C. the teacher is able to do better work *ttend frequent dances, shows and an(j Qeo r . Hyslop of the Farm change in the Fairbanks policy of Mr. Bettcher has some 50 or 60 will be the subject ot the sermon at after having attended such a meet ­ was suggested by stories, but it O^fether places of amusement and would crops Division. two and a half pound sample sacks of 11 o'clock. ing. The Sunday School will be held at jpertnit her to smoke cigarettes. This i In connection with .this school will Agustus Thomas, the author, and Flavo Flour which was made in its regular session at 10 a.m.. The the plaintiff agreed to with the ex­ be held a Home Makers School in Douglas Fairbanks, respecting the Rosalia, Washington, also a sack of to Popular Paramount Star Breaks Au­ bran and middlings, which are fair choir and male chorus will render Judgment, decided ception of smoking cigarettes. Plain- charge of one of the ladies from the latter’s tomobile Records in His Latest aao alleges that defendant neg- Home Science Department of O. A. C. adapt this well-known play to the samples of the kind of flour and special music. Come and worship with us. “^Ljfteted her duties at home, became Subjects to be taken up at the screen. It will be shown at the Gem feed produced by this milling process. In his new Paramount picture “The Anyone who would like such a sam­ more glaring and the plaintiff was ,various sessions will be: Selection of Theatre next Tuesday, Dec. 2. Needless to harp on its dramatic Roaring Road," which will be shown ple Is welcome to try it and Judge for forced to continue in poverty until Feeds, Balancing Rations. Econom­ Nazarene Church Services. the death of his mother, when he in­ ical Buying of Feeds. Feeding Prac­ qualities. "Arizona" is an American at the Gem Theatre Next Monday, themselves as to the merit of the herited some money. The plaintiff tice, The Growing ot Forage Crops, stage classic, and judging by the Wallace Reid blossoms out as a speed product. Call at the mill and receive Sunday School at 10 a.m. tagged and besought the defendant including the management of Clover enthusiasm that Douglas Fairbanks king. During the filming ot the one before they are gone. Timely sermons by the pastor at 11 to lend him such assistance as a wife ¡Fields and the Growing of Silage displayed during the filming of the scenes, Mr. Reid himself drove bls Anyone desiring information of a.m. and 8 p.m. should lend a poor man that he may Crops. picture, it promises to be an Ameri­ racing car, taking all kinds of chanc­ any description in regard to the Peoples' service at 7 p.m., led by ••■«ire a comfortable home for his es and driving at incredible speed, to policy of this organization is per- 'Jean LaLonde. The ladies section will consider can screen classic. but she continued to take un- food valuer, food se lection and An excellent cast has been engag­ secure the last word in realism. Meeting for song, prayer and testl- fectly welcome to call at the mill and i’'•*■•• i > y expensive tripe to Portland proper methods of compounding a ed to play the principal parts, and Most of the races scenes for the we will be glad to talk to them. We I money on Thursday at 7:30 p.m. under the pretense of obtaining med- ration. technical director James P. Hogan picture were filmed on the famous also wish to state that the stock ' On November 23, the Sunday leal, relief, and on her return would Santa Monica race course over which selling campaign will be discontln- iSchool pledged *300.00 toward the These meetings are free. Let every spared no pains in his settings. refus- to do housework. Last October one come and bring their feeding Mr. Fairbanks plays "Lieut Den­ numerous road races have been con­ ued until the mill is turning out the ¡support of five Armenian children, she went to Portland, and when the problems with them, ton” a part that has all the charm tested by some of the world's most goods and the people can Judge for land later in the day a pledge wan tatesdai.' found her she said she Auspices of the Tillamook County and qualities in keeping with the famous drivers. especially dangerous | themselves If the home industry in given for another child, for which could not and would not live with Farm Bureau. well known Fairbanks personality. There is one ¡worthy of their support. liberality we give thanks. « E