I TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, NOVEMBER ¿0. 1919. HAS TALE OF WOE r Uncle Joe Fell Among—Well, Say Profiteers. I»-' DEATH RECALLS FAMOUS DUEL FIRE-PROTECTION FIRE-INSURANCE Orandson of “D*n” O’Connell U.ed to Toll of “Liberator’*” Meeting With D’Esterre. Mr. Daniel O’Connell, grandson of the "Liberator,” died a few days ago at his residence, Darrynane abbey, Wa­ terville, Ireland, in his eighty-fourth Charged $1.50 for One of the Absolut* year. He was a magistrate and dep­ Necessaries of Life, He Has Re­ uty lieutenant for County Kerry, and nounced Yankees and All served the office of high sheriff In 1800. A Dublin gentleman has an interest­ Their Works. ing picture of the late Mr. O'Connell If I had all I’ve SA VED, What Would Your wife do Anyone who has ever had the mad­ holding the pistol which his grandfa­ dening experience of being stung, ther used in a famous duel. The fol­ believe me, I'd be if fire broke out ? stripped, robbed or mulcted of a good­ lowing description of the encounter is some rich kid! ly sum can and will sympathize with taken from his own description: “In a speech nt a Catholic meeting Are you leaving her with­ Uncle Joe Howsley, a gentleman from the Lone Star state, who came East on January 24, 1815, the 'Liberator' re­ out the panic-proof protec­ on a little summer trip and fell among ferred to the Orange corporation of tion of thieves, as he views the matter. Uncle Dublin ns a ‘beggarly corporation.' one-quart hand chemical ex­ Joe is an expert on watermelons, know­ D’Esterre. a member of the corpora­ tinguisher; instant and panic­ tion and a well-known shot with pis ­ ing the fruit from stem to blow end like a hook. He is also familiar with tols, demanded an explanation, which proof in operation; child can Don’t delay getting this ex­ watermelon etiquette, so his experience was refused. “ THE INSURANCE MAN.” work it perfectly; for fac­ tinguisher ’ in your home. "After consulting his friends, D'Es- proved shocking In more ways than tories, offices, homes, garages, Call or phone right new. one. A writer In a Pittsburgh paper terre paraded the streets for two days OREGON TILLAMOOK CITY, with the avowed intention of horse­ tells the story as follows: autos. Install at once; call Bears label of the Uncle Joe owned a five-acre farm whipping O'Connell. The two. howev­ NATIONAL BUILDING. or phone now. underwriter down In Shackleford county, Texas. er, did not meet, and finally D’Esterre sent Sir Edward Stanley with a mes ­ until a few months ago. He then. demanding an explanation. through the will of a benign fate and sage the activities of an oil company, ceased O’Connell referred Sir Edward to Ma­ For Sale.—3 year old registered Hol­ 25H5BS2SHS2SHSa5?5H5H5E5E5a5B5ESaSïSE5HSëS25252Sa52SBS2SaSZ5a5aSB5252S2S ■being the owner of a farm and became jor MacNamarra, a Protestant gentle­ stein bull, Tillamook Hesseltje i “ ___ |U man of County Clare, who refused to an oilman with an Income of several MICKIE SAYS King Repeater, No. 239629. En­ give any explanation, whereupon Sir thousand perfectly good dollars a quire of Peter Betschart, Box 564, month. As a consequence, the wander­ Edward Stanley delivered a challenge, /NESSIR« THIS HERE POPULÄR Tillamook. N°v 20 FAbAlLN JOURNAL AlMS TO lust struck Uncle Joe and he accord­ which was accepted, and half-past ÜI ingly hied himself northward to ex­ three that afternoon, at Bishop’s court, PRINT THE NAME OF EURNBODN 1 County Kildare, four or five miles from plore unfamiliar lands. Now he 1» i in C his neck o ' "T he vnooos Miscellaneous Advertisements. rfl Naas, on the road to Dublin, was fixed going back to God’s country, glad, suh, AT LEAST ONCE A ME AR., IF NOrt » Dr. Wise—Dentist. that the unfamlliarity lasted for the for the meeting. OFFENER.,'N IF NOU NEUER s “They met accordingly end fired to­ SEE NOUAN, NteBBe ITS NOUR years ft did. Truck for hire, with or without «1 trailer, also slab wood for sale. Down In Uncle Joe’s land the nec­ gether, by signal, D’Esterre’s bullet ONMN FAULT. G-lT BIZ.XN AND Mutual Phone, F. J. Klinehan. * tar known as tfie watermelon Is a fa­ went wide. O’Connell alined low, in­ NVAKE SONAE NEMMS’N NOUR CALL vorite form of diet, and Uncle Joe is tending to hit D’Esterre In the leg, but \ NAME V41LL BE IN THE Now is the time to can your meat one of the epicures who when in his actually did so in the groin. The bul­ \FAPER »NRN VAIEEVk SEE? Let me fill your order from grain part of the world partook of the treat let went through, penetrating the blad­ fed cows. Prices right and satisfac­ 31 J. dally. Down there a melon of a size der, and came out at the back, intllct- tion guaranteed—Mutual Phone, that would tax a man's strength to fng a mortal wound. D’Esterre lived f Now Wm. Stuivenga. * tote*, suh, could be purchased for a five- for two days only. THATS "The pistols used by the 'Liberator' cent piece. Or, If a field was at hand If it is cabbage you want for krout, wherein grew the food of the gods, the were given him by an English officer, why Stuivenga’s got the goods. taking thereof without the knowledge quartered In Dublin, to whom he had Send along your orders. Mutual of the field's owner was considered no done a kindness, nnd who, when giving phone. Wm. Stuivenga. * them, said, as a proof of their good­ breach of the law. It is not strange, therefore, that on ness, that they had already killed ten For Life Insurance, there is nothing strolling about a city to view its sights, men. They are a pair of ‘Rigby’s Par­ better than what the Mass. Mutual when “Uncle Joe's” eyes fell upon a ticulars,’ and Mr. O’Connell often shot offers. Ask to see specimen policy. restaurant In the window of which at a mark with them, and found them —W. A. Church. * were displayed numerous inviting red to b< very good and accurate. Lieu- “ D ’ Esterre ’ s daughter married nnd green melons, life took on an In­ If you are in need of a heating stove, terest that it had not felt since his tenant Roberts of the British royal it will pay you to call and see my nnvy, who commanded the Sirius, the train had passed over the boundary of line of new and used heaters. I al­ first vessel to go from Cork to Amer­ the Grand Old State. so exchange new stoves for old “Uncle Joe” hastened inside and ica (Boston) under her own steam, and stoves.—Allen Page. subsequently the President, which was called for watermelon. lost with all on board, on the way After what seemed much time, a Wanted: Men or women to take or­ slice, which "Uncle Joe" will testify from New York to Liverpool.” ders among friends and neighbors was not more than two by six inches, for the genuine guaranteed hosery, wns placed before him. Way of "Parlor Socialist.” full line for men, women and “I sal«l ‘watermelon’; not a bite, When Philadelphia shall have com­ children. Eliminates darning. We suh,” he announced cuttingly, when his pleted Its great underground and ele­ pay 50c. an hour spare time or amazement at the magnitude of the vated rallwuy system and also paid $24 a week for full time. Exper­ Come and Hear this Machine Play before Buying. thing before him had passed sufficient­ for the Immense Delaware front Im­ ience unnecessary. Write Internat­ ly to allow Idin to speak. provements, the city debt per person It’s tone is natural~No metallic sound, only ional Stocking Mills, Norristown, One cent a word per issue. After much argument, ho made the will be around $100. Pa. Dec 30. the natural sound of voice and instrument played. bewildered waiter understand that But in some (lennnn cities like what he desired was a whole melon Frankfort and Munich, where soclnl- Singer Agency—H. F. Cook, Prop. . ♦ Dr.’s Allen and Sharp. Dentists. like any gentleman Is served with down istic ideas ruled before tile war, the National Building. Sale,thoroughbred pigs Duroc, where they know how to serve it. municipal debts were over six times For with papers, also some graded, also Let W. A. Church write your hay “Uncle Joe" consumed the two halves thnt amount, writes "Girard” in the insurance. * four grade Holstein heifers for placed before lilpi In blissful Ignorance Philadelphia Press. sale, three coming two year old and of the outrage that was about to be The parlor socialist is a great chap Dr. J. B. Grider, dentist, I. 0. 0. F. one coining three year old. Julius perpetrated upon him. Bldg, Tillamook, Oregon. for devising ways to take money out Erickson, R. F. D. No 1, Box 102 Then came the check 1 of other people’s pockets, but a dead Tillamook, Dec-11. Films. Cameras and Photo Supplies Watermelon, $1.50, suh! failure at suggesting a method of put­ Films developed 10c. with print It wasn’t necessary to send in a riot ting money In your pocket. For Sale-pig four months old. Phone orders.—J. W. Edwall. * call, but for a time It looked as though One who worked with nnd knew him 136 J Tillamook. H5?SZ5EK5Z52S2SH525H5aSZ5H5H5H5B5HSB5E5H5B5Z5HSZSc!5E52SZS25a52S2SZ52S25 it might be. As It was, “Uncle Joe” well tells me a favorite remark of Counter Sales Books—Order , youi ¡ stamped from the den of thieves, vow­ MnJ. Luther Bent was tills: from W. F. Baker. Sales Books Would like to exchange new Bruns­ ing vengennee against all Yankees In "My board of directors is a board wick Phonograph tor Piano. At the agent Pacific Sales Book Co. Call B general and one Yankee restaurant In that I direct.” Song Shop Dec. 4 68 Headlight. particular. Were th«* veteran major alive today Dr. W. E. Lebow—Dentist with Dr, and operating a big plant he would dis­ For Sale—Fourteen sheep; fourteen Wise. pigs over two months old and two Must Keep Climbing. cover that some sort of a commission brood sows. Call 2F21 Dec.-4 You can never let down the bars rooted in politics would really direct For Sale. when you want to become great, The his directors as well as himself. ffi Gas and Motor Oils, Auto Robes. Fann for sale cheap, 115 acres, on price is eternal vigilmice. Even when 1918 5 passenger Mitchell. Only Highway, good buildings, for par ­ success is assured you must keep on tJ. A. PARKER, 1 door West of Woolfe’s blacksmith’s shop, ft P«y of British Flyer* Raised. ticulars inquire of J. B. Gochnour, been run 300 miles. Good tires on going. Men who become great by ? ’ ft Particulars of the new scale of pay machine and one extra, also a bump ­ Montesano, Wash. Nov.-27 spurts usually sink into insignificance for officers holding permanent or short er. Will sell this car cheap. Inquire SESasaS2S2525H5HS2SBS25ES252S?SE5B5P52SH5B5H5a5B52SHSE5H5aSZS2S?52525a5a the same way. Besides making up service commissions In the reconsti­ For Sale—Three two year olds and at Willard Battery Station. your mind that you lire going to suc­ tuted British air force have been made two first class cows, all tt> freshen ceed, you must see to It that you real­ known by the nlr ministry. A uniform by February 1st, 1920. H. A. Announcement. ize what’s In your mind. Talking system of rates for all branches (with Springer to mile South of town. 52S252S2SZS25?5HS2S25a5HSHSH525?SH52SH5H5aSH5Z5E525252SZSa52S2S252S2SZ52 about what you expect to do will never the exception of certain specialist serv­ Twentieth Century wood saw now XJ bring it to pass. The up-hill la always ices) has been adopted, the pny rang­ Pigs for sale—W. H. Banke, Netarts in operation. before you. The only way to reach ing from five shillings per day, for a All orders promptly attended to. the top is to climb. M you can com­ Our line of New Pianos are works of cadet, to £7 for a general. Call Bell phone 6F2 or leave orders art. On exhibition at Cook’s Music mand the means thnt takes you there The rates, It Is explained, have been at Star Grocery or Sutton’s Market. It will save your energy for other House, opposite P. O. . Karl Wilhelms. things. Usually the energy you de­ fixed with reference to the present velop through tile climb will lie useful high coat of living, nnd It has been de­ For Sale—1913 seven passenger Cad­ All Work Guaranteed. Hunters Take Notice. illac. in A 1 condition. Apply at In days to come. The climb may tire cided that 20 per cent of the pay and --------o— — retired pay will In. considered ns due Let Me Keep You Out of Trouble. I carry a Stock of Goodrich you, but It will also make you appre­ Wheeler Garage Nov. 20. We have furnished cottages and thereto, and will be subject, after five ciate the view.—Grit. Tires, Tubes and Tire Accessories. good accommodations at our camp at years, to change. either upward or Your Patronage Solicited. ft For Sale — My undivided half intereit Netarts. downward, according as the cost of in very choice acre lot ut Bay City, Ancient Indian Burial Ground, A. N. Davies, Prop. living rises or falls. Subsequently re­ J. C. HOLDEN, 2nd STREET, OPPOSITE O.P., TILLAMOOK. fine for berries. If taken at once, it Beneath roots of two large tree« two visions will be made at three yearly Indlun skulls and other bones of the Intervals on the basis of board of trade goes for tax valuation waranty aSHSBS2SH5aS2S?SHS?S?5HS25a5HS2SH5H5HSB5H5ESH52SHSa5ZS25asaS2SasaS2S2Sai For Sale. human body were found by workmen food prices. deed. Write to Gilbert Eyke, New ------- o---- leveling mounds in the city park on Auburn, Wis. Nov. 27. Dairy-man, this is a snap for a the shores of Lake Bemidji, Minn. man who wants to make money. 180 The H. C. of L. In Mexico. The skulls and bone* were badly For Sale—7 room modern house, cor­ acres, 2 to miles south of Coquille, In the pnst nine years the cost decayed, but the teeth were In fairly ner 3rd Ave. and 5th St. East, two 40 acres cleared, % mile frontage on nSHS25HSHS25252S2SZ525Z52S2L5HSBS2S2SH5HSE5H5BS2S25Z5HSHSZSZ5ZS252S2S25? living In Mexico has shown nil average good condition. Charcoal in large toilets, large laundry room with river, about 5 acres up land, balance Increase of 212 per cent, according to quantities wns found In the vicinity stationary tubs, lot 52 to 105 ft. the very finest bottom easy to clear. figures recently made public by the of the bones, which Indicates that the Price $2.500 cash if taken at once. Fair barn on place, no house. My place was an Indlun burial pyre, old de|>artment of industry, labor nnd Also two story store and lot on price Is $90 an acre if taken soon, commerce, Hn Associated Press dis- residents say. second Ave. East, price $5,000, worth $150 now, easy terms to right patch from Mexico City says. Several It is believed thnt beneath the Terms. Address W. A. Williams, man. Address Mrs. K. A. Cole, staples have greatly Increased. Lard mound may be found ninny more hns advanced 628 per cent In price; » 10 N. Higgins Ave, Missoula. Mont. Myrtle Point Oregon. ft bodies, hut tile workmen merely re­ stignr, 233 per cent, mid eggs, 200 per ft moved the top earth nnd, with the ex For Sale — An exceptional bull, drop ­ ft Ceptlon of n few bones which were cent. ped Oct. 9, 1919. Light fawn ­ Woolen fabrics now cost 471 per cent ft ------- o------- gathered by souvenir seekers, the more than In 1910; cotton goods SiMl slate tongue and black switch. Sire. ft Skeletons were ngnln buried. Poppy ’ s Golden St. Mawes. a direct Agent For per cent more and shoes 108 per cent ft BELL PHONE, MAIN 3. MUTUAL PHONE son of St. Mawes Poppy. Dam: more. House rents have Increased 140 PAGE AND ALLEN AUTOMOBILES ft Venora of Glaten Valley, a beauti­ No Doubt of That. per cent, trolley fares 00 per cent and Ln Write For Demonztration “Of course, you know thnt whisky railroad fares 20 per cent. Natives' ful two year old heifer milking I* poison?" around thirty pounds a day. testing And Prices. shoes cost $4.50 a pair In 1010. Today “Yes,” replied Uncle Bill Rottletop; they are $12 a pair. 5.1. Priced at $50 If sold at once. “any kind you can buy now Is mighty And of course the public will be Phone 9F15, Johnnie Stewart. likely to be." expected to pay for all that food Taken for Beqjar. One day I was walking through th* For Sale—Work horse, about 1100 which la said to have rotted on the Relative Values. lbs, young, will work single or wharves of New York because of the « park nnd I stopped and asked * man Wi are just completing 14 years of bank service for the people of “The rammer tioarders will soon be for the time. He put his hand In hl* double. Also top buggy and single longshoremen’s strike. going home.” Bay City and tributary country. We invite your further patron­ harness. At a bargain if sold at The millennium will not really be pocket nnd pulled out a dime. That "I’m glad of it,” said Farmer Corn- Certainly did make me feel like two age. and full co-operation so we may be able to give you still once. Apply to L. C. Daniels, 1 to here until the Reda begin advocating foaael. ”1'111 gel Hin' kind o’ tired of cents. I looked at him nnd said: “I better service. You are cordially invited to carry your business miles north of Tillamook, Mutual a full day’s work for a full day’s givln’ up all this precious food for wanted the time, please.Exchange. with us. Depository for City, County, Port and Siate. Phone. • pay- piers money.” THIS AGENCY OFFERS YOU BOTH. FYRFYTER FYR-FYTER R0LLIE W. WATSON, Expert Dyeing That Old Coat, Dress or Suit can be dyed to look like new at at a Small Cost. Pacific Cleaning and Tailoring Co. Stradivara Phonograph KNOWN FOR TONE- -PLAYS ALL RECORDS— Tillamook Headlight’s Trade Mart. KOCH & BENNET THE NEW HARNESS SHOP. Repairing Auto Tops & Curtains City Vulcanizing and Tire Shop. Expert Tire Service. Vulcanizing and Retreading. ft Dr, E. L. Glaisyer, VETERINARIAN, Wheeler Garage. County Dairy Herd Inspector FIRST BAN K of BAY CITY ... _ ■ w V)