! .1M00K HEADLIGHT, NOVEMBER 20. ELDERS TAKE SECOND PLACE —that Zerolene holds better compression, gives perfect protection to the moving parts, deposits least carbon. There is a consistency of Zerolene scientifically refined to meet exactly the needs of your car. Get a Cor­ rect Lubrication Chart for your car. ' - EXPERTS AGREE r ’ ~ _ a. Writer Asserts That Spanish Children Are the Worst Spoiled Young­ sters on the Earth. W. B. Trites, a writer, who recently returned from Spain, was talking lu Philadelphia about Spanish children. "Spanish children,” said he. "are the worst spoiled, and Spanish parents the most Indulgent. In the world. The din­ ing nnd reception rooms of Spanish hotels swarm with screaming, frolick­ ing. lighting children, but the Spanish guests smile Indulgently. A child of six eats as much as It likes of every­ thing on the table, and accompanies Its parents everywhere. At three or four o’clock In the morning, the usual hour for Spanish entertainments to come to an end, innumerable tiny tots, STANDARD OIL COMPANY exhausted, are bundled Into wnltlng (California) carriages by loving parents. If you ask them why they didn’t leave the jsior bnldes at home, they shrug their shoulders nnd answer, helplessly: They wanted to come,' “I suppose the only reason one does­ H. C. BOONE, Agent, Tillamook, Oregon n’t see Spanish babies seated at the cafes behind glasses of beer or whisky is because they prefer their sugary sir­ ups.” Mr. Trites smiled. “An English newspaper correspond­ ent,” he continued, “strolled through 3 the reception room at the Madrid ho­ tel nt which I stayed, when a Spanish SHEET METAL WORKS OF ALL DESCRIPTION, said to a friend beside her: 3 First Class Tinning and Plumbing. A tiial will Convince. !?■ mother “ That Englishman doesn't like chil­ 3 AUTOMOBILE BUG BODIES A SPECIALTY. dren.’ “‘How do you know?’ said her TENDERS AND BODIES REPAIRED. friend. Can make your old Radiators as Good as New. “ ‘Because,’ was the reply, ‘my little £ Service is our All Work Guaranteed. tq Carlos went into ills room yesterday, while he was out. to have a little fun with ills typewriter. The child only played with the machine and sharpen­ SB5a5aSH5a5H5E52S2SESaSH5ZSa5H5S5H5aSH5a5ESa5E5?5H52SZ5H5HS?5ZSHSE5ZSBSH ed the pencils on his desk witli a razor that was there. And yet I notice that whenever the Englishman sees Carlos now he looks cross.' ’’ ZEI«Hf NE * BAYOCEAN SHEET METAL WORKS, | TILLAMOOK, ORE. 1 'e'-ïï. BUSINESS MEN, HOUSEWIVES AND CHILDREN. ACH and every one of those find the First Na­ tional—a good place to bank. Our facilities cover the needs of all three classes—and our service is appreciatively helpful—whether one has a large account or small. By banking here—you place your account under the supervision of the NATIONAL banking Laws and Regulations. E Just between ourselves, you never will wise-up to high-spot- smoke-joy until you can-call a pipe by its first name, then, to hit the peak-of-pleasure you land square on that two-fisted-man-tobacco, Prince Albert! Well, sir, you’ll be so all-fired happy you’ll want to get a photo­ graph of yourself breezing up the pike with your smokethrottle wide open! Talk about smoke-sport! Quality makes Prince Albert so Wi!^ Animals In Banff. Although Banff. Alberta, Is a hustling village during the summer and Is thronged with tourists, wild deer from You bay Prince Albert everywhere tobacco in »old. Toppy red bag», the mountains are to be seen dally on tidy red tins, handsome pound and half pound tin humidors—and —that classy, practical potfnd crystal glass humidor with sponge the streets and at night stately elk moistener tap that keeps the tobacco in such perfect condition. Copyright 1919 leap from the roads in the bushes to by R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. escape approaching automobiles. If R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, N. C. a Banff cottager expects to eat bls own / “garden truck" he builds a deer-proof fence around his patch. The grounds of Brett hospital are open from the street nnd the other night a half-dozen mule deer made a raid upon the flower garden. Banff is the capital of Rocky NO KNIFE AND LOSS OF BLOOD Mountain park, nnd shooting game within the park limits is forbidden by No Plasters and Pains for Hours Or Days. law. Til? deer, being unmolested, I have become very tame, nnd even a TUMORS. PILES, FISTULA. GOITRE bear now nnd then pnys a friendly DISEASES OF WOMEN visit to the village. Not long ago a Four Years Study in Euiope. bicyclist, speeding down one of the I Over thirty years experience side streets at night, lilt QLdark object I nnd turned a somersault of two before Portland Physical Therapy Labora­ he hit the macadnm. Sitting up, he tories. 412 to 417 Journal Building looked around and discovered a bear Portland Oregon hitting the trail for home as fast as four legs could curry him. Although I HUKINH.SH AND FINANCIAL LADIES, recognizing Ihn ninny aii- tame and somewhat obtrusive, the CONDITIONS are maturing new vantilgen in a peraonal checking ac­ deer, elk and bear do not relish too . problems almost daily and this bank count, will find ua ready to do every­ close nn acquaintance with man, nnd General Merchandise, has prepared itself with facilities very thing poaaible to make their transac­ have proved themselves to lie not only tions with this Lank a pleasure to them. valuable to a wide variety of interest" picturesque but perfectly safe neigh­ Bay City, Oregon. TO THE FARMER A^¿1) RANCH­ TO THE THRIFTY, we offer 4% bors. ER, our membership in the Federal I P. HBISBL, Farmer. C. J. EDWARDS, Mgr. C. Power Co. W. J. RIECHBRS. Vicc-Pres. and Mgr. f TILLAMOOK OREGON. appealing all along the smoke line. Men who never before could smoke a pipe and men who’ve smoked pipes for years all testify to the delight it hands out! P. A. can't bite or parch! Both are cut out by our exclusive patented process I Right now while the going’s good you get out your old jimmy pipe or the papers and land on some P. A. for what ails your particular smokeappetite ! CANCER. DIRECTORS : A. W. BUNN. Farmer. JOHN MORGAN. Farmer. L B. c. LAMB, Building Material. S SERVICE j g Todd Bldg. NEXT TO Z AY, you’ll have a streak of smokeluck that 11 put pep-in-your-smokemotor, all right, if you’ll ring-in with a jimmy pipe or cigarette papers and nail some Prince*Albert for packing! y p your immediate need is a de­ pendable, painstaking handling of some business or financial matter, read the last paragraph of this ad­ vertisement. Our desire is to go less directly to the point. NELSON & CO., Reterre Systtm is an advantage. Was Out of Small Change. • Chen Clil "Fat, wealthy Chinese Im­ porter nnd exporter of Pnnarna nnd Hongkong, was short of stnnll change when he proceeded to settle for the transportation of himself, wife nnd three children, who had been booked to leave San Francisco for the Orient on the liner China. He tendered a certified check for $300,000. When Genernl fassenger Agent II. N. Thom­ as asked if that was the only sort of change he had, Chen exhibited another check. It wus for an even $5