TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, NOVEMBER 20. 1919, DISBURSEMENTS. This Summons is published by or­ degrees 25 minutes West 901 feet Interest on bond s for the der of the Hon. A. M. Hare, County and South 34 degrees and 15 minutes Port, due Jan. 1st, 1920, west 496.1 feet from the ’4 corner in Judge of Tillamook County, Oregon, $507,000, 6 months at 6 said order being dated September 25, the center of Section 7, Township 3 per cent per annum .. $ 15,210.00 South, Range 9 West of the Willam­ 1919, and the date of the first pub­ Ditto July 1st, 1920 . .. 15,210.00 ette Meridian; thence South 34 de­ lication being Oct. 2nd, 1919, and of Ditto Jan. 1st. 1921 . . . grees 15 minutes west 540.5 feet to a the last publication, November 13, interest on bonds to be is­ 15,210.00 point in the present traveled road. 1919. sued by July 1st, 1920 Johnson & Handley, Containing 60-100 acres, more or Attorneys for the Plaintiff. For sundry expenditures less; P. O. Address: 107-8-9 And also why said administrator Total ...............................$51.130.00 I. O. O. F. Building, should not be authorized to sell the For the dredging of channels in Tillamook, Oregon. following described real estate (sub­ lower bay, which work will be com­ ject to the right of way for said road) menced during the spring of 1920, Citation. at private sale, in the manner provid­ the Port has sold $260,000 of Port ed by law, for cash, namely; In the County Court of the State of 'bonds, $100,000 of which have been The Southwest Quarter of Section Oregon, for the County of Tillamook. delivered, balance to be delivered by Seven, Township Three South, Range In the matter of the estate of July 1st. 1Ü20. The bonds delivered Nine XVest of the Willamette Meri­ Nicholas Job, commonly known as brought $101,483.30. dian, in Tillamook County, Oregon, The uncertainty as to when gov- Nick Job, deceased. less Tracts 1264, 814, 1283, 589, 592 To the unknown heirs of Nicholas ernment will pay our claim of $12,- and 588, described in Tract Book in 917.30, which is the balance over the office of the County Assessor of Job, deceased. In the name of the State ot Oregon, the actual cost of jetty work, forces Tillamook County, Oregon, on pages you are hereby cited and required to the commission to levy the same sum 335, 334, 334, 333, 334 and 333, re­ appear in the County Court of the as last year. If the claim is paid the spectively, of said Tract Book, con­ State of Oregon, for the County of sum will, of course, be considered in more or less; taining 110.5 acres Tillamook, at the court room there­ making next budget. all according to the petition of the of, at Tillamook, in the county of Til­ I Please take notice that a meeting Administrator of said estate hereto- lamook, on Thursday, the 4th day of I of the taxpayers of the said Port of fore filed in the above entitled pro- December, 1919, at 10 o’clock, in the | Bay City, is hereby called to meet at ceeding. [forenoon of that day, then and there |the City Hall in said Bay City, Ore- The foregoing citation is served to show cause, if any exists, why an 'gon, on the 7th day of December, upon you. the unknown heirs, if any, order of sale should not be made as I 1919, at the hour of 10 o’clock a m., of Fritz Buhrow, deceased, by pub­ in the petition prayed for after ten for the purpose of discussing the said I lication, by virtue of and in pursu- t days freun and after said 4th day of estimate or budget. ance of an order entered in the above December, 1919, for that certain By order of the board. entitled proceedings on the 21st day Theodore Jacoby, real estate described as Lots 1 and 2, of October, 1919, by Hon. A. M. Hare, Secretary of the Port of Bay City of Block 46 of Thayer’s Fifth Addi­ County Judge. The date of the first tion to the City of Tillamook in the publication is October 23, 1919, and 1 County of Tillamook and State of Notice to Creditors. the date of the last publication is ------- o------- {Oregon, and that said citation be November 20tli, 1919. served on you by order of the County j Notice is hereby given, that the un- Witness the Honorable A. M. Hare, Judge, A. M. Hare, entered No-[ jersigned has been by the County County Judge of the County of Tilla­ veniber 4, 1919 by publication in the ¡Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, mook in the State of Oregon and Tillamook Headlight, a weekly news- appointed Executor of the XVill and Judge of the County Court of the paper published in said county and of 'estate of Herman Henry Miller, de­ State of Oregon for the County of general circulation therein, for not [ceased. All persons having claims Tillamook. [less than four successive weeks and i against said estate are required to Attest: Homer Mason 'for five insertions,prior to said date. Ipresent them for allowance, duly County Clerk of the county of Tillamook In the State of Ore­ First publication November 6, 1919. verified according to law, at the of­ December 4, 1919. fice of John Leland Henderson, 206 gon and ex officio Clerk of the Last publication E—----- ’— ■ sale to be made for claims East Third Street, Tillamook City, County Court of the State of | The against the estate. Oregon, within six months from date Oregon for the county of Tilla­ »Witness, the Hon. A. M. Hare, hereof. mook. Judge of the County Court of tho Dated this 12th day of Nov. 1916. T. H. Goyne State of Oregon for the County of First publication November 13, Robert H. McGrath. Tillamook. wj,th the seal of said court 1919. Last publication Dec. 10, 1919. Tillamook, Oregon. Mrs. H. C. Potter, affixed, this 4tli day of November, A. Attorneys for the Administration. Executor. D. 1919. Attest: Homer Mason, Clerk. By Vida A. Millis, Deputy. Notice of Meeting in Road District Summons. No 8 for Making a Special Tax ------- o------- In the Circuit Court of the State of Levy. Notice of Budget Meeting’. * " ’ O Oregon for Tillamook County. To all whom it may concern. Jeanette Seymour, Plaintiff To the taxpayers of the Port of Notice is hereby given that at 1:30 vs. Bay City, Oregon. At a meeting of 'o’clock p.m. on Tuesday, November Antone J. Seymour, Defendant. To Antone J. Seymour, the above the Board of Commissioners of the 125, 1919, at Bayside Inn, situated in named defendant: In the name of the Port of Bay City, Oregon, held on the ■ Bayocean Park in road district No. 8, 10th day of November, 1919, the fol­ Tillamook County, Oregon, a meeting State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear lowing estimate or budget of the re­ ¡will be held of resident tax payers and answer the complaint filed ceipts and disbursements of the said for the object and purpose of making COMPANY against you In the above entitled Port for the year 1920 was # ordered la special tax levy upon the property as described ^>n the 1919 tax roll in cause, on or before the date of the published. RECEIPTS. [said road district for road purposes last publication of this summons, to- wit; on or before November 13, 1919, 'Balance on hand with the for the year 19 20. Dated at Tillamook, Oregon, No­ and if you fail so to appear and ans­ First Bank of Bay City. $ 6,737.81 wer the complaint, for want thereof, On hand with County vember 5, 1919. Treasurer ......................... 10,915.20 A. M. Hare, of the above named Court, dated the left bank thereof, to the intersec­ the plaintiff will apply to the Court Estimate of interest on U. Notice to Creditors, County Judge of Tillamook County. slough with the for the relief demanded in the com ­ 1919, and the first tion of Hoquarton October 23. Tillamook liver; thence following plaint. to-wit: That the contract of S. Treasury Certificates Notice is hereby given that the un­ publication Is fixed at October 30th, 1,500.00 Krout, Ki out. the right bank of Tillamook River, [matrimony now existing between the held by the Port dersigned lul been by the County 19 19. ¡n d the la-< publication Dec. ------- o------- Claim against U. S. Gov- to the place of beginning; i plaint iff and defendant be dissolved ¡upstream, Court of Tillamook County. Oregon, 11, 1919. i ernment allowed $12,917.30 XVho want ’s krout this winter? commissioners heretofore ___ and that the plaintiff be granted an that the appointed administrator of the estate 24,970.00 Stuivenga has got the cabbage. Send appointed to asses® benefits and dam- absolute divorce from the d' fendant. Needed from taxes .... of John L. Bozorth, deceased, and ali ¡him jour order, prices right. Mutual a ges to the property and lands situ- and for such other relief as persons having claims against the $44,123.01 Phone, XVm. Stuivonga. Total L . in said drainage district and to ¡Court may deem just and meet. ' ate said estate are required to present 'appraise the cash value of the land Notice. them duly verified to (lie undersign­ necessary to be taken for right of o — ------ ed al the First Bank of Bay City, In the County Court o, the State of ¡way. holding basins and other r wotks Bay City, Oregon, within six months ' . of said district within or without Oregon, lor the v'oun y of Tillamook. from the date hereof. estate of ¡the limits of said district, filed their In tin matter of the Dated November Gill, 1919. Nicholas Job, dee< tased, cjmiponly report in this office on the 27th day o, John O. Bozorth, October, 1919, and you and each of Administrator of said estate. [known at Nick Job. Notice Is hereby y given to all whom you are hereby notified that you may i —».—4 .»»»^ iid 1 _ report and filo file /excep- ' it. may concern, that the undersigned < Summons. lias been by the County Court of Til- h tlons to all or any part thereof, on or latnook Ci ■ Uty. Oregon, duly ap-j ¡before the second day of December, In the circuit court of the St e of pointed Administrator of the Estate, ,1919. Oregon for Tillamook County. Homer Mason, vi Nicholas Job. deceased, commonly ■ L. D. Smith, Plaintiff. County Clerk of Tillamook known ak ’’Nick Jim; and alj persons County, Oregon. [having claim' against said estate are Chas. Kunze, Ben Kuppen- hereby notified to pi. ent same, duly | betlder. Henry Ilog, IS, Fred Citation. verified, as by law required, to the Maurer. Thad Robison, Rod­ undersigned, at his office in Tilla- . ile W. Watson, B. A. Folks, In the County Court of the State of within six iiirook City, Oregon, E. J. G< tiger, A. L. Mapes, Oregon, foi r the County of Tillamook. ¡months from this date. John Eblng.r, M. XV. narri­ In the matter of the estate of Fritz [ Dated October 16th. 1919, being noti, John Schild, XX’. J. Pet­ Buhrow. late of the county of Tilla­ ¡the first publication ot this notice. erson, E. 11. JJurflueh, Hugh mook, deceased. John Leland Henderson, Barber, B. XV. Neil.-on, F. J. To the State of Oregon and to all Administrator of the Klinehan, F. R. Denis, J. J. unknown heirs or next of kin. if any estate of Nicholas Job, Rupp : d Chas. I. Clough, such there be. of Fritz Buhrow, late Deceased. Detenda nts. of the county of Tillamook in the the of XV. Harrison, otic To M. Notice of Filing ol Commissioners' State ol Oregon, deceased. Above named defendant : In the name of the State of Oregon, Report for Stillwell Drainage In the name of the State of Oregon: I ¡you are hereby cited and required to District. You are hereby required lo appear he and appear in the County Court of ------- o — nd mr iver tin complaint tiled \. . < n I" all y i* the Slate "f Oregon for the County ugainst you in tin above entitled at tho court room on.- interi led in the land included ’tvC Tillamook. cause on or before the date of the ■ [thereof nt the county court house in last publication of ibis summons. [ ¡within tin Stillwell Drainage Dls- [Tillamook City, in said county, at the tric. rillaim'. K < .unity. Oregon, de ­ anil if you fail so to answer lor want [December term of said court, on the thereof, the plaintiff will apply to scribed us follows: while the'fi leenth day of December. Nineteen Beginning at the point the ali m named court lor the relief , 'ion lint running easthyid .Hundred and Nineteen, at ten o clock piayed tor In the complaint, to wit: qunrter-sc.............- a.m, of that day, then and there to i< west through the c< nter of Section llint the a ociation composed by the cents a package South, range 10 west, show cause, if any cause there be. 26. Township 1 S plaintiff and tin above minted de­ the « ast side of [why the administrator of the above fendants (being an association deal­ W, M„ Intersect , and running tlience .aimed estate shall not compromise ing in Holstein cows) be dissolved Tillamook River, XPERTLY blended choice low-mildness of the tobaccos'vet re- I line to Where said with the County Court of the County said east aloni by a decree ot this court, and that bank of of I 'r the sum of Fifty „ Tillamook ___ each of the defendants be required to line interne f IS the right Turkish and choice Domestic tainirrg the desirable “body.” Camels -- •lie center of said Dollars for the land taken by 11 for appear herein mid ntak< an individ­ Trask River near t lie following the road purposes, and, upon payment tobaccos in Camel cigarettes elimi­ are simply a revelation! You may ual accounting and adjustment ot Section 26; tlienee Tra k River up- being made, to make and deliver a lite busliK -i <>t said aseoeiation With right bunk of the nate bite and free them from any smoke them without tiring your taste! “ deed therefore, in the usual form, for tlic individual members thereof, and .aream southerly, easterly and north- of a'the following described land, being unpleasant cigarettv aftertaste or with nil other person- wli > have or • rly to the norlheily bunk d Trask River the land so taken, namely: For your own satisfaction you must have buslne relations with said as­ slough connecting unpleasant cigaretty odor All that pert of the property of F sociation. mid to makt distribution .with what is known us Trask River Buhrow in the NE'i of the SXVU of compare Camels with any cigarette and allotment of any profits or losses ,cut-off at a point near the north­ Section 7. Township 8 South. Ranged west corner of the southeast Quarter in the world at any price. Then, Camels win instant and permanent among the members of said associa­ of the southwest quarter of section West of the Willamette Meridian in­ tion; mid that the plaintiff have you'll best realize their superior cluding within a strip of land 60 feet success with smokers because the judgment against each mul all of ,35, in township 1 Soutth of range 10 wide, being 30 feet on each side of ■West, XV. M.; thence following tile quality and the rare enjoyment the defendants for whatever sum mt blend brings out to the limit the ¡bank of raid slough northeasterly to the center line of the Coast High­ accounting herein may show the snid I the left bank of what is known as way as surveyed across said property refre shin g flavor and delightful mel- they provide. association is due and owing hint, and more particularly described as [Trask River cut-off; then following less his appropriate share of such Isa id left bunk of the Trask River follows: Beginning at a point on the R J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY, Win.ton-S.1em. N. C- sum, and for such other and further northerly to its inter- North line of the NE*4 of the SWA. [cut-off relief in equity as the Court may the south, or left of Section 7, Township 3 South. [section with deem IIIVVI QCeill meet MilU and junx. just. This summons is published by the Ibank of Hoquarton slough, ; thence Range 9 West of the Willamette Meridian, which point is North 60 order of Hon. Geo. R Bagley, Judge down Hoquarton slough, following f li 1 pl® ° JJ*'-c In your home for convenience comfort and economy We recommend Perfection Oil Heaters H. C. BOONE, Agent, Standard Oil Co., Tillamook, Oregon, What you pay out your good money for is cigarette satisfaction and, my, how you do get it in every puff of Camels!