TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, NOVEMBER 20, 1919. The Gem Theatre Feature Attractions. Thursday, Nov. 27, Tuesday, Nov. 25, WARNING ! “Don’t Change Your Husband !” “Can You Tell When Love is Love ?” Wait at least until you have seen Cecil B. De You will be able to after you see Albert Ray and Elinor Eair in the Big William Fox Produc­ tion “Love is Love.” He was unhappy, he was beset by evil, yet love and grit lifted] him up and made a man of him. A picture of smiles and tears. Come and laugh a little and weep a bit for your own betterment. Mille’s Special Artcraft Production “Don't Change Ydur Husband.’’ Which is the worst, a wife’s uncombed hair or a husband’s unshaved face? Which would you rather see, a faded kitnona or a coatless, berag- gled man ? The question will be easilyLan- awered after you see this production. Don’t miss it. Pathe News. Cecil D, DeMille's 'Don't Change Your Husband' A 2 reel comedy, “Squared,” will add to the pleasure of the evening. ¿AlüICBAfTIMure Sunday Night Musical Concert by the Gem Theatre Orchestra, from 6.45 to 7 All programs start at 7 sharp. • Weekly Cash Specials We have a Complete Line of Raisins, Currants, Dates and Dried Fruits, Also Vegetables in Season. A Few Articles at Special Cash Prices: $1.00 White Wonder Laundry Soap, 16 bars This is a good grade of White Laundry Soap and equal to any of its kind that is on the market. An exceptionally good- buy. Five pound can Dark Karo Syrup 60 White Star Apples, gallon cans 65 - 50 Folger’s Coffee, any size, per pound Libby’s Milk, tall cans, 10 cans - I 1.50 Mill Run, per sftck 1.65 Snow Drift, per sack 2.90 Store Closed All Day Thanksgiving. Will remain Open Until 8.30 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 26th. Star Grocery Co Marcus Hook (Pa.) Press: “Who can exceed the Democrats in com­ mitting political harikari? The pre­ posterous idea is now given out by the Democrats of the Senate, that if the Republicans succeed in adopting reservations by a majority vote, they, [the Democrats, will by a majority [vote defeat the whole treaty. This Is | bluff or it is partisan pig-headed- jness.” ------------------------- ,----------------------------------- 25a5BS25252525Z5Z525a5E52525asa5ZSBSa5BSa525a5a5E5252SZ52SH5Z52S25E5B52S un u n_. AUTOMOBILE BARGAINS. FOR SALE fo J | Salary of assistant............. 1,020.00 Notice of Budget Meeting of Tilla­ cember, 1919, at the hour of eight 1 Traveling expenses............ 200.00 o'clock, p.m. at the City Hall, in mook City, Oregon. Notice Is hereby given, that on Stationery, supplies, etc., Tillamook City, Oregon, as the time Notice is hereby given that the and place for hearing any and all ob­ and other expenses con­ I Monday, the 15th day of December, Common Council of Tillamook City, jections, remonstrances or sugges­ nected with Superintend­ 1919, afc 1 o’clock in the afternoon, ent's office...................... 800.00 Oregon, has prepared the following tions to said proposed budget. [at the Court House, in Tillamook estimate of the proposed Tax Budget County, Oregon, a public hearing Dated this 19th day of November, Total........................... »3,620.00 as follows: will be held at which the taxpayers 1919. SURVEYOR’S OFFICE will be heard in favor or against any Frances B. Stranahan, Budget for Tillamook City, Oregon, I proposed tax levies as shown by the Salaries .................................. »2,250.00 City Recorder. for 1920. 250.00 following estimate of the County Supplies and equipment.. General Fund. ——X------ X——X------- Treasurer’s salary and ex- Court of Tillamook County, Oregon. “Cheating Cheaters.” penses................... $ 150.00 Total......................... »2,500.00 Estimate of the amount of money ------o------ Salary Health Officer .... 120.00 TREASURER'S OFFICE proposed to be raised by taxation for Clara Kimball Y’oung and her own the ensuing year for Tillamook Salary ..................................... »1,200.00 Interest on general bonds. 3,530.00 company will be seen at the Gem Books and stationery .... 200.00 Salary City Marshal.......... 1,500.00 County, Oregon. Theatre on Sunday, Nov. 23 in her Salary Night Watchman.. 1.500.00 Figures assembled by the County Select picture “Cheating Cheaters” a Total......................... $1,400.00 Salary City Recorder .... 1,320.00 Court show that it will require the Fuel........................................... 100.00 film adaptation of the famous Broad­ COUNTY COURT. sum of »413,110 to defray the ex- way stage .success of the same name. 800.00 penses of Tillamook County, Oregon, County Judge, salary . ., »2,000.00 Fire Department................. “Cheating Cheaters” is one of the Commissioners ’ salaries.. Salary City Attorney .... 200.00 2,400.00 ¡for the year 1920, and for the object most unusual plays ever produced on 100.00 1,600.00 Printing ............................ land purpose of County improvement, Expenses, supplies, etc. . either stage or screen. In it Mlsa Elections................................ 50.00 the maintenance of county buildings, Young has the role of a clever secret Total.................... »6,000.00 Miscellaneous...................... 500.00 roads, bridges and for the salaries of service operative, who apparently is COURT HOUSE AND JAIL county officers and employees, and a member of a famous band of crooks. Total ............................. »9,895.00 for other purposes, as follows, to-wit. Insurance premium.......... » 200.00 As the leader of one band she plans Janitor’s salary................. 1,080.00 Road Fund. Road Purposes. to rob the home of the supposedly Night watchman ............... 180.00 Salaries, two men cleaning DISTRICT NO. 1. wealthy Palmers, but at the last Wood ....................................... streets ................................ »2,650.00 600.00 Machinery and repairs »14,000.00 minute she lears that the Palmers Light and water ................. 100.00 Seaview to Brighton .... 20,000.00 450.00 Repairs, Cross-walks............ also are crooks, and are themselves Telephones ........................... Bridges, Culverts and Gen­ 2,800.00 600.00 Lights ............................... planning to rob the Brocktons, the Supplies, repairs, etc. ... 340.00 Salary Street Commissioner eral 360.00 maintenance of name which the first band.has taken. roads ................................ 28.500.00 County jail, etc..................... 1000.00 300.00 Engineers office............... There is a general mlx-up of families, Interest on Bonds............. 1,000.00 crooks, and secret service people, but Total.................... »3,750.00 Total ........................... »62,500.00 in the end things are smoothed out, County poor......................... »4,000.00 DISTRICT NO. 2 Total .............................. $7,010.00 and the seed of an unusuul romance Circuit court, Jurors, Wit­ Machinery, repairs, gas For general purposes .... »9,895.00 takes root. nesses, Bailiffs and ex­ For street purposes............. 7,010.00 and oil . ........................ »15,000.00 penses .................................. 4,000.00 For library purposes.......... Bayocean road................. 24,000.00 625.00 Boarders Wanted. 150.00 For sinking Fund............... 2,000.00 Bewley Creek road.......... 1,500.00 Coroner fees and inquests. ------ o------ District sealer of weights Bridges, culverts and lum­ Will take boarders by the week or and measures.................... 100.00 ber ...................... .. 9,000.00 Total ........................... »19.530.00 Justice Court—Justice and General maintenance of And that the City Council has day. Mrs. Alice B. Wolfe, 701 East constable fees, JurorB, wit­ roads ............................. .. 13,000.00 fixed Monday, the first day of De­ Seventh Street, Tillamook. nesses and supplies .... 400.00 Xotal ........................... »62,500.00 Elections ................................ 3,000.00 Mother's pensions ............... 2,500.00 DISTRICT NO 3. Printing ................................ 450.00 Roads, bridges and high- 1,000.00 ways .............................. »50,500.00 Stock indemnity................. 50.00 Machinery and repairs.. 12,000.00 | Truant officer .... ------------------[ Rebate on taxes ... 50.00 100.00 Total »62,500.00 Insane......................... 500.00 »187,500.00 ¡Health officer.......... Total road fund 600.00 15,700.00’Fi,e warden............ Market road fund.......... 1,500.00 8 290.00 !Farm demonstration Interest on road bonds . County fair............... 1,000.00 But we shall remain open the evening before until 8.30. School Fund. 200.00 County school fund .. . »42,000.00 Auditor ...................... 50.00 High School fund.......... i» 20,200.00 V, M V V . V V . Juvenile court.......... __ ________ I Relief, Indigent Soldiers . 200.00 Total........................... »62,200.00 Cruising burned timber .. 4,500.00 ; Emergency ........................... 1,000.00 General Fund County Fair grounds and ASSESOR’S OFFICE. Wheat, per cwt. - - - $4.25 improvements................. 5,000.00 Assessor’s salary ............... »1,800.00 Folgers Black Tea 40c. X lb., 75c. lb. One deputy’s salary.......... 1,140.00 Dairy and food commis­ > » LOO Gallon Peaches “ Not Like Others sioner .................................. 2,400.00 One field deputy................. 450.00 1,000.00 45 Monopole Cane Syrup, quart Extra help extending taxes 100.00 Advertising........................... Making index for rolls ... 150.00 25 Bulk Macroni, 3 pounds for Total general fund. . »73,920.00 Six assessment rolls.......... 385.00 Flapjack Flour 30 Library fund .................... 1,000.00 Incidentals ........................... 175.00 25 Matches, 4 boxes State Taxes......................... 64,000.00 500.00 Total »4.200.00 Bounty ................................ 60 Good Broom - CLERK’S OFFICE. 25 Lux, 2 for - Total all funds ....»413.110.00 Clerk's salary . »1,800.00 1.25 Hills Bros. 3 pound Blue can Coffee Probable receipts of County other Deputy’s salary 1,200.00 fl If Raisins, package 20 1,020.00 than by direct taxation: »» 900.00 Receipts from County Clerk’s Guittard ’s Chocolate, 3 pound can 1.10 office, estimated............ »4,500.00 1,280.00 Supplies 1.75 5 pound can Dairy herd inspector .... 1,500.00 I Total........................... »6,200.00 Interest on county deposits 1,000.00 District Attorney's office »1,000.00 Total .... »7,000.00 Dairy herd inspector .. . »2,750.00 ------- o SHERIFF'S OFFICE. The following School Districts Sheriff's salary................. »2,100.00 Deputy sheriff's salary.. »1,320.00 have filed with the County Clerk 1,320.00 and Assessor, the special levies: 1,000.00 School Diet No. 1 Stenographer ...................... . . .9 milla Traffic officer...................... 1,000.00 School Dist. No. 2 ... 1.8 milla 350.00 School Dist. No. 5 18000 tax statements .... . .. 5.2 milla 300.00 School Dist. No. 6 ... . . . 2.6 milla 15000 stamped envelopes 100.00 School Dist. No. 9 ... ... 7 Stamps .................................. milla 100.00 School Dist. No. 11 .. ,6.3 milla Printing ................................ Across from the New Garage. 50.00 School Dist. No. 23 . . . . . . 2.2 milla 1000 Return envelopes . .. 50.00 School Dist. No. 2« . . . . .. 6.1 milla Binding tax receipts .... 50.00 School Dist. No. 28 .. . .. 7.9 milla Tax collection register . .. 200.00 School Dist. No. 36 .. . .. . 7.1 milla Telephone and telegraph . 50.00 School Dist. No. 37 .. ... 8 Freight and drayage .... mili 250.00 School Dist. No. 39 Gasoline and tires............ .. . 6.9 milla 250.00 School Dist. No. 4 2 Extra help collecting taxes ,. . 4 milla 250.00 School Dist. No. 51 Miscellaneous ...................... ... 1.2 milla School Dist. No 59 .. . 2.2 milla »».750.00 Total .. Dated this 19th day of November, 1919. SCHOOL SUPT'S OFFICE Salary of Superintendent »1.600.VO Homer Mason, County Clerk. Phone 32. Notice. I One 7 Passenger Studebaker electric lights, starter, new tires, and in good run- ning order ; price $500 One Overland chase, overhaul- ed and repainted, ready for bug or truck body ; price $200. One 1-ton Ford Truck, chain drive ; price $300. Reasonable Terms on any of these cars. A. Hudson Garage, TILLAMOOK, OREGON. K K tì B K S E I in g a SPECIAL ! ! ! We shall Close All Day Thanksgiving. We also call your attention to these Specially Low Prices : Remember that we have Low Prices on guaranteed quality merchandise at all times. C. 0. & C. M. Dawson. BAY CITY DRUG CO. Entire New Stock of Candies. New Syrups. Come and See.