F TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, NOVEMBER 20, 1919 (1/illumnnk rçeuôlight, Fred C. Baker, Editor. SUBSCRIPTION per year $2.00 Advertising Rates. Display Advts, per meh........... Locals ........................... per line Readers, with reading matter per line'.................................. 7c. Notices of meetings etc, per line 7c. Editorial ¿Snap Shots It is a little surprising how I. W W.-ism have atken such hold and the large number of native born Ameri- cans citizens who have become con­ timinated with it. Of ili. 15 I. W. W.’s arrested in Tillamook county on Saturday 10 were native born. hence every effort should be made to give these men work this winter, especially the service men. - o------- It was Os West, when Governor of lOregbn, who fathered the measure to ¡abolish capital punishment in Oregon ¡and if the outrage that occurred at ' Centralia had happened in Oregon, ¡no matter how many members of the ¡American Legion the I. W. W.’s shot Idown, they could not be hanged in | this state. West was a spectacular ¡governor, always playing to the gal- | lei les. West is eliminated politically land it is about time that Oregon re- isorted to capital punishment again. --------o------- President Wilson said that the .league of nations covenant would [have to be accepted by the senate ex- lactly as lie brought it from France, , but he l.ow finds thal^he cannot bull­ doze Republican senators tlie same as I he bulldozed tlie Democratic senators. ¡Tlie Republican senators now present la solid front and Mr. Wilson now ¡realizes that he is not “It” any long- < r. The Republican senators having 'agreed on certain reservations it is expected that the Senate will take a ■ fin. 1 vote this week, with the threat ¡from tlie president that he will ¡pigeonhole the treaty and league [covenant if tlie senators refuse to do what he is now declaring. Maybe, it would be a good thing for the United States if he did pigeonhole them. Where’s the difference, anyway? Eammon de Valera, the chosen pres­ ident of the Sinn Feiners, of Ireland, is Slaking speeches in the United States and was . in Portland last week, and the fact seems to have been overlooked that the Sinn Fein- ers were in sympathy with Germany during the war, and when conscrip­ tion was proposed for Ireland the Sinn Feiners revolted and were not conscripted the same as men in the United States and England. So, to our way of thinking, there Is no dif­ ference between Sinn Feiners pro-German, for both hoped Germany would lick the allies that the kaiser would become military dictator of the whole world. The point we want to bring out, however, is this: The government has allowed anarchists from Europe to sow the seeds of sedition in the United States, and we have been witnessing the past few years many blood thirsty plots, such as the Mooney outrage in California and the outrage at Centralia last week, which is the result of allowing the United Slates to become the dumping giouiid lor anarchists and blood thirsty assassins from Europe, and allowing them to use inflammable language against foreign govern­ ments and against the government of the United States.As the Sinn Feiners were a pro-German party during the war, and were simply cowardly "slackers”, protesting against being conscripted, we think the American Legion have just cause to be highly indignant when the president of the Irish slackers is allowed to address nieetings in large cities and use the 1 stars and stripes and the national 1 anthem. As long as this is permitted | and foreign political * agitators, an­ j archists and assassins can stump the | ¡country, trouble and murder I continue in the United States. ÜUAPANTEED Vacuum Cup Tires, BARGAINS IN USED CARS Chalmers Delivery - - - - - $350.00 $1000.00 Chalmers Six Touring - ■ ■ Flanders Touring - - - - - $175.00 $525.00 Overland Model 80 Touring- - Bug........................................ - $275.00 $1500.00 Elgin, Run only 100 miles - L> t's hope President Wilson won’t bull in and snvi the lives of the as- as: .ns who shot dow n in cold blood members of the American Legion at Centralia, the same has lie did in the California outrage, saving the life of looney, one of the perpetrators of i hat horrible crime. -------- o------- That’s another proof that Tilla­ mook got a rotten deal at the state fair. With the same batch of cheese which didn’t get a show at the state fair, Tillamook county secured the The investigations into the deplor- PECI AL PRICE TIRES TUBES first six prizes and a tie for seventh able manner in which the govern- at tlie Pacific International Livestock meat conducted the war is opening BALANCE NOV. Exhibition at Portland this week. the eyes of the people. The article we It is no doubt wise on the govern­ published in the two last issues of ment's part to establish a naval and tlie Headlight in regard to the de- military base at Tongues Piont on plorable muddle of the airplane pro- i he Columbia river, but to make it a duction is only one out of many in- success it must have a coast road, stances of the wilful waste of public and this is another reason why the money. It is stated in the article Roosevelt Military Highway should I that two billion dollars were appro­ be built as soon as opssible, for there priated for aeroplanes, and the whole SANDLAKE. 5B5252S25R52SB5H5B5B5B5H5E5H5BSB5Ï5H5?5A5ESB525E5HS2SZ5H5H5Z5H5H5H52 í525ZS25ZSESH52SBSH5Z5E5a5BSH52SH5HSH5BSH is no telling in these troubled times thing was a colossal failure from a ------- o-------- I military standpoint. No wonder that when it will be needed. The run of Silverside salmon is tlie people are thoroughly disgusted --------o-------- rather small. Most of them are red. 5H5B5HSH5E5BS2SH5?5BS¿5HSH5H5H5HSHSH525E5HSH5H5BS?5a5?SEEr25?5H5?5H5H5B52ÍE5?5H5HS?5?525E5HSa5aS2S25B5é5¿S252 It is freely stated that the dollar witli the Democratic administration a fact which is puzzling the fisher- buys only half what it used to. In­ and are anxious to hurl it from pow­ men. On account of the shortage at stead of everybody being twice as er the first opportunity. One year Small’s cannery the Sandlake fisher­ thrifty as in former years, the re­ from now will see this accomplished, men are having trouble finding a verse appears to be the case Work­ the Republicans sweeping the entire market for their fish. ingmen with big wages blow in all country with the solid Democratic The high school under the manage­ their wages, with the idea that big vote in the South a thing of the past. ment of Oscar Ingram, has been get­ ------ o------ whges will continue. It may be a ting new equopment. Several hun­ Local Roosevelt Militory Higlfway dred dollars of scientific apparatus long time before wages are reduced to pre-war times, but they cannot re­ boosters have under consideration and library books are on the way, main at the high water mark much the matter of sending a delegation to and expected soon.. As soon as same Washington to advocate the pas­ arrive there will be trips to get the longer. sage of Congressman W. C. elevation of several surrounding Most of us here in Tillamook coun- Hawley’s bill for $2,500,000, for the peaks.. Valley Northern Spy Apples, per box $1.65 ty used to "beef” like blazes when Roosevelt highway, H. H. Rosenberg A student body has been organized I he steamer Sue H. Elmore charged having received a letter from the in the high school, with the neces­ Crescent Baking Soda, package 5 the business men somewhere around treasurer of Lincoln county request­ sary officers with A. Gerdes as pres­ Wonder Polish - - - - . 5 $5.00 per ton for freight. Since the ing that the coast counties send one ident, and it is hoped this will be the Frank ’ s Soups, 2 cans - - - - 25 advent of the railroad and the gov­ or more persons to Washington. A best year the school has known. Perline, 5 ounce package • - ernment control of the railroad, well telegram was sent to Congressman 5 we all get "stung” about double what Hawley on Monday to ascertain November Victor Records on Sale at 1 pound can Folgers Shasta Coffee 40 we used to pay for freight, and we whether this was advisable and when The Song Shop. Pearl Shortning, 5’s- 1.35 don’t say a word or raise a howl, but would be the best time for a delega­ Hillsdale Asp Tips, per can - - - 20 pay the bill. Somehow they were tion to be in Washington. The local Oo-La-La-Wee-Wee good old days after all. Cream of Barley, per package - committee feel confident that con- Dixie is Dixie Once More. 20 ------- o-------- 'gress will pass the bill, as the gov­ Caroline Sunshine. Cudahy’s Bacon, per pound - - - 45 From newspaper reports the un­ ernment has decided to establish a Golden Gate. Only a limited amount of bacon on hand. employed labor situation in Portland naval base at Tongues Point on the Mammy O. Mine. is growing serious, it being reported Columbia river, and to make that a Waiting Fox Trot. that there are 3,000 service men out success, it will require a military Mandy, Fox Trot. of Jobs in that city. With the high road through the coast counties. Portland Fancy. cost of living these men cannot re­ Should a delegation be sent to Wash­ Weeping Willow Lane. main idle long, and should they do ington it is expected that all the Cohen at the Picnic. so It will lead to considerable com­ ¡coast counties will co-operate and Wonderful records played at their plaint and probably disturbance,equally share the expenses. best on the Brunswick. ON S AND OF FOR ALDERMAN & POORMAN SPECIAL ! Don’t Overlook Our Two Day Cash Special, Friday and Saturday, Nov. 21 and 22 ¡3 a a a a a a a a The New Crop of CURRANTS and RAISINS Anived. a a Do your shopping early, as our store will be closed all day a a Ln Thanksgiving, Nov. 27. Open Thanksgiving Eve until 8.30 p.m Remember we are agents for McCormick Machinery, also agent tor the John Deereline. Now is the time to look over your machinery and find out what repairs are needed. 5?SH52SclSESB5H5Z5Z5E5252SH5E5t!5a5a525H5ZSH5Z525B5ES2Sa525E5î52SÏ5252S?5H5H5H5E5H5a5E5H5B5HSHSH52525HSHSH5H5H Grand Opening Dance KNIGHTS PYTHIAS HALL, Thanksgiving Eve, November 26th Finest and Largest Hard Wood Floor in Tillamook County * s. ,y • r • '• Music Furnished by the K. P. Concert Band and the Famous Wilkins ' Jazz Band r4 Light Lunch at 50c. the plate by the Pythian Sisters. DANCE TICKETS, $1.10 Including War Tax. Given Under the Auspices of the Knights of Pythias. DON'T FAIL TO DANCE ON OUR SPLENDID FLOOR. I CONOVER & C0ND11’ 1 û5H5E5HSa525H5B5Z5HS2SZS2S2KSÎS^^5H5ZSH5?5H5E5B5Z5HSi5H5E5Z5Z5?5H5Z5Z5BS25ÏS25H5?5B5E5ÏSZ5?SZ5E525B5S School Funds Apportioned --------o------- The County School Superintendent made the apportionment of State and county funds Monday, November l<0, 1919. County funds apportioned, $39,353.52. State funds apportioned. $4.784.64, Total $44,138.16. Each school district receives $100, and al­ so $5 for each teacher who attends the county institute, in addition to the percapita apportionment, which this year is $31.81 for each child of school age residing in the county. | The High School apportionment will be given later. Following is the apportionment by districts: Dlst County State Total 1 $1,297.66 $ 165.12 $1,462.78 2 708.83 82.56 791.39 3 201.67 13.44 215.11 5 353.58 34.56 388.14 • 795.50 96.00 891.50 7 215.48 15.36 230.84 8 745.26 88.32 833.58 9 9,078.64 1.236.48 10.315.12 10 1,339.09 170.88 1,509.97 11 828.12 99.84 927.96 12 450.25 48.00 498.25 13 892.17 109.44 1.001.61 14 952.41 117.12 1,069.53 15 256.91 21.12 278.03 16 671.21 78.72 749.93 17 215.48 15.36 230.84 218.48 18 15.36 230.84 19 574.54 65.38 639.82 20 182.86 11.53 194.38 21 607.16 69.12 676.28 22 1.072.89 132.48 1.205.37 23 550.73 63.36 614.01 450.25 48.00 498.25 25 243.10 19.20 262.30 26 712.64 84.48 797.12 27 602.16 69.12 671.28 28 795.50 96.00 891.50 31 X016.97 263.04 2.280.01 32 307.15 28.80 335.95 33 36 37 38 39 42 45 46 47 48 49 450.25 243.10 615.97 836.93 1.560.05 602.16 320.96 256 91 31.62 2,702.47 312.15 48.00 19.20 71.04 101.76 201.60 69.12 30.72 21.12 3.84 359.04 28.80 498.25 262.30 687.01 938.69 1,761.65 671.28 351.68 278.03 35.46 3,061.51 340.95 450.25 224.29 381.20 298.34 491.68 812.89 238.10 685.02 505.49 $39,353.52 48.00 17.28 38.40 26.88 53.76 132.48 19.20 80.64 55.68 $4,784.64 498.25 241.57 419.60 325.22 545.44 945.37 257.30 765 66 561.17 $44,138.16 îas2SSS2S2s2SH5H525S525HSHSH5E5ï5HSa525a5252SHS2Sa5a5252SH5a525ZSH52S252 K S S ¡0 a a Everything Modem at the Sanitary Market But the Price And That’s Moderate