TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, NOVEMBER 20 That was the remedy Farmer San­ alien, ship him. And there you are. dleg, of Sandusky, Ohio, proposed for Neat and expeditious and everybody our preachers of anarchy. "Shoot 'Em satisfied except an anarchist, and he Í or Ship ‘Em, that’s the only way to doesn't count. Of course, except handle ’em.’ said Farmer Sandies, and under a martial law status, there when he said it all of the 1,500 dele­ might be some obstacles in the way gates to the Farmers’ National Con­ of applying the firing squad remedy. gress at Hagerstown joined in a But that difficulty the anarchists mighty shout of approval and in an I themselves may readily remove. A reduction of anarchy preaching to outburst of vociferous cheers. anarchy practice would quickly do "Shoot 'Ent or Ship ’Em!” want direct action, these I. W. W., the trick. That at once would open William Z. Foster and Trotzky anar­ 'the way to a removal of the legal chists, and there they have it. Good, 'technicalities. The American people hearty, American direct action. It would be indulgent. They have about has the true American out-of-doors ¡reached the point where they are not ring, this Sandlers prescription for ¡going to voice cavils over a clear anarchist extermination anarchy preachers. It smells of the ¡case of soil. There is the true vigor of the provided the law and the facts are horse sense 1 with the exterminators. And as for American farm-bred ¡about it, suggestive of the bracing "Shipping ’Em,” that can go on right tonic of that New England air on along. There has been by far too which so much of our stalwart Amer­ much haggling and dillydallying in icanism has been nourished. No the application of this wholesome an­ splitting of argumentative hairs. No archy remedy. Round them up and ¡fine-spun theorizing over a plain “ship 'em” as fast as they can be I anarchy these alien ¡case. There is no room for anarchists corraled. here. Still less is there room for preachers. They are not quite so vile preachers of anarchy. They have got ¡a lot as the native-born ones, but to be got rid of. How are you going ¡they are all vile and they all have to do it? Farmer Sandies answers I got to go. There are about 12,000,- the question. He suggests two ways, ¡000 American farmers, and we ven­ both effective and both swift and ture the opinion that Farmer Sand­ ¡direct. If your anarchy bawler is en­ ler's "Shoot ’Em or Ship ’Em" doc- [ titled to the privileges of American ¡trine would be endorsed up to the citizenship with the attendant re­ |hilt of every last one of them.— , sponsibilities, shoot him. If he is an Harvey's Weekly. latest cl GRAND MASQUERADE BALL a S ON THANKSGIVING NIGHT AT THE ARMORY, GIVEN BY Tillamook Post of the American Legion a o a a a a -r- Picking Our Pockets to Poison Our Minds. J ! $20.00 AWARDED IN CASH PRIZES ¡ Electricity s latest gift to the housewife—greatest since the electric iron and electric vacuum cleaner—the Western ' Electric P ortable S ewing M achine No more tiresome treadle pushing - no more backache a little electric motor does the hard work. A foot control gives any speed desired. The entire machine in its case can be carried anywhere—it’s no larger than a typewriter. Ask for a demonstra­ I The liquidating officer of the Creel protection of the flag. tion. ¡Committee of Public information lias | The whole country ran riot with ¡found the financial affair of that extravagance of this kind under tlie COAS7 POU ER CO _i bureau in a hopeless state of confus- Baker administration of the War de­ THE 3 ¡ion. Up to the time expenditures ag- partment. Scarcely anywhere, appar­ 31 gregating six million six hundred ient, was there any disposition to ELECTRIC STORE 3 ¡thousand dollars have been tabulat- protect the public interests in evi­ 3led. Balances aggregating three hun- dence. The record reeks with waste, JLdrede thousand dollars have been 'extravagance and downright dis­ found scattered in various banks. Uu- honesty. Y'et there has been scarcely s cashed checks aggregating in amount an instance of the apprehension and Ct several thousand dollars have been punishment of an offender. Tilt people look upon all tills too !î5H5H5H5H5BSH5E5B5H5E5Z5H5ESB525Z5tiSH52SH5H5HS2525H5i ’52S25;ï5H5Z5E5E5E5H5H5E5ESZ52525B5HSH5E52SîSZ52Sï5Z52S2£> touiid scattered about the floors of ___________________________ ’_______________ _________________ _______________________ .the committee's rooms. It has been patiently. The waste of public money — - found iliât considerable money was during a war like the one through mantled of Daniels that Sims be . course of justice and freedom and of host in Russia through being left in which we have just passed is nothing "disciplined.” Daniels refused. Sims I human development as expressed by banks that were seized by the bolshe­ short of treason. It should be treated TILLAMOOK BLOCK, stated, in effect that the Sinn Fein-' the principles of democracy. When vik!. Employes of the bureau spent as treason. For if till.1/ course had war had Both phones Tho »toneless prune, a new produc­ iters were a discredited bunch of ou r adniinitratioii fails to conform money with no apparent sense of re- been persisted in. and the tion, promises to become a popular Bolsheviks and offered his proof. Re­ to these principles, then we have no sponsibility or accountability. In lasted long enough, the effect would have been as serious as the inarch ot fruit. The fruit is practically the gardless of w hat the Sinn Feinners | alternative but to assert that Amer­ oilier words, the course of this bu­ T. BO ALS, M.D., an invading army. The result would ican justice must prevail against any reau was marked by the most tscau- may represent now; it cannot be de- | same as the ordinary breakfast prune same,—nation- have been exactly the business and of- 'tiled that during tlie war they wetei temporary administration of the af- ¡dalouB disregard of witli tlie exception that the stone in ficial properties. It was engaged in ¡al disaster. For this country would PHYSICIAN ANO SURGEON tlie center is replaced by a soft ker­ ¡enemies of the allies and endeavored fairs of our country.” conduct of - have been bankrupted in three or In a word, then. Mr. Gompers is the public defense ot the I nel or seed that can be cooked with to cooperate with Germany. And that Surgeon S. P. Co. if the sort of business tlie fruit and eaten.—Telephone I is enough to know about them.—Ga­ for the law and the government when ¡all the other bureaus' and depart­ four years the law and the government yield ments of government, but made a management given to national fi­ zette Tinies. Register. to his dictation, and against law and ; record of its own that \tould not nancial affairs, as revealed in the in­ ------- o - — stances just metioned, and in hun­ E. E. Brodie, of Oregon City, pub­ government w hen they are not to his .stand the light ot day. ' Oregon The theory of Carl Ackerman that tite subcommittees of the 'dreds of others of which they are liking. One of lisher of the Enterprise, former pres ­ tlie Democrats will attempt to swal­ The issue he raises is just this, congressional committee engaged,in typical, low the radicals in order to win has ident of the Oregon State Editorial In speaking of the operations of Il GOYNE, a leaky roof and it defective heating association, and otherwise a live when stripped of his specious rhetor- ¡investigating the War department I 1c about the "principles of demacra-jhas developed evidence during tlie the Creel bureau and the sort of pub­ system. With Wilson out of the way wire and progressive citizen, has ATTORNEY AT I. \W lic propaganda it typifies. Senator the Democratic party will not be hurled his hat into the ring as a cy”—whether congress, in passing ¡past few daysithat at Camp Sheridan, Hiram Johnson has well said; "It ia law, the president signing it and ¡Ohio, the public money was reckless- ¡candidate ft>r tlie office of secretary radical. There is very little radical­ picks our pockets to poison our ism in the solid south and the solid of state and the-two or tliraq dozen- the courts in enforcing it are the an- .jy wasted by unfaithful officials and contractors. Here, too, minds.” The time will conic when the Tillamook (). I gon south is the Democratic party. Ga­ others who propose to batter that ■ thorities to be obeyed. or whether ¡pilfering hat and kick it out of the ring are the leaders of a group of citizens are ¡there was a total disregard of the people of this country will fully zette Tinies. EBSTER HOI. MES, .going to find that they have their jin authority above congress, the i interests of the public. The people’s 'awaken to the enormity of the offen­ ¡president and the courts. ‘ ¡money was poured out like water, ses committed by litis organization The high cost of living and every­ ¡hands lull. Ed. isn’t a mushy sort of Mr. Gompers’ attempted justifica- ¡.with no attempt to secure an ade- which wasted the people’s money in A I TORN EY-AT I.AW thing else can be reduced in stWeral fellow but he’ numbers his friends ways likely. But one sure way is for over the state in more than four tion of his disloyal attitude that quate return lor it in materials or ¡order that waste of publie treasure eyery man in the country to get in figures and all those who have ever 'the constituted authorities are only service at the very time people were in other bureaus and departments of J government might be successfully FIRST ST ft EKT, and produce just twice as lunch a. he been associated with him in any * temporarily” in authority—is trans- being asked to save and sacrifice and has produced the past year. Produc­ enterprise are his ardent boosters, parent sophistry. The transparent [ [O contribute millions for the nation- concealed front public view. And the OREG' »N tion will produce normal conditions for they have seen him demonstrate [ principle of governmental authority ja) defense, and the young men of the Ipeopr vm actually coinpCilei to IT I.LAMOOK, again. Le -turcs, commiss-ions, , elec­ the abilities that are wanted in a Is the life and spirit of our democ- [nation were being enrolled by mil- (pay lite high cost of fooling the1 A\ II» ROBINSON, M. I > , phases .man who may be honored with that jracy. When Mr. Gompers assails it lions to pour out their blood for the . cl . : . tions and high t sounding ----- ¡highly important job. With malice I he assails democracy. It is the con­ Register. won’t do it.—Telephone toward none, and recognizing many stitutional plan and principle which I why tlie train had stopped between 'differentiates our popular govern- COAXING YOU TO SMILE PHYSICIAN ANU SURGEON Now that the courts have ruled other good men in tlie bunch. The stations. ------- o------- ¡ment from autocratic and monarch* Sentinel is for Ed until after the that Forest Grove need not pay for "Oh,” saiti Itastus, “tlie engineer ! ical government un^er which mon- NATIONAL Ill’ll.DING, its sewer we wonder what our neigh­ recount.-—The Sentinel. The Reason Why. done found a broken rail.” arch and sovereigns rule and reign boring city is going to do with it. It Winkleborough is a flourishing "Well, ” said the woman, "w hy stop Oregon being principally a wood for life and, dying, pass on the isn’t exactly like a pile of cans in a OREG' >N. little seaside resort, and druing the for that? Do the p.tsseng r trains on TILLAMOOK doesn’t burning state, people have little idea throne to their decendants. back lot, and if the city C-- reason almost every available room litis road stop to pick up every The obligation of obedience to the have to take It it must still belong to wliat the coal strike means in the is "let” at good proces. broken rail they find ulong the R. O. L. HO1ILEELD. the contractor, and it looks as if he districts using that fuel 1 exclusively constituted authorities, chosen for A visitor at that delightful spot | track?” ¡definite terms by the majority of the a fix if the 'and with a climate more severe than would be in a dickens of observed a policeman soundly cuff a [people, is all the greater by reason city should tell hint to remove his the northwest experiences even In youth for some misdemeanor, and No Wonder Ht Couldn’t. ithe most severe winter. In the cities of the aime limits that the constitu­ property.—Independent. being anxious to know tlie reason of The old man was applying at the tion and the law places upon their many people rarely buy more than a ------- o------- the chastisement lie went over to the eye hospital for some spectacles, and F,ell Phone 2F2 Mutual Phons The Kaiser Is reported recently to ton at a time, and in the poorer dis­ service. While they are in authority brass-buttoned representative of the the doctor was making a test of his they are the government and the have gone tliiough "the solemn cere­ tricts it is even bought y the sack. law. eyes. Tillamook mony of loading his revolver in the These are tin people who are in tant- ¡only government In this country. "What’s he done, constable?” he A card was fixed on It the time shall ever come when prcsence of his family,” especially ly affected by the fuel shortage, for inquired. little distance away from including the former Crow n Prince, people of means laid in winter stocks ¡the leaders ot any group of people, "I caught him picking pockets ir. QR. L. L. old man was sitting, and whether the labor, or capital, or of with the declaration that on the day long j; ago and are only inciden­ If I see him at it again I ’ ll give him asked him. when the powers demanded his extra­ tally affected if the shortage becomes religion, are permitted to set up their a good hiding.” PHYSICIAN AND SURGIA N "Can you read that my man?" dition he would shoot himself. It so great as to close down industries ¡own opinions as superior to the "But why don't you run him in?” "No sir,” said the man, "I can't.” ' ¡judgments of the courts, the prerl- T illamook B lock would have been impossible for him tn which they are interested. Thus "I’un him in!” retorted the con­ ’ ’1 lie doctor told him to go nearer.1 [dent and congress this country will to do such a thing save ill the most in endeavoring to secure a 60-per stable. "Why bless yer, we ain ’ t "Well, can yi>u read it now? ” cease to be a democracy. It will hav> Oreg< a. theatrical manner, and it’s dollars to cent increase In pay and a five day Again the old man replied: “No I Tillamook, become an oligarchy, and our institu­ ilimnin’ anybody-In this week. The doughnuts that he carried out the week the mines are hitting not at ¡police station ’ s let." sir.” tions will go down in ruins.-—Spokes­ whole theatrical scheme by using a the operator, but nt a cia s which ------ o------ The doctor angrily pulled him for- man Review. would probably be glad to exchange cart- “property” pistol and blank ¡ward till his nose almost touched When N*fson Quit "Cussin,. ’ ’ ------ X ------- X ------- X- — places with them and gladly accept ridges.—Harvey's Weekly. When Senator Nelson was gover­ the placard. pay and conditions which brought on ------- o------- Rew The Money Goes.____ nor ot Minr esota one of his cronies | "Well, can Newspapers and magazines have the strike. It is inconceivable that ------ -o------- "No sir,” paid the old man i was an Epit copal minister. Dr. Wil- been saying a great deal on the high Jhe leaders cooly reasoned that shut­ A few months ago a lot of bol.-he cox. "The C in the Ishakin* his head. “You see ting down the mines at the begin ­ eat cost of living. We can not wear, vik bombs blew up the homes and be felt never h-arn't to read!” or use what is not produced and no ning of winter would cause such suf- offices ot American citizens, says an [habit of “cussing” —— <> -— of the ¡like It and the n __ ____________ fering as to force acquiescence to amount of _ mopey can buy it for u Evidence. i In the Capper’s Weekly' say that the high their demand-, but as th- y could not exchange Instantly the Wilson ad churchman (lid not ministration rushed before congress ¡least. Dr. Wilcox to Gov. "You always have that same wall- cost of living is not so much a ques- but know who would be the fiist to for millions of money to be used in ¡Nelson frequently ¡rose in this resturant, don't you?" ■ weal tlon of increased wages and salarie suffer the suspicion cannot but be running down the bomb-senders. The Ing habit and tried to break him of said the buttin' s man. TILLAMOOK', OKLGOX. as It is for greater production. It may entertained.—Independent. money w. appropriated A lot of ad­ lit, but without success. One day “Always," replied his friend, "She’s t>e so, but the average man is of th ------- o — ditional people—mostly deserving |they were sitting In the governor’s very careful to bring rue clean food." opinion that the greater amount of Mr. Gompers Gives False and Dang­ 'Democrat«—were added to the sag­ "How do you know?" office and when something in the production occasioned by the war has ging pay roils. All got their pictures conversation aromed Gov. Nelson he "Why today I saw her brushing the erous Counsel. been pretty well kept up for a year in the papers with fine pieces about spoke his mind freely and inter- dust off my piece of custard pie with ------- o ■— and that somebody is controlling Ornamental Fire Places Built l themselves. Then they proceeded to Ispcrsed his discour-“ liberally with her apron.” Mr. Gompers’ war-time record was various articles which^render them of Brick and Stone, All Fire 'get into easy office chairs and wait expletives. o----- - difficult to obtain and that some­ admirable, and it is therefore a Places absolutely guaranteed probably for the monthly pay day, “ Why in the ---------- --------- don ’ t not to smoke or money re­ body 1« holding for high prices.— keener disappointment that he now Wliy the Hired Girl Quit. WilFon’a ¡you cut that out?" demanded Dr. ¡makes the lamentable mistake of ¡for the remainder of Mr. funded. News Reporter. Amohg the atrocities of the week is Wilcox. Brick work of all kinds done marring it by assuming a defiant administration. the act of the Topeka hired girl who —. o Have you read of a single convic­ Gov. Nelson was amazed and final­ on short notice. Having had occasion to criticise attitude toward the law and the gov- tion? You have not. You have-not notified her mistress she was leaving. We make a specialty of re­ ly said: "Well if my cussing sounds Secretary Daniels freely and fre- ernment. ________ His speech Monday night at -- - - . even read of an arrest. For appear­ as bad as yours, I will." And he did Pressed for the cause she said, "You pairing smoking Fire Place«. quently. we take the same great | Washington was a disloyal app»-al to remember last week I went to a fu­ ances sake it would seem that at pleasure in commending him for his organized labor to cut loose from the neral and was all dressed up. Well, least two or three people wearing refusal to repudiate. Admiral Sims moorings of good citizenship, I urn going to marry the husband of A Passenger’s Kick. exaggerated whiskers should be ar­ for whtft be had to «ay about the j "We are in accord with our govern- One day recently a woman passen- the deceased He said I was the life rested. P. S. The spending of the TILLAMOOK. ORE direc-'ment (he said) when we know that Sinn Feiners. Daniel Connell, direc-____ ger on a railway asked the porter of that there funeral. tor of the Irish National Bureau, de- lour government is following out a millions goes merrily on. Music by Wilkins’ Four Piece Jazz Orchestra “Be a Patriot What the Editors Say » 3