TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, NOVEMBER 13,4919. Discuss Public Ques- - tions of Interest, lit. 0 Former governor Frank P. Willis, ol Ohio, declares it Is time that the American people get tftick to the American Constitution and insisted upon that reverence and respect for jaw and order which are so essential ¡1 this great country is to continue as' a republic, a government of, for and by the people. Mr. Willis, in a recent -1 ch graphically set forth the curse a 1 peril of the anarchistic group which exist in America and which exi-t in numbers greater than we r< lize until the disclosures of the pi.-t few months saying: "These ups have gained admittance to the (. ¡itry through public negligence; u. y have been tolerated because a lax Americanism permitted it; they ji prospered and multiplyed their following because lawabiding, liber­ ty-loving Americans have been pa­ tient and easy-going enough to ig- lK'ie the schools of bolshevism and a:. >} t\ • 22^’ l*i A ITr*i • • • • 55 hl ii 7^: i Bli J’! 55, a * • •r t I*** I * • • ’L • • ■ S l._ • • « li Ì-7 I * ‘7^1 • • • • ii ' X? A Z«—e r * : /!>■' :: • • c /'X ji A *1 / x' « >■ Cn..P z o I« i’»: '"■'ÿF''- a P*. "r .1 •• k »■ ■*** i / • i • • *4 Ü: Tested 250,000 Miles Three-Point Cantilever Springs Greatest Improvement Since Pneumatic Tires ¿x: ötei * • • • I: • 4 has been put through the O VERLAND most thorough and severe test possible. ii É: lì 250,000 miles of mountain trails, desert sand, heat, cold, mud and dust, demon­ strated the quality of every part of the car long before we began manufacturing. This remarkable test showed conclusively that Three-Point Cantilever Springs, exclu­ sive with Overland, are the greatest improve­ ment in riding comfort since the introduc­ tion of*pneumatic tires. They protect the car from road shocks and prolong the life of every part. They enable the wheels to hold A better to the road. They give fl v • • • r * X öioi; Frank S. Monett, former attorney neral of Ohio, who recently return- from a trip to the Orient, says: 'oncensus of opinion among Chln- e military men, business men, niis- maries and students is that the anting of bhantung peninsula to pan means the disemboweling of lina. It will be a dagger thrust in- the heart of the latter nation. If nerica indorses the proposal it giv- want for to the lie to everything we fought the war and will ultimately react ion the Ujiited States. Japan’s ouiise to return Shantung to China pans nothing, because if the niika- = nation carries out its commercial pis there will be nothing to return, ready Japan is beginning to rule in iron that hand year in was in the A Im an Shantung. Grover map Cleveland. He sent l.iidential purporting to give to Chicago protect the in- lure plans to Japan to shows their to work seize from those ntion wanted to eventually the two :>st important railroads in the untry. Thus at the moment they Kight declare war they would be ■eady to starve out Pekin.” I Sa '* • • • . ♦ 1 • • ^îx öle- • • W' • • • il)î 4 i ir KAii- ' t ------- 0------- - I« H * » iï • » • , •» • • fe greater comfort under all road conditions They do away almost entirely with side sway and rebound which twist and rack the car. Diagonal attachment of the Three-Point Springs at both ends of a 130-inch Spring­ base gives the steadiness and smooth riding of the heavy car of long wheel base. Equipment is complete from Auto-Lite Starting and Lighting System to Marshall Divan Spring Upholstery. - • • I H Ë / Come in and see this car. Ask for Booklet. Overland 4 Touring, $845; Road­ ster, $845; Coupe, $1325; Sedan, $1375; Prices f. o. b. Toledo. • • X. •#» É: ) □AC. • • • i ■ '0 1 WNew York Sun: "Because of the • • • Bngshoremen’s strike the postoffice ■epartnient threw up its hands and Mbit its job of moving the foreign • • • Kails. Letters, periodicals, parcels, Kc postage on which had been pre­ 7XiX\ » Kid and delivery of which the post- Klice had contracted to undertake yTxfi • K on the piers, awaiting the hour ■lien the men who don't Kork for the pay offered to them AZ.. Kill allow men who do want to work ?-l*\ • 1 * ■ get on the job. The government of ôICÀ* Ke United States found the mails Kstructed at Chicago in the railway V • Kike of 189.l. The administration of Ke executive department of the gov- Pakin (Ill.) Times, from which the nient appended editorial is clipped is a ds of democratic paper which seems to ex­ diers press) n who the views of a good many Dem­ ocrats. "Our old them friend Ham Un- Lewis o did not want to J. work. sometime leader of the senate the protection of the soldiers the and now about to disappear from Wash­ ils were moved. The public service ingtonian declared recent- ence had splendors, halted was resumed, ’ iy in Chicago President supremacy of that the law was Wilson, up- Our traveling executive, maj be of forc- . The executive department wq* by the bitter government attacks of his critics. United States today *to tun a 3rd time for the presidency. not do what Grover Cleveland Gof save country. The President When the the peace of the country *4¡Ssented' run not a seek second to time isturbed it to does de- in otjbr that he might "keep us out of iana. who piloted the federal suf- it. It lies down. When it lies war.' If he is runs a third and is frage amendment through to victory n the law powerless, the time agents Aefofoed. what would be the next niach- in ord- ln the early days of the present con- he law are paralyzed, * ert." In view of the dire ceases threat to of the gress, acknowledged he was not al­ ’ of the government rosear ' wintered model is of in sartorial ttion. The weaknes- the ad- ways in favor of giving women the elsEsmce let all 'bitter' of the vote, though he "saw the light” long miaist ration. It has all critics the authority ^yMhfstrallon stop of their and before the eleventh hour, and since and all the power the mouths government lay fcside their but poison tipped pens, then has steadfastly championed the at it.' hand, does not use them. leal __ _■ _____ has __________ lest gods again cry surrendered 'Havoc and cause. His "conversion” is interest­ Th* the aoministrafion let Mil1 disorderly the dogs of war. us bear ing. "When women come to me ask­ to the and the ’* Let government the *di>iinistration evils of govern is Had'! helpless by its surrender. ” ­ ing for the vote I felt at first it was ment.controlled rails, wires, foods, a mistake. I did not believe the best drink* and all the rest of the cata- and finest women wanted it. But a» logw^at i let us thank God for Wil- more and more women—the finest aon. for doubtless if our thanks re and lovliest and best women I knew eeiveritheir award. Wood row will came to me with their request I be­ ^^Wfrercy on us. It Is possible.” gan to study the matter and I finally ------- o------- decided that in the Interest of their aeant'T James E. Watson, of Ind- children, their homes and themselves I f F I ■ù. r; ï A. < ■-Wi' JOO inch a ' ì ' a j t-• ’-»w-i»-iw—wnal. Wheelbase . 1 7 / -ÏI V • 1 fc. I I - •F ii Ì I V 21 W, •ie / C. F. Pankow, Star Garage. I 51 they ought to have the vote. Suffrage is the greatest bulwark against so­ cialism there is. Socialism Btrikes at i " the home, at marriage and at family life. It would vest all property in the state, taking away from thfe man and woman who mprry their right to own a home around which centers real family lite. Realizing this, they seek to abolish family life . family tie« and marriage and make mere com­ munity interest take the place of the home and the family. When women realize this they will unite against the menace that threatens to destroy the sanctity of the home and family life. And look upon suffrage as the Halvation of the country against the ultimate of socialism.” -jt ¡000.000 other men. I have to tell a 'physician whenever I kiss a pretty It is all wrong to call a soldier a girl. I never have a single minute to "private.” says a correspondent of myself. And yet they call me a "prl- the West’s Recall. "There is nothing vale.” private about me,” he asserts. "1 have been examined by 50 doctors, and they haven't missed a blemish. I have confessed to being married and having no children. 1 have told |my previous occupations and my sal­ ary. I have nothing in my past that has not been revealed. I am the only living thing that has less privacy; ¡than a goldfish. I sleep in a room with countless other men and eat 'with about >00. 1 take my bath with the entire detachment. I wear a suit of the same material and cut as 5.- Phone 72. Nothing Private about Private. NELSON & CO., General Merchandise, Bay City, Oregon. Square Deal and Good Goods Our Motto. CANCER. NO KNIFE AND No Plasters and LOSS OF BLOOD Pains for Hours J Or Days. TUMORS. PILES, FISTULA, GOITRE DISEASES OF WOMEN j. Over thirty years study in Europe Four Vears Study in Europe. Over thirty years experience 1 ■ 4.' Portland Physical Therapy Labora­ tories. 412 to 417 Journal Building Portland Oregon í - 1 ■JEF’ 4» \ I «