Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, November 13, 1919, Image 8

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and you should worry. If you
The Brunswick ‘ Ultona” plays all What the Editors Say ing
want more money any time, just
take it whenever you find it; and
records at their best.
Why shouldn't our judiciary move when the supply is gone just have
the government print more, so then
along with other things? In other
words, why shouldn’t it progress? Be­
cause an opinion or decision happen­
ed to be the proper tiling three hun­
dred years ago is no sign it is all
right today. Modernize the law a lit­
tle, as well as other things.—Tele­
phone Register.
------- o
The fiscal year 1919 shows that we
increased our sugar exports 999.6
percent over pre war exports. Until
we quit sweetening the rest of the
world, sugar in America will be high
priced and hard to get. We could
have had plenty of it this year at
reasonable price, from Cuba, if Mr.
Wilson hadn’t been so busy making
the world safe for democracy that he
let the option expire in spite of re­
peated warnings from the sugar
equalization board.—Gazette Times.
------- o-------
The Grangers of Clackamas coun­
ty have
Grange Master Spence charging him
with trying to use the grange to
boost his own political ambitions.
They, also endorsed the $1,700,000
road bond issue that Spence has been
fighting. Spence’s efforts to tie the
grange up with union labor ought to
be enough against him to satisfy any
farmer, to say nothing tibout his
campaign in behalf of the nonparti­
san league.—Gazette-Times.
will be enough for everybody to help
themselves. How strange that thi
plan has never been thought of be­
fore. So simple.—Sheridan Sun.
business men , housewives
During the present agitation rela­
and children .
tive to the coal miners' strike it is
ACH nnd every one of those find the First Na­
possible that public opinion will veer
tional a Rood place to hunk. Our facilities
around to such a decided extent that
cover the needs of all three Masses and <>iir
the workers should be well aud lib-
is appreciatively helpful whether one has a
ed unjustly. In common with most of
rue account or small.
the people The Observer believes that
~Bv hankinu here—you place your account under
the worekrs shouud be »ell and lib­
the siipervision of thcNAllONAL hankinu Laws
erally paid. But this does not mean
that they should be allowed to run
and Regulations.
the country, and demand and receive
such high wages that business
A. W. tn'NN. Farmer.
be crippled.
In other words
I.AMU. Building Material.
should be on guard to see that
workingmen are not unjustly treated
just because they have been milled
into believing that it was possible fbr
them to get all that there is in busi­
ness. For all most recognized that
some men are born with greater abil-
ity and more ambition than others,
and that the world always has and
always will pay them for that ability
and ambition. But the workingmen
have for some time had all the say, I
and if they get the opportunity or
acquire the power the capitalists will
be just as unreasonable. It is tlie
great middle classes who must bal­
Armoured Inner Tires are a practical, common sense,
ance the weight and see that justice g
money-saving tire necessity for all tire users. By
is meted out to all.—Polk County
preventing punctures and blowouts, they add plea-
The coal strike is bound to prove a Observer.
sure, safety and economy to motoring. Lubricated
failure because it does not have the
inside and out, they require no cementing aud no vul­
backing of either the public or the NEW NATIONAL LAW DEATH ON
canizing. Placed on your tires as easily as inner tube.
rational element of organized labor.
The claims for men for increased
wages may be just, but they are ask­
ing too much when they insist on a Measure Passed By Congress Is Now ^HS?5?5E5a5i5H5c!5H5E5aSH5a52SHSZ5E5Z5Z5E5E5Z525BS2SB52525ZS2S2S2S25!SB
six hour day and a five day week,
Eight hours and six days are not un­
reasonably long for any man, per­
forming mere manual labor. One of
Automobile thieves take warning!
tlie Ten Commandmants handed to The long arm of the United States
Moses by tlie Loid for the law of all will get you now if you cross a state
mankind commences, “Six days shalt line or run a stolen cur into a foreign
Take'yourtHerses there and get
thou labor."—Itemizer.
country or territory. And the penalty
First Class Shoes for them.
------- o-------
is enough to make even the hardest
The teachers of Yamhill County criminals hesitate—$5000 fine or
I guarantee all work to be
are in McMinnville this week attend­ five years’ imprisonment or both.
satisfactory, if not, bring it back
ing the annual institoot of that body
This bill, .which passed both houses
of professional ladies and gentlemen.
and I&will make good without
of congress quickly, went to Presi­
Schools were closed Tuesday evening
extra charge.
for the ✓ rest of the week. The teach- dent Wilson on October 16. On ac­
count of his illness, he let it become
ers’ institute is somewhat of a round
up where the teaching fraternity a law without his signature on Oc­
tober 28. It is estimated this will
meet and exchange new
tremendously increase the recovery
and principals in the methods of
cars, locally, as it will put a stop
teaching and conducting school. The
"conductor” who assists the county to all interstate traffic in stolen mo­
superintendent of schools in keep­ tor vehicles.
The law is considered by automo­
ing up interest and imparting know­
ledge to the teachers, is the one on bile men and the police as one of
whom the success or failure of the such great importance that it is here
meeting depends. Teachers get pay given in full. Department of justice
for attending these institutes the officials suggest it be posted up in
| ledge to the teachersis the one on garages and distributed generally by
titled to it. But it will not be long automobile dealers and clubs when­
! until the annual institute will be ever possible, to the end that stolen
1 a thing
of the past.—Willamina cars will not be moved outside of the
state, thus making their recovery
more prompt and easy.
• /
The proposed league between the
This is the law:
Grange, the Farmers’ Union and the
"Be It enacted by~the Senate and
BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL LADIES, rerogniring the many ad­
State Federation of Labor, is only the House of Representatives of the
CONDITIONS arc maturing new vantages in a personal checking ac­
bringing out to the surface of what United States of America, in congress
problems almost daily and this bank count. will find us ready to do every­
has been a veiled alliance in the past assembled, that this act may be cited
has prepared itself with facilities very thing possible to make their transac­
valuable to a wide variety of interests. tions with this bank a pleasure to them.
and which has more or less butted as the national motor-vehicle theft
into politics with comparatively little act.
TO THE THRIFTT, m offer 4%
ER, our membership in the Federal
success because of the radicalism
"Section 2. That when used in this
interest compounded twice yearly for
Retene System is an advantage. It
which characterizes many
of the act0
their savings plus the security of A
gives us a broad and practical ability
Girona Home Owned Bank.
“(a) The term ‘motor vehicle’ shall
to meet their particular needs. The
I As far as affecting legislation, it will include an automobile, automobile
same connection serves The Burinet*
I not do much more than it has done truck, automobile wagon, motorcycle
Man Here each of these differing lines TO THE VISITORS IN Tn IS SEC­
of endeavor will find that conferences TION, this l>ank is a place for them
I in the last two sessions. Many farm- or any other self propelled vehicle
with our officers often bring out ad­ to enter and fed at h<>rue and they
eni are not affiliated with either the not designed for running or rails.
vantages which annety and business are invited to call and make their
Grange or the Farmers Union; they
“(b) The term 'interstate or for­
cares have hidden from them.
desires known.
prefer to act with recognized parties. eign commerce’ as used in this act
The new alliance will possibly make shall include transportation from one
more noise than in the past but will state, territory or the District of Co­
JN the final analysis, it will be found that this in­
not accomplish much more unless lumbia, or to a foreign country, or
stitution is governed by a spirit of helpfulness, and,
new leaders take hold of the move- from foreign country to any state,
whatever your business interests in this section may
merit.—News Reporter.
territory or the District of Columbia.
be, you can confidently rely upon its cordial, intelli­
------- o
“Section 3. That whosoever shall
gent and personal co-operation.
Warden Steiner, of the Oregon transport or cause to be transported
state prison, has returned from a in interstate or foreign commerce a
tour of tlie larger eastern prisons motor vehicle, knowing the same to
The St ran. a Home Bank
with a report of possible industries have been stolen, shall be punished
within the by a fine of not more than $5000 or
that can be conducted
prison walls. Outdoor employment of by Imprisonment of not more than
prisoners is to be abolished and the five years or both.
work heretofore done by the convicts
“Section 4. That whoever shall,
in tlax production, road building and with the intent to deprive the owner
cutting fuel wood has been decided of the possession thereof, receive,
against. Tlie new program that is be­ conceal, store, barter, sell or dispose
ing considered is the manufacture of of any motor vehicle, moving car, or
raS25HSZSasa5H5aS25£5H5H5H5H5?SHSH5ï5Z5E5ESa5HSÎSH5a5?S25e5?SÏS25a5H525a agricultural machinery
at the state which is a part of. or which consti­
prison at Salem. Harvesting machin- tutes interstate or fereign commerce,
ery and farming machinery general- knowing the same to have been stol­
ly, little or none of which is tnade in en, shall be punished by a fine of
llie state, is to be turned out and sold not more than $500 or by imprison­
al cost to the fanners. It is believed ment of not more than five years, or
to be a move of economy and to teach both.
(lie prisoners industrial trades with­
“Section 5. That any person violat­
out interfering with free labor. It is ing this act may be punished in any
For discnfecting where Contagious or
understood that Stillwater, Minn., district in or through which such
infectious diseases are prevailing.
plan will be followed and the matter motor vehicle has been transported
will be gone into thoroughly before or removed by such offender.’ *
any action is taken.—Hillsboro Inde­
i pendent.
Hear them at the New Music Store
Kitehen Ranges and
Heating »Stoves.
See UsOfor Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere
| Prevents Punctures and Blowouts
C. MILLS, Agent, Tillamook, Ore-
f your immediate need is a de­
pendable, painstaking handling of
some business or financial matter,
read the last paragraph of this ad­
vertisement. Our desire is to go
less directly to the point.
ful Germicidal mixture and by its use
will improve general stable conditions.
Entire New Stock of Candies.
New Syrups. Come and See.
Phone 32
With the coal-miners demanding a
'six hour day and a five-day a week,
.and also a raise of 60 per cent in
' «¡iges. Why work at all? asks the
Pathfinder. Why brother to get all
sweaty and black? Why not merely
take your money and have all your
time to yourself. What's the use of
working »hen by simply combining
together you get anything you want.
Work is old tashioned and out of
date. Labor Is a curse anyway. The
ideal lit^ is loafing. Let the tramp and
the slacker be your models hence­
forth; they toil not, neither do they
spin.. If others are fools enough to
work, let them do it; but you have
risen superior to that. So start in
right by not working today. Strike
aud loaf. The world owes you a liv-
Notice of Meeting in Road District
No 8 for Making a Special Tax
.... o------
To all whom it may concern.
Notice is hereby given that at 4:30
o'clock p.m. on Tuesday, November
25, 1919. at Bayside Inn, situated in
Bayocean Park in road district No. 8.
Tillamook County. Oregon, a meeting
will be held of resident tax payers
for the object and purpose of making
a special tax levy upon the property
as described on the 1919 tax roll in
said road district for road purposes
for the year 1920.
Dated at Tillamook, Oregon, No­
vember 5. 1919.
A. M. Hare,
County Judge of THlatuook County.
Fruit, Groceries and Campers’ Supplies
Dry Goods and Gasoline
Phone Main 73.