TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, NOVEMBER 13, 1919 North line of the NE& of the SW14 |for the relief demanded in the com­ of Section 7, Township 3 South, plaint, to-wit: That the contract of Range 9 West of the Willamette matrimony now existing between the Meridian, which point is North 60 plaintiff and defendant be dissolved degrees 25 minutes West 901 feet and that the plaintiff be grunted an and South 34 degrees and 15 minutes absolute divorce from the defendant, west 496.1 feet from the V* corner in and for such other relief as the the center of Section 7, Township 3 Court may deem just and meet. This Summons is published by or­ South, Range 9 West of the Willam­ ette Meridian; thence South 34 de­ der of the Hon. A. M. Hare, County grees 15 minutes west 540.5 feet to a Judge of Tillamook County, Oregon, point in the present traveled road. said order being dated September 25, Containing 60-100 acres, more or 1919, and the date of the first pub­ lication being Oct. 2nd, 1919, and of less; And also why said administrator the last publication, November 13, should not be authorized to sell the 1919. Johnson & Handley, following described real estate (sub­ Attorneys for the Plaintiff. ject to the right of way for said road) P. O. Address: 107-8-9 at private sale, in the manner provid­ I. O. O. F. Building, ed by law, for cash, namely; Tillamook, Oregon. The Southwest Quarter of Section Seven, Township Three South, Range Nine West of the Willamette Meri­ COAXING YOU TO SMILE. dian, in Tillamook County, Oregon, less Tracts 1264, 814, 1283, 589, 592 A doctor came up to a patient Ina and 588, described in Tract Book in lunatic asylum, slapped him on the the office of the County Assessor of back, and said: “Well old man you’re Tillamook County, Oregon, on pages all right. You can run along and 335. 334, 334, 333, 334 and 333, re­ write your folks that you’ll be back spectively, of said Tract Book, con­ home in two weeks as good as new.” taining 110.5 acres more or less; The patient went off gaily to write all according to the petition of the his letter. He had it finished and Administrator of said estate hereto- sealed, but as he was about to affix fore filed in the above entitled pro- the stamp the latter slipped through ceeding. his fingers to the floor, alighted on The foregoing citation is served the back of a cockroach that was pas­ upon you, the unknown heirs, if any, sing and stuck. The patient hadn’t of Fritz Buhrow, deceased, by pub­ seen the cockroach. What he did see lication, by virtue of and in pursu­ was his escaped postage stamp zig­ ance of an order entered in the above zagging aimlessly across the floor entitled proceedings on the-21st day and following a crooked trail up the of October. 1919, by Hon. A. M. Hare, wall and across the ceiling. In de­ County Judge. The date of the first pressed silence he tore up the letter publication is October 23, 1919, and that he had just written and dropped the date of the last publication is the pieces on the floor. "Two weeks”, November 20th, 1919. he said. "I won’t be out of here in Witness the Honorable A. M. Hare; three years.” County Judge of the County of Tilla­ ------- o mook in the State of Oregon and Nathaniel Hawthorne’s handwrit­ Judge of the County Court of the ing was so illegible that some of his State of Oregon for the County of manuscripts remained unpublished Tillamook. because nobody could read them, Attest: Homer Mason This was likewise true of Carlyle. County Clerk of the county of | The story is told of a type compositor Tillamook in the State of Ore­ who was employed in a London print­ gon and ex officio Clerk of the ing office because of a strong recom­ County Court of the State of mendation which he brought from Oregon for the county of Tilla­ Scotland. The first piece ot^ manu- mook. serript given him was by Carlyle. ‘My T. H. Geyne God!” said the new typesetter, “Have Robert H. McGrath. you got that man here, too? I fled Tillamook, Oregon. from Scotland to avoid him.” Attorneys for the Administration. cosy here W - “ A good oil heater filled with Pearl Oil gives comfortable warmth with­ out dust and dirt Lights at the touch of a match—gives instant heat. No smoke, no odor. Economi­ cal. Oil consumed only when heat is needed—no waste. Pearl Oil is refined and re-refined by our special process which makes it clean burning. For sale in bulk by dealers everywhere—the same high-quality kerosene as the Pearl Oil sold in five-gallon cans. There is a saving by buying in bulk. Order by name—Pearl Oil. t We recommend Perfection Oil Heaters STANDARD OIL COMPANY ¿California) rent of words came hissing from . mouth. Then she crumpled up ar gave way entirely to her grief. “Fl» fine,” the man tried to her. “Two hundred feet of that is enough. Now we'll shoot a little of the next scene, where you hang by one foot from a five story building.” Whereupon the lovely girl chucked the union over­ board. -------o - Finley P. Dunne was talking about the 1919 fashions. “Worse and worse,” he said moodily “They grow worse and worse. A beggar held ine up the other day. ’Why’, 1 said,, as I gave the poor fellow a dime, ’why, isn’t this Hotton, the famous impre­ sario?” “That’s me” said the beg­ gar. “But what old chap”, I asked, ’what is the cause of your downfall?’ ‘The new fashions,’ he answered bit­ terly. "The new fashions Peter. You see. 1 used to make a million out of le—I mean limb shows; but the la­ dies display so many charms for nothing now that the public don't pay to see shows like mine any more Citation. ------o— In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Tillamook. In the matter of the estate of Nicholas Job, commonly known as Nick Job, deceased. To the unknown heirs of Nicholas Job. deceased. In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby cited and required to appear in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Tillamook, at the court room there­ of, at Tillamook, in the county of Til­ lamook, on Thursday, the 4th day of December, 1919, at 10 o'clock, in the forenoon of that day, then and there to show cause, if any exists, why an order of sale should not be made as in the petition prayed for after ten days from and after said 4th day of December, 1919, for that certain real estate described as Lots 1 and 2, of Block 46 of Thayer’s Fifth Addi­ tion to the City of Tillamook in the County of Tillamook and State of Oregon, and that said citation be served on you by order of the County Judge, A. M. Hare, entered No­ vember 4. 1919 by publication in the Tillamook Headlight, a weekly news­ paper published in said county and of general circulation therein, for not less than four successive weeks and for five insertions,prior to said date. First publication November 6, 1919. Last publication December 4, 1919. The sale to be made for claims against the estate. Witness, the Hon. A. M. Haro, Judge of the County Court of tho State of Oregon for the County of Tillamook, with the seal of said court affixed, this 4th day of November, A. D. 1919. Attest: Homer Mason, Clerk. By Vida A. Mlllls, Deputy At the conclusion of the school term prizes were distributed. When ” ------- o------- one of the pupils returned home his In the Circuit Court of the State of mother chanced to be entertaining callers. “Well Charlie,” asked one of Oregon for Tillamook County. these, “did you win a prize” “Not Jeanette Seymour, Plaintiff (KEROSENE) vs. exactly," said Charlie, "but I got a Antone J. Seymour, Defendant. horrible mention." c/’-4 Lamps To Antone J. Seymour, the above She was crying unrestrainedly. Not named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon: a sound come from the pretty tarem- You are hereby required to appear bling lips, but the great tears rolled and answer the complaint filed down her cheeks. The man seemed to against you in the above entitled enjoy the sight. A sarcastic smile cause, on or before the date of the played about the cruel mouth as he last publication of this summons, to­ watched her; indeed he looked as if Krout, Krout. wit: on or before November 13, 1919, he could never have smiled any other, Who want’s krout this winter? Notice. order of Hon. Geo. R. Bagley, Judge Notice to Creditors. and it you fail so to appear and ans- kind. The girl’s beautiful eyes looked Stuivenga has got the cabbage. Send ----- —o------- of the above named Court, dated - o------- wer the complaint, for want thereof, up pleasingly to his. His tongue seem­ him your order, prices right. Mutual In the County Court of the State of Notice is hereby given that the un­ October 23, 1919, and the first the plaintiff will apply to the Court ed to lash her like a whip as a tor- Phone, Wul. Stuivenga. •■signed has been by the County publication is fixed at October 30th, Oregon, for the County of Tillamook. In the matter of the estate of publication Dec. 1919, and the last >urt of Tillamook County, Oregon. Nicholas Joi», deceased, commonly pointed administrator of the estate 11. 1919. Johnson & Handley known at Nick Job. John L. Bozor’h, deceased, and all Notice is hereby given to all whom Attorneys for the Plaintiff. rsons having claims against the P. O. Address: Tillamook, Oregon. it may concern, that the undersigned Id estate are required to present 'has been by the County Court of Til- Bin duly verified to the undersign- at the First Bank of Bay City, Notice of Filing of Commissioners’ ; lamook County, ^Oregon, ■ duly ap­ pointed Administrator of the Estate y City, Oregon, within six months Report for Stillwell Drainage of Nicholas Job, deceased, commonly mi the date hereof. known as “Nick Job; and all persons District. Dated November 6th, 1919. having claims against said estate are John O. Bozorth, Notice is hereby given to all per­ hereby notified to present same, duly Administrator of said estate. sons interested in the land included verified, as by law required, to the within the Stillwell Drainage Dis­ undersigned, at his office In Tilla­ Summons. within six trict, Tillamook County, Oregon, de­ mook City, Oregon, ------ o------ months front this date. In the circuit court of the State of scribed as follows: Dated October 16th, 1919, being Beginning at the point where the Bgon for Tillamook County. quarter-section line running east and the first publication of this notice. ‘D. Smith, Plaintiff. John Leland Henderson, west through the center of Section .'■'V vs. Administrator of the 26, Township 1 South, range 10 west, Cha.-. Kunze, Ben Kuppen- estate of Nicholas Job, W. M., intersects the east side of bender, Henry Rogers, Fred Tillamook River, and running thence Deceased. Mtturer, Thad Robison, Rol­ east along said line to where said li® W. Watson, B. A. Folks, line intersects the right bank of E. J. Geinger, A. L. Mapes, Citation. Trask River near the center of said John Ebinger, M. W. Harri­ ------0—r Section 26; thence following the son, John Schild, W. J. Pet­ In the County Court of the State of right bank of the Trask River up­ erson, E. H. Zurflueh, Hugh stream southerly, easterly and north-, Oregon, for the County of Tillamook. Barber, B. W. Neilson, F. J. In the matter of the estate of Fritz erly to the northerly bank of a Kllnehan, F. R. Beals, J. J. Buhrow. late of the county of Tilla­ slough- connecting said Trask River Bupp and Chas. I. Clough, with what is known as Trask River mook, deceased. Defendants. To the State of Oregon and to all a To M. W. Harrison, one of the cut-off at a point near the north­ unknown heirs or next of kin, if any west corner of the southeast quarter above named defendants: such there be, of Fritz Buhrow, late In the name of the State of Oregon: < of the southwest quarter of section of the county of Tillamook in tho You are hereby required to appear 25. in township 1 Soutth of range 10 State of Oregon, deceased. and answer the complaint filed West, W. M.; thence following the In the name of the State of Oregon, ■Cai nst you in the above entitled bank of said slough northeasterly to you are hereby cited and required to HKus« on or before the date of the the left bank of what is known as 'be and appear in the County Court of last publication- of this summons, ’ Trask River cut-off; then following the State of Oregon for the County left bank of the Trask River and if you fail so to answer for want said 1 of Tillamook, at the court room northerly to its inter­ thereof, the plaintiff will apply to cut-off thereof at the county court house in the south, or left the above named court for the relief section with Tillamook City, in said county, at the prayed for in the complaint, to-wit: bank of Hoquarton slough; thence December term of said court, on the down Hoquarton slough, following that the association composed by the fifteenth day of December, Nineteen ’plaintiff and the above named de- I the left bank thereof, to the intersec­ Hundred and Nineteen, at ten o’clock Pendants (being an association deal­ tion of Hoquarton slough with the a m. of that day, then and there to tag in Holstein cows) be dissolved Tillamook river; tlrence following show cause, if any cause there be, by a decree of this court, and that the right bank of Tillamook River, why the administrator of the above •ach of the defendants be required to upstream, to the place of beginning; named estate shall not compromise x appear herein and make an individ- that the commissioners heretofore with the County Court of the County ▼ nal accounting and adjustment of appointed to assess benefits and dam- of Tillamook for the sum of Fifty the business of said association with ages to the property and lands situ­ Dollars for the land taken by It for the individual members thereof, and ate in said drainage district and to road purposes, and, upon payment wjth all other persons who have or ; appraise the cash value of the land I being made, to make and deliver a »•Ave business relations with said as­ necessary to be taken for right of ¡deed therefore, in the usual form, for sociation. and to make distribution way, holding basins and other works | the following described land, being and allotment of any profits or losses of said district within or without 'the land so taken, namely; ■Bong the members of said associa­ the limits of said district, filed their All that part of the property of F. tion; and that the plaintiff have report in this office on the 27th day of | Buhrow in the NE*4 of the (4 of fadgment against each and all of October, 1919, and you and each of Section 7, Township 3 South, Range9 ■it defendants for whatever sum an lyou are hereby notified that you may I West of the Willamette Meridian in­ ■counting herein may show the said ¡examine said report and file excep- cluding within a strip of land 60 feet Mao< iation is due and owing him, itions to all or any part thereof, on or wide, being 30 feet on each side of loos his appropriate share of such before the second day of December, the center line of the Coast High­ |8om. and for such other and further 1919. Homer Mason, way as surveyed across said property relief in equity as the Court may doom meet and just. County Clerk of Tillamook and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Jbis summons is published by the County, Oregon. Summons. PEARL OIL HEAT AND LIGHT 2 H. C. BOONE, Agent, Tülamook, Oregon