___________ _______ _________ TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, NOVEMBER 13, 1919. The Gem Theatre Feature Attractions. Thursday, November 20, Tuesday,November 18, WHO AM I? Douglas Fairbanks in “MR. FIX-IT.” % George Walsh has a lot of trouble answering this question in ÍÍ An Artcraft Picture. One night of Doug doing “Stunts” in immac­ ulate evening dress will be enough to start you laughing; you’ll keep it up through five long reels. PUTTING ONE OVER ” He boards a train as a salesman. The train is wrecked. When he regains conscious-, ness he is a millionaire—and married. A William Fox Production. Don’t Miss It or You’ll Be Sore at Yourself. iUcfefH^tamBRNKS 'in.''ZAn Fix-It" An AßTCßAFT Picture; For Sale.—3 year old registered Hol­ MÎCKIE SAYS BRING IM IME LETTERS NOU GET FROVA OUR SOLDIER BONS U x IE' r E GLAO TO PRINT EVA. JEST SO VJE OONT (J x T TOO VAÍXNN FROVA RV4N ONE PERSON. EMERNBODN IS SURE PROUD OF OUR BONS V AMD GUtXD TO HEfxR FROVA 'X TH EVA ALL Weekly Cash Specials We are offering the following at REDUCED CASH PRICES : Libby’s Canned Milk, 10 tall cans, $1.50 1.00 Campbell’s Soup, 8 assoted cans 30 Knight’s Catsup, 16oz. bottle ■ 50 Folger’s Coffee, any size, per lb. I Shreded Wheat Biscuits, 2 packages 25 1.00 Seaport Corn, 6 cans Dew Drop Washing Powder, 45 limited supply, 2 packages - 1.65 Mill Run, per sack - stein bull. Tillamook Hessel, je King Repeater, No. 239629. En­ quire of Peter Betschart, Box 564, Tillamook. Nov 20 Miscellaneous Advertisements. Dr. Wise—Dentist. Truck for hire, with or without trailer, also slab wood for sale. Mutual Phone, F. J. Klinehan. ♦ Now is the time to can your meat ! Let me fill your order from grain ; fed cows. Prices right and satisfac­ tion guaranteed—Mutual Phone, | Wm. Stuivenga. * If it is .cabbage you want for krout, Ip F-irii i why 'Stuivenga’s got the goods, i Send along your orders. Mutual ' phone. Wm. Stuivenga. * | For Life Insurance, there is nothing ■ better than what the Mass. Mutual offers. Ask to see specimen policy. ■—W. A. Church. • BUI a W»R 5TA~iP a xo rwl We carry a Complete Dine of If you are in need of a heating stove, it will pay you to call and see my line of new and used heaters. I al­ so exchange new stoves for old stoves.—Allen Page. FANCY GROCERIES, FLOUR & feed Dr. Ramsey, Osteopath, Room 4, Masonic Building. and are making Special Reductions on the above items for this week only. Sale Opens Friday) (^Morning. We pay the highest market price for EGGS and HIDES. Wanted: Men or women to take or­ Tillamook Headlight’s Trade Mart. One cent a word per issue. Singer Agency—H. F. Cook, Prop. . * Star Grocery Company ry farm for rent with 15 cows. 8 ders among friends and neighbors for the genuine guaranteed hosery, full line for men, women and children. Eliminates darning. We pay 50c. an hour spare time or $24 a week for full time. Exper­ ience unnecessary. Write Internat­ ional Stocking Mills, Norristown, Pa. Dec 30. SPECIAL ! ! ! We are still offering some spec dally low prices for cash : Com Flakes - - 3 for 25c. $1.85 Carnation Feed - Small White Beans, per lb 10c. Standard Tomatos, No. 2,2 for 25c. Famous Peas - - 20c. White Navy Soap, 18 bars for 1.00 Good Breakfast Bacon - 45c. Hard Wheat Flour - - 2.90 We have other Specials on Sale at the Store. We have fancy New Crop Imported Cur­ rants. Get your supply now for your mince meat and fruit cakes. TA C. 0. & C. M. Dawson. I Across from the New Garage. liles south of Tillamook City near See Dr. Wise about .your dental cheese factory. Single man prefer­ Work. Nov-6. red or man with small family. Call at Headlight office for further in­ Dr.’s Allen and Sharp. Dentists. National Building. formation. N-13 Pigs for sale—W. H. Banke, Netarts Let W. A. Church write your hay * insurance. Our line of New Pianos are works of Dr. J. B. Grider, dentist, I. 0. O. F. art. On exhibition at Cook’s Music House, opposite P. O. Everything Modem Bldg, Tillamook, Oregon. Films, Cameras and Photo Supplies Films developed 10c. with print orders.—J. W. Edwall. * Apply at Nov. 20. Counter Sales Books—Order your Sales Books from W. F. Baker, agent Pacific Sales Book Co. Cal) For Sale—My undivided half interest in very choice acre lot at Bay City, 68 Headlight. fine for berries. If taken at once, it Dr. W. E. Lebow—Dentist with Dr. goes for tax valuation waranty Wise. deed. Write to Gilbert Eyke, New Auburn, Wis. Nov. 27. For Sale—1913 seven passenger Cad- dlac, in A 1 condition. Wheeler Garage at the Sanitary Market For Sale. For Sale—7 room modern house, cor­ ner 3rd Ave. and 5th St. East, two toilets, large laundry room with stationary tubs, lot 52 % 105 ft. Price $2,500 cash if taken at once. Also two story store and lot on second Ave. East, price $5,000, Terms. Address W. A Williams, 10 N. Higgins Ave, Missoula, Mont. But the Price And That’s Moderate 1918 5 passenger Mitchell. Only been run 300 miles. Good tires on machine and one extra, also a bump­ er. Will sell this car cheap. Inquire at Willard Battery Station. Announcement. Twentieth Century wood saw now in operation. For Sale—70 head of goats. Apply All orders promptly attended to. to L. L. Stillwell. Tillamook. 2 Call Bell phone 6F2 or leave orders Just you hear the Brunswick, it plays at Star Grocery or Sutton’s Market. Karl Wilhelms. all records at their best.—Palm Confectionary. * 25B5Z5H5E5E5252S2S2SS5E5HSHS For Sale—Two .Jersey .cows, will Hunters Take Notice. freshen soon, Apply to Clent King. We have furnished cottages and Beaver, Oregon. Nov. 13 good accommodations at our camp at Netarts. A. N. Davie», Prop. For Sale—An exceptional bull, drop­ ped Oct. 9, 1919. Light fawn— slate tongue and black switch. Sire, Poppy’s Golden St. Mawes, a direct son of St. Mawes Poppy. Dam: SHEET METAL WORKS OF ALL DESCRIPTION, ------o------ First ria« Tinning and Plumbing. A trial will Convince. cj Venora of Glaten Valley, a beauti­ Agent For ful two year old heifer milking AUTOMOBILE BUG BODIES A SPECIALTY. around thirty pounds a day, testing PAGE AND ALLEN AUT0M0BILE8 TENDERS AND BODIES REPAIRED. 5.1. Priced at $50 if sold at once. ' Write For Demon*tration Phone 9F15, Johnnie Stewart. Can make your old Radiators as Good as New. Dj SSZS2S2SaSZ5îSÎS2S25aS2SîSïS2SHSîSH52S2SHSa5aS2S2SBS2S25î5e5ïS25îSH5HS25 § BAYOCEAN SHEET METAL WORKS, g § TILLAMOOK, ORE.' § S Work Guaranteed. Service is our ¿Motto. Tn/M Dlrlrr 10(1(1 Bldg. T0 WILLARD STATION. SERVICE Cj g For Sale—3 two year olds Holstein § sasasaszszsasasasHsasasESZSHSzszszsBszsBSHSBsasHSHSssBszszsasaszsHSHSss? BAY CITY DRUG co Entire New Stock of Candies New Syrups. Come and See. Phone 31 Wheeler Garage. cows fresh in the spring; 1 3 year old, fresh December 1st; 2 milk cows fresh in spring. First class grade. Address M. Bailey, Route 1, box 69, Tillamook, Ore Nov. 13. For Sale—Work hor»e. about 1100 | And Price*. lbs, yoking, will work single or i SIMPLY doublx-Also top buggy and single | hartiteae» At a bargain if —