TILLAMOOK Rivers and Grand Ronde roads, for this improvement was made so that the people of this county could get Fred C. Baker, Editor. to the Willamette valley. We ail rec- tor bad ognire the value of thl SUBSCRIPTION per year $2 00 roads through the Grand Bonde was a detriment to Tillamook County tor Advertistr; Rates. many years. ------ v - ■■ Display Advti. per inch............ If th« teacher* in the large eities Locals ............................ per line .re. labor unions they will have this Beaders, with reining matter dvan:_ge over other labor organixa- per line...................................... fi They work only five days a Notices of meetings etc, per line ith thiee months vacation This, however, goes to teachers have too much Editorial ¿Snap Shots ,cL and some Freed upon them devised whereby fully empl yed dur- êillanwnk ijeaMight, HEADLIGHT. NOVEMBER 13. 19 2 9 ruin for thousands of trusting inves- I tors. How he goes to a beautful trop- ■ ic island and not only discover* pi- irate gold but also finds love, success , and happiness is glowingly told ' amidst scenes of most beautiful and I gorgeous description Incident following Incident in quick -uccession—showing raging tropic hurricanes which sweep away entire villages, intrigues which aim for the dawnfall of the young hero, adventures which show his metal and courage, and the discovery of pirate gold m a man car calculated to am. are. Then too there is a romance of rare beauty and charm, »here a oeatitifui gtrl discover* that she is in love with that ideal bei man of I Performance and Price There is only one way to buy a motor truck—on its ability to transport and the cost of chat transportation. A First Cost that is too high means an’ inflated cost per ton mile—a First Cost that is too low stamps a truck as one built to meet a price—a truck that will spend days in the repair shop a truck that will fail on its test of ability. Bu: there is a middle ground—a point we re rrl. 2 and performance balance— a pi ce where value is greatest. Beth* leh m Motor Trucks i. e exampl s of thac miadle g ound—they are neither underbuilt to meet a price nor overbuilt to justify a price. Buy your Motor Truck on Facts. ps rents ~?u LJ: p.. yt-c 1 OM m H « ho » i' _ T. n Chassis 2?-Ton Chassis 3V-Tcn Chassis ers eonti $2365 $3465 $1965 would be a F. O. B. ALLENTOWN. PA. o a lot of t ail 'away their time and g< BETHLEHEM MOTORS CORPORATION chief during the long vacation. ALLENTOWN, PA. say nothing of what they forget dur- al law imposing a penally of tng these vacations. 0 upvn persons who steal auto- --------o les, or five years in the peni- j One poor woman in Tillamook tenuary. This is an exceedingly wanted to become a member of the Chases TVrre sentence to impose, but auto Red Cross, but did not have the nec­ thieves are becoming so numerous essary dollar when she was solicited. Chill! '-ut it requires a severe penalty so - is what she did; She sen; Jfrc. - to put a stop to It. with the promise that she would 3 T5, There’s do chance for chance ------ o------ - make up the balance as soon as pos­ ch Jia at baby ’ s bath-rime or This explains somewhat the high sible. That took p!aee in "this city on cost of Ifring. Senator Capper, of Monday. This is only a little incident any ether rime with a Perfec­ Kansas, says: "It takes four and a but it .s worthy of mention, for this tion Oil Heater around. —i f bushels of wheat to make a bar­ woman had the spirit of the woman Give.; the extra heat you want rel of flour. The wheat raiser gets w ho gave her mite, as recorded in the —where you want it—in a a»ut 45.37 tor the wheat; the mii- 'estamenU If a poor woman will do jiffy. Warms ten hours on - sf get.- |13.7(>; the baker 354.79, that for the honor of becoming a a gallon of kerosene oi’— —e .. tel keeper here :n member of the Red Cross, and to portable hear for every rocn- ington. as he dole- it out in th.n wear a Red Cross button, what ought Saves coal too. -lues, get* f5S7.fr»." our citirens do who own land, have ------ o------ Your Perfection is ready now bank accounts, and who are enjoying U'e believe it. The president is a the benefits of this section of coun­ very sick mam He congratulated the try, do for the Red Cross? The snap HARRIS' - .ernor of Massachusetts cn his re- shot man is not complaining because FI RMTI RE CO. e.-.tkm. who was running as a law some of our eititens have not taken and order candidate, and also con- out membership.-, for there are prob­ gtatulaied the newly elected gover­ ably some who are not financially nor of New Jersey who ran on a able to do so. like this poor woman, -t" t.ckeu Nobody but a college but they are few and far between. pr lessor knows how to reconcile the Yet we cannot close this little inci- j ■ so iaeonsi.-tencies. Now the demo- dent without making an appeal to crat- in Massachusetts are fighting every adul*. person to become a mem- mad with the president. ‘ber of the American Red Cross. ——-------- It looks as though Governor Olcott The Condemnation Suits. hm> pretty good news agent circu- ia ng a lot of propaganda laudmg Hemlock. Nov. S, ISIS. the governor for this that and the To the Editor Tillamook Headlight; between other thing. Anyone reading the lines could easily detect that ac- I Dear Str—I noticed in the Head­ <-■ nt about the escaped convict re­ light. dated Nov. 4, 1919. the county turning to Salem was nicely staged court's offer to the defendants Moore t< give the Governor another puff, that the same conditions prevail Hall, m the new Alderman Building. Its a vivid romance of love and ad­ down from Brighton Sunday and WRITE ia other parts of the state. One thing Lester Bowman went to Mohler On Friday evening. Nov. 14 your at­ Monday visiting with Mr. and Mr*. Sunday on business that was a great benefit to Tillamook venture whch show, how a man of tendance is solicited Light refresh­ MRS JESSIE NELSON Homer Sheldon, returning to Brigh­ ' Kimy was the work done by the honor overrules a band of dishonest Swan Hawkinson was over from ments will be served. Foar MJes South of Tillamook ton Tuesday. Bayocean Sunday. He reports only Highway Ota mission on the Three «chenier» and gains wealth Instead of Buy Safely • Buy Bethlehem Sunset Garage, Tillamook, Oregon PERFECTION QiJH&ters^S) Starting November i3th, for One Week, will Sell FOR CASH, LANCASTER CRESCENT TIRES as follows : S13.00 31x4 $17.00 82x4 $19.60 33x4 34x4 - - $27.95 These Tires have a Standard Guarantee 30x3 - 30 X 31 - 32 V 3i - - - - - - - - - ■ $25.65 $25.85 $27.20 of 3500 Miles. ALDERMAN & POORMAN, INA JIFFY Auto Dealers and Accessories SPECIAL ! Do not forget that we handle the most com­ plete line of FARM IMPLEMENTS in Tilla­ mook County, and our prices are right. We also handle the best of fresh FRUIT and VEGETABLES. fl fl S fl S fl 3 Here is a list of a few of our Cash Prices for the Week: PERFECTION PEARL WHEAT CHOPS, 100 lb. Sack $3.60 BULK COFFEE, a Gook Grade 40c. per WESTERN BUCKWHEAT FLOUR 10 lb. Sack ----- 90c. STANDARD CORN, - - - - 15c. LESLIES SALT, 50 lb. Sack 90c. ROLLED O A.TS, per packet ¿Oc. MARSH MELLOW SYRUP, 5 lb. 70c WHITE SOAP...................... c _ 6 J for 25c. These are only a few of our Prices. Cali and get a more complete list. CONOVER & CONDIT Turkeys and a Few Geese for Sale. Or Box 1«. Tillamook I i S. A. Brodhead, Sec. S 8