i TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, NOVEMBER 13, 1919. HERE THEY ARE ODDS & ENDS LEFT AS A RESULT OF OUR BIG SUCCESSFUL SALE REMNANTS AT 1 PRICE As result of the Sale there were so many pieces of Goods that were almost closed out that we have many Remnants of all kinds. Such as SILKS, DRESS GOODS, GINGHAMS, OUTINGS, PER CALES, etc That we will Sell at 1 PRICE Saturday Special With a purchase of $1.00 or over we will sell a 10c. packet of Hair Pins for 3c Limit of 3 to the Customer SPECIAL PRICES WOMEN’S SUITS Are being shown in Serge and Bornella Cloths. Values to $40.00. Ladies’ Coats, Skirts, Dresses and Suits Special $19.98 WOMEN’S COATS, We now have broken lines in all these Garments that are being sacrificed at the present time. Dress Skirts. We have them in Serge, Popli-n, Taffeta, also silk and wool mixtures. Values to $16.75. Velours in Plain Colors and Mix tures. Values to $35.00. Special $21.85 Special $9.97 These are Bargains Sizes 16 to 40. ALSO IN CHILDREN’S COATS, PETTICOATS Odds-and-Ends in Heatherbloom Special $1.39 Plush Mixtures-Full Length and Spoit Coats In Blue and Brown Mixtures. Special $5.48 Values to $50.00. Sizes 3 to 5 years. Special $32.45 Sizes 16 to 44 Children’s Wash Dresses MILLINERY Good ¡values in well assorted sizes and colors. Offerings of Pattern Hats at Special Prices Special $1.85 $3.79--$6.45--$12.98 TILLAMOOK, OREGON ostei L. neh amet allo You al et uesd 7:3 ens he ne ■y. a Music, ^fernes, ■me ■>me ■ Mari thii •rniin - an ordered to a quiet sector in the Vos­ ges, where it remained one month, Every plan proposed to Congress and then moved on to the Ar’otine as the basis for a system of universal 1 as part of the great concentration military training contains the War preparatory to the last major action Deportment's estimate that approx- of the war. i imetely 690,vOO boys will be avail- With the exception of the Three j able for instruction annually. At Hundred and Sixty-eighth Regiment. I least ten per cent of this number are which was ordered to the front line, | negroes. So far as we have been in­ the division was held in reserve with formed, the advisability of training the First Corps. The Three Hundred the negroes as combat troops has not and Sixty-eighth French was assign­ been questioned at the War Depart­ ed to the Thirty-eighth French Corps ment or at the Capitol. Secretary and directly flanked the Sgventy- Baker has said nothing on the sub­ seventh American division. When ject. Nor have General .March and the advance was ordered, the French his advisors at the war department. and the Seventy-seventh moved for­ Consideration of the legislation is ward on schedule. The Three Hun­ proceeding upon the assumption that | dred and Sixty-eighth broke. The no reason exists for differentiating i French commander and the com­ between the races. mander of the Seventy-seventh re­ Much has been said and much has ported that their forces were being coat of been written in praise of the ex­ attacked on the flanks because the Mrs. ploits of our negro troops in France. negroes did not go forward. Claren» The negroes refused to obey orders, Newspapers and magazines writers U. G. ( have found in “Young Black Joe" a but in several occasions the white Efcr, All tuberculin tested. Terms of sale : Cash, or three months’ time on approved security. ready vehicle for exploitation. Race field officers forced small groups of leasan Sale starts 12:30 p.m. Owners, H. A. Springerand Ed. Stasek. Auctioneer, Col. J. W- Hughes, propogondists (with a purpose) feat­ them to go forward. As a result of edle- ured him. Estimable ladies and gen­ this action, thirty-one negro com­ B sert tlemen, imbued with the praisworthy pany officers were immediately re­ llowii GEM THEATRE PROGRAM Notice to Creditor*. desire to minimize racical antipathies moved for cowardice and inefficency. pectation of having a colored bat- the history of America's participa­ . E. 5 tion in the war. We would gladly ------ o ■ - Five of them were tried for coward- talion, even under white officers, fol ­ have found in his patriotism the rs. Ci Notice is hereby given, that the un­ ice, and. while the decision of the (low me. The fighting spirit does not have left it behind the veil , drawn Friday, Nov. 14.—"The Crucible”, bas»' for many heroic stories. esdan it ... is under- c*Lst among the men; they are rank over it by the censor, but to do so Paramount production, featuring dersigned has been by the County We wish these stories and reports ,court is not available, 1» tinslo' Court of Tillamook County, Gregoa, would mdtely help make a mockery no other word for they were sentenced to be (cowards; there is Marguerite Clark. were accurate. We wish there was no sto«id tevens appointed Executor of the Will ‘nl* of our future system of prepared­ it.” it. compelling reason for revealing the shot. “Burton Holmes Travelogue.” mall 8 estate of Herman Henry Miller, de­ The commander of the Second Bat- ness. Of course when Secretary Bak­ truth. But there is. Distasteful as the The regimental commander report- Saturday, Nov. 15—“A Man of Hon­ ceased. All persons haying cl»in* er, mindful of the large negro vote talion reported: ed as follows: We a task may be, it is essential that the or,” Metro production, featuring against said estate are required •» "The condition of the individual in his home state, commissioned neg- oore “In general, the second and third facts be presented. Legislation based Harold Lockwood. present them for allowance, duly greed upon the hypocritical unwillingness battalions disintegrated without rea­ soldiers mentally during this time I roes, we knew it was a crime, and we “Jozzed Honeymoon,” Harold Lloyd verified according to law, at the of­ its b; of assessing the true value of the son. and failed to go forward. The was awful. On several occasions |are quite sure that it will never be fice of John Leland Henderson. 206 Comedy. ame t negro as a fighting man. must inev­ officers (negroes) and men. with ex­ when I heard these men in the tren­ repeated, so we are not particularly urt t itably lead to waste of great sums of ception as noted, fled to theTear in a ches, their one thought was to their disturbed on that account. Sunday, Nov. 16—"The Shuttle”, East Third Street, Tillamook But the quality of the negro en­ ifth p« Government money in training men disorganized mass. No colored officer certain death; any idea of getting Select production, featuring Con­ Oregon, within six months from daMJ hereof. ach si< whose record proves them incapable or non-commissioned officer exercis­ into the Boche had absolutely depart­ listed man must be thoroughly un- stance Talmage. Dated this 12th day of Nov. 191 <• of the i of meeting the demands of modern ed any command at that time, and ed from them. They were crouching iderstood. He cannot face a grilling “ Pathe News. ” First publication November 1*- ill sai could not be distinguished from the low in the trenches, reading their fire. He is fitted only for the staff warfare. , Monday. Nov. 17 — “ Little Comrade, ” 1919. Last publication Dec. 10. 191*- Bibles and praying. I looked into xpense branches, where he will be far from enlisted men. ” The Ninety-Second Division was Mrs. H. C. Potter, Paramount production, featuring in Waal The commanding officer of the their faces and saw an agony of fear the range of the artillery. This much organized in November. 1917, and Executor. i Vivian Martin. in almost every case. I believe this has been proved by the experiences cost bol was composed of the best negroes First Battalion reported: i Kin« “Half and Half” Lyons-Moran “1 have worked night and day to mental condition has been brought of the war. drafted. It was the only negro divis­ jut Comedy. ion sent to France. Originally all the very b. st of my ability since the ¡on to a large degree by the actions of We trust that before the senate company officers were negroes. The time 1 took over the battalion on the the negro officers.” committee disposes of the subject of Tuesday. Nov. 18—"Mr. Fix It.” The I The commanding officer of the military training the entire question commanding officer and the field of­ 29th of July, and I have conscient­ who di« Paramount-Artcraft production, General Merchandise, ficers were regulars, assigned to the iously tried to make a real battalion. brigade made this comment: will be threshed out. General Persh­ ‘A the ■ featuring Douglas Fairbanks. "I gave to the training of the of­ ing has all the reports. Let them be division bveause they had seen ser­ 1 am utterly discouraged at the re­ perno» “ PatheNews. ” ficers and men the very best that was vice with regular negro regiments. sults. Not a single negro officer has Bay City, Oregon laid before the committee. We have ef the 1 As the training proceded, the negro shown any desire to get at close in me, and I was bitterly disapplont- not the space for them. Negroes must Wednesday. Nov. 19—"Pettigrew's g “*« ♦ officers in the artillery and engineer quarters with the Germans. It is my ed.” Girl”. Paramount production, feat­ of course be trained for military ser­ Following this disgrace, the divis ­ regiments were relieved by white of­ sincere opinion that only with white uring Ethel Clayton. dfell« vice under whatever system is final­ ficers, because of inefficiency. officers In command of every platoon ion was withdrawn from the Argon­ ly evolved. They must be prepared to "Bray Pictograph.” The average period allotted for can any sort of an organization be ne and assigned to a quiet sector on training white troops in France was made, and I am equally of the opin­ the Moselle, where it remained un­ do their part. But it must be a part Thursday. Nov. 20—“Putting One for which they are fitted; it must be Over.”—William Fox Production, Oregon four weeks. Th»' ninety-second was ion that the colored troops will til after the armistice was signed. featuring George Walsh. This, then, is the record of the in the auxiliary branches, and not in ept in the training area seven never be of any fighting value. I to Tilla eeks. On August 20 or there about, I should dread to have to advance un­ only negro division sent to France. the comfat forces.—Harvey’s Week- “Reilly's Washday ”, 2 reel Mack division, minis its artillery, was] der really heavy fire with the ex- It is the most shameful chapter tn Bennett comedy Phone 72. The Negro Soldier. - — o------ AUCTION SALE, Fair Grounds, Friday, Nov. 14- 2O-Head-2O High Grade Jerseys and One Roan Durham. This stock carries about 75 per cent. DeKoi and Pontiac Breeding NELSON & CO., ’ Square Deal and Good Goods OurMottQ. L. Berkey,