dmnuwk J- TILLAMOOK, OREGON, NOVEMBER 13, [Tillamook Jottings. Rockaway and Brighton in regard to members will guanantee you the time tion wide drive for this work in Feb- demonstration, Oregon Dairy Coun- obtaining money for the beach road. of your life. ruary. cil. cil, government exhibit, guide accom- accorn- The dance given on Tuesday even ­ J. Merrel Smith I Arthur Gilmore and Earl Gilmore The offerings taken during the con- panying. ing by the American Legion was well W. D. Coburn, lave been arrested for stealing vention amounted to *53.50 and will | Tuesday, students contest in judg- attended, and the Legion will give a H. F. Cook, Committee. be used in the support of the county, [ing dairy products, motion pictures, lools. masquerade dance on Thanksgiving ¡state and national and international [lecture by M. Ortensen. Ames, Iowa; I L. V. Eberhart has brought suit in night. [Sunday School work. ,Care and management of a dairy Regular services at the Christian pie circuit court against Wayne American Legion Elects Officers. P. C. Meyer vs. Edith E. Meyer is The following county officers were herd. O. E. Reed, of Purdue Univer­ Church next Sunday,come out and Franklin for *229.20 on a promissory ------- o------- ¡elected: a divorce suit filed in the circuit sity; discussion led by H. P. Davis, help swell the Sunday School. At the meeting of the American lote. court. These parties were married at Legion on Friday evening, the follow­ | Chairman—Mrs. C. J. Edwards. University of Idaho; "Breeding for Reformed Church. | Married, on the 8th of November, Falls City, Polk County, in the 11th Vice-Chairman—Mr. Ira Lance. type and production,” J. L. Smith. ing officers were ejected: At the Reformed Church, 4th Ave. Secretary — Mrs. Tippon. ji this city, by Justice of the Peace of January, 1914, there being one son Hazelwood farm, Spokane; Western President—E. J. Claussen. North district—Mrs. C. L. Alley. Dairy Instructors’ banquet, Tuesday and 5th Street, at 11 o’clock the pas- [. W. Stanley, Emanuel F. Borba born to the union. The complaint al­ Vice-President—Leslie Harrison. I Central District—Mrs. Bert King. night, Elizabethian room, Imperial tor. Rev. W. G. Lienkaemper, will leges cruel and inhuman treatment ;nd Ethel Jensen. Secretary—I. E. Keldson. speak on "The Last Word and the South district —Mr. Chas. Pearson. hotel; awarding of prizes. on the part of defendant who has an Treasurer—E. L. McCabe. I Drugless methods used in chronic First Word of Christ.” Adult department — Mr. Brimhall. uncontrolable temper, and on repeat ­ ■Wednesday, Annual meeting Ore ­ li-eases of stomach, bowels .liver, Historian—H. L. Lamar. Sunday School at 10 a.m. Young People—Mrs. Dr. George. gon Dairy Council, Multnomah hotel Chaplain—John Gibson. liebetes, brights disease, and nervous ed occasions struck the plaintiff. o------ Children — Mrs. Noyes. During the last three years of their luncheon and adjournment to the londitions. Room 4 Masonic, Bldg. Executive committee—E. J. Claus- Three fourths of the Sunday livestock show; lecture C. C. Dickson Nazarene Church Services. married life, defendant refused to [sen, Leslie Harrison, I. E. Keldson, Four cars of cattle and hogs were cook or do the general house work, 1 School were represented at the con­ of Shedd; "Raising Heifers," O. E. 10 a.m. Sunday School, Mrs. B. E. biipped to Portland from here on and that she had associated with E. L. McCabe, Dr. J. E. Shearer, Dr. vention. Reed; judging dairy products; lec­ King, Superintendent. J. E. Reedy, Clarence Provoost and Wednesday, the stock to compete in other men under circumstances un­ 11 a.m., preaching by the pastor; ture W. D. Reith, Astoria; Histery of [he International Live Stock Expo- becoming to a married woman. Plain­ Victor Learned. Vivian Martin in “Little Comerade.” .the St. Mawes family, Ed. Carey, of text, “Let this Mind be in You Which ition. ■ 11 ii o— tiff asks the court to give him the Carlton; J. Mickle to speak at 3:30 is also in Christ Jesus.” George Walsh at The Gem. 7 p.m., peoples’ service led by Mrs. Even the pampered daughter of a and 8 p.m. There will be a banquet Married, on Thursday, Nov. 6, at custody of the child. large family can hustle, if inspired for the Guernsey breeders at the Perkins. Peasant Valley, Arthur Donaldson Mr. and Mrs. C. Dyrlund gave a William Fox's breezy and versatile 8 p.m., evening sermon with spec- nd Miss Esther Blum, the ceremony social and card party at their home star, George Walsh, is to be the at­ by a great emotion, so Genevieve 'Benson hotel. icing performed by the Rev. C. E. in this city on Saturday evening, traction at the Gem Theatre next Hale learned in "Little Comerade” | Thursday, motion pictures, factory ial singing. Mid-week service on •earson. when a most pleasant time was spent Thursday, when he will appear in a the new Paramount picture starring management by M, Mortsen. Results Thursday at 7:30 p.m. Vivian Martin, which will be seen at of cross line in breeding by D. comedy called The Sunshine Club was entertain- by all present, the excellent lunch thrilling mystery the Gem Theatre next Monday. [Brooks Hogan and Brant of O. A. C.. United Brethern Church. id by Mrs. Noyes and Mrs. Doty last being one of the pleasing features. "Putting One Over." Some Walsh Preaching at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p. Genevieve realized that she should [ 2 p.m. selection, care and manage­ Mrs. Robinson and Mr. Kuratli were feats of extraordinary daring are I'uesday afternoon. All enjoyed the do something for her country in its ment of the herd sire by O. E. Reed. nt. Morning subject, "Trustees of the tccasion, especially the lunch. All W. the winners of the first prizes and promised; but primarily the story is great need for increased food produc­ [Discussion by Prof. G. H. Martin. Gospel,” Evening subject, "Sainis the consolation prizes went to Dr. said to be an admirable one, replete 1. C. women are invited to join this In Wrong Place.” Robinson and Mrs. Carlin. Those with humor and with tense dramatic tion, so in spite of the jeers of her Class in judging dairy products. Wes­ lub. Sunday School at 10 a.m.. Prayer present were: Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. situations and complications which family, who considered her only a tern Dairy Show Products. baby, she enlisted as a farmerette. Friday, Motion picture. Developing meeting every Wednesday evening. Owing to the high tides the run of Baker, Dr. and Mrs. David Robinson, apparently defy solution. It is with pleasure that we note the She learned that farm work was not the dairy calf by Dick Nedrow, of salmon on the bay have greatly de­ Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Gruber, Mr. and As Jack Trevor, a New York sales­ creased and it is expected that some Mrs. G. E. Carlin, Miss Georgia May man bound for Texas, Walsh is for her, but in spite of the horrors of Carlton, Ore. Ripening of cream for growing interest and Increasing at­ if the fishermen will quit for the Carlin, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Aider­ caught in a train wreck and a party milking cows, cleaning chicken coops butter by M. Mortensen, Prof, of tendance. Come, you and your family season unless the run becomes bet­ man, Mr. and Mrs'. L. E. Partridge, of daring crooks manipulate his ap­ and hoeing potatoes, she stuck it out, ¡Dairying. 1 p.m. motion pictures. and help build up the kingdom of God. E. F. Wiggle, Pastor. ter. • Dr. Ramsey, Miss Blanche McNair, pearance while he is unconscious, so bravely determined to do her bit for Feeding grain on pasture, Roy Jones, her country at any sacrifice. Tillamook, the making and feeding ------ o ■ | Armistice Day in Tillamook City Mr. and Mrs. D. Kuratli, Mr. and that he is made a “double” of the of silage; class in judging dairy pro­ Reformed Congregational Church. Mrs. R. H. McGrath and James Wat ­ heir of a big estate who has been Massed off in somewhat solemn fash- ducts. 10 a.m. Sunday School. killed in the wreck. Of course, Trevor Constance Talmage in "The Shuttle.” ■»II for such an occasion. Stores clos- son. 11 a.m. preaching, theme: “The fe‘l and business to a large extent There is considerably more ducks falls in love and finds himself in a Constance Talmage, Select comed­ Marguerite Clark a Tomboy in Heart- Existence of Unseen Worlds.” maze of exciting and mysterious hap­ ■vas suspended, but no bells or whis- on the bay than in previous years. There was a large attendance last ienne, will be the attraction here at Gripping Picture. ■tles were heard and no demonstra- Louis Hammer, who is a breakman penings. Sunday and as the subject is a most the Gem Theatre on Sunday night in ------- o- • — ■tion took place. on the electric cars between Portland interesting one the second lecture a picturization of “The Shuttle”, Marguerite Clark portrays the role will be warmly accepted by a still Rockaway celebrated Armistice and McMinnville, and a son-in-law to Oregon Butter and Cheesemakers’ front the novel of the same name by Short Course. of Jean Fanshaw in “The Crucible”, fuller house. ■Day with a parade which was repre- Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Rowe, met with a Frances Hodgson Burnett, directed a Paramount picture, which will be feinted by service men from the army most serious accident on Saturday On Sunday, November 23rd, we will by Rollin Sturgeon and telling the Beginning January 5th the Dairy ■and navy,, old veterans, Red Cross evening. He was flagging a train on Department of the Oregon Agricul­ story of "The Shuttle” of love which shown at the Gem Theatre tomorrow, conduct the service in the English the rear car, and while the train he (Friday). ■workers and school children, and in language on the theme: “The Vital­ tural College will offer a three laughs at the wide expanse of the Hoty Jean Fanshaw, after having ity of the Divine Message.” We gladly ■ the evening an entertaininei ___ ¿ainmet was was on w’ent round a sharp curve, he months short course in Dairy Manu­ Atlantic and merrily weaves inter­ been unjustly condemned to a reform­ extend a cordial invitation to all. ■ given when nearly one hundred per­ was thrown off. and seeing what had facturing. Due to the fact that It national romances. happened another breakman jumped atory and compelled to associate with ■sons were present. Rev. R. Schuetze, pastor. Bettina Vanderpoel (Constance [the riff-raff of the town and state, is off to render assistance to Hammer, may be impossible for many to get Although there was two heavy but in doing so failed to pull the away for the full three months, pro­ Talmage) visits her sister Rosalie, 'rewarded for her long struggle made for a two the neglected wife of Sir Nigel An- against evil, is forcibly portrayed in ■ frosts Friday and Saturday nights string to stop the train. Hammer sus­ visions will be Presbyterian Church. I there was no frost on the south side tained two broken legs and is injur­ months course, January 5th to Feb­ struthers, who leaves her and their [this unusual picture. Sunday School 10 a.m. son in the crumbling ruins of his Morning worship, 11 a.m., subject: lot Tillamook bay. Not being troubled ed in the back, and the other break­ ruary 28th, for experienced men and | Marguerite Clark wjio is second to ! with the cold northwest winds in the man had his leg broken. Mrs. Ham­ a three months course for unexper­ ancestral estate, while he plays fast none in screen popularity, plays child "The Challenge of Christ.” | summer and the frosts in the winter, mer was visiting her parents who re­ ience men, January 5th to April 2nd. jnd loose on the continent, Betty, ¡parts that present her at the age of The study in Christianization of [ makes that part of the county an side north of this city and her hus­ Diplomas will be given only to the the staunch, Independent, i spirited, America at 6:30 p.m. This is the 12 and she carries them off as con- girl, renews second study in this moHt important I ideal spot for fruit and garden truck. band was expected in on a vacation experienced men who finish the re­ (“regular” American Rosalie's youth and restores her ivincingly as if she were not a day subject. What shall we do in order to quirement of the two months course. older than the character that she is The Library Board is making a list on Wednesday. She left on Monday Practical work will be given in but­ [spirits. She also meets Lord Mount 'portraying. She is like a fairy of make good Americans out of Red I of technical books and would appre- morning, to join her husband who ter manufacturing, with practical Dunstan, a neighboring squire, who [childhood’s wonderland across the Radicals? feiate any suggestions from those will be sent to San Francisco and men in charge. Instruction will be 'gives his all to relieve the sufferings white screen of the universe, and is Evening worship, 7:30 p.m., sub­ [wishing to study along these lines. placed in a hospital there. given in the college creamery, which of his epidemic-stricken tenants; and the spirit of make-believe, which ject “The Transforming Spirit.” [The requests may be left with the operated strictly upon a commercial dispite the villanious plottings of Sir plays no favorites, "grown-ups” as There will be special music. Come [Librarian. The library is open every THE RED CROSS MEMBERSHIP Nigel, they win their deserved hap­ and self-supporting basis. with us to worship, to fellowship, to well as “ kiddies ” loving her more [evening except Sunday from 7 p.m. Special emphasis will be given to piness in the culmination of their [perhaps than any other actress on help serve Christ, the church, and ROLL CALL. Ito 9:30. Also Wednesday and Satur­ factory management, pasteurization, romance. the community. the screen. day afternoons, between 2 and 5. Allan A. McRea, Minister. Tillamook County is Falling Behind, neutralization, workmanship of but­ Oregon Dairy Council to Hold An­ ter and uniformity of composition, i Hans Hanson, who went to Roches- Drive to Continue for Several nual meeting. also general instruction in all High School Notes. tter, N. Y., to consult with the Mayo Notice of Budget Meeting. ------- o Weeks. phases of butter and cheese manufac­ ^Brothers, arrived there last week ------- o------- ------- o------- The Oregon Dairy Council will hold ~ ' o ture. [hnd was immediately examined. He To the taxpayers of the Port of Last week Gladys Brown resigned its annual meeting and election of below Call is falling somewhat This Is an opportunity for butter ’is suffering with tumors in the officers Wednesday, November 19 at her office as student body secretary. Bay City, Oregon. At a.meeting of «breast, and the doctors gave little Call is falling somewhat below of and cheese makers to get acquainted 110:30 a.m. at the Multnomah Hotel, There was much discussion concern- the Board of Commissioners of the «hope for recovery who examined him what was expected in Tillamook with the new methods and also to be­ lit is probable that a Tillamook man ing her resignation. ll’ort of Bay City, Oregon, held on the »here and in Portland. He sends word County, and for that reason the drive come more efficient with their pres­ Monday morning the student body 10th day of November, 1919, the fol­ will be elected to the board. Both will be continued for several weeks as ent methods. jUiat after the Mayo Brothers exam- was favored by two addresses given lowing estimate or budget of the re­ An estimated cost of the eight Carl Haberlach and Ben Kuppenben- by Mr. Hansaker, representing the ceipts and disbursements of the said feted him they said they could fix him some of the districts failed to organ­ der are being mentioned as possible IIP but it would take some little time ize for the drive. There was some weeks course is *80 and *116 for the Armenian drive, and Mr. Harold Port for the year 1920 was ordered little delay in getting the city or­ twelve weeks course. For further In­ candidates for directorships and both Humbert, State Sunday School ecre- published. •to do so. ganized, for it was first thought that formation address. Dairy Department are popular among the dairymen and tary. Mr. Humbert was formerly an RECEIPTS. ■ Lester Turner, auditor of the West- the American Legion woftld look af- Oregon Agricultural College, Corvall­ others who are members of the coun­ Balance on hand with the cil. Tillamook has several members. English teacher in this school. •m Division of the American Red ter the city, but the boys found they is, Oregon. 6,737.81 Mr. Hansaker talked on the Ar­ I First Bank of Bay City. The council did good work advertis­ ■ross, was in on Sunday and left the did not have the time to attend to it, ing Tillamook cheese at the Salem menian question and its relation to On hand with County next day. Mr. Turner came in for the so committees had to be arranged Successful Sunday School Convention and Gresham fairs and in all its lit­ the United States. He said that the I Treasurer ......................... 10,915.20 purpose of instructing Chester Mc­ for. ------- o------- erature and educational work stress­ Armenians wanted the United States 'Estimate of interest on U. Ghee, who is treasurer, of the Tilla­ Owing to small pox in the north The County Sunday School con­ to aid Armenia in establishing a gov­ 3. Treasury Certificates mook County Red Cross, in the sys­ part of the county, this, too, will de­ vention, which convened in Tilla­ es the food value of cheese. 1,500.00 ernment, as we did in the case ot held by the Port After the election the council will tem of keeping Red Cross accounts, lay the drive. mook on the 8th and 9th of this Cuba. He also stated that while Bel­ Claim against U. S. Gov­ hold a luncheon at which time a t A. J. McKeen has taken over the There are several districts which month, was successful from start to ernment allowed *12,917.30 general merchandise store at Blaine have been thoroughly canvassed and finish, with the vim ot a football dancer or solist from the Orpheum gium had fought for liberty for four Needed from taxes .... 24,970.00 years and had suffered all the rav ­ theatre will give a number. A few and is putting in a new stock of the memberships turned in, the most game. ages of war, Armenia had fought for brief toasts will be in order. goods. successful being the Maple Leaf dis­ The State Secretary, Mr. Harold Total ........................... *44,123.01 In the afternoon the.members will the same principles and suffered the a high tension wire, The County Court was looking over trict. The committee composed of Humbert, DISBURSEMENTS. same as Belgium for four hundred motor over to the Pacific Internat ­ the Bayocean road on Friday and as Sollie Smith, Pete Heisel and W. S. brought to his work the energy of Interest on bond s for the years. ional Livestock Exposition where the piece of road thrown up by the Buel reporting that every adult per­ young manhood, and the intelligent Port, due Jan. 1st, 1920, Mr. Humbert gave a talk on “Have there will be special attractions. The Bayocean dredge four years ago from son in that district had became a inspiration of a consecrated life. He [council will have a fine *507,000, 6 months at 6 exhibit of a Gleam and Follow it through life.” the Biggs place stood up well, the member with the exception of a few created great interest and every He gave some very helpful quota­ per cent per annum . . 5 15,210.00 dairy cows there and will post bulle- 15,210.00 county court will make application persons they had not been able to member present participated in the ________________ w___ ____________ __ Ditto July 1st, 1920 . . . from Tennyson and others. _ His tins showing what the relations tions 15,210.00 for the government dredge and com­ see. What pleased this committee splendid song service, and his solos have been and what the milk and talk was yiteresting and instructive. iDitto Jan. 1st. 1921 ... plete the road to Dick’B point in that most was the fact that not one per­ touched the hearts of every one. His butter fat production is. Miss Helen Last week the Seinors-Sophomores interest on bonds to be is- 4,500.00 way. As the government dredge can son in the Maple Leaf district had sermon on Sunday evening, “The Miller of this county will demon­ met to elect tlteir yell leader for the I sued by July 1st, 1920 1,000.00 be kept at work for less than *1)000 refused to take out a membership in Torch of Flanders,” was a rare blend­ strate the testing, Professor West- coming foot ball game. They elected For sundry expenditures a month, it is thought the cost would the American Red Cross. Ninety one ing of spirituality and patriotism. over, of O. A. C. will be in charge of Audry Earl. The presiding officer Total ........................... *51.130.00 be ,nucfc less that way. To expedíate memberships is the record up to date He remarked afterwards that he had the livestock exhibit. Three Tilla­ chose the following committee to never spoken to an audience where For the dredging of channels in the work two shifts could be used on for this district. select yells: Audrey Earl, Bill An­ mook cows will be among those in the In some few districts there is a lit­ the attention was so intense. the dredge. derson, Rodney Farley and Sarette lower bay, which work will be com J. J. Handsaker, State Chairman of herd. The council will also have an DeLillies. tle lukewarmness toward becoming menced during the spring of 192», educational exhibit for the teaching Leu Riefenberg died suddenly near members. Armenian work, spoke on Saturday The Juniors—"Frosh" met and the Port has sold *260,000 of Pott of the food value of dairy products. the Brighton logging camp No. 4 on night, presenting an impressive pic­ bonds, *100,000 of which have been They expended *250 for a recent ex­ elected Ella Sheets as their yell lead- Wednesday. He was returning to ture of the distress in that -war delivered, balance to be delivered by er. she appointed the following for a Thanksgiving Dance. camp at the time, as he was sick, and stricken district, and giving figures hibit in the Armory in Portland, yell committee, Ella Sheets, Iluby July 1st. 1920. The bonds delivered showing the chemical and mineral while Mr. Zweifel went for assistance brought *101,483.30. On Thanksgiving eve. November to prove that more lives have been content of milk. This was In conjunc­ Hyder, Swenson and Alma Furrer. on returning Riefenberg was found 26th. The Dramatic order Knighta of sacrificed in that country in the past tion with the exhibit of the milk dis­ The football game Is coming off I The uncertainty as to when gov- dead near a stump, about 200 yards Korasaan will give their first dance four years for the cause of Christian­ tributers. Thousands of people are Thursday (today), the game is be­ eminent will pay our claim of *12,- from camp. He had been sick for sev­ of the season, in the new K. of P. ity than In all the history of the daily becoming more interested in tween the Senfors-Sophoiiiores and 917.30, which is the balance over eral weeks with gall stones, and had the actual cost of jetty work, forces ball opposite the City Hail. This hall world put together. the real value of dairy products. The the Juniors-”Frosh" Bill Anderson Is recently returned to work. Coroner A resolution was passed that Sun­ the commission to levy the same sum captain of the S.-8. team and Thomas is the one recently completed by W. council will spend about *750 on the Henkel did not think it advisable to Large Is captain of the J.-F. team. as last year. It the claim is paid the B. Aiderman, and without a doubt Is day the 23rd of November, be made Pacific International. hold an inquest. Riefenberg had liv­ Armenian day in the Sunday Schools Wednesday morning the finest In the county, the floor "Silence is ■ sum will, of courue, be considered in The council is making the milk ed in the county a number of years of the county, and on that day every golden” met one at every turn. A 'making next budget. space is the largest and the floor it­ survey throughout the state and has and had been connected with log­ Sunday School in the county will be Please take notice that a meet In«, self Is of the finest maple polished received returns ffom many towns large cartoon was on the front board ging. asked to make a pledge for this work. [of the taxpayers of the said Port of until you can use it for a mirror If already. Tillamook has been asked to bearing "Silence la Golden.” These pledges were to have been I Bay City, is hereby called to meet at Several fishing cases have been you so desire. make the survey. taken at Christmas time, but the sup­ 'the City Hall in said Bay City, Ore­ Musie for this occasion will be fur- tried before Justice Stanley, who Im­ The Western Dairy Products show Reporter Wanted. plies of food for Armenia will be ex ­ gon, on the 7th day of December, posed the following fines: Bradley nished by the K. of P. Band and and Oregon Dairy Council announce ------o- hausted early in December, and a 1919, at the hour of 10 o’clock a.m . Caddell. *:s.00; Gordon Hare, *50; Wilkins' Orchestra. as features for the Pacific Internat­ bank In New York has offered to Wanted, a young man or woman to for the purpose of discussing the said Ticket« will be on sale after No- Burnard Williams, *50.*0; Ted ional program the following; Mon­ Oillispie and William H. Jarvis *50. vember 18th, by members of the D. loan money to the National American day, Students contest in judging do reporting. Good opening for a live, estimate or budget. Committee to the extent of the pled- By order of the board. A large delegation waited oil the O. K. K. dairy cattle, motion pictures in the energetle person. Enquire at the Theodore Jacoby, The public la cordially invited to'