T1LLÁMOOK HEADLIGHT, NOVEMBER 6, 1919. looked the too prevalent idea that it is no crime to rob the government, ------- 0------- and the difficulty of securing honest, Senator Chamberlain's Washing- efficient supervision slon of such, such great ton friends are booming him for vice undertakings as the building t _______ , of ftiiiy president. Senator Chamberlain’s camps. Washington friends are merely de- Camp Sheridan was pr^pably only prlving Oregon Republicans of the an example among many cases of pleasure of getting his goat.—Ga- wholesale fraud during the war. A zettte Tinies. great amount of waste is expected and inevitable in war, but fraud is A Newberg woman is receiving possible only through dishonesty of much praise for her business sagacity contractors, and iaxiiy, incompetence and quick thinking. Her new hat or downright collusion of govern­ blew off while she was driving a ment officers. The people are willing Ford. She forsook the Ford without to pay for unavoidable waste dlie stopping it and rescued th< hat. This to haste ;.nd war prices, but they will will be appreciated only by men who not condone robbery. The committees have paid fall millinery bills, Tele-»of congress are doing well to inves­ phone Register. tigate all war activities, and it is to be hoped that they will pursue their Electricity’s latest gift to The most helpful and indispensa­ work to the end.—Oregonian. the housewife—greatest ble citizen of our community is the since the electric iron editor, even if we have to say it our­ and electric vacuum selves. We have never been afraid or The Red Cross Anny of 8,000.000 cleaner—the Women. ashamed to speak the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the The great accomplishment of the truth. Next to the editor in import­ ance and helpfulness to the progress American Red Cross in the war was P ortable and comfort to human society is the its mobolization of an army of worn- en at home, greater than the array S ewing M achine washerwomen—Junction City Times. of men with the colors, to fight pain, ------- o------- No more tiresome A federal judge in Arizona has suffering and distress. The war coun­ treadle pushing - no held that the constitutional right of ell of the Red Cross has recently is­ A good c 'l heater filled with more backache—a little free speech in this country applies sued a report which shows that the electric motor does the Pearl Oil gives instant heat to American citizens only. That is army of women workers numbered hard work. sound judgment and good patriotism. more than 8,000,000. In the 20 when and where needed. No If It should be found by the higher months that ended last February A foot control gives any courts that it is not good law, con­ these women,, aided by junior work­ smoke, no odor. Easy to speed desired. gress should pass legislation forbid­ ers, turned out in the homes and the carry about. Oil is consumed ding political discussion of all kinds workshops of the different chapters The entire machine in by others than citizens of the coun­ a totol of 371,000,000 articles, of a only when the heat is needed its case can be carried value of nearly 194,000,000, for try, and then only in the English anywhere—it’s no larger —no waste. language. A person who cannot talk America and allied soldiers and sail­ than a typewriter. our language understandingly is not ors and destitute civilians. Pearl Oil is refined and re­ From these figures the imagination qualified for our citizenship.—Item- Ask for a demonstra­ aided by items of personal recollec­ izer. refined by our special process tion. tion, can form a picture of what the ------- o------- which makes it clean burn­ Our hat and cap are both off to army of women under the Red Cross COA SI POU ER CO J. D. Mickle, state food and dairy banner was doing while the war was ing. For sale,iri bulk by deal­ being fought. Those of us who lived THE commissioner. Mickle is the only ers everywhere,—the same politician we ever heard of besides in cities will remember the busy ELECTRIC STORE Senator Sherman who has the nerve workrooms, filled with white capped high-quality kerosene as the women sewing, knitting, making sur ­ to take the right side of a question Pearl Oil sold in five-gallon even though it was the unpopular gical dressings, assembling gift bags side. In a column article in Thurs- for soldiers, laboring against time in cans. There is a saving by day’s Telegram he defends the cold order to keep a great number of his- BOTTS & WINSLOW, buying in bulk. Order by storage plants and calls the men who pital and refugee equipment flowing overseas. Every one, whether in city run them public benefactors. Mickle name—Pearl Oil. Attorney s-at-Law, ought to know better. He could ask or country, remembers the work tak­ en home and the busy knitting need­ any street politician and learn that TILLAMOOK, OREGON. We recommend Perfection Oil Heaters they are the solt cause of the 1!. c. of les that never stopped. The ltejj Cross did a great variety 1. and ought to be hanged.—Gazette TILLAMOOK BLOCK, of other Wk_work, some of it close to STANDARD OIL COMPANY Times. the front,’’Touch of it In the camps (California) ------- o------- Both phones. Editor Morton, of the St. Helens and hospitals to the rear; and all Mist, has been indicted for misappro­ this was in some degree spectacular or dramatic, but it was not as im­ p T. BO ALS, M.D., priation of the funds of a $300 estate pressive as the spectacle of 8,000,000 the administration of which was ¡wished onto him. Morton’s newspa- American women sewing and knit­ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ting at home. It is this that will Iper friends know that somebody has Surgeon S. P. Co. 'put up a job on him. A fortune even come most naturally to our minds when the Red Cross begins its yearly as great as $300 would be no tempta­ (I. O. O. F. Bkltf.) roll call the first week in November. tion to him. Thu temptation he could —Spokesman Review# not resist was to say that he thought Tillamook Oregon about some of the crooks up in Col­ umbia county and now they are go­ Senator Williams’ Tirade on Ireland. rp H GOYNE, ing to get him. When they do get John Sharpe Williams, administra­ him they will be hunting around for ATTORNEY-AT-LAW a darned good excuse to let go of a tion spokesman in the Senate, whose father came from Wales, and who tartar.—The Sentinel. Offlce: O pposite C ourt fc jush ------- o------- declared on the floor of the Senate ♦ The habit of dictation had probab- not long ago that "We are all free Tillamook O. egon ly become too strong to be reslsted born Englishmen,” paid his respects EBSTER HOLMES. and President Wilson vetoed the dry to the Irish race during the debate bill, which was immediately repassed on the Shantung amendment, in by congress over his objection. A which Senator Williams was one of ATTORNEY-AT-LAW charitable explanation would be that the leaders in the opposition to the COMMERCIAL BUILDING, judgment as well as body has been amendment. affected by his illness, for the bene­ In beginning his notable speech, FIRST STREET. ficial results of national prohibition which was withheld for revision by OREGON even to the extent It has progressed Senator Williams instead of its being TILLAMOOK, are too plain to be Ignored. Com- printed in the Congressional Record’s ¡plete loss of judgment or stubborn current account of the debate, the J^AVID ROBINSON, M.D , adherence to one-man dictatorship Mississippi senator said that Senator are the only possible explanations for Johnson's opposition to the unamend­ his action, for even the most extreme ed treaty might be explained by the PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON "wets” had given up hope and ex­ fact that he lived on “Green Street" pected the bill to become law.— in San Francisco. He thereupon sent NATIONAL BUILDING, Hildsboro Independent. to the Vice President’s desk to be If ycyj want to know what rare and read the resolutions adopted by the - o----- unusual enjoyment Camels provide TILLAMOOK OREGON. One of our exchanges tells, In one, Confederate Veterans at their recent smoke them in comparison with any squib, about thousands of Armenians encampment, favoring the adoption and Syrians starving in the old of the British-Wilson covenant ryith- QR. O. L. HOHLFELD. cigarette in the world at any price! country, and hints that the Ameri­ out , change, and proceeded to Insti­ cans should be feeding them. In an­ tute invidious comparisons between AMELS are a cigarette revelation any VETERINARIAN. other squib the same editor says that the Confederate and the Irish revolu­ way you consider them! Take quality, here in America the "anxious mother tionists. The Senator continued. with clothing and school books to Mutual Phone or refreshing flavor and fragrance: or, that "It has not been many days since Lcll Phone—2F2 buy for a half dozen or more hope­ I heard upon this floor a pretense wonderful mellow-mild-smoothness you fuls must use her wits In the closest that over 50 per cent of the Ameri- Tillamook Oregon. never before got in a cigarette smoke! Yet ■ domestic bargaining in order to make can Revolutionary troops were Irish Camels are so full-bodied and so full-of- 'the purse hold out.” Well, why not when we gained our Independence. QR. L. L. HOY, let mother and the kids go without Only 4 per cent of the population of satisfaction you marvel that so much de­ and send our food stuffs and clothing the United States at the time was light could be put into a cigarette! to the Armenians and Syrians—they Irish, and two-thirds ol that 1 pet PHYSICIAN ANb SURGIA N are so near and dear to us. There cent were Scotch Irish and English- Camels expert blend of choice Turkish T iij . amook B lock , never was a time, it seems, wrfen Irish and Ulsterites; and during the and choice Domestic tobaccos makes them there wasn’t "thousands” of those American Revolution whenever a < »regt n Tillamook, so irresistibly appetizing! And, the blend foreigners "starving" or being “mas­ man raised his cup of beer in Ulster explains why it is possible for you to smoke sacred”. It is amazing how well they he drank to the memory of William J Oll'i LELAND HENDERSON, hold out. The wonder of it Is, that of Orange and to the liberties of the Camels liberally without tiring your taste! they do not find something else to American colonies. You will prefer Camels to either kind ATTORNEY do or move on.—Willamina Times. I also find out from a little bit of of tobacco smoked straight! Investigation that the Brftlsh troopH AND Crap-Shooting at Camp Sheridan. who took« the works at Bunker Hill COUNSELLOR AT LAW You’ll realize pretty quick, too, that The revelations of wholesale fraud against us and made a defeat out of Tillamook • - • ’ Oiegj.i among the many reasons you smoke Camels in construction of Camp Sheridan. what we had celebrated as a victory is their freedom from any unpleasant ciga- Ala., go to confirm the worst that were a British command denominated ) OBERI H McGRATH, i has been said about criminal waste the Royal Irish. They went over our retty aftertaste or unpleasant cigarettyodor! I in execution of army contracts. workH at the very last minute and w- < < >1 V il I l !k \ I I. AW. Fraud was the natural outgrowth of took them from us. 1 also find that Once you know Camels you won’t I the cost-plus system, for the greater in South Carolina and in Virginia take much stock in premiums, coupons TILLAMOOK, OREGO N. ¡the cost the more "plus” went Into during the war of the revolution the or gifts! You’ll prefer Camel quality! the contractors’ pocket. The crap­ chief forces commanded by Carlton, shooters at Camp Sheridan literally and a great many other British com­ ; gambled away money which was manders. were Irishmen. "As a matter of fact, of course paid for in liberty bonds or taxes, but Ornamental Fire Placet Built at that they may have don* less hat tn the Irish never whipped the South of Brick and Stone, All Fire ¡than it they had tried to earn their at all. They could not whip the South Places absolutely guaranteed .wages as plumbers, for they might at any time. I am tired of this busi­ not to smoke or money re­ have left white lead in water-tanks, ness. I am tired of this vanity and funded. as did the alleged plumbers who built nonsence. I do not care how many Brick work of all kinds done Irishmen voted the Democratic tick ­ the steamer West Munham. on short notice. Some of the good people who think The New York World says New The Democratic party would have Cost plus contracts were a device et.” We make a specialty of re­ been dead fifty years ago except for York State would be better off with­ the Republicans ought to say agree­ adopted by the administration when pairing smoking" Fire P'scee able things about Mr. Wilson might the practically unanimous support of out United States senators than with A western university has announc­ it had accused some firms of making the Irish vote, and yet John Sharpe Calder and Wadsworth to represent cite us to a good thing or two that collusive bids including excessive ed a series of lectures on '"construc­ Mr. Wilson ever said about the Re ­ them in the Senate. Who elected the Williams, administration spokesman, i profit. They were expected to save tive socialism."" When the course is gets up in the senate and calls the World to the senate’ Or was the publican party or any of Its leaders i money by comparison with flat price finished It might Introduce one on TILLAMOOK. ORE Iriah a bunch of white livered, yel­ World Just appointed by President who were alive at. the time he was contracts, but the government over- uiulthful leprosy." writing or speaking. low-backed cowards Wilson, like Henry Ford? What the Editors Say T he ♦ L atest t Western Electric the morning shave H. C. BOONE, Agent, Tillamook, Oregon. C b RALPH E. WARREN,