TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. NOVEMBER 6 OVERLAND 4 AFTER TWO YEARS OF ACTUAL DEMONSTRATION. FIRE-PROTECTION FIRE-INSURANCE Unusual Public Interest has been Centered on this Latest Model- New Type oi Springs--Big Car Comfort is Claimed. THIS AGENCY A ■ A * What Would Your wife do if fire broke out ? Are you leaving her with­ out the panic-proof protec­ tion of FYR-FYTER Don’t delay getting this ex­ tinguisher in your home. Cal! or phone right now. OFFERS Jf I had all Eue SA VED believe me. I'd be some rich kid! YOU BOTH FYRFYTER ROLLIE W. WATSON, “THE INSURANCE MAN.” OREGON. TILLAMOOK CITY, NATIONAL BUILDING. very distinctive comfort, economy. quality and convenience, It will be marketed in four body styles: A One of the anomalies of public life Sedan at $1.375: coupe at $1,325; touring ear and roadster at $S45. f. is the statesman who protests loudly o. b. Toledo. against an outrage and then votes to help put it over. one-quart hand chemical ex­ tinguisher; instant and panic­ proof in operation; child can w’ork it perfectly; for fac­ tories, offices, homes, garages, autos. Install at once; call or phone now. Scraps of Paper That Old Coat, Dress or Suit ÿ can be dyed to look like new at ru -- at a Small Cost. a i Interesting Detail Features. -X SE OAK Overland 4. the new car of light weight construction for which th • public lias been waiting since its in­ troduction was first rumored at the automobile shows about two years ago, was placed on exhibition in this city recently at the Overland sales­ room of Charles F. Pankow, of the Star Garage, who will be pleased to demonstrate this Overland I with Its new type ot springs and many other of its good qualities. New Type of Springs. perfection of car details, refining quality and economy feat tires. Without emphasizing sucli features as an unusually attractive appear­ ance. the all-steel body with an oven baked enamel finish and other in­ teresting details, it may be said that motoring interest centers in four new and distinctive features of Over- la 1 I. Thes»- features, each worth th motorists* study, are: Springbase. Not Wheelbase. The motor of the Overlaud 4 is A lot of people would Irke to know cast en bloc with a removable head. if. when the British lion and the It has generaus valve opening. American lamb have lain down to­ The lubricating aqd oiling system gether in the mellinnial dawn, the require no pumps. The oil is circu­ lamb will be on the inside or the out­ lated by pressure automotically cre­ side after the slumber party is over. ated and the water is circulated by ------- o------- the Therntp-Syphon system or natur­ Friends of the administration had al cooling method. No power is re­ criticism chocked off so long that quired of the motor to operate these they seem to be really surprised that systems. , anybody who is not boosting Mr. The steering apparatus is of the Wilson and all his works is permit­ planetary gear type wiih the gears ted to talk. at the bottom oi the steering column. By this arrangement all the strain is Josephus Daniels’ newspaper say taken at three points instead of at 'McKinley was a very different kind one. and I'he clutch is of the single plate of Republican from Borah type tilw used by 71 per cent of the Lodge.” He was like them in this, motor manufacturers, The selective that Josephus Daniels' paper was gear transmission has three speeds never able to discover any good in forward and reverse, It operates in him until after he was dead. oil. ------ o------ The front axel is of chrome nickel Senator John Sharpe Williams steel which affords both light weight braver man than the Kaiser, and strength. The front wheels have Kaiser ______ only ___ offered to fight tapered roller bearings. The rear ¡whole world 1 while the gentleman axel also of chrome nickel steel, is from Mississippi has offered to take three quarter floating. The differen­ on the whole Irish race In mortal tial and rear wheels operate on an­ combat. nular ball bearings. . ------- o— ¿The car is equipped with two Statistics of civil marriages which brakes—foot and band. These work took place in Paris in the-years 1915 hi 10-inch.drums on each wheel and and 1917 show that 726 French to assure safety are larger than women married Belgians. 36 Belgian necessity demands. women married Frenchmen, 149 Englishmen married French women, Keyboard Control. French- Upon the instrument board, or 72 English women married French ' keyboard" as it is called on the i men. 61 Americans married married Overland 4. is centralized the hand women and 16 Frenchmen throttle, spark and choke control, American women. First, of course, the three-point This improvement is the use of cantilever spring suspension. The three point suspension springs. Un­ spring* on Overland 4 extend fifteen usually graceful in body design. inches from a point on the cha; is Overland 4 makes :. plendid impnt beyond the axils in front and rear. sion on the visitor, It was this new giving a wide diagonal shape Io the spring suspension, however, which springs. The car has thus tin actual absorbed motorist attention at the springba. < of 10 inches, although salesrooms. It is a combination of the car wheelbase itself is 100 inches. two principles that have been used Each spring fiexibly responds to its to greatest advantage in automobile task of keeping the body and pas­ construction: First, that of cantilev­ sengers riding on a constantly even er springs, sqtond. the flexible three- keel. Bobbing, sideway. and lurching point construction. tie materially lessoned. I he result is The luxurious riding comfort these ¡i roomy, easy-riding car on a new and the ignition and electric buttons, Senator Phelan, of California, told springs furnish the car was immedi­ type of springs so designed as to ab­ togethei with the speedometer dial ; Senator Williams, of Mississippi, land current indicater. ately understood and appreciated. It sorb road shocks from the wot st of after that administration spokesman is this future which gives to the pavements or roads, the Willys-Ov­ In addition to the hand throttle ! had roasted the Irish, that th» dif- new Overland car. designed for light erland engineers make the unusual ¡there is a foot accelerator handily ¡ference between Ireland and Mississ­ weight, that degree' of riding comfort claim of having produced a car that placed. The clutch and brake pedals ippi was that the former was a revo­ and security hitherto possible only rides well on any road. ¡are adjustable to reach. lutionist for liberty while the latter The w ide. deep seats of the Over- rebelled for slavery. Of course if a in high priced, heavier cars. Se< u,u Economy. The new springs This is only one of many features to p.nteci tl.e car front road shock as land 4 supplement the three point Republican had said that it would in Overland 4 which back the Willys- to mage possible much lighter weight suspension springs and comfortably 'have been "waving the bloody shirt.” Overland Company’s claim of success and hence a great saving in fuel and accommodate five passengers. The in giving the public a new standard tires. Furthermore, the car is so sim­ cushions are equipped with Marshall Senator Walsh, of Montana, has in­ of riding comfort. springs. The upholstery troduced a resolution providing that ple and accessible that costs ot up­ divan The actual creation of Overland 4 keep and repairs must be greatly re­ ihi-oughout the car is long grain Dur- when the league of nations is formed began more than two years ago. The duced. Yet the cars parts have a pro­ atex. Ail cushions, including the the United States shall present the last two years have been devoted to tected accessibility a big factor in back and sides arc removable, The case of Ireland to the tribunal. As the testing and perfecting each part of upkeep. The car is assembled from one-man top is also of Duratex. decisions of the council must be the car Back of its development 'five units only. The chassis is dear unanimous all we will have to do in Body is all Steel. stand ten years of successful manu­ of all involved mechanism. The ent ire One of the chief aims of the build­ that event is to pursuade Great Brit­ facturing and engineering experience assembly requires only 50 bolts. The er* has been to maintain the highest ain to release Ireland, and that's all in giving the public good motor cars. engine is a remarkably high-grade, 'standard of quality throughout the ¡we'd have to do outside the league of For the immediate development and thoroughly up-to-the-minnte power car in both the material and manu­ nations, isn’t it? production of Overland 4. John N. plant compact and simple. The neat- facture. This has been carried to the Willys has concentrated his vast re­ . n and cleanness of design bespeak design and finish, the body details | The argument was seriously ad- sources of the Willys-Ovt rland com- the ready accessibility of all parts. and the equipment. ivanced in the Senate during the de- pany. Production will be on scale The car has a streamline body’bate on Shantung amendment that New Quality Standard. which will assure the greatest econ- Third Quality. Specifications in­ which is entirely constructed of steel because we had not prevented all the omlee in manufacturing. dicate that the fiverland 1 lias been with slanting windshield. The full- ’robberies that have hitherto occurred Ideal« Guide Design. built In each part ot the finest qual­ crowned fenders are of heavy sheet 'in the Client, there was no good rea- Guiding the development of this ity steels and steel-alloys. The car's steel. The running boards are cover­ i son w hy w e should formally join in remarkable new car was Mr. Willys’ parts have been machined within the ted with linoleum, aluminum bound. ‘ helping to pull off a job of larceny ideal of a motor car which would do • possible limits, permitting a |The body.and chassis are finished in ourselves, now that we have come in- combine with the economy of light quality ol construction equul to that hard baked enamel. The fittings are i to the full light of the new order in weight all the comfortable riding of a hand made product. Inspection ¡nickel and polished aluminum, |world affairs when the reign of jus- qualities and the stamina of the starts at the steel mills where »he j The car is equipped with an Auto- ' tice is to succeed the sway of might. heavy and expensive automobiles. 11c company has stationed expert metal­ Liie two-unit starting and lighting proposed a car of-built-in quality lurgists to test every heat of steel, system, headlights with a dimmer, I Democratic newspapers that roared which would free the owner of all and the inspection ends only with the dash and tail lights, a magnetic loudly when it was proposed to use up-kei p expenses. This was not 1“» owner's driving the car away. The speedometer, electric horn, spare tire federal troops to stipetvise elections slble. the company claims until the stock readiing the factory is thus all carrier, extra rim. complete set of in the t'pi ted States are now waxing devised first grade through many inspections. loots, lire repair kit, jack and pump, Willys-Overland Company enthusiastic over the sending of five this interesting three-point aitspen- .This itself U a new feature ill auto­ The tires are mounted on demount- thousand federal soldiers to see that ¡able rims. sion. a spring seating radically dif­ mobile construction. The body is all an election in Silesja is on the square Because 01 >f the unprecedented de- ferent from the conventional design siiel with an oven-baked cnamd fin­ However there are a number of of lour spring paialli lf|g the chas­ ish. The construction is simple and ma nds for I the Overland 4. dealers southern Democratic states in which are accepting or ­ for the time being sis frame. New as the spring suspen­ the balance of part to part is unus­ a square election board is i. neh sion is. it is interesting to note that ually iine. ’I he car has been design- d»‘rs for delivery to purchaMirs in. more popular than a fair election at ¡the order in which requests are re­ the design has has bit'll approved by i <1 light weight. • home under the necessity existing of Iceived. the Society of autoiijobile engineers. keeping a majority of the electorate Unusually Complete Equipment. Before the final adoption of the away from the polls. Fourth Bountiful and complete new springs, special breaking ind bumping machines were rigged up it equipment. In every detail from de- rims to Auto-Lite starter, If the United States does nothing the factory, and the cars, after n il I mountable to correct the Shantung larceny be- supposedly destructive test, were er t lights and born. the equipment of appears to have been ’fore we sign the peace treaty, this out on trial trips which carried th«>i Overland 4 ’government will nevér have oppor- w ith a single view of cont­ planned into every section of the country ;n NO KNIFE AND LOSS OF BLOOD all sorts of weather conditions. Tin fort, conv cnience, and ions service. No Plasters and Pains for Hours itunity to do anything afterward. No Ail seat cushions, which are detach­ one should be fooled or try the ah- cars were driven over the Roiky able like those in pulluian. are up ­ Or Days. iseiice of a reservation recording Ja- Mountain >. through the demnrt roads and bou. er stretches of the south­ holstered with the luxurious Mar­ TUMORS. PILES. FISTULA. GOITRE ! pan's verbal agreement to return Shantung to China at the close of the west. over the sagebrush and sands shall Divan springs. The windshield DISEASES OF WOMEN is slanting ram vision. The one-man of Texas, and through the mud and . Over thirty years study in Europe war. the United States becomes as top. I'bc horn button is in the center guilty a participant in this deal as clay of the Missouri valley. A t * <» Four Vcam Study In Europe. of the sfeerig wheel. The controls > the authorities of the secret treaties, Over thirty years experience years' I t, covering 250,001» mill's of and no expression of sorrow over our are all mounted on a keyboard on the travel! The car satisfied the com­ Portland Physical Therapy Labora­ voluntary partnership in the tran*- pany's engineers that it w.i right cowl and instant and ready reach. All in all. Overland 4 impress»'« its j tories 412 to 417 Journal Building action will either mitigate the wrong The war period which held up pro­ visitors as beilig a motor car value of Portland Oregon or square it* perpetrator*. duction was devoted to an exhaustive ( CANCER. Expert Dyeing in J'. =0 JI -u § CALL Pacific Cleaning and Tailoring Co. sft THE R NEW HARNESS SHOP Repairing Auto Tqps & Curtains Gas and Motor Oils, Auto Robes. t .J. A. PARKER, 1 door West of Wcolfe’s blacksmith’s shop. n K • 2ESE5Z5HSZ5ÎSïSZS?5cS2S2SïSE3a£H£2S?SHSH5HSHSE52SïS25E5E52S2S2ff52S2S2S J 0 0 ¡0 5 JI I ui City Vulcanizing and Tire Shop. Expert Tire Service. Vulcanizing and Retreading. AU Work Guaranteed Let Me Keep You Out oi Trouble. I cany a Stock ol Gooinch Tires, Tubes and Tire Accessories.' Your Patronage Solicited. J. C. HOLDEN, 2nd STREET, OPPOSITE O.P., TILLAMOOK. Dr. E. L. Glaisyer, VETERINARIAN, a County Dairy Herd Inspectât BELL PHONE. MAIN 3 MUTUAL PHONE - FIRST BANK I of BAY CITY We are just completing 14 years of bank service for the popie of Bay City and tributary country. We invite your furtheP-itroD age, and full co-opiratun so we may be able to give »u still better service. You are cordially invited to cany your usiness with us. Depository for City, County, Port and Siate.