TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, NOVEMBER 6, 1919. OREGON ELKS TAKECHARGE THRIFT WORK <7Z> SOMETIMES I 1 NOU WUZ A PO& So's I Sale of War Savings Stamps and Treasury Savings Certificates in the state of Oregon has been placed entirely in the hands of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. The state body of Elks has taken over man •gement of the thrift and savings cam­ paign as a volunteer patriotic service to the state and nation. Thin announcement lias Just been made by Harry G. Allen, head of the Elks' state organization, and C. S. Jackson, state director of the govern­ ment savings organization. It is esti­ mated that existing V7ar Savings So­ cieties and school children throughout Oregon can be counted on to purchase $2,000,000 in War Savings Stamps be­ fore January 1, which will leave ap­ proximately $5,000,000 to be subscribed through efforts of the fraternal organi zation, which has a membership of 15,00(7 in the state. Mr. Allen offered the services of the great fraternal order under authority given state organizations of the order at the national convention in Atlantic City, which adopted resolutions pledg­ ing active support of all members to the government thrift campaign. Ho has obtained leave of absence from his business and will devote all his per­ sonal efforts for the next four months to organizing sales forces among the subsidiary lodges. • “During the war." said Mr. Allen, “the order of Elks has felt it a privi­ lege to place at the disposal of our coun­ try the services of its members. There were several thousand Oregon Elks un­ der arms, and those of us who were not pr.vlleged to wear the olive diab, the navy blue or the uniform of the ma­ rines, have taken pride in meeting the responsibilities of war finance and par­ ticipating in all other patriotic i4ove- tnents.” u VMYE-IN-HEAD I MEANS BUICK 0 TTJjl II Ö 0 I rnffl e The Buick Built Transmission / The sliding gear type of transmission is used on Buick cars because of its strength, convenience and quietness of operation. 1 « Three forward speeds are provided, so that the motor speed with relation to the speed of the rear wheels may be instantly adjusted to meet any conditions that may be encountered, such as putting the car in motion, driving in deep sand, heavy mud, on steep grades or ordinary roads. It requires only a slight movement of the lever to shift the gears. The speedometer drive is enclosed in the transmission, thus eliminat­ ing all toggle joints and gears from the front axle. All gears run in a bath of oil, the universal joint at the rear of the case being automatically lubricated from the same source, the oil from the transmission case entering the universal joint through the rear bearing. When Better Automobiles Are Built BUICK Will Build Them Ackley & Miller, Tillamoook Garage Fri ► / « - smoke 1 I—Bmr w. s. - I THE BACKING OF MONEY A so-called philosopher once said: “If the rich do not spend the poor die of hunger.’’ This fallacy was back of conditions that brought on the French Revolu tlon. Saving is spending, but it is for ’the future rather than for the present. It causes the production of permanent goods rather than the mere satisfaction of transient and temporary pleasures. The trouble Is that people confuse money with wbat is back of it. They see that spending increases trade, hut fail to Bee that investing money in creases trade just aB much. Perhaps you never stopped to realize that every i time you deposit a dollar in a bank or invest it in some legitimate enterprise you not only help same to get and keep a Job, but a useful Job. Every dollar you bank or invest provides work for somebody It is sometimes said in favor of one of the larger excesses—Jewelry -that i diamonds are a good investment. That Is, people think that they will be able to sell their Jewels if they cannot at 1 ford to keep them. But aside from the fact that I don’t believe that anyone 1 ever sold a ring, or pin, or expensive watch for as much an he or she paid for it, there Is the further fact that I mon ay Invested in Jewelry earns no in tereat. I Extravagance brings In no return. Money saved is not only kept, hut it continues to work for its owner. The earning power of money which is spent is given up for all time. It Is de­ stroyed.—How to Get Ahead. wii T h * T he pupta Wanted—A hustling talesman who lius sold implements or other goodH to farmers, to sell groceries whole­ sale. Beginners earn $250.00 to $300.00 a month. Experienced men $300.00 to $400.00. Farmers save 2H per cent. Our guarantee, ’'Satis­ faction or Money Back’’, If you can qualify, give age and exper­ ience in detail. Address H. C. Hunting, 407 East Stark Street, Portland Oregon. Nov-6 Wanted: Men or women to take or­ ders among friends and neighbors for the genuine guaranteed hosery, t full line for men, women and children. Eliminates darning. We pay 50c. an hour spare time or $24 a week for full time. Exper­ ience unnecessary. Write Internat­ ional Stocking Mills, Norristown, Pa. Dec 30. See Dr. Work. Wise about .your Dr.’s Allen and Sharp. National Building. dental Nov-6. Dentists. Let W, A. Church write your hay » insurance. Dr. J. B. Grider, dentist, I. 0. 0. F. Bldg, Tillamook, Oregon. -------------------------------------------- I------- - Tillamook Headlight’s Trade Mart. One cent a word per issue. Dr. Rantsey, Osteopath, Masonic Building. Filins. Cameras and Photo Room 4 Supplies Films developed 10c. with print orders. —J. W. Edwall. • Singer Agency—H. F. Cook, Prop. . * Counter Sales Books -Order .your Dairy farm for rent with 15 cows, 8 Sales Books from W. F. Baker, agent Pacific Sales Book Co, Call 68 Headlight. miles south of Tillamook City near cheese factory. Single man prefer­ Dr. W. E. Lebow—Dentist with Dr. red or man with small family. Call Wise. at Headlight office for further in­ formation. N-13 Dr. Wise will be at his Tillamook office every Monday and Tuesday. Those who wish to see him about Pigs for sale—W. H. Banke, Netarts dental work should come at once Our line of New Pianos are works of as he will soon leave for California, art. On exhibition al Cook’s Music to be gone until February. Nov-6 House, opposite P. O. For Sale, For Sale—1913 seven passenger Cad- 1918 5 passenger Mil ehell. Only Apply at Nov. 20. been run 300 miles. Good tires on machine and one extra, also a bump­ ¡For Sale—My undivided half interest er. Will sell this car cheap. Inquire in very choice acre lot at Bay City, at Willard Battery Station. fine for berries. If taken at once, it goes for tax valuation waranty Announcement. deed. Write to Gilbert Eyke, New Auburn, W1». Nov, 27. Twentieth Century wood saw now in operalion. For Sale—Model 90 Overland, new, All orders promptly attended to. at a bargain. Apply at Headlight Call Bell phone 6F2 or leave orders office. at Star Grocery or Sutton’s Market. Karl Wilhelms, For Sale—70 head of goats. Apply to L. L. Stillwell, Tillamook. 2 diac, in A 1 condition. Wheeler Garage Just you hear the Brunswick, it plays For Sale. best.- Palm Dairy-man, this is a snap for a * man who wants to make money. 180 For Sale—Two Jersey cows, will acres, 2 Ifa miles south of Coquille, mile frontage on freshen soon. Apply to Clent King. 40 acres cleared, Beaver, Oregon. Nov. 13 river, about 5 acres up land, balance the very finest bottom easy to clear. One 1918 Maxwell 5 passenger tour­ Fair barn on place; no house, My ing car in g'ood shape with new price is $90 an acre if taken soon, battery. Chas. F. Pankow, Star worth $150 now, easy terms to right man. Address Mrs. K. A. Cole. Garage. Myrtle Point Oregon. all records at tlieir Confectionary. For Sale—One used Maxwell truck in good condition, with top on. Chas. ECONOMY CLEANERS F. Pankow. Star Garage. For Sale—1719 Saxon AND DYERS Six touting 2nd, Between 3rd and 4th. car. Cheap for $600. Reason for selling owner going south for the MODERN EQUIPMENT. winter, write to L. Cooper Mohler. PERMANENTLY LOCATED. Oregon. Nov-6 For Sale—3 two year olds Holstein cows fresh in tue spiing; 1 3 year old, fresh December 1st; 2 milk cows fresh in spring. First class grade. Address M. Bailey, Route 1, box 69, Tillamook, Ore Nov. 13. For Sale—Work horse, about 1100 lb», young, will work »Ingle or double. Also top buggy and single harness. At a bargain if sold at once. Apply to L. C. Daniels, 1 miles north of Tillamook, Mutual Phone. * r~v y Bay City Garage. ----- o ■ Storage—Oils Repairing of all kinds. Give us a trial. Goin & Wiedman. HENRY C. VIERECK, M. D. SPECIALIST. Disease of The Apartment» for rent, furnished or un­ furnished. Gtli St. East of Miller EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Ave, 4th house South side. Only For Sale.—3 year old registered Hol­ 310 Selling Building, Portland, Ore. TURN RIGHT The road to success is no rougher, or harder, or more painful than the road to fail: re. but there is s differ c«mht i»i* byti J. Reynolds once; we voluntarily choose to boar the Tobaco Co. pains of 8u< cess, while the pains of failure are thrust upon us. The pains of success are mental and physical as EVER was such right-handed-two- are those of failure. The boy or girl who aspires to sue fisted smokejoy as you puff out of a ceed in school pays a dally penalty In jimmy pipe packed with Prince Albert I the act of resisting the Impulses to en That's because P. A. has the quality/ Joy pleasures of the moment; in fore ing the brain to exerclae when it is You can’t fool your taste apparatus any more than you crying to quit; in doing daily mental can get five aces out of a family deck! So, when you hit tasks which are Just as tiring as any physical labor. The man who succeeds Prirfce Albert, coming and going, and get up half an hour nays his penalty, too. He must save earlier just to start stoking your pipe or rolling cigarettes, when he would like to spend. He must you know you’ve got the big prize on the end of your line I work when he would like to loaf. He must be up and doing when he would Prince Albert’s quality alone puts it in a class of its own, tike to sleep. He must take kicks and bit when you figure that P. A. is made by our exclusive not kiA back. He must assume reapon sibillties when he dislikes to add to hi: patented process that cuts out bite and parch well you burdens. He must tie patient when his fed like getting a flock of dictionaries to find enough words nature is to be impatient. He must toexpress your happy days sentiments! • bring his aj.ietlte to reason when it call» to be unreasonable. AG know r<»0v nd baa*, tidy nd tin*, handtom* pound and half pound tin men who wart to succeed, but we know Itumidon -and—that clotty, practiced pound cry*tal glatt humidor with that thev riMflt because they will pay »pong* moi*t*n*r top that h*ep* th* tobacco in tach p*rf*ct condition. the penalHu. of foi.jra; they cannot avoid them although they think they R. J. Reynold* Tobacco Company, Winoton-Salem, N. C. can. They will pay and pay hard. The penalties <' • iccesa are suffered for the i most p rt in c lrly years. The penal Backache, headache, dizziness. i put my kidney« In good working iks of failure •ir'1 rea >ed in later years STRAIN TOO GREAT Kidney troubles, u inary trouble»-- ¡order and stop the misery in my back when the reward» of success are being ------ o-------- ;I couldn’t recommend a beter medl- plucked. The Fortuna Magazin». Handredstf Tillamook Readers Find frequently follow. Read the following and learn the i ctne for backache and kidney trou- lily Toil a Burden. I—BUY W. ». ». Ible.” The hu4e and worry of business way to find relief. In place of 300,1)00 persons who heli! men. E. E..Switzer. 401 N. Meridian Sa., Price «0c., at all dealers. Don’t The bar work and stooping of Newberg, Ore., says: “Tfie nature of ¡simply ask for a kidney remedy—-get government securities previous to th' workmen. order and atop the misery in my back. Doan's Kidney Pills -the same that war there are now »t least twenty mil which also gets my kidneys out of Mr. Switzer had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mon. If thia can be raised to 50,000,000 The woiMn'a household cares. in 1019, the better It will be tor the Often weten the kidneys. fig. I find that Doan's Kidney Pills Mfgrs., Buffalo. N. Y.—Pd Adr. people. Buy W. 8. 8. agate pendant. Reward. Mrs. Mul­ len. COUI.D SICK NOU ONTO THE FELLERS WHO COME IN,WHEN we ' ws jest aaoui «e*»N IT’ go T o press , with MUHOLE VJAO O* COPN \ -T h KT MA.UEIS US LA1E 1 B. P. O. E. President Wil! Lead Savings Drive for | $5,000,000. EVERYBODY KNOWS Lost—Medium heavy gold chain with MICKIE SAYS stein bull, Tillamook Hesseltje King Repeater, No. 239629. En­ quire of Peter Betachart, Box 564, rillamook. Nov 20 N NELSON & CO., General Merchandise, Bay City, Oregon» Miscellaneous A dvertisements. I —------------------------------------------------------------ Dr. Wise—Dentist. Truck for hire, with or without trailer, also slab wood for stile. Mutual Phone, F. J. Klinehan. • Found, black fur glove, right hand, can be recovered by applying at the Headlight office. -r " Square Deal and Good Goods Our Motto. * Phone 72. 1 ■- - —— Now is the time to can your meat Let me fill your order from grain fed cows. Prices right and satisfac­ tion guaranteed Mutual Phone, Wm. Stuiveng'jL • If it is cabbage you want for krout, I ] why Stulvenga's got the goods. Send along your orders. Mutual phone. Wm. Stnivenga. • For Life Insurance, there ii nothing better than wbat the Mass. Mutual off< r». Ask to see specimen policy. —W. A. Church.' • If you are in need of a heating itove, it will pay you to cali and see my line of new and used heaters. I al­ so exchange new stoves for old stoves. Alleu Page. ’ MOOtlS OF PERFtCTIOO. PERFECTLY SIMPLE SIMPLY PERFECT. Ncedlf ". Oil, Belta and all kinds of Sewing • Machine supplies, Repairing a specisity.B New Home Users are quality chosen. For Sale By SHARFF lb DUBIVER 172 3rd Street NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE