TILLAMOOK , OFb’K'EKS for year en dix ; june John F Frank Ktimru L. L- Smith u . J Willie J A. Jensen Peter Schram O A . Kinnaman |ohn Stults A. J. Wilks Mr». Lula Fleck Mrs. Judy Gray E. J Gicnxcr C. H. Jacks L. P. Gray lilmcr Hall C. O. liopki Director for 3 years Direct»*«’ H,r .ouis Join.*< Hull Jtthnsoi m. IliinKW F. H. Lane jensjen-en Ike Well» K. (». Kichar <1, H H kn»cn Urg Albert Krak» S. K. O’Brief Mart E. Snook W. S. Boatman Mrs.W. H I »er by \ / - Leo > orton Mr«. Ike» j Booth I. C. Dunn meli Mrs. C L I S Eil “ ' w ard s J. L Burke S J. Hoover 1. B. Lotnnien Mr» L.miL It Lev Lyster J . E. Troutman H H Tub»x*i-»f rs. Lois Watt hn Borba L». Hardin . Bauer ter Nc A > J. L*. Pearson Warren B Vaughn 2. H. Christensen .»Ä V e*Johnson Stoker Trow bridge Grant Matiel Folks > Nieklaus Ut *B. H. 1 lunhaiu L V. Pollock Lewis Anderson G. A. Iones May Paul Swan Hawkinson A. L. Darby Henry Leacb w F Cane GtU»ert Rock W. W . Pet IV J. R. W o . m !» J Merril S ■ :th Hans Hanson J. E. D ivi» Mrs Net lie Proct« »r J. A Hrs’cr X. Me Millan Car I Johnson E. E. Parker i has Himes C. Commons < arl White C. L. Cornell H A T.«oley C. F. Short ridge C. U . Nelson K A Blackmore A. F -Xc *. Walter W il Ison W . L- Bedortha ‘ v F A w.c. Hawk Bulli le G. W Janie • Minmon» Mr* Nellie Newiicrg Jay Duvi* Geo < >. Vaughn C. F. Allen J. L. Lawrence l.eop<»ld Bia»er R l.y.icr John Per« hette Mrs A I. Ma ver M kbpl m..Ip John Ot'pcnhauser H A Eiy B. Miner V. L. Fisher J. J Kreb» Ah in ilium F. D Mitchel! Mathew fhompsou Ed Blum I* H .|.k H» H. Tubl*csing E. G. Krebs M. A Selion HEADLIGHT, NOYEMBER Ö. COUNTY id -2<> Clerks. Address. Mr» licr . Tinia -a-i Tillamook L C D.tiincls. lilt »u.o «k Mrs H -ir>Lvwh I Hamook P F Klien. M.»j»l..uita A>exandi .» Rock. Orv(»own W II :> • V«’ \dc Sand^ake J T. Moore Clove dale I dward Weston. Tillamook Mrs As’aen E «s»»m Mohler Mrs. ¡'red McKinley. Tillamook Air- Lee I \ -ter Hemlock E. J. I.augiili.i Blaine Ansct D Lomincn. Mohler M s. Ger. udc As .1.-. E.iy City M -.s Fannie Stuith 1’- ver Mrs Vina Simmon» Hemlock Jvhn Affolter. Neskowin H. J. loLl. flcui.'ock .1 1». Pearson. Hebo Mr- tun«- N > >n B..v Citv. F-R.D. Maker ] Mf..il. Nwhak-m W# L. Ilmis.m. Chvvcrdalc Frank D. rurvk. Beaver Mrs. Chas Bl r.n, Garibaldi G I. Kine- Otis J. . Fun^.. j ler ¡.. Stu.vcux- 1 ’ 1 tnook M « W . ft. S vv W Mrs Minna; B E:y. Hemlock Mrs. it - • . • V'. Ai hkr Mabci I itru t«is I' .c lie City A S l v Mrs. F. f L u M . . 1 d'nrnook Henry L K - t; B *c-. leaver. II. Stipi.. 1 illamok. .»tiene.-. Tillamook. kvl. English, i'illani look. .. Domesiic Science, Tillamook ham, Latin. French, Tillamook. .. Music, l illamook. an. on. Hi. lory, Tillamook. , Manual 'liainiug, Tillamook. Sth grade. Tillamook, .th a Tillamook. 1 lllamook. TiHamoo Till; moo'. 9 9 9 - —El 1< A . 11 1‘ 11 12 —Vi J 1 , ■ X... Hebo. 13 lv G. i ibaldi. 14 Oi a ibaldi. 1 . - -JoJFi . p. 16 .M \\ acds. 17 —\V i a 18 —y i N kowin. 19 — L ic* 21 —0.2^. . H. S., Sandlake. 21 —Mn Bea.rice Brode, grades, bandluke. I W. E. Buell. Prin.. Cloverdale. -Evelyn Foster. H. 8. Asst.. Cloverdale. Editn Mye.s, Intermediate, Cloverdale. Edna Reus. • r, Primary, Cloverdale. .hrs. lrm;> Embuni. Pi in.. Tillamook. .:r- B ulab Thayer. Asst., Tillamook, l.ugeiie Bicker. Prin., Mohler. Mi Martha A. Kni lit. Asst., Mohler. -Caroline Watters, H inlock. K saline Davies Blaine. J. S. Goin, Prin., Mohler. Leona G. Alley. As. . Mohler. i . H. Wyman. Prin.. H. S.. Bay City. Mi Kathlcc.. Durham, H. S. Asst... Bay City. Mi. O.ta Biggs. Advanced, Bay City. ...abel Dale. ;nieinieu.atc. Bay City. \ ay Dale, Primaiy. Bay City. .. . Eüa II si-e.iy. Beaver. . . Alic< M. thilnp. lillamook. ... Cornel., r. tn Hem'.ock. ... C. L. Cornell. Dolph. \ crónica A'. . ;'i..,.. Lay City. R. F. D. • . Donna M. Walker, Asst.. Tillamook. I s. Brimuall, P.. ... Nehalem. ■ E. K. L>: • I ». .< . . . Nehalem. . uia Vai.p:. P' unary, Nehalem. < ta Gay, Cloverdaie. M Hele e Bt.mei . Garibaldi. »8-0. 1 1 ‘. '¡abler. Fur... Wheeler. 4? — E * ie Holmi-. High School, Wheeler. 4 S- \iac a. line Logan, Advanced. Wheeler. •í N Kru. Daminon. Primary, Wheeler. 4‘ Mir Hairieit Ford. Brighton, 4S G i c .na 1 ayior, Cochran. 49 Lai .i Krau-e. Tillamook. ài* 1 Du..; Young. Beaver. • . Bainesdale. wer the complaint, for want thereof, spects, greater than ever, because of and more particularly described as he plaintiff will apply to the Court the enormous quantities of machin­ ¡follows: Beginning at a point on the for the relief demanded in the com- ery aud materials which she stole ¡North line of the NES* of the SW . yirint to-wlt: That the contract of from France and Belgium.. There can 'of Section 7, Township 3 South t inn try now existing between the be no doubt that in this there is far plaintiff and defendant be dissolved more truth than idle boosting, and Range 9 West of the Willamet Meridian, which point is North 6i and that the plaintiff be granted an that Germany is once more one ot the absolute divorce from the defendant, most formidable factors in the trade ¡degrees 25 minutes West 9vl and South 34 degrees and 15 minu - and for such other relief as the of the world. Meanwhile the United Slates marks ¡west 496.1 feet from the comer in Court may deem just and meet. This Summons Is published by or­ kipie. It has no minister for National the center of Section 7, Township 3 ¡South, Range 9 West of the Willam- der of the Hon. A. M. Hare. County Service and Reconstruction, nor any­ ette Merid'ian; thence South 34 de­ Judge of Tillamook County. Orfegon, body doing the work which pertains grees 15 minutes west 540.5 feet to a stud order being dated September 25, ¡to such an official. All through the point iq the present traveled road. 1919, and the date of the first pub­ war our administration lefused to mnL-o tho the nrpTMir:itinn»; preparations for for rpMiiminp resuming ¡Containing 60-100 acres, more or lication being Oct. 2nd, 1919, and of'make ’•me last publication, November 13, commerce in time of peace wh.ch all less; ¡the other important Powers were And also why said administrator 1919. Johnson & Handley, ¡making, because it was afraid of be- ■should not be authorized to sell the Attorneys for the Plaintiff, ing suspected of mercenary and sor- following described real estate (sub­ P. 0. Address: 107-8-9 did motives! And even now that the ject to the right of way for said road) I. 0. O. F. Building, ¡war is over, it does nothing. Strikes at private sale, in the manner provid­ Tillamook, Oregon. 'prevail and diminish our pioductive ed by law. for cash, namely; ¡capacity, shipping is demoralized, The Southwest Quartei of Section ,and we fall steadily behind in the Seven, Township Three South, Range NOTICE. competition for the markets of the Nine West of the Willamette Meri­ No Hunting or Trapping Allowed. ' world. dian. in Tillamook County, Oregon, ------ > > o It may be that the administration less Tracts 1264, 814, 1283, 589, 592 This Is to give notice that no hunt­ and 588, described in Tract Book in ing or trapping will be allowed on is deliberately delaying all promotion the office of the County Assessor of our farms or land east of Tillamook of our commercial interests until the Tillamook County, Oregon, on pages City. Persons who do so will be pros­ ratification of the treaty without 335, 334, 334, 333, 334 and 333, re­ ecuted to the fullest extent of the reservation or amendments. It nuy be that we are not to be permitted spectively. of said Tract Book, con­ law. to improve our commercial opportun­ taining 110.5 acres more or less; H. F. Goodspeed, ities until we have assented to the all according to the petition of the F. M. Trout. abrogation of the Monroe Doctrine Administrator of said estate liereto- fore filed in the above entitled pro- The Mohammedans, an American and the ham-stringing of the Consti­ ’ceeding. ¡missionary organization proudly an­ tution. But we cannot hejp wonder­ The foregoing citation is served nounces, have elected Mr. Wilson a ing what it would profit us to med­ upon you. the unknown heirs, if any, phophet. Well, he,is a prophet, isn’t dle in the politics of ever nation un­ of Fritz Buhrow, deceased, by pub­ he? Didn't he tells us a few days be­ der the sun and lose our place in the lication, by virtue ot and* in pursu­ fore the election of 1916 that the markets of the world.—Harveys ance of an order entered in the above election of Hughes ment war while Weekly. Citation, o---- I X ;!<>()!, K( 1*T ate in said drainage district and to ¡appraise the cash value of - the - - land - necessary to be taken for right of way. holding basins and other works of said district within or without the limits of said district, filed their report in this office on the 27th day of October. 1919, and you and each of you are hereby notified that you may examine said report and file excep­ tions to all or any part thereof, on or before the second day of December, !1919. Homer Mason, County Clerk of Tillamook County. Oregon. The Biggest and Most Interesting Livestock Show Ever Held in the West Staged in the New S300,000 Pavilion No»ice. In the circuit court of the State of Notice of Filing of Commissioners' Report for Stillwell Drainage Oregon for i'lliautoo* County. In the County Court ol the State of L. D. Smith. Plaintiff. District. ,O.< . . fur th Count« of lillamook. ------- o------- vs. ' lu the® matter of the «state of Chas. Kunze, Ben Kuppen- Notice is hereby given to all per­ Ni !..- Jn>. deceased, commonly bender. Henry Rogers. Fred sons interested in the land included ¡k ;uw n at N ck Job. Maurer. Thad Robison. Rol­ within the Stillwell Drainage Dis­ N • i> hvreb..' ghen to all whom lie W. Watson, li. A. Folks. trict, Tillamook County, Oregon, de­ it • a., co. rn, th ihp undersigned E. J. Geinger. A. L. Mapes. scribed as follows: has been by the County Court of Til- John Ebinger, M. W. Harri­ Beginning at the point where the lam k C uim . Oregon, duly ap- son. John Schild. W J. Pet­ quarter-section line running east and P> .d Administrator of the Estate erson. E. H. Zurflueh. Hugh west through the center of Section of Nanolas Job. deceased, commonly Barbei. B. W. Neilson. F. J. 26. Township 1 South, range 10 west, known a? "Nits Je • and all persons Klinehan, F. R Beals. J. J. W. M.. intersects the east side of ht.vlng claim- against said estate are Kupp and Chas. I. Clough, Tillamook River, and running thence heieby notified to present same, duly Defendants. ea^t along said line to where said verified» as by law required, to the To M W. Harrison, on* of the ¡line intersects the right bank of u: u igned. at his office in Tilla- above nailed delendants: ¡Trask River near the center of said n.v k Chy. Oregon. > within In the name of the State of Oregon: (Section 26; thence following the months from this date. You are hereby required to appear right bank of the Trask River up- Dated October 16lh. 1919. being nd answer the complaint filed 'stream southerly, easterly and north­ the first publication of this notice. against you In the above entitled erly to the northerly bank of a John Leland Henderson. cause on or before the date of the slough connecting said Trask River Administrator of the last publication of this summons, with what is known as Trask River estate of Nicholas Job. ■ and if you fail so to answer for wa^it cut-off at a point near the north­ Deceased. thereof, the plaiutiff will apply to west corner of the southeast quarter ------------------------- r the above named court for the relief of the southwest quarter of section Choice Holstein Bulls For Sale. prayed for in the complaint, to-wlt: 25, in township 1 Bout th of range V that the association composed by the West. W. M.; thence following the * plaintiff and the above named de­ bank of said slough northeasterly to I have a few choice registered fendants (being an association deal­ the left bank of what is known as Holstein bulls I am offering tor sale ing In Holstein cows) be dissolved Trask River cut-off: then following for a price much less than the same by a decree of this court, and that said left bank of the Trask River breeding can be procured elsewhere. each of the defendants be required to cut-off northerly to its inter- The dams of these bulls are all good appear herein and make an individ­ section with the south, or left individuals and good producers; one ual accounting and adjustment of bank of Hoquarton slough; thence of them Lady Aaggie Ormsby of Rock the business ot said association with down Hoquarton slough, following wen the milking contest at the re­ the Individual members thereof, and the left bank thereof, to the intersec- cent County Fair. The sires are with all other persons who have or|tion of Hoquarton slough with the .Maplecrest and King Segis breeding. have business relations with said as-j Tillamook river; thence following These animals ’ are here at home aociation. and Io make distribution the right bank of Tillamook River, where you can Inspect them; we in­ aud allotment of any profits or losses upstream, to the place of beginning; vite the fullest investigation; come among the members of said associa­ that the commissioners heretofore at milking tint* and bring your tion; and that the plaintiff have appointed to assess benefits and dam- scales and Babcock tester. judgment against each and all of ages to the property aud lands situ-i F. R. Beals. at North Portland. Oregon Week oi November 17 to 22 Open All Day and Evenings 1 lie I acihc International Livestock Exposition was iratiRii- rateil and is supported by leading bankers, business men and breeders of the Pacific Coast—meti <»f vision w In. see tn the Pacific Coast the livestock center of the World. Pure Bred Stock I he staging'of this exposition on so large a scale :s a long Step toward the accomplishment of this aim and the benefits of its success will be widespread. Thousands <>( entries of pure bred stock, many coming from the Middle \\ esteru St ites, necessitated udditions to the im­ mense s> Pavilion. Dairy Products Horse Show Cups. Trophies and *75.000 in Premiums to be Awarded Hundreds of educntioual rxhibits claim vour attention, i ch»d:nK Ute larCe Western Dairv Products Show with Z t D entries and daily lectures 'Ey Mr O. £. Reed, of Purdue I niversity and Mr. M Mortensou. of the Iowa State C< liege. Plan to Attend the Entire Week. PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL LIVESTOCK EXPOSITION, NORTH PORTLAND, OREGON • n« reservoir. «• L. Berkev.