Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, November 06, 1919, Image 5

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The Gem Theatre Feature Attractions.
Tuesday, November 11,
Thursday, November 13,
William Faversham
She Did and She Didn’t Steal a Fortune.
You can’t solve that riddle
but you can see it solved in
A Paramount Artcraft Special.
“The Silver King” is one of the most intensely dram .tic
motion pictures ever screened. Ils thrilling depths could
not be better sounded by any living actor than William Fav­
William Fox presents
Peggy Hyland
It is a picture of love, of death, and will touch the deep­
est chords of your being, William Faversham is a master.
in the most hilariously amusing comedy of her
motion picture career.
'Bui. my dear - •
Grim/it ¿¡peaai
------------------- ~----------------------------------------------- ■-------------------------- !_!.................... ........................ -L-1— !--------- —
Read ‘Em Over Carefully.
Weekly Cash Specials.
Don't fail to take advantage of the
following Special Cash Prices :
Kellog’s Com Flakes, 8 packages $1.00
White Bear Laundry Soap, 20 bars 1.00
Royal Club Sour Kraut, No. 21 cans
6 cans -
Seaport Peas, 6 cans ■
Best Bulk Coffee, 10 pouuds -
Hard Wheat Flour, per sack -
Pure Lard,bulk, limited supply, per lb. 38
Mill Run, per sack
We have a Large Supply of the above, excepting
the Bulk Lard Don’t fail to take advantage
of these prices, each and everyone of them
is a veryl good buy and the price is absolutely
We pay ths highest market price for EGGS and
Star Grocery Company.
The correct grade
of Zerolene will add
years to the life of
your car. Gives bet­
ter lubrication with
least carbon. Get a
Correct Lubrication
Chart for your car.
The national committee of the
American Baikers’ association at its
I recent convention in St. Louis hand-
I ed down ten rules to be observed by
nian in his tussle with the cost of
I living :
.. Make a budget.
2 Keep an intelligent record of
3. Have a bank account.
4. Carry life insurance.
5. Make a will.
6. Own your own homq eventually
7. Pay your bills promptly.
8. Invest in War Savings Stamps
and other government securities.
9. Spend less than you earn.
Share with others. Thrift
' without benevolence is a doubtful
I Step Lively and Don’t Forget to Put Away
Your Winter’s Meat.
Pacific International Live Stock Ex­
position Notes.
------- °-------
In its ninth year of growing suc-
■cess the Pacific International Live­
stock Exposition will be given at
Portland, Oregon, the week of No-
jVember 17 to 22 under the roof of a
new pavilion covering 7 % acres and
representing an investment of nearly
half a million dollars. Three thousand
pure bred animals in the cattle,
'horse, sheep, swine and goat classes
have been entered. Eleven states are
represented in the exhibits. Coinci­
dent with the Exposition will be held
the extensive exhibits and practical
educational program of the Western
•Dairy Products show. The annual
convention of the Western Dairy In­
structors’ Association will also be
held in injunction.
Mr. McAdoo’s Mistakes.
Taxes will not be reduced says an
exchange. Congressman Longworih
says: “The late congress made one
seriops mistake. It accepted the state­
ment of the former Secretary of the
Treasury Mr. McAdoo that $4,000,-
OOO.uOO of taxation would be suffi­
cient to finance this government next
year. Now we find that $4,000.000,-
Juu will not come wiliiin about $7,-
000,000,000 of meeting the present
estimate of our actual expenses for
the next fiscal year.” The present
Congress therefore has to assume tha
burden of the miscalculation of the
last Congress, or rather the miscalcu­
lation oi Mr. McAdoo. So taxes will
not be reduced because they cannot
Du reduced. One is justified in asking
where, beyond being Mr. Wilson’s
son-in-law, Mr. McAdoo' is entitled
to consideration for the presidency?
The above shows his incapacity as an
administrator of the treasury. His
failure as a railroad administrator
was unspeakable.
Women Voters of World 100,000,000.
-- ■—o--------
There are approximately 100,000-
O00 women voters in the world today
¡according to the statistics compiled
by the National American Woman
Suffrage Association. Of these 15,-
H. C. BOONE, Agent, Tillamook, Oregon.
000,000 in 29 of the states of this
country have the right to vote for the
The opening of the new pavilion of states will be represented in the ex-, next President.
I Seventeen countries of the world
the Pacific International Livestock hibits.
The United States government ex­ have now granted their women full
Exposition at Portland occurs on No­
vember 17, This show is now in its hibit from the National Dairy Show suffrage: They are: New Zealand,
ninth year and will celebrate with at Chicago, costing $25,000, is to be Australia, Finland, Norway, Iceland,
proper ceremonies the occupation of shown pi its entirely at the Pacific Denmark, Russia. Great Britain, Aus­
the new half million home. It will International Livestock show at Port­ tria, Canada, Czecho-Slovagia, Hun­
mark an important epoch in the his­ land. November 17-22. Prof. Morten­ gary, Poland, Sweeden, Germany,
tory of the livestock industry of the sen of the Iowa State Agricultural Holland, and, very recently, Italy, In
Pacific Northwest. Three thousand College will conduct a dairy products all but the first four this reform has
pure bred animals have beea entered, judging class in the dairy section. been brought about since the out­
also 150 show hoises. An important The Western Dairy Products show, break of the war. A bill for equal suf­
B. Musser, of frage has passed one house in France
lea: ure of the Livestock Exposition managed by Karl
which will run for one week is the Washington State College, and, also since the war ended and French
Western Dairy Products 8how and the Western Dairy Instructors' Asso­ women say that their complete en­
the convention of the Western Dairy ciation will be in convention In the franchisement cannot be long delay­
Instructors' Association under the same pavilion during the livestock ed. Italian women expect to cast
their first votes in 1920 when, it is
same spacious roof. Eleven or mor<
Both Phones.
¡hoped, all women in the United
¡States will have equal political rights
with men.
More Propaganda in The Public
The Duluth News-Tribune has ex­
posed use of the public schools of
Duluth for league of nations propa­
ganda. In the Central High School it
was found that the students were
using a pamphlet containing the
covenant of the league of nations,
with this inscription on the title
page: "A charter for world democ­
racy, framed by the representatives
of the victorious, free nations, ex­
tending to all the world the princi­
ples of the Declaration of Independ­
ence, the Constitution of the United
States and the Monroe Doctrine.”
The Duluth High School uses as a
text a book called "Democracy of to­
day,” "by Christian Gauss, of Prince­
ton University. It carries a portrait
of President Wilson as a f rant piece.
Fourteen of the eighteen speeches
printed in the work are by President
Wilson. Curiously enough, this book
is used in the English department.
The same work is used ip the Wash­
ington, D. C. High Schut^ and has
been widly introducedW wherever
heads of schools are in sympathy
with this sort of propaganda.
Indicating, the importance of the
.Pacific International Livestock Ex­
po: ition, opening on Monday Novem­
ber 17, at Portland, Oregon, is the
fact that there are 1200 entries in
the beef and dairy classes. The Pa­
cific International is the culminating
event of the coast circuit and all the
finest entries that have carried off
premiums and trophies at other coast
shows will compete for final honors
at Portland. Premiums aggregate
President Wilson Is said to have
been greatly cheered when he learn­
ed that the amendment to the peace
treaty given the Chinese province of
Shantung ,to the republic of China
rather than to the Japanese empire
had been defeated. News that the
great doctrine of self-determination
of peoples and of the reign of Justice
and right in international relation­
ships had been so gloriously vindicat­
ed as in this case ought to cheer any­
body up. even the author of the
fourteen fine points.
right straight
through, from the bead
to the famous nonskid
VacuumCup*. Guaranteed
mileage service—per war­
ranty tag—
6,000 Miles
the Eect c.rswer to the
nations.! demand for con­
servative economy
Tillamook, Oregon.
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