HEADLIGHT, NOVEMBER investigations going on in different “Good bye" My Comrades, oi.e by parts of the country are revealing [one. y<_ur faces disappear: aillüuuwk ìicaùlùjbt. some of the expensive blunders of the Or.e by one you step aside; we bear Fred C. Baker, Editor. SUBSCRIPTION per year $2.00 Advertising Rates. Display Advts. per meh........... Locals .......................... per line Readers, with reading matter per ime................................. Notices of meetings etc, per line 20c. 7c. te. 7c. Editorial Snap Snots. lave a heart, and become of the Red Cross. a mem- It must be that a large number of persons are not aware that it takes only lc for a drop letter, for we are receiving drop letters with 2c. on them. ------- o The Washington County grand jury returned 95 indictments last week aud if ah the cases go to trial may the Loid have pity on the poor tax payers. It is to be liopetT that Judge Bagley does not contemplate dortig a strike stunt. Democratic administration In con­ > you to zhe rear. ducting the war a:id the lavish man­ We lay upon your coffined forms ner in which public money was mis­ ■zhe flag you love so well. used and wasted, and it is beginning And sadly march with muffled to dawn upon the people .that in drum and diege of funeral knell. awarding contracts a large number We stand around your open grave. ot men who had the "pull" have rob- 'with saddened hearts and mite, bed the country of vast sums of mon­ And watt a soldier’s last “Farwell" ey. In one investigation It was shown a requiem salute. that at one powder plant it cost the Respectfully submitted in F. C. H. government $8.5u a pound fur pow­ 1. der. in another, men were employed Minnie Johnson, Alice C, Wolfe as plumbe>s who knew nothing ci (and Viola Noyes, committee. that business anu were paid $8.50. They put in their time gambling, some of them making as high as flùu The Silver King" is Praised Expert. a day crap shooting. There is every ------- o------- reason to believe that some of the When "The Silver King", the new "higher ups and the “go between»’’ Paramount-Artcraft special picture figured i;z '.he cost plus system. The starring William Faversham, the Democratic administration is said to celebrated actor, was displayed for have thrown away money like a lot of I the first time after it w as filmed, in oraukc^ sailors, and every investiga­ the projection room of the Famous tion, even that ot President Wilson s Players-Lasky Corporation at N\w trip to France, when he tooa with York, Jesse L. Lasky a famous pro­ him 16'JU persons, a swell band, spec­ ducer, indorsed it as being v.ie of the ial chefs, etc., goes to prove the as­ best pictures ever exhibited. Mr. sertion that the administration did iFaversham was present, together I throw away the peoples money like with his wife, whose stage name is a lot of drunken sailors. Julia Opp. and Maxine Elliott, the I famous actress manager. "It is a remarkable picture," said THE PRICE OF CHEx.SE Have you joined the Red Cross?, It ------- o------- Mr. Lasky, "for in no particular has costa only one dollar to belong to it been overdone. Mr. Mantle, the that organisation that made good Henry Krumrey. President and Gen­ scenarist, and Mr. Irving the direc­ eral Manager of ¿he Wisconsin during the war. Ask our own boys tor, have done wonders with the Cheese Production Federation who saw service in France what they story, a masterpiece in itself, but all Says it is Controlled By think of the Red Cross and they tell too easy for less competent hands to Packers. t deserves your support. ruin in transferring it to the screen. o------- o— — Plymouth, Wis.—Henry Krumrey, | Mr. Faversham and Miss Castleton Governor Olcott is having a great president and general manager of the are superb and I failed to find a flaw time hanging onto two public offices. i vViscousin Cheese Producers’ Federa­ in the work of any supporting play­ Attorney. General Brown has rendered tion, declares the federal trade com­ er. As a Paramount-Artcraft special an opinion that the governor is en­ mission did not exaggerate when it "The Silver King” is certain to raise titled to fill the unexpired term of reported that the "big five" packing (still higher the standard of this ser­ the late governor, but Olcott will not corporations control 75 per cent of ies which we determined would be let go of the secretary of state until j the best that money and develop­ the Wisconsin cheese output. the supreme court decides the ques­ "I think it is true," saiu Mr. Krum- ment of photodramatic art could tion. rey, commenting on the report of the provide.” ------- o------- "The Silver King" will be shown 'federal traue commission. "Some It looks as though Senator McNary good judges even put it as high as at the Gem Theatre next Tuesday, is a Wilson-Republican by the way 80 per cent, and when one takes in­ November 11, and it is certain ac­ he is voting with the Democratic to consideiation the fact that Wis­ cording to the managers of the Gem. party in the senate. Our George was consin now produces more than 70 that the S. R. O. sign will bejn evi­ known at one time as a Roosevelt- per cent of all the cheese produced dence. Democrat. so there is very little dif­ in the Uniteu States it is plainly ap­ ference between the two Oregon Sen­ parent how closely they control the Enid Bennett's New Photoplay Vi­ ators, one hobnobbling with the Re­ American cheese market. brant With Action. publican party and the other hob- "The packers, through their agents ------- o------- nobling with the Democratic party. and subsidiaries, receive cheese and Realism prevails in the production — _o------ control cheese warehouses at more of "Partuers'Three,” the last Thos. The elections last Tuesday in dif­ than 30 places in Wisconsin. Not one H. Ince photoplay, featuring Enid ferent states prove conclusively that of these warehouses is operated un- Bennett, which comes to the Gem the Republican party will sweep the der the name of any packer. In so- Theatre next Monday. country next year and bust up to liciting cheese from factories the Much of the action of the story some extent the solid democratic vote packers do not compete with each (takes place on the great American in the south. It'is about time that other. A packer or his agent will desert, and to secure the proper set- the spend thrill democratic party was solicit cheese only from factories that Iting Mr. Inc sent his director. Ford retired, for that party wouid bank­ are shipping to independent dealers, Niblo and the ent ire company out on rupt the United States if it was kept other than packers, and to the Wis­ the desert for a week to shoot the in power a few more years spending consin Cheese Producers’ Federation. locations. The players camped in money like drunken sailors. "The packers, also through their tents out on the i sand, amid cactus ------ o------- agents, dominate the Plymouth and sage brush. Large cans of water A Portland doctor sends us a long cheese board, the leading one in the were taken out in the commissary scolding letter because a trival typo­ state. Very little cheese is offered on automobile, but before the scenes graphical error appeared in his advt. the board by producers. The bulk of ■were finished it was necessary to When an editor or printer makes a it is offered by the packers. This send a machine back for a nc sup mistake they apologue in a gentle- board fixes the price that producers ply. Director Niblo succeeded ip get- manly manner and correct the mis­ in all parts ot the state must accept Xing some wonderful desert scenes. take. When a doctor makes a mistake tor their cheese. During the season it is put into a coffin and nailed up of the lightest production, when Citation. as soon as possible, buried in a grave they want to accumulate cheese for and covered up in a cemetery where stor.ige, they load up the board with In the County Court of the State of nobody can find it. That's the differ­ cheese in order to keep the price Oregon, for the County of Tillamook. ence in different kinds ot mistakes. down. Then when they are unload­ In the matter of the estate of ------- o ing what they have stored, which is Nicholas Job, commonly known as County Surveyor Coates was in usually during the winter when lit­ Nick Job. deceased. Portland last week conferring with tle cheese is made, they boost the To the unknown heirs of Nicholas the State Highway Commission anti board price. Job, deceased. "Several years ago for a number of the federal authorities. As all federal In the name of the State of Oregon, aid for roads have been appropriated, weeks during the winter one of the you are hereby cited and required to the commission was nut inclined to packers’ men bought the bulk of the appear in the County Court of the recommend federal aid tor the Bay cheese offered on the Plymouth State of Oregon, for the County of ocean road, but as soon as it is as­ board during all that time at pric s ¡Tillamook, at the court room there­ sured that this road will be complet­ higher than independent dealers of. a,t Tillamook, in the county of Til- • ed. the government will build the were able to realize. Uaniook. on Thursday, the 4th day of “To show you how they manipulate December. 1919, at 10 o’cloek. ... road to Cape Meares light station, in the the board prices it is only necessary for^n^n'of-thZt d‘ay7theTand‘“here money being available for that pur­ to state what happened on the Ply- ‘to ghow cause. lf any exi8t8, why an pose. M‘OU on July 28 last. A cer- order of sa)t. ,hould not bt. made a ------- o------- Over at Dallas a man shot two boys tain packer’s agent offered 200 twins in the petition prayed for after ten who were playing halloween pranks on the board. 50 twins were offered days from and after said 4th day of with a gang of boys. The boys and by some other party, which constitut­ December. 1919, for that certain the man are all deserving of severe ed all of the twins offered on the real estate described as Lots 1 and 2 censure. It is exceedingly annoying board that day.. An independent of Block 46 of Thayer s Fifth Addi that boys will persist in wilful dis- dealer offered 31 ** cents for the 200 'tion to the City of Tillamook in truction of property, but that does twins. I he packer s agent passed that County of Tillamook and State not justify a man taking the law in­ bld, and when asked for what reason Oregon, and that .-aid citation to his own hands and shooting thin, he stated, ’for reasons best known to served on you by publication in although it will have a wholesome ef- myself.’ Someone suggested that the Tillamook Headlight, a weekly news­ fect on other boys who have an Idea dealer offer him 31c.. The agent pas- paper published in said county and of that they can destroy property under -'d the bid. Then this deaier offeree .eneral circulation therein, for not th- plea that they are only having 3ula tents, which bid the packer’s less than four successive weeks and ageut accepted, and the cheese was 'for five insertions.prior to said date. sold at ihat price, which was the First publication November 6. 1919. o------ price that producers had to acce'pt Last publication December 4. 1919. A large number of people who were for twins in all parts of the state The sale to be made for claims friendly to labor unions arc chang­ during that week. !against the estate. ing their opinions, foi they set that "The price that the* majority of any Witness, the Hon. A. M. Hare, most of the unions are now controll­ style of cheese on the board sells for (Judge of the County Court of the ed by the radical element. The min­ becomes the ruling price on which ers’ strike was 111 advised, yet it all contract cheese through the State of Oregon for the County of ■ Tillamook, with the seal of said court went to show that the-miners* union state of Wisconsin is paid fo. during afiixed, this 4th day of November, A. cared little whether people suffered that week.”—Milwaukee Journal. D. 1919. this winter for want of fuel or Homer Mason. Clerk. coutry was paralyzed. Sooner the Vote of Condolence. By Vida A. Millie. Deputy. country was paralized. Sooner the ------ o------ unions weed I out the anaicblsts and w< ’e your committee on resolutions revolutionist! s from their number the of condolence, beg leave to submit Krout. Krout. better it will be for them. ------o------ the following: ------ o------ Who want’s .krout this winter? Whereas. The Grand Ruler has Armistice day is next Tuesday and sounded the “Call to Arms” in that Stuivenga has got the cabbage Send it seems that it needs somebody with vast army beyond, which was ans­ him your order, prices right. Mutual . the initiative so thin day can be fit­ wered by C. E. Reynolds. Oct. 18; Phone, Wm. Stuivenga. tingly observed. Governor Olcott baa i Be It resolved that, Corinth Post proclaimed It a legal holiday, aud It has lost a Commander and faithful FOR SALE looks to us, with other cities making worker, the country a loyal and pa- ------ o------ preparations. Tillamook City should trioUc citixen, and the wife, a life not lag behind and do nothing th companion; A good standard make piano. celebrate the national as* well"' " ” * further resolved that the . practically new, large siie. Con­ Be it as this great world wide event. Let's sympathy of Corinth Post W. R C.. cert Upright, nut-proof itnnn. ail get busy right away and do some­ be extended to our dear sister. Mrs. Absolutely guaranteed by the thing. Hundreds of persons will be tn C. E. Reynolds, a copy of these reso­ makers, would cost $650.00 if city from the country that day. lutions be sent to the bereaved wife, bought on today's market. Reas­ buslnese houses will be closed and a copy to be printed tn the onable priced and terms given. there should be apmethlng doing county papers, and a copy placed on Leland B. Erwin Ddawer M. the band playing. the minutes of our order. Tillamook. Oregon. '< ’i Don't Forget Our Weekly Specials. It is well to take advantage of them Our prices are right and we offer you a few of the following for cash: YELL9W CORN MEAL, 10 lbs $ .60 SCRATCH FEED 4.75 JIFFY JELL, 2 for 25 BULK COMPOUND 30 25 IVORY SOAP. 3 for OLD DUTCH CLEANER - 10 BLUING, per bottle - 10 We have a full line of GROCERIES and FEED. When we advei Use an article you may well know that we have same in stock CONOVER & CONDIT at Smithy’s SATURDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY Look what your One Dollar will do Here New dollar values will be added each day. Limit of One Dollar’s werth of each special each day of sale. » 1 I LADIES’ LOOK AT THIS ! CURTAIN SCRIMS, 10 Yards for $1.00 LANTERN GLOBES AND LAMP CHIMNEYS, 7 for $1.00 CRASH TOWELING, 5 Yards for $1.00 WHITE LAUNDRY SOAP, 20 Bars for $1.00 SWAP HATS CREAM OIL TOILET SOAP, 12 Cakes for $1.00 \I7lxy,kJ IM L' ’Now is your chance Wllil IvLL. to cet }|tiew FnlI and V> inter hat and get rid of your old one. Bring Jyour old hat (any age Or condition) to tne anti I'll allow you $2.00 for it on a new one. You select any hat you wish and pay the difference. See \\ indow. Will allow you 50c. for old hat on a misses or child hat. CANVAS CLOVES, 5 Pairs or $1.00 TURKISH TOWLING 3 Yards for $1.00 DUST MOP AND BOTTLE OF OIL, Both for $1.00 CHILDREN’S HOSE, 3 Pairs for $1.00 35c. and 39c. Values. LADIES’ HOSE, 3 Pairs for $1.00 35C.-40C. Value. TO THOSE WE J HAVE NOT SECURED THEIR ALLOTMENT OF OUR STÜCK While interest in cicled that the New we want every man in the county to have a small our Mill we are unable to call on vou and have de- we will have our stock books open at our office in Mill Building for the next two weeks so that the people may avail themselves of the opportunity for investing in a guaranteed local investment Whether or not von are interested in the stock we would be mote than glad to have you call and see what we are doing in the waj of building your Flour Mill and wish to assure the people of the community that every effort is being made to give Tillamook a Home Industry that you may all be proud of. E. S. BETTCHER NULLING COS • ng reservoir ÏS25HSZ5ïS2S2SaS2Lid5aS2S2S25ÂheSBSasa TILLAMOOK