TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. NO EMBER 6 ■ world than has ever before been ex­ The Brunswick ‘ Ultona' plays all Discuss Public Ques­ pended by any monarch since the beginning ot civiiiza.ion. His expen­ ses at .he peace conference wili ag- tions of Interest. records at their best. grcg.te more than all the expenses rat '.c get he: ot ail the repzesenta- STARTLING EXPOSURES ARE lives ot this government at similar RESULT OF PROBE conférences since the beginning ot the nation. It will be a shock to the Illinois Representative in Speech country to know just what it cost to take those sixteen hundred advisers Gives Renew oi Disclosures. to Europe, whose advice was never Speaking in the House of Represen­ accepter. It will be interesting to tatives in October 13th. Representa- KItu 6« jum what it »st the people to tive Graham, of Illinois, chairman of put A gliLst rvoi on the Geoz «a ushinsiou m cider .at the pre the house special committee in inves­ tigation of Expenditures in the War de? ila 1 party might bask in the st ae at It will be interesting Department, sketched conditions as least to know what il cost to take the they were found by the committee at out ot the fashionable the government powder plant at Ni­ 1— tro. W. Va.. where $75,vvu.Ou-. was Baltimore Hotel ot New York City spent in construction and equipment ‘play while the President ate the fc with practically no production of prepared by the Lanas ot sixtee.. special caeis. The c. uatry is anxuus pow der. to know what it cost to send a spec­ WlUi^n J. Graham said: Du g ial ship in advance to Europe with the course of the great w ar the Unit- autouiobizes to meet the president ed States government obtained and upvi. Lis arrival. Economy, like w ays large collected in various cLarity, should begin at home and amounts of property, both .cal and The President should point the way personal, m this country an. in Eu- for the nation. rope. Since the signing of the armis­ ------- o------- • tice steps have been taken, as you all Represe-iative Green, of Massa­ know, to try to dispose of some of chusetts. chaiiman of the House this property. At present our govern­ Marine Committee. urges speedy a.- ment. through its War department, tion by Congress in freeing American is disposing of some of this material snipp.ng from war lime restrictions at various times. The Select Commit- rJ ana enabling it to complete with the In ' tee on Expenditures in the Wai De­ grvat ocean-carrying nations. He ru THE BEST STOCK OF HARDWARE IN partment, in making some of its in­ says it is necessary If the United vestigations. has had its attention States is to take its place as one of THE COUNTY. directed through the public press to the great maritime nations. hc says: See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere a proposed sale of property be long- 1 he United States has a wvnderful ing to the government and located opport unity before it. Shall w e or 'near Charleston, W. Va.. at what is shall we not grasp the marvelous 1 commonly called the Nitro powder opportunities we now have to extend plant. Finding that it was about to our trade throughout the world? be sold, the subcommittee on ordi­ »nis opportunity will not wait. Al­ nance went out there and took some ready we have lost valuable time, we testimony to disclose the facts rela­ 'nave iost ground we may not easily tive to the conditions existing there, recover. We must move swiftly if we what property we had. and about JACK HARPER, are to take the place in me world's what Congress ought to do about the markets which some of our leading situation, if anything. BALL; SHOP, TILLAMOOK. I industrial competitois have been The sale of that property is under i forced to abandon, if we do it now Take ’.your. Herses there and get the control of the Director of Sales. ’we can establish ourselves so firmly First Class Shoes for them. ! While, primarily the ordinance ■ , that we cannot be dislodged upon the branch of the war department has return of peace. If we act intelligent­ I guarantee all work to be r- 1 control over it, it is being managed ly and with cooperation, so as to satisfactory, if not, bring it back Cj | by the Director of Sales. At this time produce ships cheaply and rapidly, and Lwill make good without ft this sale has not been concluded, and w-e will not only produce ships to en­ is pending and undisposed of. The able us to become the leaders in me extra charge. facts relative to the whole surround­ commerce of the world by furnishing ing circumstances are such as to in­ transportation at reasonable rates, duce in the minds of our subcommit­ theretore performing a service to the tee. in which our entire committee rest of the world, but we shall build concurred, the idea that we ought to ships in such large numbers and at present these facts in a brief way to ’such fair prices that we will become the members of this House, and indi­ the mecca ot the shipbuilding trade rectly to the people, so that they 'of the world.” might be advised about them and so I I that, perhaps, if necessary, some Representative Everett Sanders, of steps in legislation might be taken Indiana, in a recent speech in the that might help in the general dispo­ House, called attention to the tact sition of this property. I will not that when English ships pass have time in the short time allotted through the Panama canal, they are to me to go into the details of this, measured by the American govern­ but can only touch the high spots as mental authorities under what are I go along. known as the English rules, while American ships are measured under The Powder Investigation. the American rules. As a result a The powder program in 1917 was c*ntisn ship pays *1,461 less man an investigated by a commission that American ship of the same tonnage, went to Europe to determine what although under the American rules we ought to do in making powder. 1 she would have paid 124 more. First Up to that time we had not made Congress, at the demand of President any. except in the Picatinny Arsenal Wilson, for reasons he mysteriously and in private concerns. In 1917 we hinted at but has never given, put set this Franco-American commission American vessels on the same tolls to Europe to find out something as basis as British vessels. Now the ad­ to what we ought to do about manu­ ministration through a strained con­ facturing powder. When the commis­ I struction of the law, so regulates the sion reported back, immediate steps tolls that the American vessel is dis- TO THE VISITORS /.* TBIS SEC­ were taken to try to increase the ^criminated against. TION, th» bank w a place for them to eater and feel at borne and they powder production in this country. • o are iavited to call and make thrir When the European war began the Dubuque (La.) Times-Journal deairea kao*n. total production of powder in the says; “The conflict between nation United States was about one million and nation has not ceased, it has and a half pounds a month. When we J\ the final analysis, it will be found that this in­ only been transferred to another field went into the war it was risen to a Victoiy will come to the people who stitution it gorerned by a spirit of helpfulness, and, million and a half pounds a day. The can combine willingness to work whatever your business interests in this section may production therefore, when we went w ith an increased production of mar­ be, you can confidently rely upon its cordial, intelli­ into the war was about as I have ketable goods. Every day brings this gent and personal co-operation. stated, but we agreed to increase the news from the field of battle. About amount a million and a half pounds naif of the workers of England are TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK a day by manufacturing it in gov­ out on strikes. Production has been The Strong Home Bank ernment plants, and in carrying out cut as never before. In the United that intetion they proposed two gov­ biates we have about two thousand ernment owned plants, one at Nitro, strikes. Production is decreased, th,, W. Va.. and the other at Nashville, price of the goods manufactured is Tenn., called "Old Hickory.” The Old ~o high that they cannot find an ex- Hickory plant was to produce 900,- uiarket. In Germany about one oOO pounds and the Nitro plant 625.- Itiu.------- per cent of the workers are 000 pounds a day, so you can tell a. wu._. Production is increased. something about the immensity of 1 heir goods are cheap enough to find 52S2S2S252S2525ZS25252S2S2525252SES25252S2S2S2S2S25252S25252S2S2S2S2525Û this program that the government .a leady market tor the export trade Qi v as about to embark upon. rhe new war has just begun. May we o The construction of these two hope that American industry will do plants cost, as nearly as your com- its part as loyally as did the military & mittee can ascertain. 190,000,000 at torces of the republic.” Old Hickory, Nashville, and $60,- 000,000 as Nitro, W. Va.. or approx­ Dr. E. E. Pratt, former chief of imately $150.000.000 has been ex­ I 'the Bureau of Foreign aud Domestic For disenfecting where Contagious or pended on the two plants for con­ struction cost up to this time. This Commerce. Department of Commerce, said the other day in New York that infectious diseases are prevailing. does not include operating costs, the financial position of the United nothing except the building and con­ States is weak because of our loan* CARBOLIC COMPOUND is a power­ struction of the two plants. io Europe, and that the low rate of ful Germicidal mixture and by its use foreign exchange indicates a failure More to Come on the Subject. 1 ant going to make one further of American banks to meet a finan- will improve general stable conditions. suggestion. The President should not cial situation, He criticises the ad- for overlooking the only urge more work and more rigid ministration economy but as the recognized head trade opportunities createu since the of the nation, should wet a whole­ armistice, stating that th< British some example for the country. 1 trade through Coiogae »as greater shall not criticize him for failure to'1“ the two months of July and Aug- RELIABLE DRUGGISTS. work for everybody knows that noth- us|. 1919, than it was in the year Ing is quite so tiresome or wearing preceding the war. "No greater error 5Z511525HSZ5 ¿525253^25252525252525252525252525252525 as continuous travel. I do think, I was made by our government than however, the President has much to its «lmost complete neglect of our learn about economy. As someone trade and foreign interests during said at the other end of the Capitol the war,” be said: "Great Britiau the other day. he has been "spending never for a moment lost sight of the money like a drunken sailor." He has commercial advantages of the situa­ disregarded every economy in the tion. The question now is, will any­ expenditure of money. He has cavort­ one In Washington take a real in­ ed around with royalty and with the terest in business, particularly in the monarchs and business problems involved in trade representatives of spent more money in his travels , with Central Eurppe. The outlook is through the country and about the very barren." ------- o - - Hear them at the New Music Store BUSINESS MEN, HOUSEWIVES AND CHILDREN. ACH anil every one of thoae titiii the First Na. tional a pood place to batik. Our facilities cover the needs of nil three classes and <>ur service is appreciatively helpful- whether mie has a larjie account or small. By banking here—you place your account tinder the supervision of the NATIONAL banking L; and ReEulattOD». DIRECTORS : E flbEX. JVIcNRIR & CO GENERAL HARDUUARE Kitchen Ranges and Heating 5toves. I ARMOURED INNER TUBES Prevents Punctures and Blowouts. . Armoured Inner Tires are a praclical, common sense, ’ money-saving tire necessity for all tire users. By preventing punctures and blowouts, they add plea­ sure, safety and economy to motoring. Lubricated inside and out, they iequire no cementing aud no vul­ canizing. Placed on your tires as easily as inner tube. C. MILLS, Agent, Tillamook, Ore- SHOEING IF your immediate need is a de­ pendable, painstaking handling of some business or financial matter, read the last paragraph of this ad­ vertisement. Our desire is to go less directly to the point. I 5 5 5 package before the war package during the war package NOW THE FLAVOR LASTS SO DOES THE PRICE! % CLOUGH’S CARBOLIC COMPOUND C. I. CLOUGH CO. BAY CITY DRUG CO. Entire New Stock of Candies. New Syrups. Come and See Phone 32. LAMB-SCHRADER CO WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CEMENT LIME, PLASTER, LATH AND BRICK; DOMESTIC STEAM AND SMITHING COAL. WAREHOUSE AND OFFICE— COR. FRONT AND 3 rd AVE. WEST. TILLAMOOK, OR C.H. JONES TRADING COMPANY BAY CITY, OREGON. Fruit, Groceries and Campers’ Supplies Dry Goods and Gasoline. PkMM Maia 71 :