TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, NOVEMBER 6, WIND UP THE FINA OF HALTOM'S RE-ORGANIZATION SALE Saturday- Men’s Suits. Oregon Winter Cashmere weight in dark brown mixtures. Sizes 36 to 42. Selling regular for $30.00. Going at the wind up for$22-85 Saturday- Saturday— An Women’s Coats. The very latest styles, best ma­ terial, built by the best ma­ kers. Plain and fancy designs. Will be sacrificed for the wind up. Note the Prices: Will be the most sensational Hat Selling Event ever in­ augurated in this or any other store. The entire stock will be priced at an enormous sac­ rifice. For instance: $74.85 $59.85 $98.00 $79.85 Ladies’ Ladies’ Ladies’ Ladies’ Cotits Coats Coats Coats going at $49.65 going at $38.75 going at $69. 95 going at $51.85 TILLAMOOK, ORE : $8Trimmed and Street Hats$3 79 $15 Trimmed and Street Hats $6.97 All Pattern Flats values to $25.00 Take your choice at............. $12.98 Saturday Women’s and Misses’ $15.00 Skirts. In Wool and Silk. All new fall Models in Taffetas. M essal i lies, Serge, Pop! in, Pan- Trimmed and Plain. ama. Your choice at - $9.97 This Great Mercantile Event Will be at an End in a Few Days SATURDAY will be a Big Day—You, must come-and bring your friends WE WILL DISPOSE OF ALL 0DDS-AND-ENDS AND SHORT LINES AT THE MOST RIDICULOUS CUT PRICES EVER HEARD OF BEFORE—SO , D0NT RUSS THIS * t This announcement heralds the news of your last chance at Haltom’s GREATEST OF ALL SALES, and prudent shoppers will hasten to supply all remaining Fall and Winter needs, for both home and person. It is a positive fact that merchandise of all kinds will be very much higher in the next few months, so let us impress upon you the importance of this sale, that stands absolutely unequalled in the depth of under pricing and values offered—one that from every viewpoint will stand out as a buying occasion of commanding interest, and profit to every man, woman and child in this city and vicinity. Those who take advantage of the unusal reductions that abound throughout the entire store, some of which are herewith described, will have an opportunity to reaji a rich reward in actual- savings that perhaps will never be offered again. REMEMBER, this immense stock consists of the very best and most dependable lines of merchandise that money can buy, and absolutely every article is on sale (with the exception of a few contract goods) and we are actually selling articles you need to wear, every day in the year, at prices less than the present whole­ sale market value. ALSO BEAR IN MIND this is your last chance, and each remaining day will find new sur­ prises for you, so C0MEI and let us help you in your fight against Hi-Cost of Living. SATURDAY— Men’s Paris Garters in different colors. Sellins regular for 35c. Will be on sale at.••• 19c. SATURDAY Boy’s Blue Bib Overalls. Heavy weight. One of the best makes. Sizes 3 to 15. Going at.......................... $1.39 SATURDAY Men’« Canvas Gloves. Good weight. Will sell at........... 12c. F’air. SATURDAY Men’s and Boy's Caps. Values $2.00 to $2.50. 85c. For a wind up Now is the time to buy your Rubber Foot Wear needs while you can get it for less. SATURDAY — Children’» Ran ■ Rah - Hats. Nicely made and assorted colors. Regular to $2.98 value. On sale at ■ ■ 87c. SATURDAY Men’s extra heavy Wool I’nderwear in natural color. All sizes. Shirts an