A ■' « £ « à ». ,/ Hriiùliulit A s TILLAMOOK, OREGON, NOVEMBER 6, 1919. llamook Jottings. ,to use as the beginning of a fund for in every way, as you well know r the Sunday, 7:30, Christian Church. | Five Hundred Parties. .a new school 'expenses GEM THEATRE PROGRAM. ---- _ piano. -------- [expenses if if von you 1.10. ing every feffort to have every detail bereavement; also for the lov your change of venue, instead of ' war, but the theme was written by Orma Mathews Plans for Winning Young People to of construction ready to Install the lloral offerings. estate of drawing and entailing the expense In the matter of the Mrs. C. E. Reynolds. English class. I Christ ...................... Harold Humbert balance of the machinery when It ar­ Laura I. Chance, deceased, and in the to the plaintiff of having two juries, in the ------o -- rives. While there are much larger ' State 8. S. Secretary. matter of the petition of Rachel Wes­ and to try said cases in this County The Debate Club met Wednesday Saturday, f:30 p. m. Christiun mills in the country there are none Resolution of Condolence Derore saia said Washington wasningimi vuuuiy County juij jury, , ton. Myra Goeres and George Tin- before i of the season I Church. for'the reason that said jury will be| an< * a *, more modern and none that can turn nerstet, vs Adam Schmelzer, executor Resolved that Tillamook Lodge No. the I was pulled off". The question was. Song Service. out a better product with the same of the last will and testament of brought in this county to view 9 4, 1. O. O. F., Records its profound "Resolved That Railroads Should be Devotional Service, led by Kev. effort Involved. Ultra I. Chance, deceased. Addie premises, and for the further reason respect for Brother C E. Reynolds, Private Control." Clayton • Mr Rea While Flavo Flour is a new brand •Schmelzer and Marion Chance, is a that all of the witnesses of both sides Under and its sense of great loss through live In Tillamook county, and for th. Hadley and AudryEarl Humbert it is a natural in this community Solo . . . .State Sec., Harold suit filed in the circuit court on ap- in firmative, while Thomas Large-and Moving Picture Lecture on Armenia, brand and has been tried and proven his death. peal from the county coiirt in a will further reason That t— She — ’"county --------- ’ — He set an example of service and case uny event has to pay all expenses 'Betty Lantz were the negatives. The i J. J Handsaker. Sec. State Arnien- superior In flavor until today there self-sacrifice which is inspiring. negatives—we presume they hear | tan Work. are more sacks of Flavo Flour being and costs including your attorneys A most -enjoyable Hallofeen af- The Brothers extend to his wife more debates at home—won. 'Sunday 2:30 p.m. Christian Chureh. sold than any other brand. fair, in the form of a masquerade fees, or instead, plaintiff offers and and to the members of his family Those chosen as leaders to debate Mr. Betteher says that every effort Song Service.’ dance, was held the evening of Nov. agrees to take the deposition of all November 19 are Edna Smail affir­ their deepest sympathy and Join ' Devotional Service, led by Rev. E. F. is being made to make the local mill witnesses in this county, which are 1st at the Riverdale school play shed mative and Harry Elliott negative. a model plant of its kind with the with them in mourning the loss not Wriggle. — on the Bay City road. After a merry numerous, so as to save the enormous only as a splendid member of our Much enthusiasm is being shown Solo, ..., State Rec., Harold Humbert idea in mind at all times of not only evening of dancing, to good music expense of taking the said witneifces 1 over the coming football game. The order but'a most excellent citizen, Address; “The New Awakening,” being able to make a superior flour and playing games, a lunch of pump­ out to Hillsboro. This offer is made Seniors—Sophomoqes and Juniors — Resolved that a copy of this Rev. G. 0. Oliver but to turn out a feed that will hel(/ solely to save the county the huge kin pie. gingerbread and -cider was lutlon be sent to his wife and pub- Frosh" are going to clash next week the dairymen of thia county In their Special . Aftisle. served. The sum of $32 was taken in. expense it will have to pay out in at the fair ground*. It is goini to tie effort to produce more and better lished in the city papers. which the teachers. Miss Veronica witness fees and jury fees, if jou do a nip and tuck game as both teams * Ad<)re«l' "Romance of a Religious C. W. Wagy, J. 8. Umar and F. F. cheese. iZA'ducdtlon ............ Harold Humbert not accept either of these offers, Allen and Mrs. Vivian Walker, plan Conover, committee. [which the plaintiff deems fair to you have strong players. invitations to Attend Church on Sunday. I i