TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, 0C10BER 3o, 1919 The Gem Theatre Feature Attractions I Thursday, Nov. 6, Tuesday, Nov. 4, George Walsh D. W. GRIFFITH’S Special Production, in A Romance of Happy Valley Help ! Help ! Police ! Sure, the boy’s sweet on her. In addition to the above feature a two reel Mack man. Sennett Comedy, So is a bad, bad True love certainly runs up against it hard in^'A Romance of Happy Valley”—but the Kids win out and the bad man gets his. “The Village Smithy.” ’MothPr. he's coming bxclc** D.V Griffith's ’A^ûMANCEùtEJiAPPy VALLEY «.AonsAniw» RED CROSS MEMBERSHIP ROLL movement was requested by F. C. Sunday, Nov. 2, contains several her father is ruined and after Baker, chairman, and R. H. McGrath, cabaret scenes In which all the beau­ commits suicide she is cast on her CALL. ties of the Ziegfeld Midnight Frolic own resources for a livelihood. secretary of the chapter. WEEKLY CASH SPECIALS. Many other questions of public in­ participate. Beautiful Marion Davies, standing army backed by an effi­ The Red Cross Membership Roll cient National Guard. They favor Call will start next Sunday in Tilla­ temporary restriction of all immigra­ mook County, and it is hoped that tion and believe that strict natural­ every adult in the county will enroll ization laws should be adopted and their names in this national organ- enforced. In their opinion, aliens ' ization, which did so much good in should be required to apply for nat- I all parts of the world during ths war utilization within a limited time period. Each school district will be after their arrival or forfeit their organized and a local committee se­ right to become citizens. lected. assisted by the teachers. Here Foreign language newspapers re­ in Tillamook City, which is school ceived. considerable attention and a district No. 9, ,the American Legion, majority of the members present kindly consented to take an active favored their abolition. A larger ma­ part. I • jority believed that if permitted, Fred C. Baker, .the newly elected such newspapers should be required president of the Tillamook County to publish translations in English of chapter of the American Red Cross, all matters printed in the foreign us well as the executive board, would tongue. This, it was suggested, would like to see every adult person become assist foreigners in learning the 1 a member of the local chapter of English language. 1 the Red Cross, and as the people of * e'-'v tuc use line The local post has acquired the Tillamook County were so patriotic ;of the old Commercial Club rooms in ¡and hard workers during the war, I the Tillamook block and will make 'Mr. Baker confidently hope that the I its headquarters there during the people will back up the Red Cross in winter months.. Election of perma­ ilie future and that Tillamook Coun- nent officers of the Post is scheduled i ty„ considering its size, will have an for Friday evening, November 7th. exceedingly large percentage of members. For the information of the public, we can say that no more Family Reunion of the Suratt-Lilly drives will be made for money by the » Families. Dont fail to take advantage of these Cash Specials Red Cross, with the exception of the every week, they will help to reduce the “Hi Cost of annual membership drive, ,and all Mrs. J. M. Lilly (better known as that is asked of a person Is |1.00 to Living.” Mrs. DeLillies) returned home much Our watchwords are, Quality, Cleanliness and Cour­ carry on the work of this great and improved in her health after eight commendable organization. Fifty teous treatment to our customers. months visit with relatives und cents of that amount will remain in IVe Pay the highest market Price for Hides. friends in southern California, New !the funds of Tillamook county York, West Virginia and other parte ¡Chapter, which will be used for home in the east and west. service work amongst service men While in West Virginia there was and other benevolent purposes in leases of emergency. The disburse­ a gathering of the Surratt-Lilly fam­ ment of the Red Cross funds is in the ilies and we take the following from the Raleigh Herald: hands of the executive board,, com­ On last Monday (8 th Inst) at Ar- posed of seven members, and should nett, a family reunion was held at anything of importance come up ‘the old Perry Surratt homestead in where a large amount of money is to be used for any one purpose a meet­ iMorsh Fork district of the Surratt- Lilly families. Those present and ing of the members will be called to taking part in the occasion were: decide the matter. Mr. Baker feels he has appealed to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Neidlinger, of the people of Tillamook County for New York City, Mrs. Belle Lilly, wife funds a good many times for differ­ of J. M. Lilly, of Tillamook, Oregon, ent purposes, but this is one of the formerly of Ghent, this county; most important, and for that reason Major Surratt, wife and family, (Arthur, Otho, Lee, Romey, and Non­ he makes a special request at this I time that the people of each school key; Covey Surratt, wife and family, I district will do their best to create Shirley and Ruby; Mr. and Mrs. Fred 'interest and obtain as many members 'Surratt and family, at whose home as possible. It is the intention to (the reunion was held, Grady, Oliver, [compile a list of the Red Cross mem- Margie and Marie; Mr. and Mrs. Come and Hear this Machine Play before Buying. i bers as soon after the membership Calvin Surratt and family Goldie and ; roll call is over as possible. This will iDessie; the family of Alonzo Surratt, It’s tone is natural—No metallic sound, only be done in alphabetical form by deceased, Mrs. Hattie Surratt, Mack, school districts, as it is important to Seth Surratt and wife; Mr. and Mrs. the natural sound if voice and instrument played. know who are and who are not mem­ t Walter Surratt, Willie Hunter, neph- bers of the Red Cross in Tillamook lew of Hon. Perry Surratt and wife of county, a copy of which will be sent ! Rhoadfield, W. Va„ Fannie Hunter to each school district and the entire and Sylvia Hunter, Attorney C. L. list, published in the newspapers. It Lilly, V. T. Lilly, Mrs. S. S. Lilly, takes only a dollar to have a person’s Oscar Lilly, Miss Ethel Lilly, all of ¡name on this roll of honor. As will b<- ¡Beckley, John R. Combs of Arnett; seen by an article in this issue the ¡Mrs. Cordelia and Van Hunter, of Junior Red Cross will have a drive ' Dry Creek. The sumptuous repast t was prepar­ for membership apart from this drive. There was some little misun­ ed and served by Mrs. Ford Surrati derstanding last year, and to make it and Mrs. Major Surratt, after all har I plain the Red Cross Membership Roll partaken of a bounteous feast Attor­ Call is for adults and the Junior Red ney C. L. Lilly made a brief address on the life and history of the Surratt Cross drive Is for the children. I One of the features in Tillamook family. After the address a number of old County on Armistice Day, November 11, is that every adult person should songs and familiar hymns were sung, wear a Red Cross button on that the closing and very appropriate one for the occasion being "God Be With day. Should anyone wish to give more You ’Till We Meet Again." than $1.00 to the Red Cross they can do so in two ways. First., by taking Ziegfeld Beauties in “The Belle of out more memberships, and. second, New York.” in taking out one membership and donating the remainder to the Red "The Belle of New York” of which Cross, and in the latter case the bal- ¡Select Pictures presents Marlon Dav- ance of the money would go into the i ies. affords everyone a wonderful op­ funds of the local chapter. portunity to see the world renowned beauties of the Ziegfeld Midnight AUTO DEALERS AND ACCESSORIES. Frolic. All whether they have lived Red In connection with us we have Best Auto Shop in Town. $ American Legion to Help m in Oshkosh or Paris—have heard of Cross Membership Drive. the beautiful Ziegfeld girls; they ,ik«»'^5252S2S25Z5Z525«!5a5aSE525aS2525Z52Sa5a5a5ZSE52S252S2SZSESH52525 ------o------ Tillamook Post, No. 47. of the have heard but have not seen. Select American Legion, voted unanimous- Pictures now gives them the oppor­ Reformed Church. iRev. w Lienkaemper will speak ly last Friday evening to assist the tunity of seeing these stunning, At the Reformed Church, corner of on "The Characteristics of True local chapter of the Red Cross in It« charming, beautiful graceful girls. "The Belle of New York," which 5th Street and 4th Ave. on the com Charity.” The choir will render .pee­ membership drive, which is to open will be seen at the Gem Theatre next ing Sunday at 11 o'clock, the pastor, (ial music. Sunday School at 10 a.m. next Support We are offering the following at Special Cash Prices : Ivory Soap Flakes, 2 packages for 25c. 20 Mule Team Boraxaid Soap Powder, for 25c. 20 Mule Team Borax Powder, 10c. a pk. Elco Bottle Bluing, 3 bottles for 25c. Best Grade English Breakfast Tea, two pounds for 75c. Sani Flush at 25c. per can. Del Monte Pork & Beans, No. 1 can, 12 for $1.00. Del Monte Pork & Beans, No. 2 can, 6 for $1.00. Toilet Paper, four large rolls for 25c. Whole Com at $40.00 per ton, off of car. Star Grocery Company Stradivara KNOWN FOR TONE— -PLAYS ALL RECORDS- KOCH & BENNET. Used Cars 1919 Elgin, run 700 miles - $1,500.00 11917 Maxwell - $450.00 1 Chalmers’ Six $1000.00 - $400.00 1 Overland Tube vulcanizing ALDERMAN & POORMAN, Of course, it all turns out right in Tillamook County Being Organized terest were discussed during the with the most beautiful group of the end, but the suspense is quite for Drive, Which Starts Next meeting. The ex-service men express­ girls in the world as a background in gripping before Helen Tremain’s ship ed themselves as favoring a small a world famous production, makes steers in the harbor of love and hap­ Week. | piness. The photoplay is based upon a short story by Griswold Wheeler which appeared recently in a popular magazine. A cast of exceptional merit has been chosen for this picture, the “The Marriage Price” at The Gem. list of supporting players being head­ ed by Wyndman Standing and Lionel Untold thousands of admirers of Atwell. Elsie Ferguson, the beautiful and talanted Artcraft star, have another Reformed Congregational Church. treat in store for them when her 10 a.m. Sunday School, latest starring vehicle, “The Mar­ 11 a.m. preaching. ■ Theme: riage Price” is presented for the first time in this city at the Gem Theatre Preacher 3 Days in a Submarine.” Come and listen to the thrilling next Wednesday, Nov. 5. Miss Fergu­ son has a new and delightful role message and take home the morul ef­ in this photoplay, that of a young so­ fect. Rev. Richard Schuetze, pastor. ciety girl who is impoverished when 'The Belle of New York" one of the most charming and wonderful pic­ tures that has ever been produced on the screen. We are still after the high eost of living ; buy from the following list for cash and save money. White Ribbon Shortening, 5 lb. pail $1.25 101b. „ $2.45 99 99 99 M. J. B. Coffee, any size, per lb. 45c Standard Tomatoes, 2 lb., 2 cans for 25c „ „ 21 lb., per can 15c Campbells Soups, 2 for - 25c Pancake Flour 9 lb. sack - 85c Tree Tea, 1 lb. package -40c Com Syrup in one gallon glass jars $1.25 We have a large supply of this mer chandise except shortening and syrup You should act quickly on them as the market is very strong. I C. 0. & C. M. Dawson Across from the New Garage WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABO.T DRAG SAWS ? Every mail who ever broke hit» back with a cross cut knows that a drag saw does a dozen men’s work at one- tenth the cost. BUT—« io they know why tin VAUGHAN has such big exclusive devices on its saw as the Jiffey Saw Holder; the metal to metal dutch ? if you’re interested in drag saw« find out wlij' the Vaughan has them. Just write for our folder—it tells you why and also explains the engineering principles that must be followed to produce the highest grade sa w—the sort of saw von want. WE WILL SHIP YOU A VAUGHAN DRAG SAW IF YOUR DEALERS CANNOT SUPPLY YOU. Don’t buy a