■*> --’T’ Tl ..LAMOOK HEAD «ho'x (n the »«rthweet commoti-Mi. B..I the nropwalbk the saloon, on« ertwetiwly avd wise- , ly chx-, means an orgy of drunk Ftvd C Baker. Editor. i.ileiu.- I rill.umg'K County will get a squatv •nncs- dissipation, waste ideal at ih» show, which it did not and vtinunallty tn metropolitan ce ■ per year M (X) »vi in the vhv< >v vxh.l'il at the State levs- and a demoralinns and w rvtvh-, SUBSCRIPTION ed experience whenvxwr the saloon is' Fair. tolerated. In time» so tense and un- ' Adveitising Ratei. o - • Talk about the high cost of living certain it is an unhappy and unbrr- ; ilk Duplay Advt». per inch Locali ..................... per line Tc the gvvvtiiment seems to be doing its lunate tvxeisU'a to old dangers, now Pmident Butler of Columbia beet to keep up the high txwrt of llv- greatly aggravated by the reckless Readers, with leading matter University Say» Saving per line . .................................... Tc, lug. toi Secretary of Wat Baker la? and resile«» temper of many men and iitdeiel the -ale : Europe of „'me women. Nonces of meetings etc. per line Tc. Apt Only Remedy * The president has A'ng lit to rendet a billion dollars worth of supplier Sar, Francisco r »s-der.t N chela* moiv. .’ng tvaMalutfs shoes, elothli-.g. a service to the maker» and owners xol.s ,md . the. nexessiUes of life, of stores of lin order lhat it might not be be boiler, far better, to pajr these 1 tv .*1 t ’alg said, "punishing profi­ getting along About the time brought Nack to the I'nited States. men out of the government treasury le« r> is a good th’.r.g. bill it v fear when ih

r . <-d St. as tbc pe< ’e?' At mistier day . i <-< ay. Noxvm cr.il to give a wrllteu pledge to the ? . '»>. -, >. ■ ' f y Se. ■< . :. : y graatest w . .ipoi. against bigi. . . >ces her 11. and is a legal holiday Wear Americau Vanners’ Association not .c *1 keepitig up ;h< cas : rii >s he Govern mor t’s Thrift >.nd Wat a Red Cross 19? Vtiiei icanitc the League y r a pours, of sugar iti Wash- amount to be saved from the weekly another ressen for lhe vwenant. u.'twithstandtng tbr pro- or monthly income—not The amount sg»d ONMtor She-- high COM of livtng Circuit court test ot Ftesident Witsw» a»i hs? to l»c spent Make what you save N-bce? are soaring beyond the used to convene twice a yvar and a blind followers in tk The tobacco that gives denMvorarw govern the amount you spend not tht rame* «f e-raia when w-«' be’ cannot fool the people *4. don’t have to take so : . : S soN. t< rh- people ir. Europe. tried and other cases held ovvr. tor they are now any securiti«»? The dollar you save tougy many fresh chews. The Ho a-e K tfi poi. rids of su- ----- -o . . tPNity criuM will b< worth twice as much five years c. shM* wil b <'".ppec f-om thi- The sugar famine in the United last March but Mr? WtlMai rich tobacco taste stays from now. States is attrUbuted principally to the to Fiance determined «be o.wir-T' tre r'-a-’s-. a. 'll disposa, of ce; to right with it. That’s ' - . tturopt And a larg­ ----- V S’ fa dure ot President VV tlis'ti to pay peace treaty and in« ii -be- a : other th zx- art be Nile any Mtemion to th redueat of the t s.C ii1 kglW' rii nRUriRS why you take a smarter Jt al. of wh a < ’wering <»: prive? t< level? friends Somehow the president has lca ni te«-. by the R-zpuhlioar. party be Republsnar. Washington — Hand grenades, no: been using goo, I judgment of late, The president t has a following of di wb'.-h th« sake ttf thest commodities which the Government will shortly Genera! Graves, commander of the it be Vi tree Starr? in?-eat o: especially when there is such an m th« s n»t< opposed tc ’s-ss-rvatvom. make ava-.iable tc thrifty individuals American forces- in Siberia, is doing overwhelming sentiment in favor of and they oan oefea; ’N« league cove­ abroad would tend tc produce.” throacr banks and trust companies as as »’el. as could be e xpected of a com­ the entire country countiy remaining "dry OF KIFECTIuk. «oiiveniTs of the Great War, date nant if they sc desire for it take? manding officer sent to war with in­ II the president did this with the «»nly 33 vote- tc d< s< Well the Prae­ a ; Dcnrjy every couven tmt sx»me back five centuries as war weapons PERFECTLY hop ot ihe dev .-a rali, party obtain­ st» of the admintsiratkm They were known to have been used structions not to take sides. » ik me»- S .»• — c s. agent ing the wet" vo.e at the next elec­ seeing tha the Pre- de®: r..ade the boh? ui with a res« .it.nor. endorsi&g tr. 142“ a: the siege of the For-»ess SIMPLE The administration plan of talking tion he is going to be fooled statemet.. that ibe covenant wa? 11 m ieagn-’ of sat ions. Wheaeve: of Casamaggiore. on the River Po. the high cost of living to death seems SIMPLY |n>. tc be «banged in any partvrulaT there is ran. debar« anc deliberatxn. the defenders using a glass hottie to be working about as well as the o~ the the rasnlurio® is c fro rec bu: ad­ ■Hod with powder M • lew® to the de'tting of ar. PERFECT. Tic tero; term "ycnadiere' grew ont other plans it has developed foT ill. \. w« K.p- er has re- ¡crossing ot a ”t “ The Prasydèn: at­ vantage is taker, nf rhe fac. tha: few fulfilling platform pledges eel't'd commendation f<- not carry­ tempted tc form the «nate t arcep me® fee', lfkr getting ui anc fighting of th. trainte. of the beet qualified NfM'dW Oil. Beto and all kind? >^wwf Marhint- supplies, Hepainuf a gjieciaity»® ing «ig.net.. ad'<- '.■"■• ■ ' W« d’e. the covenant, but the Republvrauts evet t foo. propo-titoTi whex. it is among the soldiers of Louts XIV. In Secretary of the Treasury Carter noi know our reade-.s acre qirf« s< have sect fit tv Anwertcwniae it Ne presentee it at affirmatTvx for®, by ■ 1~» '., to hurl these grenades In En­ New Home Users •some glib-to&goed pmnagawdrrt "Tie g'-ah history , as well, the grenadiers Glass advises the people to exercise olv’orvlr.g For their benet'i. !< . its fon necepting it thrift Ho» the people of this coun ­ «•» found fTwn. tne Bev nteenth Cen- are quality chasers adnuntsirauox. has made a huslnes? say we tut no«’, dov n ¡1 •»'e oontraci? The Russo-.:apanese war. try wish the administration would for tw or «hrot year? af working twy ox. for cigarette advert mi .«. For Sale By A ■ìStaiK rasolutinns througt religvoBs educa- however deveiopec the grenade into cease lecturing about economy and tier' Wiz. we almost had a duck f’. — -c the effective w-ipog h proved t® the begin to practice It. SHAEEF lb DrBITEE tyoiui. Nttsines? and other «mvea- when w< read this for ir. th« same Preside» Wil>ot assume? a boevy . Greet War Jan: Uns. tomato cans, ------- 1>------ issue of i h. Xew . K« p< > rraponsibttity ir. bis vere al thè pro- t-.on? anc is rattier expert at the yob and other meta, receptacles were 172 3rd Street The government has been offered Ru a? exprefe-tons of opinme. the?« served there were cigar, tobnee« and hibition af; Clearlx he ha? under- NEW HOKE SLUING MACKHI •aivec from scrap heaps and filled foT the industrial town plug cut ndvts. What's th« differev.- takev. lo rastore iti thè w." starar -esolutinxi? usual]' vioiat« th» sent.-- with powder Thee?- were the imme­ and plant at Nitro. W Va., on which menis af the delegate Nod? anc are Bro. snd why draw th«- lin< be-we, •a short wet pe—oc bifore consti tu- . diate forerunners of the modem cast the administration spent seventy mil­ ’«imply »ammec through Neva us» the cignivties and plug cut“ trot cor»ugated TNT grenades ■’itomi’, ptohfhilxw rat Nero®»« aCTec- Adminisrramx De Boms Not crowd i? always rather belpies? UP- kaowT as the Milk Defensive Bomb, lions without beginning production ------ o------- - o------- tiv» Log: rally kv ai«, anc suppo? in the establishment. Come easy, go les? somebody start- a figh: whtet canned so much destruction It the circuit court ol the Stati of The dairymen of Tillamook county •edly wiU, to» end th» war-tttne prò wteer htrried into a German trench Oregon, for the County of Multnom­ appi’ni to be taking more interest in ’h’bitHxr. by declaring demnbiliaatior. Tt is the Mills grenade ah Probate Department. the Pacific Internal tonal l.iw Stock complet« afte test.»ring tN< «tattte- I:‘s i qnser th.ng that ai utaim»- or dugout President Wilson’s victory at In the matter of the esuite of Show . w htC(l is to be held In Fort- Q»»e in l anc distiHene- istratiot which say? it has ninety with the TNT remowec that the Gov­ peach conference reminds us of Leonard Krebs, deceased land N«’vt'mbet 1' xml froai and thè saiw-n.- of th« percent of the peypir with it anc acts ernment 1» patting out now country editor's description Ings banks Notice is hereby given. tha- pur- what we can gather Tillamook eoun- ¡country as if h h-^lievec it is unable to g*t triumph over an irate subs Ask any bank how to get « suant to power and authority grant­ ly will hav« quite a large number of If tbe the voters to act that way t® any of "Fastening our nose be tw­ don't hare to pay > cent for dally stork and hogs on «’xhlbttion r»anu fari uree anc Stili ice th and out heair in his hand- we ed u- the administratrix de bi :.i» the elections tha- have been held non of the estate of Leonard Kreba besides a go«rd display of cheese Up i couK be disposec of ir a «inn th* unanimitv is supposed to nelc on firmly until help arrived " ----- WS deceased by the above entitlec court to the present time 46 head o: stock i cept th’ougy. tbt ■rondi«». h»v- w it Th- ?»rentt akshama have been entered from th>' county Iona, or of puMir sab rr i The failure of the so-called labor on the 3rd day of September. A D-. th» last distrie to record the tremor? and IS head of hogs The Pacific In- I cowiere. thè presudenr'» i conference at Washing tor. to ge: any ISIS, the administratrix de bonis of an approaching political terns lock Show wonlc bave produrne cuak* where in the matter of Teaching ai not. of the above entitled estate will, apreemen- or the matter under con- tnon and after Saturday the 25th siderat .on does not mean that it has day of October. ISIS, offer for sale sT^sZS?. lane to-merly know Now a few years ago It is unfortunate tba- Mr Foster overiemkec aunouwe- That hunk aas AouMed lng any changt oí heart until his < that ’ey dollar bonk had Naen dragged into the 1 it was let roars l^rtat during the past few we ek? atiract proplv (tom all parts êtUanuuik IJraMiylit. lot . tid the «ill I’aciflc Northwest Probably MEATS Editorial Snap Shots. Sanitary Market Watch Our V INDOW For Saturday HAND GRENADES USED 500 YEARS AGO IN BATTLE THE REAL TOBACCO CHEW NOW AND THEN y Guaranteed 7 par cent TL*ee Year Refund Stock is Oiiered tc the Pulac in Small I CANSER Blocks tor a Limited Time Only * i»u«c œ t”y market tc intercut the liairvmcu and are rrall- kvlkar» as >*ity ftuy : Tillan •• •». anc vicini” thaï the local mill ni»x be a tmh community enterpnat *ervinp the people so- a people'« t itis i n ( Nf am ANT LOSS OE HLGOI Nt BlMterj aae Baa* for Hours (h D bti . TENORS PILES FISTULA GOITRE DISEASES OT WOMEN Over thirty ywr* study tr Ehrrope Fhar Years $tudy tt Euiope Ore thirty years «xpertewrr Purthaa Physae*. Tikera-px m 412 tr 41 PbrtUai Labbi*- Th:- -t«x-k tr ¿yuarantred to yield a minimum of « per rent an nuallv level alti Hirt the dividende will no doubt, reach m *aih AL fin much hierher Tht «took can be turwd tvack for refund a: |ur at thr expiratuv»’