TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, OCTOBER 30. 1919 Notice of Sale for Delinquent Street 1919, at the hour of 10 o’clock A. M. | COAXING YOU TO SMILE, sell at public auction to the highest Assessments bidder for cash in hand, the properties Logical. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That hereinafter described. The respective tracts or parcels of “Mother,” said Tommy, “is it cor­ by virtue of a warrant issued by the City Recorder of Tillamook City, Oie- ground to be sold, together with the rect to say you ’water a horse when on, dated September 30th, 1919, is­ respective names of the ovner or he is thirsty?” sued by order of the Common Council owners thereof, and the amount for of Tillamook City, Oregon, the under- which separate tract will be sold, are "Yes my dear” said the mother. "Well, then” said Tommy, picking ’ signed, Marshal of Tillamook City, as follows, to-wit; Oregon, has levied upon and will, on Original Town of Lincoln—Block 9. up a saucer, "I’m going to milk the E. 2,414 ft- Lot 5; W. 3 14 ft. Lot6. Friday the 7th day of November cat." 1919, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. E. M. Hooper, owner. Amt. of Lien, ■ o------ $27.42; Int. to Nov. 7, $3.30. ZT5HE greater mileage, the uninterrupted sc sell at public auction to the highest Minority Leader. Cost of advertising ... ......... $4.37 i bidder for cash in hand, the properties Dearborn—Say, old man, do you Stillwell Add.—Block 3. Lot 4. J. that Fisk Tires give, starts with their built-in hereinafter described. The respective tracts or parcels of McMahan, owner. Amt. of Lien, know who is the minorky leader in goodness. Big — way oversize—tough; measure I ground to be sold, together with the $47.04; Int. to Nov. 7. $4 .23. the House? Zeusonhurst—Sure, I I lespective names of the owner or Cost of advertising .... ......... $4.12 snow, if you mean my house, but, to their mileage against any tire you have eve. used, j owners thereof, and the amount for Park Ada.—Block lu, Lot 3. L. C. tell the trutth I'm ashamed to tell which each separate tract will be sold, Smith, owner. Amt. of Lien, $33.79; you. are as follov.s, to-wit: Int. to Nov. 7, $4.06. They are built to an ideal— Thayer’s Add—Block 40, - Lot 5 D. Cost of advertising .............$412 I W. Ijams Estate. Amt of lien Thayer’s Add.—Block 40, Lot 6. “To be the Best Concern in the World to Work f r and Gay Deceiver. $212.21; Int. to Nov. 7, $39.07. D. W. Ijams Estate, owner. Amt. of "Poor Maud! She got cruelly de- the Squared Concern in Existence Jo Luzinas .th.” Cost of advertising ................$4.12 Lien, $37.25; Int to Nov. 7, $4.46. Thayer’s Add—Block 40. Lot 6. D Cost of advertising ............... $4.12 ceived when she married that old W. Ijams Estate. Amt. of Lien, Thayer’s Add.—Block 40. Lot 5. man.” I "Didn’t he have any money?” $212.21; Int. to Nov. 7, $39.07. D. IV. Ijams Estate, owner. Amt. of Cost of advertising................$4.12 Lien, $37.25; Int to Nov. 7, $4.46. "Oh, yes, plenty of money, but he Said sale will take place at the Cost of advertising ................$4.12 is 10 years younger than he said he front door of the City Hall in Tilla­ Stillwell Add.—Block 5. Lot 4. L. J. was..” mook City, Oregon, being the build­ Vosburg, owner. Amt. of Lien, ing in which the Common Council of $37.24; Int. to Nov 7, $4.46. said Tillamook City holds its sessions. In The Same Place. Cost of advertising ............... $4.12 That names of the owners, or re­ Stillwell Add.—Block 5. Lot 3. J. L. puted owners, of the aforesaid pro­ Vosburg. owner. Amt. of Lien. 7 hey had been having a little dis­ cussion. had Mr. and Mrs. Gibson. perty as given in the foregoing list, $37.24; Int. to Nov 7, $4.46. And, as usual, and as usual it had are the names of such owners, or re ­ Cost of advertising ............... $4.12 ended on the personal note. Tiro i io Re-t!r«î puted owners as they appear on the Stillwell 43uy FHk) Add. — - Block 10, Lot 5. bond lien docket of i'illamook City, Herman Theissen, owner. Amt. of "You are all wrong," laughed the Oregon, and the respective tracts of Lien. $37.25; Int. to Nov. 7, $4.46. lady, as she dusted her face with a land described will be sold at said Cost of advertising ............... $4 12 powder puff "Women can get along sale to satisfy the assessment, in­ tent and costs due upon each tract Stillwell Add.- Block 10, Lot 4. D. without mirrors as easily as men. described herein, and each tract will W. Ijams Estate, owner. Amt of Women were made before mirrors.” Lien. $37.24; Int. to Nov. 7, $4.46. be sold separately. "Yes,” growled Mr. Gibson, 'and Cost of advertising ............... $4 12 they have been before them ever Said sale will be made for the pur­ Maple Grove Add. — Block 3. Lot 1. pose of satisfying delinquent assess­ since! ’’ ments for street improvements, duly Omar C. Kiger, owner. Amt. of Lien ------ o------ assessed against said property, to­ $35.47; Int. to Nov. 7, $4.20. Cost of advertising ............... $4.12 gether with interest and costs there­ Absent-Minded, Said sale will take place at the on, such assessments having been A lady made by the Common Council of Till­ front door of the City Hall in Tilla­ entered a showing evidences of haste street car near the shopping amook City, Oregon, on May mook City, Oregon, being the build­ I 4th, 1916, and the said several own­ ing in which the Common Council of district, and, seeing a friend, she ers having made application to pay said Tillamook City holds its sessions. stood in front of her talking. That names of the owners, or re­ the same in installments, and said “Sit down,” said the friend, mak­ applications having been entered m puted owners, of the aforesaid pro­ ing room for her. tne bond lien docket of Tillamook perty as given in the foregoing list, "Really dear, I haven’t time,” re­ City, default having thereafter been are the names of such owners, or re­ made in the payment of the install­ puted owners as they appear or the plied the flustered woman. I’m in ments due upon said assessments, and bond lien docket of Tillamook City, such a hurry to get to the station.” more than 20 • days having elapsed, Oregon, and the respective tracts of ------ o------ and the Common Council of Tilla­ land described will be sold at said sale to satisfy the assessment, in- these insane dare-devils. Desperate Case. train from Portland to Astoria; mook City having, on Sepetbmer 3rd THE SPEED MANIAS. Business requires frequent trips 1919, ordered a warrant issued for terst and costs due upon each tract The other day a negro went into a since then at regular intervals the newspapers have published particu­ over this highway and it is far from the collection of said delinquent as­ described herein, and each tract will drugstore and said: Amos S. Benson Wents to Know Why lars regarding others who have beat­ pleasant to be in constant fear of sessments in the manner provided by be sold separately. Said sale will be made for the pur­ "Ah wants one of dem der plasters the charter of Tilamook City. They Are Not Punished. en the previous record, until the last meeting some speed fiend who arro­ Dated this September 30th, 1919. pose of satisfying delinquent assess­ you dun stick on your back.” “I understand,” said the clerk. when an average speed of at least 45 gates to himself the privilege of do­ ments for street improvements, duly M. E. Gruber. Amos S. Benson had a very timely miles an hour or 15 miles over >he ing whatever he pleases so long as Marshal of Tillamook City, Oregon. assessed against said property, to­ "You mean one of our porous plas­ gether with interest and costs there­ ters." and interesting letter in the Oregon­ legal limit is maintained for over two he beats the record. Since the paving such assessments having been "No, sah. I don’t want none of ian last week, in which he asks the hours. The question naturally arises of the road between Portland and Notice of Sale for Vellinquent Street on, made by the Common Council of Till­ question why the speed manias can why was not the speed maniac ar­ I Newberg the speed fiend has taken Assessments amook City, Oregon ,on November yoah porus plasters. I wants de bes' possession of it to the extent that boast of speeding and not be arrested rested? 7th, 1917, and the said several own­ one you got.” NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That ers having made application to pay It is presumed that the improve­ : it is no longer safe to drive over the the same as persons who commit virtue of a warrant issued by the the same in installments, and said ment of the lower Columbia River road. The publicity given these per­ by other offenses. He says: City Recorder of Tillamook City, Ore- having been entered in A Double Strain. "After reading the thrilling ac­ highway was for economic and com­ formances seems to spur others to on, dated September 30th, 1919, is­ applications the bond lien docket of Tillamook It was a stag rehersal. The prlncl- count in the Sunday Oregonian of mercial necessities and not for a emulation and ere long every road in sued by order of the Common Council City, default having thereafter been the race against time from Astoria race course. This practice is nothing the vicinity of Portland will witness of Tillamook City, Oregon, the under­ made in the payment of the install­ pal lady came upon the stage tn some record breaking speed contest. signed, Marshal of Tillamook City; short of criminal as there are many to Portland in an automobile driven ments due upon said assessments, and walking costume and started to sing Oregon, has levied upon and will, on more than 20 days having elapsed, her great song. by a Portland speed fiend when a places along the highway that it No other violation of law could be Friday 7th day of November, and the Common Council of Tilla­ "My dear,” cried the manager, distance of 106 miles was covered in would be literally impossible to avoid openly, brazenly given such publicity 1919, at the the hour of 10 o’clock A. M. City having, on Sepetbmer 3rd “you are surely not going to sing 2 hours and 21 minutes, I recall that a collision when going at this reck­ without the offender being punished sell at public auction to the highest mook 1919, ordered a warrant issued for I was a traveler over the same road less speed. No one will object to these yet here is an instance when inno- bidder for cash in hand, the properties the collection of said delinquent as­ with your veil on?” "Of course I am,” she replied. “I Icent persons are liable to suffer and hereinafter described. but two days previous and as the maniacs risking their own lives in sessments in the manner provided by want to hurry off as soon as I finish. The respective tracts or parcels of the charter of Tilamook City. pavement is but sixteen feet wide these performances but they have no ¡the crime goes unpunished. I have to meet a friend.” ground to be sold, together with the Dated this September 30th, 1919, right to endanger the lives of others and the road full of turns and curves respective names of the owner or "But singing with a veil on!” ex­ M. E. Gruber. I concluded a driver seeking his own who are observing every precaution Krout, Krout. owners thereof, and the amount, for Marshal of Tillamook City, Oregon. postulated the manager. "Well, well” ------ o------ safety and consideration for others against accident. The thought that which separate tract will be sold, are he added, in a resigned tone "I can’t Who want’s krout this winter? as follows, to-wit; should at least keep within the speed there is no bar to the excess of reck­ help It if you want to strain your Lincoln Add. — Block 314 Alley, C. E. less drivers detracts from the pleas ­ Stuivenga has got the cabbage. Send limit set by law—30 miles per hour. Notice of Sale for Delinquent Street voice!” Hadley, owner. Amt. to Lien $27.17; Last year a boast was made by an ure of automoblling and it is earnest­ him your order, prices right. Mutual Int. to Nov. 7, $3.26. Assessments | ------ o------ automobilist that he had beaten the ly hoped that an example be made of Phone, Wm. Stuivenga. Cost of advertising ............... Lincoln Add.—Block 9, E. 24. The Poor Fish IS HEREBY GIVEN, That Lot 5, W. 3.5 ft. Lot 6. E. M. by NOTICE of a warrant issued by the " I hear you are going to marry Hooper, owner. Amt. of Lien, City virtue Recorder of Tillamook City, Ore- Archie Blueblood?” said one society $333.85; Int. to Nov. 7, $40.06. on, dated September 30th, 1919, is­ women to another. Is it true?" Cost of advertising .............. $4.37 sued by order of the Common Council "Marry him?" explamed the other. McDermott Add.—Block 2, Lot 1, C. of Tillamook City, Oregon, the under­ "Not likely. What on earth could I . L. Everson, owner. Amt. of Lien signed, Marshal of Tillamook City, $719.69; Int. to Nov. 7, $86.36 Oregon, has levied upon and will, on do with him? He's rejected from the Cost of advertising ................1*4.12 Friday the 7th day of November army, he can’t ride, he can’t play McDermott Add.—Block 2, Lot 2, C. 1919, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. tennis, golf, nor for that matter, can L. Everson, owner. Amt. of Lien, sell at public auction to the highest he even drive a motor car!” 479.83; Int. to Nov. 7, $57.58. bidder for cash in hand, the properties “Oh!” said the friend, "but he can Cost of advertising ................$4.12 hereinafter described. swim beautifully, you know.” Stillwell Add.—Block 3, Lot 4. J. The respective tracts or parcels of "Swim, indeed! Now, I ask you McMahan, owner. Amt. of Lien, ground to be sold, together with the I $192.39; Int. to Nov. 7, $17.30. respective names of the owner or would you like a husband you had Cost of advertising _______ „ _______ ................ T $1.12 ___ owners thereof, and the amount for to keep in an aquarium?” Said sale will take place at the , which each separate tract will be sold, front door of the City Hall in Tilla- are as follows, to-wit: mook City, Oregon, being the build- Maple Grove Add Tract beginning ! ing in which the Common Council of 330_fcet S. of S. E. corner of Block said Tillamook City holds its sessions. 8, - Tillamook, — 100 feet W.; thence S. That named of the owners, or re- ! 105 ft. West 100 ft., N. 105 ft. E. puted owners, of the aforesaid pro­ 100 ft., owner M. A. Baker estate, I perty as given in the foregoing * list, Amt. of lien, $35.40. Int. to Nov. 7, are the same of such owners, ___ or __ re- $10.11. puted owners as they appeal' on the Cost of advertising ........... •.. .$5.02 bond lien docket of Tillamook < 'ity, Maple Grove Add Block 3, Lot 1. Oregon, and the respective tracts ol owner, Omer Kiger. Am’t. of lien land described will be sold at said Int. to Nov. 7, $105.63. sale to satisfy the assessment, in- Cost of advertising ............... $4.12 terst and costs due upon each tract Said sale will take place at the ’Tis better to rio than to described herein, and each tract will front door of the City Hall in Tilla­ be sold separately. mook City, Oregon, being the build­ promise Said sale will be made for the pur­ ing in which the Common Council of pose of satisfying delinquent assess­ said Tillamook City holds its sessions. 1 ments for street improvements, duly That names of the owners, or re- • assessed against said property, to­ puted owners, of the aforesaid pro - ' MOUTMPltCE gether with interest and costs there­ perty as given in the foregoing list, on, such assessments having been are the names of such owners, or re- CIGARETTES Copyright Iti» made by the Common Council of Till­ put