' • TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, OCTOBER 3o, 1919, F PEACE TIME RED CROSS FACES HUGE TASKS advancement of this country and civilization may proceed.” Discuss Public Ques tions of Interest Summons. ------- o------- In the circuit court of the State of " Frank II. Simonds, perhaps the most Oregon for Tillamook County, 'authoritative European comiuentar- L. D. Smith, Plaintiff. lian, and whose sympathy with the vs. • _____ Pennsylvania Farmer; "There is Chas. Kunze, Ben Kuppen- allied cause has been notably pro ­ ¡nothing that does more to establish nounced, believes that the cession of bender, Henry Rogers, Fred War Task Not Finished-Public 'and maintain a false idea in the I Alsace-Lorraine, the disposition of Maurer, Thad Robison, Rol­ minds of the city consumer concern- Health Problems Must Be jint the Saare Basin and the taking over lis W. Watson. B. A. Fulks, farm returns than the report issu- jut the German colonies "by Great E. J. Geinger, A. L. Mapes,’ ied by the national department of Ag- Solved By Red Cross Iriculture. From the last one, the city Britain, France aud Japan, will be John Ebinger, M. W. Harri­ son, John Schild, W. J. Pet­ ¡press features in big head lines the accepted by Germany, but that the The American Red Cross, according information that ‘Farm Output Value ¡Bolish adjustment will bring another erson, E. H. Zurtlueh. Hugh to a statement just issued from Wash­ Jumps 120 Per Cent.’ And in the war, in which the United States will Barber, B. W. Neilson, F. j. ington, D. C„ believes that its first past, the Department persists in com­ ibe involved if we become parties to Klinehan, F. R. Beals, J. J. duty is to finish its war task, one hun- paring the prices of farm products | the enforcement of the war settle- Rupp and Chas. I. Clough, ; dred per cent. The Red Cross must ■with those received in 1914 without ment and a member of the league of Defendants. To M. W. Harrison, one of the also continue to carry on even more la word concerning the comparative nations. While Mr. Simonds de­ effectively than in the past, its estab­ cost of production, Who ever saw a clares that the restitution of terri­ above named defendants; X 1 ow conies the time o' year for crackling fires and in- lished system of National and Inter- financial statement issued by a bank, tory made to Poland from East Prus- In the name of the State of Oregon- > national relief, in mitigating the suf­ railroad company, or a manufactur- isia was an act of manifest justice, it door fun. Long evenings go mighty fast when you You are hereby required to iipmr fering caused by famine, fire, flcods, have the Pathephone and Pathe Records. ing concern in which nothing was is already apparent that Germany and answer the complaint lile(1 and great national calamities. It must above entitled They are always ready for the impromptu dance, and as given but an estimate of the gross does not ipteud to accepi this decis­ against you in the also render every necessary service willingly provide you with the operas, the latest Broad- • of no ion except m so far as it is backed by cause on or before the date of the receipts? Besides of being to the Army and Navy, and must con­ way hits or just the simple melodies you love to hear ¡value such statements do a positive aimed force. Liberal opinion in Eng­ last publication of this summon« tinue the work undertaken prior to land, he declares,, already leans and if you fail so to answer for want in the shadows of the twilight hour. the war tn the field of nursing and ¡injury to the business of farming by strongly to tlie abandonment of Po­ thereof, the plaintiff will apply to I the creation of false impressions in THE SELECTIONS FOR NOV­ First Aid. land, but France is deeply interested the above named court for the relief The responsibilities of the Red I the public mind. One favorite pas­ tn the maintenance of an independ­ EMBER WILL PLEASE YOU prayed for in the complaint, to-wit; Cross are greatly increased as a result time with the Department is show ing ent Poland with boundaries as fixed that the association composed by the HERE ARE A FEW. of the lessons taught by the war, the the comparative purchasing power of at tile peace conference, 'f ile Polish plaintiff and the above named de­ COME IN AND HEAR THEM. statement continues. Higher stand­ | an acre of crops now with that ot armies are offered by theFrench, Ger­ fendants (being an association deal­ <1914, or earlier. The real farmer ards of responsibility have been set to prevent needless suffering and loss laughs at such figures. There are two many it is believed, cut off from the ing in Holstein cows) be dissolved No. 22170 From Sinbad. of life. The Red Cross, with its tradi­ things the department should stop possibility ot effective attack upon by a decree or this court, and that Jolson-Ernest Hare Some Beautiful Morning tions and its established organization, 'doing; putting out longrange fore- France and England, and from colon- each of the defeuuants.be required to ! ial expansion, will seek her future in appear herein and make an individ­ .......... Ernest Hare. That Lullaby of Long Ago will a’d In maintaining these stand­ leasts of yields, and publishing the I ards by co-operating with all recog- ¡estimated gross value of farm pro- the east, reaching out for close rela- ual accounting and adjustment of No. 22173 Carolina Sunshine.............................................. Sterling Trio nized agencies engaged in conserving ducts. What the public should have ' tions with Russia. Poland is the big the business of said association with Oh! What a Pal Was Mary.................. Henry Burr, Tenor, human life and happiness. Activities is "the truth, the whole truth, and barrier to this plan of trade and ter- I J the individual members thereof, and . ritorial expansion, and Germany’s ■ . with all other persons who have or No. 22175 already authorized include the en­ nothing but the truth.’w I new ambitions, Mr. almonds thinks, j j have business relations with said as­ ’ll Be Happy When the Preacher Makes You mine.......... couragement and support of lAtblic ' Lew is-Young-Donaldson and to make distribution Health Nursing, educational classes in James P. Goodrich, governor of I are certain to result in war in that sociation, Arthur Fields. Baritone Give Me A Smile and a Kiss allotment of any profits or losses 1 dietetics, home care of the sick, and Indiana, speaking before the Grain , quarter. Germany, with sixty million 'and No 22176 First Aid, the extension of Red Cross Dealers’ National Association at Lt. people, is the most populous and still 1 among the members of said associa­ Where is The Girl I Left Behind . .Turner Roe, Baritone Home Service, an increased Junior Louis, said it is apparent now that the most powerful single people in tion; and that the plaintiff have program, and co-operation in develop­ ¡the pendulum has again swung too Europe, says Mr. Simonds, and in the ' judgment against each ano all of Golden Gate (Open for me) ...... Kendis-Brockman. Duet ing community health centers. far in the direction ot control of in­ uosence of a peace of reconciliation is the defendants for whatever sum an SNAPPY DANCE RECORDS. War time developments have given dustry by the government and that capable of renewing the European accounting horein may show the said No. 22178 every community in the United States (he influence of radicals in this coun- conilict, under mote .avorable cir-‘ association is due anu owing him, Jo«. Samuels Orchestra You're Hie One (I want ) a recognized and organized center of ¡try has been materially widened by cumstances than during the last war, less his appropriate share of such When the Rainbow of Love tippears (Waltz) Red Cross activity through which the 'the encouragement that has come in unless tlie powers allied in the late sum, and for such other and further No. 22180 peopie of that community may, if they I numerous ways troni the administra­ war are willing to continue their relief In equity as the Court may Big Chief Blues (Fox Trot). Master Saxaphane Sextette. wish, serve themselves, with all the complete military cooperation in the deem meet and just. Somebody’s Heart is so Lonely (Fox Trot) advantages of National leadership, na­ tion at Washington. He said: “Just next war." This summons is published by the as we fought the domination of the No. 22181 tional standards, national and inter­ ------o------ • order of Hon. Geo. R. Bagley. Judge slave oligarchy in the middle of the My Baby’s Arms, (Fox Trot)............ Tuxedo Syncopaters national contacts. It rests with the peo­ Israel Zangwill, writing of the of the above named Court, dated Trousseau Ball (One Step) ..................Tuxedo Syncopaters. ple of every community to determine nineteenth century and the capital­ Here them on the Pathephone—the phonograph for themselves just how fully they istic class in the latter part of the league ot nations covenant says: October 23, 1919, and the first with the marvelous Sapphire Ball that does away with have need of a movement which under nineteenth century, so must we fight 'One imagined front certain noble publication is fixed at October 30th, needles and gives you real music—linipit, sweet, beauti- the associated Red Cross Societies is the domination of this other class in and luminous utterances that at least 4919, and the last publication Dec. to express the effort of the peoples the early part of the twentieth cen­ President Wilson understood it (the 11, 1919. f|il All Double Disk Records—85 Cents. Johnson & Handley of the world to free themselves from tury. There is r.o more dangerous league of nations plan). But ’tls a Attorneys for the Plaintiff. needless death and suffering through force opeiating among us today than wise rather that knows his own child ¡the class minded tnen, whether he is and the complacency with which he P. O. Address: Tillamook, Oregon. neighborly cooperation and service. ■ ■■ —— a laborer, capitalist oi firmer—the carried back to America tlie grotes­ [one who demands a privilege for his que channeling argues that he has ' Notice of Filing of Commissioners’ I class at the expense of the American no real acquaintance with the cherub You're in miehty good com­ Report for Stillwell Drainage 5E5E5ESE5E5E5E5ESE5E5E5ESESESE5ESESES? people. Led by unreasoning promises he begot on the world’s imagination. pany* when you belong to the District. » » • Had President Wilson re- of Utopia, millions of honest Ameri- Red Cross. ------- o------- Icans are being draw n into a debauch* turned home heartbroken at his de- So long as there's sickness, Notice is hereby given to all per­ tot industrial revolution. Reason lan­ leat by the dark forces of Europe, he sons interested in the land included suffering, disaster, the Red would have been the greatest success guishes tn a resort to violence. Li­ Cross must stand by! within the Stillwell Drainage Dis­ cense supplants liberty, and justice in human history. But that he should The H. C. of L. hasn't hit Red trict, Tillamook County, Oregon, de­ Cross memberships. They're is forgotten in a mad chase for the triumphantly wave scraps of paper scribed as follows: still a dollar. rainbow’s end. The time has come from which the Fourteen PointsI Beginning at the point where the If nine million youngsters be when every citizen of this nation have been practically erased, here is ! quarter-section line running east and lieve in the Red Cross, it must should halt in his daily doings and, the true tragedy of his downfall. It I west through the center of Section have the right idea. searching his soul, ask himself the adds his own failure to the world’s * 26, Township 1 South, range 10 west, question 'Am I an American?” Upon * • » Lured on by his dream and W. M., intersects the east side of the answer depends the future of file fooled on the top of liis bent, he sold .Tillamook River, and running thence republic, Americanism cannot live the peace in exchange for tue league east along said line to where said under the shackles of class control.” ot nations.” line intersects the right bank ot ------------------------ Trask River near the center of said William P. Baldwin of Pitts- Norris SKys Wilson Misstated History Section 26; thence following the burg: "In the fight against the high right bank of the Trask River up­ cost of living, the discussion of the Senator Norris, of Nebraska, in stream southerly, easterly and north­ league of nations and the problems the course of senate debate the other erly to the northerly bank of a AUTO DEALERS AND AC CESS ORTS. of social unrest it might be well to day, charged President Wilsosn with slough connecting said Trask River pause and remember that October 27 having lu.sstalcd historical facts re­ In connection with us we iave Best Auto £ ioj in Town. $ with what is known as Trask River ?.■ .->^c5dbtiSE5E5E5E5ESE5E5ESE5ESESE5E5?5E5E5E5E5E5. JE! SES SE5ESE5E5ES is the anniversary of the birth’of a lating to the Shantung agreement cut-off at a point near the north­ great American—Theodore Roosevelt, to his audiences in his trip through west corner of the southeast quarter some one truly said of Col. Roosevelt the west, and condemned him for of the southwest quarter of section He will live as Americ., s third im­ failing to make public acknowledge- ¡25, in township 1 Soutth of range 10 mortal.' We yearly pay loving tribute meat of his error after it had been West, W. M.; thence following the lo the memory of Washington and called to his attention. bank of said slough northeasterly to Lincoln, and it were equally fitting 1 The Nebraska Senator said that in ' to pay a like tribute to the memory his St. Louis speech the President de- the left bank of what is known as ¡of Roosevelt. We cannot estimate ;he dared the secret treaties made toe- Trask River cut-off; then following nation's loss at this time in the death tween Greet Britain,, France and Ja­ said left bank oi the Trask River northerly to its inter­ ot Lol. Roosevelt. He was a solEier pan for the disposition of the Shan- 'cut-off with the south, or left and a fighter, and probably had jtung peninsula were made to induce section ___________ bank of Hoquarton slough; thence more knowledge about more things Japan to entei the war on the side of Idown Hoquarton slough, _______ ______ following than any other living man. He had BUSINESS MEN, HOUSEWIVES the r* “ allies. The ~ Nebraska ■ Senator ,the left bank thereof, to the intersec- touched life on every side, and was told the senate his secret. AND CHILDREN. Ition Hoquarton slough with the I IL/11 of Ul HU admirable equipped to meet such an ACH anti every one of those tinil the First Ntt- He said as soon as he read that I Tillamook river; thence following emergency as we are now facing. speech he sent a telegram tional—a good place to batik. Our facilities to Presi- Col. Roosevelt was more interested in dent Wilson reminding him that he ¡the right bank of Tillamook River, cover the needs of all three classes—and on giving service than in being paid for was in error and that as a matter of upstream, to the place of beginning; service is appreciatively helpful whether one has a it. and that is a great lesson to re­ ¡fact,, Japan came into the war on .that the commissioners heretofore large account or small. member on October 27. Too many are August 23, 1914, whereas the secret 'appointed to assess benefits and dam- By banking here—yon place your account under ages to the property and lands situ­ now clamoring for something for treaty was not negotiated until ate in said drainage district and to the supervision of nothing. Since the death of thou­ ¡March, 1917, or nearly three years appraise the cash value of the land and Reculntiona. sands of devoted followers of Colonel later. I necessary to be taken for right of DIR ECTORS : . Roosevelt have journeyed to his rest­ j Not only did the President receive 1*. HKISBL, Farmer. ing place at Oyster Bay to lay a trlb- (this message, .but from Garrisoti. Way. holding basins and other works JOHN MORGAN Farmer C J. Hl»U ARI’S, Mgr. C. Power Co- ute upon his grave. It seems only Mont., on Sepjteniber 12. he sent of said district within or without I. C. LAMI«. Huilding Material. W J. RIECHERS. Vice-Pre«, and M*r. the limits of said district, filed their titling at this time, when we most ¡back this reply: report in this office on the 27th day of need Americans of his veriie type. “I thank you for correcting an un­ Ithat Congress should proclaim Oc- intentional inaccuracy in one of my ¡October, 1919, and you and each of you are hereby notified that you may I tober 27 a holiday. It is surely a day j recent speeches.” examine said report and file excep- on which tq display the Stars and i The Senator said: TILLAMOOK OREGON ¡tions to all or any part thereof, on or Stripes he so dearly ioved and re ”1 had assumed that the president, consecrate ourselves to the princi- ; having made that correction, would before the second day of December, pals of Americanism that he always not repeat the misstatement in any 1919. Homer Mason. preached.” further speechesjo the American peo­ 5E5E5ESESESE5ESE5ESESESESE5E5E5ESESESE5ESE5E5ESE5ESESE5ESESESB ti?5ESE5E5? Cownty Clerk of Tillamook ple. Yet I find that in four instances County. Oregon. • Dr. Livingston Farrand. the great Elihu Root says that in the«strug- the President repeated that'misstate- eat authority on public health in Amer­ gle between capital and labor civil­ ment which he corrected in his tele­ ica. served in France as the head ot ization Is facing another assault as The wnr savings department of gram to me. Japan had been in the the fight against tuberculosis, He now serious as that ntttde upon it by Ger­ the treasury at Washington has just |war two years and a half at the time succeeds Henry P. Davison as head i man militarism. "The world is fac­ ¡these secret treaties were made, and 'paid our war department the junk Armoured Inner Tires are a practical, common sense, of the American Red Cross, Dr. Far ing new problems owing to scientific ¡and the President did not have to {value ot 15,000,000 hand grenades, money-savins tire necessity for ail tire users. By rand recently visited Seattle, Spo- advancement started in universities I make any mistake about it, .for he I captured from the Huns, which it preventing punctures and blowouts, they add plea­ kane and Portland and conferred with because each new advance brings a ¡was in a position to know __ ____ the facts _ plans to give this fall as souvenir sure. safety and economy to motoring. Lubricated nJ representatives of Red Cross Chap banks to the children who buy war inside and out, they require no cementing aud no vul­ ters of Alaska. Idaho. Oregon and new problem.” says Mr. Root. "Ger-¡accurately. I can hardly conceive how man autocracy, armed with the fruits 'any man—oh. I cannot conceive how- savings stamps. How- this is to be Washington. "The Red Cross faces canizing. Placed on your tires as easily as inner tube. of university research, was able to jthe President of the United States— done will be explained this fall when problems in the post-war period more assault civilization with a power should deliberately »estate and state school takes up. The metal value of serious. If possible, than the problems ¡before known. Now the struggle be- again and again something that "he the 15.000,000 grenc les is $300,000 of the war itself. Not a great amount I tween capital and labor threatens to not only knows but has acknowledg­ but th* government is going to give of money, but the membership and ¡undermine the freedom of the Indi- ed to be wrong, on an extreme and them away to the young folks who hearty co-operation of every American of thrift ettizeq is what is needed to help the ¡vidual and the condition of universal very important matter pertaining to buy a certain number stamps. Red Cross to solve these problems, democracy .which we had already- es­ this ireaty.” - o------- which threaten our national vitality, tablished. If this country is governed i If the opposition to the league of and which, unless solved, will, rob us 'either by the power of plutocrats or The federal grand jury at . Chicago of the fruits ot victory," said Dr Far­ lot labor our liberty is gone. The gov- nations had followed the Ardmore, has failed to indict the packers on | 'ernment of the whole people by all .Oklahoma, style and thrown bad eggs 'the evidence submitted. rand. ____ The ‘ Attor­ Of Pmcirlant Wilartn the people must be maintained so at President Wilson, w hat a noise we |ney General and his aids were so ‘The Red Cross is the Gospel in ¡that opportunity will remain for I would have heard from the camp I busy making lurid statements that American youth to utilize the advan-|that is responsible for the mobbing »they probably had no time to collect boots tages of university training and the of Senator Reed. any evidence. Phone Main 71 ON SALE NOW Pathe November Records Harris Furniture Company, Used Cars : 1919 Elgin, run 700 miles - $1,500.00 1 1917 Maxwell - $450.00 1 Chalmers’ Six $1000.00 1 Overland - $400.00 Tube vile anizing ALDERMAN & POOR].I AN I I The First Na tional Bank ARMOURED INNER TUBES | Prevents Punctures and Blowouts. | C. MILLS, Agent, Tillamook, Ore- C. H. JONES TRADING COMPANY BAY CITY, OREGON. Fruit, Groceries and Campers’ Supplies. Dry Goods and Gasoline ing reservoir. L. Berkey.