TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, OCTOBER 30, 1919 gratified by the progress which is be­ ing made in controlling the cost of l - 'living." Attorney General Painter lifts j We have had all kinds of hyphen-'more recently informed the people i ate* in this country, but the latest, that the cost of living has gone down J development by the Shantung discus- from 20 to 25 per cent since he be- jslon, is the Jap-American. * —• •• the ------------- gan his crusade. * And queer thing ¡about it all is that the fellows ------- o------- ! If, as has been reported, the U. S. have things to sell do not know State department has asked Japan to - ----- o------- I fix a date for the restoration of I The Cossacks who flagged I Shantung to China, the reply must American soldier in Siberia, probably ( have been entrusted to Mr. Buries- know that even In next door Mexico on’s department. jbooting Americans around is the ------- o— favorite outdoor sport, with an ad- Attention is called to the fact that ministration in power a^ Washington the wages of teachers in colleges pledged by the platform upon which have failed to keep pace with the in- (it was first elected In 1912 to "pro- | crease in the cost of living. The col-^ect .W. the VUV rights , . ^U.0 of V. American -...... ....1, citizens lege professors have had tough sled- at home and abroad." ding ever since a College professor o------- Electricity’s latest gift to was elected president. The New York World reclares that the housewife greatest ------- o------- "every radical who is preaching so­ since the electric iron The rotten eggs thrown Ijy the cial and economic revolution” is op­ and electric vacuum Ardmore, Okla., mob of "idealists” at posing the pending covenant of the cleaner—the Senator Reed for advocating an ' league of nations. A very fair presen­ Americanized covenant of a league of tage of these radicals are on the gov­ nations are not by any means the ernment payrolls by appointment of rottenest arguments that have been the present administration, and they P ortable advanced by propagandists of the are just as loyal to the league as the league of nations. World is to the treaty maker who S ewing M achine ------- o------- gave the World's editor a job on the . Marching at the regular rate of entourage of the peace commission. No more tiresome speed it would take the administra­ ------- o------- treadle pushing - no tion job holders still doing war work The cure for all our ills, imaginery more backache—a little at Washington several days to march and real, is simplicity itself. W. P. G. electric motor does the past the White House, and moving at Harding, governor of the Federal hard work. regulation administration speed they reserve board, defined it in a few couldn’t pass a given point before plain and easily understood words A foot control gives any the next general election. in an address at St. Louis. "If the i speed desired. ------- o i world would declare an industrial I The entire machine in .¡Secretary Lansing has not denied truce for six months it would do its case can be carried that he told Mr. Bullit that if the more to bring down high prices American people understood what than ever would be accomplished by j anywhere—it’s no larger Work, — and -~J agitation. --**-*•— —’- more | the treaty meant they never would 'strikes than a typewriter. accept it. But probably Mr. Lansing work, is what the country needs, Ask for a demonstra thinks Mr. Wilson is making so Shorter hours and increased wages tion. many speeches that the American will not increase production.” people will never understand it. ------- o---- I Col. Henry Waterson declares: COAS! POWER CO Quite a number of the 132 maga­ ."The scounderlism—for no other THE zines compelled to suspend publica­ word fits the case—persued by the ORE \ ELECTRIC STORE tion in New York because of the im­ administration and its janisaries in possibility of meeting the demands attempting to blackjack the Pres- of radical labor men acting in de­ I ¡dent's pro-British treaty through fense of their international unions, 'the Senate of the United States car- have beenfomenters of radical sen- I ries with its autocratic shameless­ timet. Well, the chickens will come ness its own condemnation, and, ex- BOTTS & WINSLOW, home to roost. Icept that the organization once Attorney 8-at-Law, ------- o------- known and honored as the democratic 4 The New York World criticises party has become the merest Wilson General Wood for orders which it in­ appandage, would carry also its cer­ TILLAMOOK, OREGON. terprets as suppression of free speech tain defeat.” TILLAMOOK BLOCK, at Gary. But free speech for I. W. ------- o------- The real desire for a vast majority W.’s at Gary is surely no more im­ Both phones. portant than free speech in the Unit­ of the American people is to pitch ed States Senate while a treaty is be­ into the ocean the whole scheme of ing debated, and that the world has American entanglement in the broils T. BOALS, M.D., of Europe, broils based upon jealous­ been trying to suppress f&r weeks. ies, rivalry and conflicting ambitions PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Newt Baker says he wants an army that are centuries old and will take only five times the pre-war size centuries to eradicate except by the Surgeon S. P. Co. along with the universal military force we are expeKed to apply. 11 is training, for the present, but that if a safe guesfe that few men give the (I. O. O F. Bldg.) we do not get the league of nations unexpurgated covenant their support Oregon we will have to "arm to the teeth." in the Senate will ever again be Tillamook What do you suppose "arming to.the elected by the people to a place of teeth” would be under a .specifist public responsibility. rp H GO Y NE, Secretary of War, anyway? The world’s supply of cattle, sheep ------- o------- ATTORNEY-AT-LAW One of the most laughable claims land swine is approximately what it set up in behalf of the league of na­ i was at the outbreak of the European Office: O pposite C ount fc ijse tions is that after we have joined ' war, according to a report by the De- O, egon England, France and Japan in ful­ i partment of Agriculture. Losses in Tillamook filling the secret treaties which gave | Western Europe have been balanced kbster holmes , Shantung to Japan, the conscience of by gains in other countries. The two the powers participating in this theft experts sent to Investigate the situa­ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW may be depended upon to bring about tion in Europe were of the opinion, however, that American meat exports restitution of what is thus stolen. COMMERCIAL BUILDING, ' would drop to pre-war figures before ------- o------- FIRST * STREET. Vice President Marshall has pro­ European herds had been entirely me­ hibited the crowrlkjin the Senate gal­ ntored, as many factors tend to limit OREGON TILLAMOOK, leries front applauding. Thef have the money European countries wish been doing all the cheering for the to send out for food purchases. AVID ROBINSON, M.D., senators who want to Americanize Henry H. Morgan, United States the treaty and eovenant. What irri­ tates the rubber stamp statesmen in High Trade Commissioner in Bel- PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON the Senate is that the gallery crowds glum, has just completed a visit to do not act like Democrats in Ard­ Ghent, Liege, and La Louvlere to in­ vestigate the report circulated in NATIONAL BUILDING, more, Oklahoma. America that the occupation of Bel­ The treaty of peacfi and league of gium by Germany had been a fatal TILLAMOOK OREGON. nations covenant will be ratified blow to its Industry. Mr. Morgan de­ with effective reservations included clares he found the Belgians at work in the instrument, substantially as and expressed himself as favorably QR. O. L. HOHLFELD. presented by Senator Lodge. There impressed with the spirit shown by are votes enough and to spare to both the employers and workers In VETERINARIAN. ensure this result. Ratification will settling the difficult questions be­ be had in November, probably early fore them. He says the country is Eell Phone—2F2 Mutual Phone in the month. This may be depended far from a Btate of helplessness. ------- o ------- upon a conservative statement of Tillamook Oregon. The report just issued by Director the situation. General Hines discloses the fact that ------- o------- Colonel Edw. M. House, President the number of women employed on QR. L. L. HOY, Wilson’s closest adviser, wrote in his the railways of the country during book "Philip Dru, Administrator” the war was greater than was gener­ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON the year Mr. Wilson was first nomi­ ally believed. At the beginning of T illamook B lock , nated for President: "Out constitu­ Ithe year, when many women had al­ tion and laws served us well for the ready abandoned railway work, the Oregon. first hundred years of our existence, number employed was 99,709. By Tillamook, but under the conditions of today ¡July 1 this had been decreased by they are not only obsolete, but gro­ 7,815.-The reduction in the number J Ol l "I LELAND HENDERSON. tesque.” This seems to state the ad­ of women workers in the round- I houses and shops was as high as 23 ministration theory concisely. ATTORNEY ------- o------ I per cent. There was an increase in AND the number employed in some of the German workmen are said to be COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW willing to work harder now, in o'der lighter operating work, but there 1 to rehabitate the couhtry, then fhey was very little change in the number Tillamook - - . • Dreg . . did before the war. If Germany goes holding clerical positions. ------- o------- to work and the rest of the world continues to talk big and exhaust all Mr. Gompers says that Judge Gary’s OBERT II. McGRATH, their energies in thinking up fresh refusal to arbitrate the steel strike COUNSELLOR AT LAW, means of getting more for doing less, prove? that he is an industrial auto­ the question of who is going to come crat. But it was Mr. Gompers who out on top will still be open to de- declared before a congressional com­ TI LLAMOOK. OREGON. mittee the other day that if Congress bate. passed a compulsory arbitration law ----- -O' ■ - The United States should reserve organized labor would retuse to obey the right to withdraw from the leag- it. The relations of capital and labor Ornamental Fire Placet Built ue of nations not in two years but in in this country can be improved only of Brick and Stone, All Fire two minutes. In two years this in- thtough the llimlnation of autocracy Places absolutely guaranteed strunient might wreck the republic, <>t all kinds, and the time will come not to smoke or money re­ Should it become that its operations when the people will demand that I funded. are perilous to the United States, ¡disputes of this sort, like all other | Brick work of all kinds done why should thi» government bind it- 'disputes, be settled in public courts on short notice. We make a specialty of re­ self to take two years to terminate of conciliation and arbitration. So pairing smoking Fire Placaa. it* entanglement in the organiza­ long a« either side declares that it will not submit to the authority of tion? the people in such matters, it has no ------- o- In hi* Labor Day addrewi President ground for denouncing the other for TILLAMOOK. ORE Wilson said "I aw encouraged and • a refusal to arbitrate. t Scraps of Paper The following are a few of our Cash Prices. Give us your trade and we will save you Money. !5e r j¿S25H52525HSHSÍS?S25H5HF2S Frank’s Meat Treats Bulk Coffee Balogna Milk - - - - Rolled Oats, large pck. Folgers Baking Powder Catsup Bacon 10c. per can. 40c. per lb. 22c. per lb. 15c. per can. 30c. per pck. 45c. per lb. 30c. per bottle 37c. per lb. Why pay $1.80 for a 80 lb. sack of Carnation feed when you can get a 90 lb. sack for $1.85. We pay the highest prices for farm products CONOVER & CONDIT T he L atest ! I ! J •Chain’ Rovai Cord' 'Nobby' 'Chain Many Extra Miles We can show you—and prove to you— that there is a genuine money saving in the use of United States Tires. The extra miles they give mean just so many extra dollars counted in real money. And there are further actual economies in the saving of gas, oil, repairs and depreciation. The reason of all this is in the tires them­ selves—their liveliness, ruggedness and sturdiness. € There are five United States Tires—a type for every make of car. U nited States Tí res are Good Tires We know United States Tires are Good Tires. That’s Why we sell them. Star Garage, C. E. Pankow, Tillamook ; Nelson & Co., Bay City ; Bellow Bros., Hebo Anderson Bros., Garage, Nehalem ; Wheeler Garage, M. J. Maddox, Wheeler. Electric ! ; co. ! retail RALPH E. WARREN, i