i TILLAMO K HEADLIGHT. OCTOBER 30. 1919 M'CKIE SAYS /''jERRN, SowellMtS l vsi S h TA too VOJ1 A DOG SO'S I COULD SICK NOU ONTO T h £ fellers who cotae ih . wh C h WERE f JEST ABOUT REAWN GO TO PRESS. WiTw wap o ’ COPN -T hat makes u £ late w »T h T he paper ano A WHOLE RUNS US < all RAGGEO BESIDES Wanted—A hustling salesman who has sold implements or other goods to farmers, to sell groceries whole­ sale. Beginners earn $250.00 to $300.00 a month. Experienced men $300.00 to $400.00. Farmers save 20 per cent. Our guarantee, "Sa ha­ faction or Money Back”, lf you can qualify, give age and esper­ ience in detail. Address ii. C. Hunting. 407 East Stark Street. Portland Oregon. Nov-6 Of Compelling Interest to Women Who Would Save are These I § ? 5 Great Sample AT • Goldens If you are in need of a heating stove, it will pay you to call and see my line of new and used heaters. I al­ so exchange new stoves for old stoves.—Allen Page. your Dr. s Allen and Sharp. National Building. Let W. A. Church insurance. Tillamook Headlight’s Trade Mart. dental Nov-6. Dentiits. write your hay • Fashion’s Newest Design at the Following Attractive Prices: Regular $30 Room Pigs for sale—W H. Banke, Netarts For Sale, two cows, will freshen 1st of March. Apply at Headlight of­ fice. Films. Cameras and Photo Sunplies Films developed 10c. with'print orders.—J. W. Edwall. • For Sale—1719 Saxon Six touring car. Cheap for $600. Reason for selling own.r going south for the winter, write to L. Cooper Mohler, Oregc:-. Nov-6 For Sale—3 two year olds Holstein cows fresh in the sp:ing; 1 3 year old. fresh December 1st; 2 milk cows fresh in spring. First class grade. Add res-. M. Bailey. Route 1, box <9. Tillamook. Ore Nov. 13. For Sale—Fine tract dairj land. 480 acres, in western Lane county, leu miles from ocean on North Fork Siuslay River. 150 acres rich bot­ tom land, balance low bench land, readily cleared for cultivation, 5,000.000 feet fine yellow fir, easily logged. $2000 worth of chit- tim bark. Will make best dairy and stock ranch on upper North Fork. Dairy conditions same as in Tilla- mook and Coos counties, Price reasonable. Address "Owner" , 1135 Mill St., Eugene, Oregon 0-30 For Sale. ------ o------ Dairy-man, this is a snap for a man who wants to make money. 180 acres, 2 >4 miles south of Coquille, 40 acres cleared, % mile frontage on river, about 5 acres up land, balance the very finest bottom easy to clear. Fair barn on place, no house. My price is $90 an acre it taken soon, worth $150 now, easy terms to right man. Address Mrs. K. A. Cole. Myrtle Point Oregon. Garment 39.50 45.00 & & ■<" g We Must Unload at Any Price. 04 i À Coats: Very unusual values in womens’ and misses Coats ot ail wool silvertones, polo mixtures, velour, bolivias and oeher desirable materials. Smart belted models with deep muffler collars; plain or fur trimmed. Just the merchandise you've been wanting, just the quality arid style, and carrying the distinctiveness that all well dressed women demand and appreciate in correct attire, are Now Placed on Sale Here at this Store for tomorrow and the follow­ ing week, at a great saving to you. as we have Bought too Much Goods and bought them at a saving, (for our two stores). We give vou the benefit. Come to the sfore now and I1 i Ì Ì 3 £ I x ; I • 17 § 3 S S S •1 I f S P Save a 1-3 on Every Garment. We Must Unload at any Price. nj Come and Get Advantage Of Great Saving Secured » SÍ Wanted To Rent. ——o------ Dairy near Tillamook on share basis by competent dairyman of long time experience. Reference exchang­ ed. address ”X” Headlight office. GARIBALDI NEWS. ------ o------ j. A. McDonald was down from Mohler Saturday and Sunday. Geo. Bowerman, from Southern Oregon, came back to Garibaldi after .m absence of six years. Everybody was glad to welcome him back. Herbert Perry and family were down from Wheeler visiting Mr. and Miscellaneous Advertisements. 1 Mrs. R. E. Miller and Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Sheldon last week, and doing a Dr. Wise—Dentist. little hunting on the bay. They re­ 35x4% Goodyear Cord, rim and in­ turned to Wheeler Sunday by auto. Frank Crane and the Shearer fam­ ner tube, lost or stolen.—F. D. ily spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Small. Tillamook. Ore. W. N. Hulse at the Coats Logging Truck for hire, with or without Camp on Bew’ley Creek, Hiram Crane and his brother How­ trailer, also slab wood for sale. Mutual Phone. F. J. Klinehan. * ard left by Monday train for the Columbia River logging camps, Recently discharged soldier wants where they will work this winter. work on dairy Charles Gross, care Roy Smith come down from the Tillamook Headlight. Wheeler logging camp on Coal Creek Now is the time to can your meat Sunday evening. Let me fill your order front grain fed cow s, Prices right and satisfac­ ECONOMY CLEANERS tion guaranteed—Mutual Phone, AND DYERS Wm. Stuivenga. • 2nd. Between 3rd and 4th. Anyone in need of 4 h. p. Fair­ banks-Morse gasoline engine. Mine MODERN EQUIPMENT. is for sule at a bargain. Wm. D. PERMANENTLY LOCATED. Shafer. Rockaway Oct. 30. 34.50 $70 Values $60 Plain tailored or dressy suits trimmed with tur; short flare, medium or long coats effects; styled in Silvertone, velour, peachbloom, tinseltone, Rayone, Oxford, serge or tricotine. U e Bought Them at a Saving. We Give You the Benefit These suits are made in the most pleasing new fall styles and of splendid materials. You’ll be surprised at the values for on the present bigh labor and ma­ terial market values like these Save 1-3 on Every 4 Counter Sales Books—Order vout Sales Books from ‘ W. — F. Baker, Our line of New Pianos are works of agent Pacific Sales Book Co. Call art. On exhibition at Cook’s Music 68 Headlight. House, opposite P. O. Dr. W. E. Lebow—Dentist with Dr. Wise. For Sale—1913 seven passenger Cad- dlac, in Al condition. Apply at Wheeler Garage Nov. 20. Dr. Wise will be at his Tillamook office every Monday and Tuesday. Those who wish to see him about For Sale—Practically new wicker baby carriage, cheap.—Mrs. John dental work should come at once A. Carroll. Both phones. as he will soon leave for California, to be gone until February. Nov-6 For Sale—Donkey Engine for clear­ ing land or will take clearing in For Sale. exchange for engine.—G. W. Kig­ er. 1918 5 passenger Mitchell. Only been run 300 miles. Good tires on For Sale—70 head of goats. Apply machine and one extra, also a bump­ to L. L. Stillwell. Tillamook. 2 er. XV ill sell this car cheap. Inquire Sweet Cider for sale—Call George at Willard Battery Station. Olson. Mutual Phon^ 0-23 Announcement. ------ o Just you hear the Brunswick, it plays all records at their best.—Palm Twentieth Century wood saw now Confectionary. • in operation. Ail orders promptly attended to. For Sale—Thoroughbred Brown Call Cell phone 6F2 or leave orders Swill Bull, 9 months old.—John at Star Grocery or Sutton’s Market. Meier. Route 4. Hillsboro, Ore. 0-30 Karl Wilhelms. $50 Suits: ? Í § One cent a word per issue. Singer Agency—H F. Cook, Prop. . * $40 519.50 24.75 Dr. J. B. Grider, dentist, I. 0. 0. F. Bldg, Tillamook. Oregon. Dr. Ramsey. Osteopath. Masonic Building. SALE COATS Newest, Loveliest Suits, Coats, Dresses Wanted: Men or women to take or­ ders among friends add neighbors for the genuine guaranteed hosery, full line for men, women and children. Eliminates darning. We pay 50c. an hour spare time or . $24 a week for full time. Exper­ ience unnecessary. Write Internat­ ional Stocking Mills, Norristown. Pa. Dec 30. See Dr. Wise about Work. Wom­ ens’ At This 9 9 LT a a a Across Street From Clough’s Drug Store WOMENS’ Tillamook. SHOP Oregon 9 ¡3 9 •3 n SEN. HITCHCOCK HURLS LOOM- for °ne who while f‘«ht‘n8 waa 8°-DIRECT TAXES TO BE CONTINUED cess profits taxes, amounting to $3,- ---------- i__ ii.g on txt between ““ tï? the allies and Ger- ------ p ERANG. 839.950,612. many was doing what he could to re- chairman Good Repons They Musi 'It is thus seen that in the future Nebraska Senator Draws Quick Re- lard “■ at kast “P to the P°in' *here by far the greater part of the rev­ ~e Kept Up to Meet Expenses. the United States declared war; who ------ o------ tort to Absurd Accusations. enue required for conducting the i on various occasions introduced bills ------ o------ Direct taxation must continue to bo public business must come from di- When Senator Hitchcock. Demo­ and resolutions for the purpose of the governpient’s main source of in­ reel taxes. This, coupled with tbe crat of Nebraska. administration thwarting the efforts of our allies in come for many years because of the further fact that the ordinary ex- spokesman in the fight over the their war with Germany and to cut ¡nation’s large war debt and increas- penses for running the government peace treaty, attempted to link oppo­ off the supplies of munitions that ed expenditures as an aftermath of will in the future probably exceed nents of the league of nations with were necessary for them to carry on the war. Chairman Good, of she Ap­ $4.000,000.000, a year, will cause pro-German. bolsheviki and anarch­ the war; who declared on various propriations and Special House Bud­ the public to take a much greater in­ ists. he got in return more than- he accasions in Congress that he sym­ get committees, said in formally re­ terest than heretofore in appropria­ pathized with Germany, on other oc­ porting the resolution providing that tions by Congress. looked for. Senator Piondexter. reviewed Sena- casions that he was neutral in this after July 1. 1920, one budget com­ "The political issues of the future jun.ped to his feet and recalled that war; who was not conspicuous at mittee shall have charge of all appro­ will be centered around the problem» Senator Hitchcock by advocating an any time, even when we entered the priations. I of economy as reflected in the appro­ Mr. Good estimated that the gov­ priations made by Congress. If this is embargo on arms and ammunition to war. in waging it to a victorious ernmental expenditures will average true Congress must place itself in a the entente before the United States conclusion. entered the war had played fully in­ I "He only became prominent in his $4,000.000.000 annually for several position where It can met these ■ anti-Germanism and his denuncia­ years instead of about $1.0007000.- problems in the most efficient way. to the hands of Germany. He declared that if at that time ef­ tion of pro-German affairs after the 000 as in pre-war days. Because of The soundest and most approved forts of men like Senator Hitchcock 'fighting was over,” Senator Poindex­ this he urged the necessity of the fttethods of business transactions had been successful Germany ter continued. ’’There is always a greatest possible economy and said must be adopted by Congress if it i» probably would have been victorious. certain type of men who safely place that House leaders are certain that to perform well and efficiently the A lively colloquy ensued and Mr. themselves on the outskirts of a more money can be saved by having duties which this new condition Dog lost—female Hound and two Hitchcock got the worst of the argu­ fight while the fight is going on and all appropriations vised by one com­ I creates. black and tan pupa, one male and ment. especially as the Republican alter it is over they immediately mittee instead of seven, .as at pres­ i "The enactment of a national bud­ one female, about five months old. get system and an independent audit leaders of the treaty fight all advo­ take the center of the stage and be­ ent. --------- o — Finder notify H A. McCuen, Bay I The strongest opposition to the of government accounts is absolutely cated a vigorous defense policy long come exceedingly belligerent ' City. Ore. Liberal reward. Senator Poindexter said he recalled whole budget program that has been 'necessary The adoption of resolution Storage—Oils before President Wilson decided to also that many persons now ardently recommended by the special commit­ under consideration to complete the Repairing of all kinds. act. Anyone having rooms or apartment, 1 Senator Pnintexter, reviewed Sena­ advocating the league urged that the tee is expected on the plan to take program laid down by that measure unfurnished or partly unfurnished Give us a trial. which they will rent to desirable tor Hichcock’s record before and dur­ United States make peace with Ger­ away from such committees as Mili­ 14» highly desirable.” Goin & Wicdman. ing the war and declared that the ad­ many on the same terms that the bol­ tary. Naval and Postoffice their ap­ | party, leave word at the Headlight ministration leader became promi­ shevik! government of Russia accept­ propriation powers., but Mr. Good in I Mr. Gompers urged arbitration of office for appointment. his report urged the representatives the steel strike at the industrial con­ nent in his anti-Germanistn only af­ ed. HENRY C. VIERECK. M. D. "It is quite enlightening to refresh to submergs their personal ambitions ference. but only a few days ago tie If it ii cabbage you want for krout, ter the conflict was won. why Stuivenga’s got the goods. SPECIALIST. declared that if a law should be pass­ ’’The Senator talked a great deal our minds on the attitude of these to the public good. Send along your orders, Mutual | ed requiring arbitration of industrial The report in part states: about the bolsheviki. and it is not gentleman by looking back over the Disease of The phone. Wm. 8tulvenga. "For the fiscal year ending June disputes, the law would be disregard­ long since he was talking about pro­ reeoids of Congre« for a few months ______ EYE. EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Germans being opponents of the and comparing their attitude while 30. 1919, the total receipts from cus­ ed by labor organisations. What is For Life Insurance, there is nothing tke war was on with their attitude toms amounted to |134.457,8<7. the use of arbitration if those whose league.” said Senator Poindexter. Only better than what the Maae. Mutual | while the internal revenue, including dispute Is arbitrated are to be free to ”lt seems to be quite a bold atti­ after the war had been offers. Ask to see specimen policy. 310 Selling Building. Portland. Ore. income taxes and corporation and ex- disregard the decision when made? tude." Senator Poindexter went on. ,4< ’ Ul * tor Piondexter. W. A. Church. Bay City Garage. reservoir. F. L. Berkey,