TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, OCTOBER 30. 1910. TRilliT The Brunswick ‘ Ultona” plays all records at their best . e..: THE Work of the American Red Cross Is Fraised By Noted Men. on membership more than money contributions that the stress of the present campaign is laid, for the Red Cross seeks to associate the people in welfare work throughout the land, especially in those communities where neither official nor unofficial provision has been made for adequate health and social service."—President Wilson. « * « • “The American Red Cross is the mobilized heart and spirit of the whole American people."—Henry P. Davison. • • « « “A magnificent spirit breathes in the American Red Cross."—Marshal Foch. • * « * In giving prompt and efficient relief the Red Cross has won the eternal gratitude of millions of people."—Gen­ eral Pershing. Give the world the once over ISTEN, fellows, to some The Navy goes all over the . straight talk. Many world—sails the Seven Seas— squints at the six continents— a man when he gets to be 40, misses some­ that’s its business. You stand to see more odd sights, wonder­ thing. He may have ful scenery and strange people lots of money, and a fine than you ever dreamed of. family but— You’ll work hard while you He never “got out and work. You’ll play hard while you saw things”. After he play. You’ll earn and learn. gets settled down, it’s too You’ll get, in addition to “shore- leave”, a 30-day straight vaca­ late. tion—which is more than the Every man wants to see average bank president can ♦he world. No man likes count on. to stand still all his life. You can join for two years. The best time to TRAVEL When you get through you’ll be is when you’re young and physically and mentally “tuned up” for the rest of your life. lively—right NOW ! L a a a a "It requires no organization to al­ low one of us as an individual to buy a dinner for a hnngry man. It re- quires the greatest degree of organi­ zation to deal with the foes of a world. The Red Cross seems to be essentially demanded. . . . With- out the Red Cross I do not know whether the world would have been able to bear the horrors and devasta tion of this wearful war."—Newton B. Baker. • * * • "The Red Cross is the great Neigh- bor. . If the world is made a little more comfortable, a little hap pier, a little stronger for the struggle of life through its effort, the Red Cross is content.”—The Secretary of the Navy. You’ll be ready through and through for SUCCESS. There’s a Recruiting Station right near you. If you don’t know where it is, your Post­ master will be glad to tell you. Right NOW your Uncle Sam is calling, “Shove off!’’ He wants men for his Navy. He’s inviting you! It’s the biggest chance you’ll ever get to give tjie world the once overt Shove off ! - Join the • * * • “The Red Cross is not going to turn its back on its responsibilities."—Liv- ingston Farrand, Chairman. Executive Committee, National Red Cross. * • * • "I don’t know what we would have done without the help of the Ameri­ cans. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.” — Ignace Paderewski, Premier of Poland. • » • 4 “Mr. Davison has spoken to me of how the Red Cross hopes to continue work even in peace time. This is a noble enterprise..................... Wonderful results could be obtained if all coun­ tries would join hands, especially in all questions concerning small chil­ dren, tuberculosis, and sanitation in general.”—Queen Marie of Rumania. • * « * “We surely can do no better than to emulate the human and social work of our sister organization, the Amer­ ican Red Cross.”—Signor Ciraolo, newly elected President of Italian Red Cross. • ♦ ♦ ♦ “Our heartiest thanks go out to our American friends.”—Union des Fem- mes de France. • * • * “The help given by the Red Cross is but another proof of the great heart and sympathy of the American peo­ ple." — Prince Regent Alexander of Serbia. • • • • “The Polish people look upon the American Red Cross as their salva­ tion, It holds In its hands the des- tinies of nations. This world war has been fought in vain if there is no early restoration of normal physical and moral conditions i«i the newly born Republic of Poland. Poland is the keystone of Jl»e world’s perma­ nent peace.”—Lieut. ’ Col. Francis E. Franczak. MORE POWER Zerolene gives bet ter compression therefore, more power to your car. It burns clean and goes out with ex­ haust. Deposits least carbon. Get a Correct Lubrica­ tion Chart for your car, H. C. BOONE, Agent, Tillamook, Oregon City Vulcanizing and Tire Shop Expert Tire Service Vulcanizing and Retreading Ì County Dairy Herd Inspector BELL PHONE. MAIN 3 MUTUAL PHONE aS2S25asa5aS2S2S2SES25ZSZ52S25c5?Sa5H5E52525ES2S2S252SBSa5H5252 THE NEW HARNESS SHOP Repairing Auto Tops & Curtains Gas and Motor Oils, Auto Robes. £ J. A. PARKER, 1 door West of Woolfe’s blacksmith’s shop, kj S £ 7 1 ttx *^=T***' T t ' <-> J*1* 5—■ * s PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE MENTIONED IN BIBLE "I commend unto you Phoebe, our sister, who is a servant of the Church which is at Cenchrea,” wrote St. Paul to the Romans, "that ye assist her in whatsoever business she hath need of you, for she hath been a succorer of many and of myself also." Phoebe, explains Biblical history, was a woman who went about nursing the sick and teaching them better methods of living. Phoebe was the first public health nurse. Public health nursing, which is one of the most important enterprises in the peace program of the American Red Cross, is not a new movement, but it is one which heretofore has never received its just meed of atten­ tion as a factor in maintaining the health of the nation. Phoebe’s sister in the twentieth cen- tury is the community nurse who teaches better, cleaner living. Because the betterment of public health Is now definitely accepted as an individual and a community responsibility, the Red Cross will make a definite effort to raise the standards of living in the United States by urging the employ­ ment of public health nurses in all cities, towns and rural districts, par­ ticularly in those where there are no organized public health activities. A healthier, happier America—that is what the Red Cross is striving toward in its Roll Call the first weeks in No vember. flhEX. McNflIR & CO GENERAL HñRDCUflRE Kitehen Ranges and Heating 5’toves. THE BEST STOCK OF HARDWARE IN THE COUNTY. See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere / E^SasasaSaSasasasasasasasasasasasa’ïasaSKasasa' HORSE SHOEING JACK HARPER BALL SHOP, TILLAMOOK Take your Herses there and get First Class Shoes for them. I guarantee all work to be satisfactory, if not, bring it back and I will make good without extra charge. WHOLE WORLD EMULATES AMERICAN RED CROSS With the Red Cross societies of twenty-six nations co-operating as members, the League of Red Cross Societies is now actively engaged in extending Red Cross efforts through­ out the world, says a cablegram to the American Red Cross from Sir David Henderson, director-general of the league. The membership roster now in­ cludes, the cable said, the Red Cross of the following countries: jWgentina. Australia. Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Cuba, Denmark, France, Great Britain, Greece, Holland, India, Italy, Japan, N“w Zealand, Norway, Peru. Portugal, Roumania, Serbia, South Africa. Spain, Sweden, the United States and Venezuela. MOTHERS MUST NOT OiE, SAYS THE RED CROSS I f your immediate need is a de­ pendable, painstaking handling of some business or financial matter, read the last paragraph of this ad­ vertisement. Our desire is to go less directly to the point. BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL CONDITIONS are maturing new problems almost daily and thia bank has prepared itself with facilities very valuable to a wide variety of interests. TO THE FARMER AND RANCH ER, our membership in the Federal Reserve Syetem is an advantage. It gives us a broad and practical ability to meet their particular needs. The same connection serves The R usine» Man Herr each of t heae differing lines of endeavor will find that conferences with our officers often bring out ad­ vantage» which anxiety and business cares have hidden from them. LADIES, rerosnixins the men, ad­ vantage, in a personal rherking ac­ count. will find ua ready to do every« thing possible to make their transac­ tions with thia bank a pleasure to them. TO THE THRIFTY. we offer 4% interest <-oni|Ktundcd twice yearly for theo savitufs plus the security of A Strong Hom- Owned Hank. TO TIIK VISITORS IN THIS SEC­ TION, thia bank is a place for them to enter anti feel at home and they are invited to call anti make their desirea known. /.V the final analysis, it will be found that this in­ stitution is governed by a spirit of helpfulness, and, whatever your business interests in this section may be, you can confidently rely upon its cordial, intelli­ gent and personal co-operation. TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK The Strong Home Bank • • • • All Work Guaranteed Let Me Keep You Out of Trouble. I cany a Stock of Goodrich Tires, Tubes and Tire Accessories. Your Patronage Solicited. J. C. HOLDEN, 2nd STREET, OPPOSITE O.P., TILLAMOOK. EsssasasasasHsasasHsasEsasasasHsasaszsasasasasasasciScisasasasasasasasasHS Dr. E. L. Glaisyer, VETERINARIAN, 1 Hear them at the New Music Store Sixteen thousand mothers die In childbirth every year in the United States of America, more than are thus sacrificed in any other country of im­ portance in the civilized world. The American Red Cross has announced its belief that these mothers, the very flower of the womanhood of America and heroines every one, shall no longer die through ignorance or neglect, If the public health nursing resources of the country can possibly be extended to give them the necessary care. This is one of the reasons tor the Third a a • a "I wish to express to the millions of Red Cross Roll Call which begins Sun­ Americans, who have made the work day, November 2. of the American Red Cross possible, the deep gratitude of niy people.”— MERCY WOMEN PRODUCE The young King Alexander of Greece. FORTUNE IN GARMENTS STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) -tl-, - jri . ' - * , / “I have confident hope that the American Red Cross’ world wide plans for charity and mercy will be largely realized, bringing the grateful appre­ ciation of suffering millions as a par tial recompense, and a greater reward, the richest blessings of God.”—Car- dinal Gibbons. • • • • “One is honored by the privilege of membership in the Red Cross, and blessed in being permitted to make any kind of contribution to its work."— William Fraser McDowell, Presiding Bishop, Methodist Episcopal Church • « • • "The Red Cross is America at her best. . . . Money given to the Red Cross is not an investment, nor is it a charity. It is a sacrament."—Charles A. Eaton, Pastor Fifth Ave. Baptist Church, N. Y. • • • • "It is extraordinary what can be ac­ complished when a free people all unite and work together for their com­ mon good and for the good of human­ ity."—Cardinal Mercier. The Red Cross—a work of the heart on a sound business basis. .Membership in the Red Cross is insurance' against regret The Red Cross never Intrudes —but she has a mother's sensi­ tive hearing. Red Cross is not a responsi­ bility— it b an opportunity. JOIN More than 8,000,000 women and girls participated in the sewing and knit­ ting of the American Red Cross dur­ ing the war. Most of these workers will be active in soliciting members for the Red Cross for 1920, during the ten days ending Armistice Day. When it is remembered that these women and girls In two years’ time produced nearly 1100,000,000 worth of surgical articles and garments, includ ing more than 375,000,000 surgical dressings, the fact that they are to assist in the Roll Call is r. practical assurance that universal membership will be achieved. CLOUGH’S [CARBOLIC COMPOUND For disenfecting where Contagious or infectious diseases are prevailing. CARBOLIC COMPOUND is a power­ ful Germicidal mixture and by its use will improve general stable conditions. THIRD RED CROSS C. I. CLOUGH CO RELIA BLE DR UGGISTS. ROLL CALL Time to Re-Join BAY CITY DRUG Entire New Stock of Candies New Syrups. Come and See Phone 32.