Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, October 30, 1919, Image 10

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    OCTOBER 30. 1919
What frhp Fditnr« Qav
Four months later Secretary Baker
W Ual* U1V JLiUUUUliJ «Jay u.-serted before the hou.-t commute«
------- o— -
that criticism of the war depaitmeni
Turn a reckless fool loose in the aircraft program was inspired by
woods with a gun and the inevitable pro-German Influences!
happens, as is proven by the daily re­
Now little by little the truth in­
ports of people being shot by mistake coming out peacemeal—admitted by
for a deer.—Independent.
officers like General Mitchell, wh:
jean speak authoritatively and fn
------- o------
Rev. Clarence True Wilson told a the vantage point of peinonal kne
Cincinatti audience that "cigarettes ledge of conditions at the front—a
had ruined the health of 2,00(1,000 I it makes a sorry and staggering rev
soldiers” and that the Democratic elation. The American pe pie are be
administration now in the White ginning to realize that the half h
House "had sold out to the tobacco not been told concerning the blund<
trust.” One statement is about as true ¡tile extravagance, the woful vast*
Iff had all I've SA VED,
As «Mat T
as the other. What C. True Wilson of the war department.—Spokesman
believe me, I'd be
needs for the good of bis country is Review.
a dose of physic and a muzzle.—Ga­
rich kid!
Art •'’nt. istv.-nf Yr? w.Sit-
zette Times.
Who Appointed Them?
■ - o-------
tira t¿
Judging from some of the Oregon
No notice lias been taken bj tin
publications Senator Chamberlain
one-quart hand chemical ex­
cannot be defeated. There ain’t no (federal traue commifeiou of the ex-
tinguisher; instant and panic­
such animal. It is when a man gets llraoruuiary charges of Senator Wat­
the idea that* the people just must son that its investigation of th«
proof in operation; child can
have him that tile people turn him packers in the hands of bolshev-
work it perfectly; for fac­
down. To our way of thinking Mr.
offices, homes, garages,
Chamberlain is due to receive a trim­
ming. And if he is to be trimmed it big business and to revive exploded
autos. Install at once; call
should be some man w ho will be a .charges against him. We say "ex
or phone now,
¡ploded" because a congressional con
credit to the state.—Observer.
mittee once went into them and de-
With fruit going to waste because . dared them unfounded. But me
defendant: In the name of the
there is no sugar with which to can question of Senator Watson's •wicked­
State of Oregon:
it, tt is evident that somebody blun­ ness is not the issue. It is the truth
In the County Court of the State of
You are hereby required to appear fO
dered. That somebody is connected of what he says. The country is sus-
Oregon, lor the County of Tillamook. and answer the complaint filed -J
with the government. There would | picious of the meat packers and their
In me matte: -or the estate oi Fritz against you in the above entitled
be no shortage of sugar if the supply , methods, but it has become even
had been cared for and no shipments 'more suspicious of the federal trade Buhrow. late of the county of Tilla­ cause, on or before the date of the
mook, deceased.
last publication of this summons, to-
made to Europe. It’s a fine howdydoo commission and its methods.
To the State of Oregon and to ail wit: on or before November 13, 1919, a
Senator Watson charged bluntly
to ship sugar to the old world and
then go without ourselves.—Observ­ and specifically that the Chicago of- unknown heirs or next of kin, if any and if you fail so to appear and ans­ in
I tice of the federal trade commission such there be. of Fritz Buhrov, late wer the complaint, for want thereof, &
is a "center of sedition and an­ ‘or the county of Tillamook iu the the plaintiff will apply to the Court n-
------ o—
”. He said that various investi­ State of Oregon, deceased.
fo. the relief demanded in the com­ G-'
Foreign born residents of Chicago
are leaving at the rate of loo a day, gators and other employe.- were pro- ! In the name of the State of Oregon. plaint. to-wit: That the contract of ft
taking with them an average of clerman, anti-ally, admirers of Leu- you are hereby cited and requited to matrimony now existing between the
$100,000, according to the deputy 'ine and Trotsky, advocates of a 81- De and appear in the County Court of plaintiff and defendant be dissolved
collector of the internal revenue de­ viet form of government, partici- the State of Oregon for the County ¡and that the plaintiff be granted an
31 J.
at the court room absolute divorce from the defendant,
partment, whose duty it is to see pants in red demonstrations and pa- of Tillamook,
that all outgoing foreigners have rades and disseminators oi socialistic thereof at the county court house in and for such other relief as the
i illamook City, in said county, at the , Court
■-vuu may
um, ueem
deem just ana
and meet.
paid their income tax. The principal propaganda.
senator Watson named names and December term of said court, on the
This Summons is published by or­
nationalities leaving
the United
States are Roumanians, Greeks, Ital- cited facts. He named Stuart Chase, fifteenth day of December, Nineteen der of the Hon. A. M. Hare. County
ians, Germans, Swedes and Irish.—- who with one Samuel la tor had gen­ Hundred and Nineteen, at ten o'clock Judge of Tillamook County. Oregon,
eral charge of the investigation as a.m. of that day, then and there to said order being dated September 25.
Telephone Register.
president of a socialistic club, an as­ show cause, if any cause there be, I t
and the date of the first pub­
------- o-------
Well, well, there is one Chicago sociate of Victor Berger, Irwin St. why the administrator of the above llcation being Oct. 2nd. 1919, and of
minister who not only is not bam- Jonn Tucker and other extreme so- named estate shall not compromise the last publication, November
foozeled by the political report of the 'eialists and made his office the ren­ with the County Court of the County ,1919.
Johnson & Handley,
federal trade commission on the dezvous oi men "devoted to the de­ of Tillamook for the sum of Fifty
Attorneys for the Plaintiff.
packers, but who is willing to stand struction of property and the over Dollars for the land taken by it for
Among road purposes, and, upon payment
P. O. Address: 107-8-9
up in his pulpit and say so. The throw ot government.”
I. O. O. F. Building,
Rev. Johnston Myers of the Imman­ Chase’s other questionable activities being made, to make and deliver a
Tillamook, Oregon.
uel Baptist Chircli at Chicago paid was a magazine article assailing the deed therefore, in the usual form, for
his respects to the outfit that is try­ United States government for not the following described land, being
ing to force socialism on the country recognizing the Russian reds. Tator the land so taken, namely:
All that part of the property of F.
when they can take advantage of the was of the same kind, an avowed
------- o-------
high cost of living as leverage. Rev. sympathizer with sovietism, anti­ Buhrow in the NEli of the SW‘4 of
In the County Court of the State of
Myers not only confounds the com­ ally during the war and a propagan­ Section 7, Township 3 South, Range9 Oregon. for the County of Tillamook,
mission but he -ays that the packers dist for the confiscation of big busi­ West of the Willamette Meridian in­
In the matter of the estate of
are entitled to praise instead of ness. Under this precious pair were cluding within a strip of land 60 feet Nicholas Job,
deceased, commonly
blame for their part in winning the many others ot like kidney, all of wide, being 30 feet on each side of known at Nick Job.
war. Gazette Times.
Notice is hereby given to all whom
sibillties by the United States gov- way as surveyed across said property it may concern, that the undersigned
The possibilities of publishing a eminent, and none of them, so far as and more particularly described as has been by the County Court of Til­
magazine or newspaper without the Senator Watson’s investigation dis­ follows: Beginning at a point on the lamook County, Oregon, duly ap­
Use of compositors or typesetting closes, fit for an impartial investiga­ North line of the NEU of the SWU pointed Administrator of the Estate
machine* became apparent when a tion of big business or little business of Section 7, Township 3 South, of Nicholas Job, deceased, commonly
Range 9 West of the Willamette known as “Nick Job; and all persons
copy of the Literary Digest of Oct. or anything else.
The senate will look into Senator Meridian, which point is North 60 having claims against said estate are
Inn was received. This entire mag­
azine comprising 80 pages, was print­ Watson's charges. It should not rest, degrees 25 minutes West 901 feet , hereby notified to present same, duly
ed lrom plates by photographing the lit it verifies them, or any part of and South 34 degrees and 15 minutes ^erified, as by law required, to the
original typewritten copy, much the them, until it reveals to the nation west 496.1 feet from the U corner in ¡undersigned, at his office in Tilla-
same as halftones are made from the influence thut procured the selec­ the center of Section 7, Township 3 jmook City, Oregon,
withln six
photographs. This new form of the tion of such men for such service South, Range 9 West of the Willam­ months from this date.
ette Meridian; thence South 34 de-
Digest was the result of an experi­ for the public.—Oregonian.
Dated October 16th, 1919, being
ment caused by the necessity of get­
grees 15 minutes west 540.5 feet to a the first publication of this notice.
point in the present traveled road.
ting out the ♦ magazine when the
Only Thirty Houri a Week.
John Leland Henderson,
Containing 60-100 acres, more or
mechanical force was tied up by the
------ o
of the
printers’ ’’vacation”, a polite name
With prices still advancing and
estate of Nicholas Job.
for a strike of printers in New York production staying way behind the
And also why said administrator
City. The same plan has been tried demand, some working people are should not be authorized to sell the
by a California publication with sue- I ¡talking of the six hour day and the following described real estate (sub­
cess. Should this plan become unlver- 1 'five-day week.
ject to the right of way for said road)
sal type setting machines may be­
It has not been very long since we at private sale, in the manner provid­ NOTCE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That
come obsolete and the time honored heard so much talk about the de- ed by law, for cash, namely;
the undersigned has been by the Coun­
work of the compositor will fade into generation of the idle rich. It is all
The Southwest Quarter of Section
Court of Tillamook County, Oregon,
memory. It is a radical departure right to talk of the working man Seven, Township Three South, Range
and may revolutionize the whole being entitled to plenty of time for Nine West of the Willamette Meri­ appointed administrator of the estate
of William H. Perry, deceased. All
printing system.—Sheridan Sun.
recreation and the development of dian, in Tillamook County. Oregon,
persons having claims against the
his mind, but there is little assur­ less Tracts 1264, 814, 1283, 589, 592
The Truth is Coming Out Feacemeal. ance that the short working day and and 586, described in Tract Book in estate are required to present them
the short working week would bring the office of the County Assessor Oi for allowance to the undersigned at
Brigadier General William Mitchell, (about any such result.
Tillamook County, Oregon, on page: the office of Botts & Winslow, Tilla­
chief of the air service witli the ' With but 30 working hours in u 335, 334, 334, 333, 334 and 333, re­ mook, Oregon, within six months from
American expeditionary forces, told ■ week and two days of a week with spectively, oi said Tract Book, con­ date hereof.
the house investigating committee ¡nothing to do but satisfy a craving taining 110.5 acres more or less;
Dated this'September 25th, 1919.
Wednesday that the De Haviland lior amusement and entertainment, It all according to the petition of the
John William Jennings,
fours, the first type of airplanes built |does not take a very vivid iniagina- Administrator of said estate hereto
in tin United Stuns lor fighting, ilion to see immortality rampant fore filed in the above entitled pro-
were lauliy muchlnes, with defects everyw nere. the Jails full of those ceediag.
of design which ltd to fatalities who have too much time in which io
The foregoing citation is served :| LX FAR IS FOREST GROVE?
—o — ■
among pilots. The Liberty motor, he 'get into mischief and the race de­ upon you. the unknown heirs, if any,
sain, wa.- made by men who "kuew generating because of a lack of bod­ of Frit;: Buhrow. deceit ed, by pub­ No So Far that the Statement of Its
nothing about the conditions of war" ily and mi ntal exercise to keep it in nation, by virtue of and in pursu­
Residents Cannot be Verified.
though the tuoior Itself was "a good 'condition.
ance of an order entered in the above >
Rather an interesting case has been
first attempt."
Too much work may not be a good t ntitled proceedings on the 21st day developed in Forest Grove. Being so
V* lien the war department entered iihiag but too much time for loafi; s of Octobei. 1919, by Hon. A. M. Hare, near by. it is well worth publishing
upon its experimenting program. The land getting into deviltry is far worse. County Judge. The date of the first here. The state is sincere—the proof
Spokesman-lie» lew protested (hat it
Six working days a week of eight publication is October 23, 1919. and convincing:
was a grievous mistake. The urgent hours a day is not too much tor any the date of the last publication is
Mrs. H. C. James, 420 Pacific Ave.,
need was speedy construction of air- j i person, leaving eight hours for November 20th, 1919.
Forest Grove, Ore., says: ‘Doan’s
planes iu large numbers. Then why j sleep and eight hours for recreation.
Witness the Honorable A. M. Hare, Kidney Pills are a medicine of merit
this folly, it u.iked, of trying to! A person who wishes more idle time County Judge of the County of Tilla­ and I can certainly recommend them
evolve new types and new engines than that must be getting down­ mook in the State of Oregon and to anyone who wants a reliable kid-
300V miles from the battlefront? Un­ right lazy. Certainly lie would not Judge of the County Court of the i ney medicine. I was more less subject
We are just completing 14 years of bank service for the people of
der the tierce stress of war our allies ( 'be a success in the country newspa­ State of Oregon for the County of ; to kidney disorders and at times I
suffered from severe
Bay City and tributary country.
We invite your further patron­
had learned the last word in airplane 1 per business and not much of a suc­ Tillamook.
After I have taken a box or two of
construction. Then ■' hy not instantly cess iu any other kind of business.—
age, and full co-opt ration so we may be able to give you still
Attest: Homer Mason
adopt their latest types and start Sentinel.
County Clerk of the county of Doan's Kidney Pills my back has felt
better service. You are cordially invited to carry your business
building aircraft in large numbers?
Tillamook in the State of Ore­ stronger and my kidneys have be­
with us. Depository for City, County, Port and Siate.
Through the war department's stu­
gon and ex officio Clerk of the come normal.”
Choice Holstein Bulls For Sale.
Price 60c., at all dec rs, Don’t
pendous blunder we lost precious
------- o-------
County Court of the State of
time and we wasted hundreds of mil­
1 have a few choice registered
Oregon for the county of Tilla­ I simply ask for a kidney remedy—get
Doan's Kidney Pills—the same that
lions of dollars. The administration ' Holstein bulls I am offering
_ ___
for ____
Mrs. James had. Foster-Milburn Co.,
would not listen to reason and was for a price much less than the same T. H. Ooyne
Mfgrs.. Buffalo, N. Y.—Pd. Adv.
arrogiiitly r«.-entful of advice or breeding can be procured elsewhere, Robert H. McGrath.
¡The dams of these bulls are all good Tillamook. Oregon.
Wheh Senator Chamberlain then individuals and good producers; one Attorneys tor the Administration.
chairman of the military affairs com- of them Lady Aaggie Ormsby of Rock
No Hantin» or Trapping Allowed.
niittee of the sc,.ate and a democrat, won the milking contest at the re­
■ ■ o ■ — -
had the courage and patriotism to cent County Fair. The sires are
This is to give notice that no hunt­
tin n the searchlight on the war de­ Maplecrest and King Segis breeding.
ing or trapping will be allowed on
partment’s blunders the president These animals are here at home
In the Circuit Court of the State of our farms or land east of Tillamook
cried out sharply that ” nothing where you can inspect them; we ln- Oregon for Tillamook County.
(City. Persons who do so will be pros­
helpful or likely to speed or facilitate vite the fullest Investigation; come Jeanette Seymour. Plaintiff
ecuted to the fullest extent of the
the war tasks of the government has at milking time and bring your
come out of such criticism and In- scales and Babcock tester,
Antone J. Seymour, Defendant.
H. F. Goodspeed.
F. R. Beals.
To Antone J. Seymour, the above
F. M Trout.
Expert Dyeing
That Old Coat, Dress or Suit
can be dyed to look like new at
at a Small Cost.
Pacific Cleaning and Tailoring Co.