i Mmòlmht TILLAMOOK, OREGON, OCTOBER 1919. Tillamook Jottings I JERSEY CLUB MEETS. The annual convention of the Til­ forbidden to enter or trespass in any 1918 tax rolls of Tillamook County: GEM THEATRE PROGRAM ------- o------- lamook County Sunday School Asso­ way, on plaintiff’s lands. Total roll ......................... $485,248.89 ------- o------- ------ o------ Have Good Time at the Farm of James Hiatt vs Osa Hiatt. Divorce Collected ........................... 438,200.00 Friday, Oct. 31—“Freckles", Para­ Mrs. J. Bak.r is seriously sick al ciation will occur in Tiiiamuo«. un November 8th and 9th, opening at Albert Johnson. granted. Defendant given custody of ; mount production, featuring Jack the hospital. 2:30 in the afternoon. The new state two minor children, the plaintiff to Delinquent Oct. 5. 1919. $47,048.89 Pickford A marriage license was issued to secretary, Harold Humbert , whom i he Jersey Club held its regular pay $20.00 per month for theii sup­ The figures for 1917 were. "Burton Holmes Travelogue." John S. Sheasley, of McKenzie many of us remember as a teacher in monthly meeting at the farm ot Al­ port. Total roll..............................$458,300.77 Saturday, Nov. 1—“A Great Ro­ Bridge, Ore, and Cora Al. Easton. William A. Saling vs First National Collected Oct. 5, 1918 .. 416,300.00 our high school a few years ago will bert Johnson, October 23. Several mance,” A Metro production, feat­ uring Harold Lockwood. The motor between Mohler and be here, who is eager to greet his new members were entereu. The Jer­ Bank. Verdict for the plaintiff. This "Don’t Shove" Harold Lloyd Com­ Tillamook will be discontinued after Tillamook friends again. Mr. J. J. sey Cluo continues to grow, One of case is to be appealed to the supreme Delinquent Oct. 5. 1918.. $42,000.77 edy. Hunuay next. Handsaker, Chairman of the State those good old picnic dinners for court. which the Jersey laaies are noted ' Clara Davis vs. Ernest Richardson. Sunday, Nov. 2—"The Belle of New Armenian work, will give a moving 500 Parties. Mr. and Mrs. D. Billings have re­ was served. An inspection ot Mr. Case dismissed. York." Select production, featuring ------ o— turned from the East, where they picture lecture on Armania on Sat­ Johnson’s farm made and those I Vern Blanchard was charged with Marion Davies. urday evening. A large attendance is went on a visit for several months. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Haberlach and Pat he News. desired. Full program will be printed present saw some ot the iiuesi Jer- violating the fishing law and was Mr. and Mrs. Gordon L. Burge as- Monday,, Nov 3—"Puppy Love" Par­ seys that any one couiu wisu to see. fined $100. C. E. Norberg left on Monday for next week. Mr. Johnsons Jerseys won .tie first ! D. A. Bailey was excused on the sisted by Miss Marie Tinerstet gave amount production, featuring Lila Montesano, Wash., where he has Sheriff Campbell went to Portland, auu secouu prizes a*, the vou-ity Fair grand jury and Robert Watt was two 500 parties in this city Tuesday Lee. bought a dairy ranch and will make where Peter Stroff was arrested on ror butterfat production in the Jer­ drawn to fill the vacancy. and Wednesday evenings at the home "Wife Breakers” Lyons-Moran his tuture home. of Mr. and Mrs. Haberlach. The I I i comedy. suspicion of being the person who sey breed. ---------------------- - Drugless methods used in chronic robbed the Thompson store at Nehal­ house was prettily decorated with Most ot the afternoon was spent in Tuesday, Nov. 4,—“The Romance of diseases of stomach, bowels .liver, em. Strolf was indicted the grand the regular business routine, discus­ ARMISTICE DAY PROCLAIMED A autumn leaves. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Happy Valley,” Artcraft Special d*“betes, briglits disease, and nervous jury, who was supposed to be the sion ot the Pacitic International Live Lewis carried off first honors on STATE HOLIDAY. produced by D. W. Griffith. conditions. Room 4 Masonic, Bldg. Tuesday, with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. yeggman, and the sheriff succeeded sioek show took up most ot the time. Pathe News. Attorneys Johnson & Handley will in getting the man who was wanted, Mr. Mills gave ail msti active reading November 11 to Mark Victory of Hill taking home the consolation Wednesday, Nov 5—-"The Marriage prize. On Wednesday evening Mr. at Wheeler on the score points auopted by the American Arms. Price," Paramount production, change their officers from the Odd­ but when he arrived and Mrs. Grate received first honors, featuring Elsie Ferguson. fellows building to the National with the man Thompson and others American jersey value Club. E.even admitted that he was not the right ot me Jersey Breeuers have entered j Tuesday, November 11, the first and Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Alderman “Bray Pictograph" building the first of the month. man. Sheriff Campbell said that a une display ot catue to be shown. I anniversary of the signing of the carrying away lhe consolation prize, Thursday, Nov. 6—"Help! Help! Po­ Mairied on the 23rd of October, at Stroff had a good alibi, being in ,ue secretary was insi.acted to have armistice, has been declared a legal invited guests who were present dur­ lice” William Fox production, feat­ e parsonage of __ __ the Christian ________ Wyoming at the time of the robbery, playcards issued on which the names (holiday in a proclamation issued by ing the two evenings included Mr. uring George Walsh. Church, Rev. Harry E. Tucker per­ so there was nothing else to do but ¡of and Airs. W. A. Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. |O1 the l animal, the sire, ____ _______ the ________________ aam, and Governor Olcott. “The Village Smithy,” Mack Sen- forming the ceremony. Reuben N. to turn the man loose. On November 11, 1918, the order to Dave Kuratll,, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. I the name and audress or the owner nett Comedy. Holden, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Poorman, Glad and Miss Astrid Larson. In regard to the proposed road from ' is to oe printed. These are to be plac­ "cease firing” marked the cessation Mr. and Mrs. Jos Maginnis, Mr. Marricd on the 22nd of October, at Cape Mears light station to the Bay­ ed on the siaii of each animal dis­ of hostilities in the bloodiest and and Mrs. Leo Morrison, Mr. and Mrs. New Griffith Film Reveals Big Crisis the home ot Rev. Harry Tucker, of ocean road, the State Highwa^ Com­ played. This is going to be one of the most far reuching struggle recounted W. J. Riechers, Mr. and Mrs. Everett the Christian Church in this city, mission will make application to the greatest dairy uispiays ever held on in history, says the proclamation. D. W. Griffith has switched from Condit, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. P. Wins­ James D. Ward, ot Neskowin, and government at its meeting next lue coast and the Jersey cow is going 'That the struggle ended victoriously royalty to the “old folks at home,” low, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Plank, Air. Jessie C. Taggart. month, that the road be built, This to play an important pail. Vive La tor the arms of the entente allies was and Mrs. Joe Franklin, Mr. and Mrs. from uniform and bursting rockets to is necessary before government funds r rance, the world s enumpion Jersey, due in a mighty measure to the mag­ Max Schultz, Mr. and Mrs. George ! drub denim and the old oil lamp, in S. Randal, wife and family renirned can be obtained, and when this is owned by Piccard Brothers, ot Ore­ nificent courage and patriotism of Hanslmair,, Mr. and Mrs. John La­ his second Artcraft picture, "A Ro- from the east, where they went with gon, is going io be exmbiied. Fat the-men of the army and navy of the Imalice of Happy Valley" which will the G. A. R. excursion, and reports done application for the necessary cariie, norses, mules, sneep, goats United States ot America anu to the mar, Mr. and Airs. W. B. Aiderman, | be shown at’ the Gem Theatre next money will be made and the road, it having had a fine time visiting dif­ unfaltering and unflagging efforts of Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Clough, Mr. and .Tuesday, Nov. 4. is expected, will be built next year, ,and swine will be shown. Airs. John Groat, Air. and Mrs. A. K. ferent states. the American people in aiding and As there are several hundred dairy­ The man who was sought by the the government calling for bids. It is Case, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Schultz, ' British and French governments to The first bad frost of the season expected that the county will call for men in Tillamook County . breeding ■sustaining those fighting men, both Air. and Mrs. F. C. Baker, Prof, and made its appearance on Friday niorn- bids also to complete the Bayocean Jerseys everyone should iry anu at­ (on land and sea. produce the dramatic epic of the war We may never hope amply to repay Mrs. Turnbull, Mr. and Mrs. Curl "Hearts of the World" has turned to which gave the county a winter ap­ road,, which must be done to make tend this grand live stock show. Air. Schultz, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Grate, Mr. i (the debt we owe our service men for ¡the land where the toll gates hang pearance. Since then the weather the road to the light station of any ■ Thomas Dempsey, of uhlo, who judg­ and Mrs. Al. Gruber, Mr. and Airs. J. ! ed me Jerseys at the Chicago Nation­ j the maintenance of our liberties and has been wet and mild. ■ in the highways and the keepers use. E. Reedy, Mr. and Mrs. John Stein ­ al Dairy Show, will do the judging of of our nationul and domestic bless­ bach, Airs. E. T. Haltom and E. J. i browse in the sun for the story and F. D. Mitchell was in the city from the Jerseys at the Pacific Iniernat- ings. Bayocean on Alonday with a petition Go To Church Sunday Great Success. t natioual Show. Air. Dempsey is one ' But from time to time tokens of Claussen. The hostesses served a the scenes of his new production. of the World” and "The ------- o------- dainty lunch and the evenings were |"Hearts I calling tor a special election In the of the best Jersey judges of America, (appreciation may be given which I Great Love" portrayed life in a crisis The go to church rally at the Meth­ greatly enjoyed by all attending. Bayocean road district to vote a and it is, indeed, fortunate that the am certain will be accepted by them "A Romance of Happy Valley”, odist church last Sunday was a great spe.iul road tax. Pacific International was able to se­ 1 as coming from the hearts ot greatful veals a crisis In life. success in every respect. The largest people. Alts. Ethel Walls Bailey, expert attendance at Sunday School for cure a man ot his ability. There is to . With his repeated triumphs in Local Flour Mill Will Soon Be Ready pedicuring, wilj take patients by ap­ some time, while a full house greet­ be a meeting of all live stock breed- j That we may more vividly keep be­ great productions, many have asso­ To Operate. pointment, corns a specialty, even­ ed the pastor at the sermon hour. ers in the county held at Dr. Reedy’s fore us the debt that we owe I believe ——---- 0 ciated with Mr. Griffith almost ex­ ings, between 7:30 and 8:30 at Everyone is optimistic and the pros­ Live Stock Exchange Barn, Nov. 10, »that we should lay aside our accus- clusively with tremendous spectacles, Every thing is being made ready (with thunderous dramas, and the all Jersey lovers must try and al- tomed tasks for the celebration of Boals’ hospital, both phones. pects for a year of growth and de­ I tend. The regular monthly meeting Armistice day on November 11, 1919. for the installation of the machinery sweep and rage of battle. In “A Ro- Wheeler had several cases of small velopment were never better. Next | will be held at the farm of Morrison ■ Now, therefore, I, Ben W. Olcott, upon its arrival, which should be jnance of Happy Valley,” his genius pox last week of a light form and Sunday morning the pastor will speak (Mills, November 25. by virtue of the authority in me vest­ within the next two weeks. Grain un­ is devoted to the chronicling of sim­ were on the subject: "The Twentieth Cen ­ the "movies” and the school ed as governor of the State of Oregon, loaders of the most modern kind is ple American life. With such themes, More Jerseys Start on Official Test. closed. It that had been in this city tury Christian.” In the evening on do hereby declare and sei aside Tues­ being installed this week and will be be won his earliest fame by present­ The cluo nas Jerseys enougn prom­ the gauze mask cranks would have the theme: “The Three Crosses.” day, November 11, 1919, as a legal ready to handle grain immediately ing them with unrivalled charm and You will miss something worth while ised to obtain an official tester tor had us all muzzled. holiday, and urge the people of the upon completion of the mill. superb accuracy. if you don’t hear both these address­ the coming year whose entire time ¡State of Oregon fittingly to observe The feed grinding equipment will Married, on the 22nd ot October, at will be devoted to orficiai testing. es. A cordial welcome awaits you. i this day in a manner best suited to include mills for close fine grinding, the home of Chas. Elliott, Rev. H. J. Card of Thanks. ’Leonard McCormick’s Jersey herd Is Burr Alllls for making meals, and a Hickerson, of the Al. E. Church, of­ - - o------- |the high herd In the county butterfat demonstrate our appreciation and gratitude for the services rendered steam roll for steam rolling. Barley, ficiating, AlviH E. Curl, of Beaver, Hfeh Schools to Debate. We desire to express our thanks to (production tor the past month. ------- o------- and Miss Edith E Jennings, daugh­ | The writer would like to ask once by the men of our army and navy in Oats, etc. This department should in­ the neighbors and friends who show­ R. U. Moore, of McMinnville, is the preservation of our civilization terest the dairymen as he will be ed ___________ _ to ___ ter of Air. and Airs. Jack Jennings. so much __________ kindness ____ owing the directing the Oregon High School more that all Jersey breeders attend and of our liberties. able to buy his grain before it islslckneHS and death of H. H. Miller, There will be regular services at Debating League for the West Side the Pacific international Stock show ground and have it ground to suit his (for which they have our heartfelt ap- the Christian Church next Sunday. district, comprising. Benton, Lincoln, held Nov. 17-22 inclusive. requirements, knowing when he predation. Sunday School at 10 a.m., last Sun­ Polk, Yamhill. Tillamook and Wash­ JUNIOR RED CROSS. Billy Sunday Buys Jerseys. feeds it that it contains only clean Mrs. II. C. Potter, day was a banier day for the Sunday ington counties. The question for Billy £>unday, whose activities in grain and no foreign matter. Herman H. Way mire, school and an endeavor is being maae debate in this district is: "That the pulling the country dry will bo re­ The Flavo Flour which will be Will Be Organized Soon By School Chas. Lewis Waymire. to increase it each Sunday. public school teachers of the United called by Jersey breeders and others manufactured here is nationally ad­ ................ —" 1 ~ Districts. The Eastern Star will give a card States should organize their members (by some with regret), has lately se- vertised and is manufactured in over United Brethern Church. - ----- o------- i cureu lor his ranch at Hood River, narty on Friday evening. Oct. 31, at into unions.’.’ eighteen hundred mills in this coun­ Eligible for membership in this Uregon, two beautiful Jersey heiiers. • County School Superintendent G. try and In every foreign land, There lire Masonic Hall, for the benefit of Preachlng Sunday at 11 a.m. and the Alasonic and Eastern Star Home. district are the high schools at Ami- They were bied by J. K. Branch, B. iamb, who is chairman of the is not a civilized nution in the world 8 p.m. Sunday School at 10 a.m. Corvallis, Forest Pawling, N. Y., from whose hero Junior Red Cross movement in Tilla­ today without these mills, which All Masons and members of the ty. Beaverton, Prayer meeting every Wednesday Eastern Star, as well as visiting Grove, Gaston, Hillsboro. McMinn­ they were selected for shipment to mook County and Fred C. Baker, have swept the world with the better evening. chairman of the Tillamook Chapter members are invited. Admission 50c. ville, Monmouth, Newberg, Philo­ Oregon. It may or may not please flavored, more healthy flour, These services are being well at­ and manager of the membership Roll Mr. Bettcher has his sacks in read­ tended, and you are coidially Invited Dr. and Airs. Boals have returned math, Sheridan. Tillamook, Bell­ Jersey breeders at large to view this Call, came to an understanding on fountain. Airlie, Alpine. Alsea, Ball­ purchase by Billy bunuay as a work­ lness and believes they will appeal to come and bring your friends and from Chicago, where lhe doctor had ston, Bay City, Carlton, Cloverdale, ing of lhe law of cotnpen sation—of Tuesday after being in communica­ to the housewife as they are ot bet­ family to a real live wire church. gone to have his hand attended to on tion with Mrs. Blanche R. Blumuuer, account of an X-ray burn. The treat­ Dallas, Dayton, Dundee, Falls City, one liquid replacing another. Colonel ot Portland, who is State Chairman ter quality than the average sacks, This means you. E. F. Wriggle. Pastoor. ment did not prove successful, and Kings Valley, Monroe, Nehalem, Perry in his temperance lecture to 'of the Junior Red Cross. It was mu- and no doubt will be in demand for he will take more treatment in Port­ Newport, Orenco, Perrydale, Toledo, dairymen always promised that when (tually agreed that the Membership many uses after serving their pur­ Tualatin, Willamina. Yamhill, Inde- .whiskey wenl down milk would go poses to the mill in bringing into the Presbyterian Church. land. ------- o------- pendence, Waldport and Bethel. up. there may have been "Method in Roll Call next'v.eek be confined to Tillamook homes "Flavo Flour.” W. R. Rutherford, formerly super-j • Two hundred schools in the state Billy Sunday's madness to prepare adults, which is $1.00 for member­ 10 n.m. Bunday School. intendent of schools in Tillamook, are eligible to membership. The tor a dairy business when ue had ship, while membership fee is 25c. 11 a.m. Church service, subject of for the Junior Red Cross. The teach­ and son-in-law of Mr. and Airs. T. H. ' trophy for th? winner is the Laurean Kicked the kick out ot beer." sermon: "Living Letters.” Grade School Notes. ers of the county, however, as well as Goyoe, has been given a six months cup. put up by (he U. of O. society of ------- o------- 6:30 p.m.— A study on Christian­ 'the school children are asked to help I leave of absence trom the superln- that name. izing America. The greatest tack be­ Friday war, Frances E. Willard Circuit Court Adjourns. in the adult membership Roll Call, teudency of the schools of Eugene, to day and appropriate exercises were fore the •church. Will America rise ------ o------ and the officers of the Tiliatnook Jack Picklord in “Freckles” attend Standford University to take or fall? All Americans must know The October term of the circuit 'Chapter will help in the Junior Red held from 2:45 to 4 p.m.. The lirst a post graduate course. three grades united in a musical pro­ our danger in this hour and come to • The two charming young stars, court came to a close oil Saturday, Cross membership drive. Mrs. the rescue. gram. J. L. Lawson, of the Fruit Palace, Louise Huff and Jack Pickford will having taken exactly 22 working , Blumauer is sending out the lltera- 7:30 p.m. Church service. Sub­ received over lour tons of tobacco be seen at the Gem Theatre Friday, days to try and argue cases, and eveu Prof. Brimhall, of Nehalem, was a | ture and in a few days this will be ject of sermon: "Am I My Brother’s this week, the largest single ship­ Oct. 31 in Marion Fairfax’s photo­ then two condemnation suits were in possession of the schools, and she visitor and addressed the fifth and Keeper?” ment ever coming to Tillamook. Mr. dramatization of Gene Stratton given a change of venue, and other will attend the Tillamook Coun ity sixth grades, while the fourth, sev­ All are cordially Invited to attend Lawson now buys direct from -the Porter’s celebrated novel “Freckles.” cases held over. Judge Bagley had a Teacher’s Institute which will I be enth and eighth grades held their ex­ these services. manufacturer and this is a big ad­ ercises in their class rooms. busy time and little or no time was The story is probably one of the held early in December. vantage to the retail merchants of most familiar in the English lan­ lost, the judge holding evening ses­ I The local school held appropriate Nazarene Church Services. the county as they can buy direct guage. As a novel it had a great cir­ sion on several occasions to expedíate exercises Monday afternoon In honoi from Mr. Lawson and not through a culation and later was dramatized the business. The next term of the of Theodore Roosevelt’s birtrday. 10 a.m. Sunday School (Rally Day) $47.084.89 Delinquent in Taxes. jobbing houses f. o. b. Portland or and played on the stage. circuit court is in February. I The following pupils led their Mrs. Bert King, Superintendent. L. D. Smith vs. Chas Kunze et al. some other city. 11 am. sermon by the pastor in The story of "Freckles" has to do The second half of the 1918 tax classes for the last report month: i Quite a number of Tillamook dairy­ with the adventures of an orphan Order that the service and summons roll was collected, the last payment Mrs. Burge’s room: 1st B, Dan Ma­ the interests of the Red Cross Sun­ men have bought land near Monte­ with a withered arm. He runs away be made upon defendant Al. W. Har­ became due the 5th of October, and han, 93; 1st A. Pauline Bchelling, day; subject: "America, the Good sano, Wash., and will remove there, from the orpanage and finally se­ rison by publication. there is delinquent on the tax roll 92; Miss Rennet’s room, 1st B, Wil­ Samaritan Among the Nations." Charles Elliott vs. Fred Skomp. $47,084.89, which is altogether too lard True. 92; 1st A, Mantle Stiinp- 7 p.m. Peoples’ service, led by Mrs. the reason being that they have cures a position as watchman in the Verdict for the defendant. This was much for this* county, especially son, 92; Second grade B class, Helen Jay Honey. All welcome. bought bottom land at one half the Limberlost, a valuable timber swamp 8 p.m. evening sermon, with special How he meets the "Angel” saves a case where plaintiff contracted to when there is plenty of money in the Schultz, 92 and Ruth Kura til, 92; A price what it could be bougin for in gather chittim bark on defendant’s bani. and circulation. This is an in- class, Sears Cook, 91; Third grade, singing. this county. C. A. Swenson, Carl I uls employer's life at the risk of his Mid-week service on Thursday at Swenson, Oscar Swenson, Harry ’own, and later nearly loses his own place and was given permission' to crams* of $5.000 over the previous B class, Mamie Dye, »2; A class. 7:30 p.m., for song, prayer and tes­ aweiison, W. Goeres, Pete Heisel, C. .life to save the "Angel," is presented store it in a barn, and the plaintiff year. At liether this is due Io the fact Dorothy Easom, 92, 4th grade, B H. Norberg, L. Anderson, L. Nielson I in a most graphic and beautiful man- accused defendant of setting out fire that the people voted against printing class, Alvera True, 92; A class, Tom timony. ¡without a permit, which was the re­ the ueiiuquent tax we do not know, Handley 90; 5th grade, B class, Edna and W. Berns are among those who I ner. sult of the barn burning and the but we know thia that there are per Blanchard. 91, and Camille Haltom Saving in High Cost of Living. have bought land there. - o------ bark being destroyed, for which he sons who fail to pay tbeir taxes until 90.3; A class, Marjorie Tucker, 93; Sweet Picture Story. We offer these bargains In news­ Carl Haberlach reports that ths sued for $220.01». The plaintiff failed they are forced to. and by not pub 6th grade, B class, Loretta Zenger ------- o------- September checks will not be out to convince the jury that Skomp was lishing the delinquent tax list those 92; A class, Muriel Wiley, 95; 7th papers: Lila Lee's new play "Puppy Love,” uatil the 10th of the coming month, responsible for the loss, but to make who do pay their taxes are deprived grade. B class, Roletta Watson, 95; Dally and Sunday Oregonian will be shown at the Gem as the association has consideiable which and Headlight, 1 year.......... $7.50 sure, the jury was taken to the of knowing who are delinquent in A. Class, Car vis Artrip, 93; Sth grad< cheese «till in cold storage for ageing Theatre next Monday, is a delight- Skomp place to see in which direc­ Dally Oregonian and Headlight B class. Evelyn Zenger, 92; A class, purposes, and wants to know how fully sweet story the development of tion tire fire went. Previous to doing their taxes unless they go to the 1 year .................................... $5.50 Lucia Wiley, 95. things will come out before making which recalls the days of youth, the so most of the jurymen were in fa­ court house to do so. It was a bad Weekly Oregonian and Head­ payments for cheese. With Eastern springtime of love of most of us. Miss vor a verdict for defendant, and on mistake the people made when they I The boy« of the four upper grade» light, 1 year ........................... $2.25 prices firm. It looks as though prices Lee has a charming role which she its return the first ballot was a ver­ voted against publishing the de­ (are organizing basketball teams. Portland Telegram and Head­ linquent tax list, brought about by a The seventh grade B class trium­ might advance slightly further soon, portrays convincingly, and she is dict for defendant. light, 1 year ............................. $5.45 whole lot of mistatements published phed over the A class in a spelling there is danger ot getting prices splendidly supported by Charles Mur­ Headlight and Oregon Farmer Herman H. Tubbeslng vr . Edward by the unreliable Portland Journal. contest. high because storage stocks in ray the famous Irish comedian, and M. Clark. Defendants restrained and $2.25 I 1 year ... This la the present condition ot the Harold Goodwin. country are very high. F hut too J ■ j * n X n • / 1