Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, October 23, 1919, Image 7

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as follows, to-wit;
Lincoln Add—Block 3% Alley, C. E.
Hadley, owner. Amt. to Lien »27.17;
Int. to Nov. 7, ,3.26.
Cost of advertising ...
Lincoln Add.—Block 9, E. 24.
Lot 5, W. 3.5 ft. Lot 6. E. M.
Hooper, owner.
Amt. of Lien,
___ ,
$333.85: Int. to Nov. 7. $40.06.
Cost of advertising ..............,4.37
McDermott Add.—Block 2, Lot 1. C.
L. Everson, owner. Amt. of Lien
$719.69; Int. to Nov. 7, »86.36
Cost of advertising ................ ^4.12
McDermott Add.—Block 2, Lot 2, C.
L. Everson, owner. Amt. of Lien.
479.83: Int. to Nov. 7, »57.58.
Cost of advertising ................ $4.12
Stillwell Add.—Block 3. Lot 4. J.
McMahan, owner. Amt. of Lien,
$192.39; Int. to Nov. 7, $17.30.
Cost of advertising ................ »1.12
Said sale will take place at the
front door of the City Hall in Tilla­
mook City, Oregon, being the build­
ing in which the Common Council of
said Tillamook City holds its sessions.
That named of the owners, or re­
puted owners, of the aforesaid pro­
perty as given in the foregoing list,
are the same of such owners, or re­
puted owners as they appear on the
bond lien docket of Tillamook City,
Oregon, and the respective tracts ot
land described will be sold at said
sale to satisfy the assessment, in­
tent and costs due upon each tract
described herein, and each tract will
be sold separately.
Said sale will be made for the pur­
pose of satisfying delinquent assess­
ments for street improvements, duly
assessed against said property, to­
gether with interest and costs there­
on, such assessments having been
made by the Common Council of Till­
amook City, Oregon, on November
7tK, 1917, and the said several own­
ers having made application to pay
the same in installments, and said
applications having been entered in
the bond lien docket of Tillamook
City, default having thereafter been
made in the payment of the install­
ments due upon said assessments, and
more than 20 days having elapsed,
and the Common Council of Tilla­
mook City having, on Sepetbmer 3rd
1919, ordered a warrant issued for
the collection of said delinquent as­
sessments in the manner provided by
the chartaf of Tilamook City.
Dated this September ----- , 1919.
Dated this September 30th, 1919.
M. E. Gruber.
Marshal of Tillamook City, Oregon.
i"-?.E I a package today. No-
tice the flavor—the whole­
some taste of Kentucky Burley
Why do so many “regular
men” buy Lucky Strike
cigarettes? They buy them
for the special flavor of the
toasted Burley tobacco.
There’s the big reason—it’s
toasted, and real Burley. Make
Lucky Strike your cigarette.
Notice of Sale for Delinquent Street
Notice of Sale for Delinquent Street
Good Reason.
“The more responsibility we have
by virtue of a warrant issued by the
City Recorder of Tillamook City, Ore- > to assume^ the more care we take in
on, dated September 30th, 1919, is­ keeping out of trouble.” remarked a
sued by order of the Common Council ¡California Judge recently. "Too many
of Tillamook City, Oregon, the under­ of us are like the chauffeur who was
signed, Marshal of Tillamook City,
employer home
Oregon, has levied upon and will, on driving
. his . former _____
Friday the 7th day of November ^rom the club, .aid the man. James,
1919, st the hour of 10 o’clock A. M. I notice you don’t drive as fast now
sell at public auction to the highest as you did when you were my chauf-
bidder for cash in hand, the properties feur.’ ‘ ....
No, ....
sir,’ replied James; ‘you
hereinafter described.
'see, sir, you owned that car and I
The respective tracts or parcels of own this one.”
ground to be sold, together with the .
------ o------
respective names of the owner or I
Woman s Way.
owners thereof, and the amount for
which each separate tract will be sold, I He emerged from the dining room
are as follows, to-wit:
Maple Grove Add—Tract beginning window und slunk steathly toward
330 feet S. of S. E. corner of Block the shadows. "Ulloy, ‘Enry!” remark­
8, Tillamook, 100 feet W.; thence S. ? ed the shadows. "Got ’er jools?” "No’
105 ft. West 100 ft., N. 105 ft. E. replied Enry. "Where d’you look?”
100 IV.,
ft., owner
uwnex M. n.
A. Baker estate. | "In
... 'er
«.a j.nva
jewel vt.o«
case Slid Ilin ilCVCry
*...z. of e lien,
_ »or
tn T„4-
Int. to Nov. 1 7, ' drawer
in . her bereau." "Lord, man,
don't no nofink about the ways
Ma jde°G rove eAdd—Block ' 3.‘ Lot° 1 of woulen- whY ^‘dn’t yer look in the
owner, Omer Kiger. Am’t. of lien bulf room? You d found the whole
Int. to Nov. 7, »105.63.
| bloomin’ lot where she left ’em on
Cost of advertising ................ »4.12 the wash basin.”
------ o—
Said sale will take place at the
front door of the City Hall in Tilla­
mook City, Oregon, being the build­
A guy once got Into a smoking car
ing in which the Common Council of
said Tillamook City holds its sessions. in New England, chummed up with
That names of the owners, or re­ the next man to him, handed him a
puted owners, of the aforesaid pro­ cigar, and said, ‘Say you’re not sup­
perty as given in the foregoing list, posed to do any fishing up here this
are the names of such owners, or re­
puted owners as they appear on the month, but I don’t mind telling you
Dona lien aocsei
docket or
of Tillamook
iiiiuuiook mj,
City, I *■ ’ve got 100 pounds of the finest cod
Oregon, and the respective tracts of 'out in the baggage car that you ever
land described will be sold at said laid eyes on.” The newly made ac-
sale to satisfy the assessment, in- quaintance puffed away at his cigar
terst and costs due upon each tract for a minute or two, and then said:
described herein, and each tract will
“Say, d'ye know who 1 am?” "No.
be sold separately.
Said sale will be made for the pur­ Who are you?” asked the fisherman.
pose of satisfying delinquent assess­ "I’m the state game warden of Mas­
ments for street improvements, duly sachusetts,” he replied. “The devil
assessed against said property, to­ you are!” ejaculated Izaak Walton's
gether with interest and costs there­
on, such assessments having been disciple. “Do you know who I am?”
made by the Common Council of Till­ “No. Who are you?” “Well, I’m th«
amook City, Oregon, on February biggest liar in North America.”
3rd, 1913, and the said several own­
------ o------
ers having made application to pay
Putting It Up To Dad.
the same in installments, and said
“May I have a word with you, Mr.
applications having been entered in
the bond lien docket of Tillamook Green?” began the young man.
‘Certainly, you may,” said the
City, default having thereafter been
made in the payment of the install- Wall Street father.
unon said assessments, and
“I want you to decide a bet.”
more than 20 days having elapsed, “Very good. Go on.”
and the Common Council of Tilla­
“I want to marry your daughter.”
mook City having, on Sepetbmer 3rd
“Tut-tut sir."
1919, ordered a warrant issued for
“But wait. Your daughter has bet
the collection of said delinquent as­
sessments in the manner provided by me that you will give your consent
the charter of Tilamook City.
to our marriage and I have bet her
Dated this September 30th, 1919. that you will not. Now, you certainly
M. E. Gruber,
Marshal of Tillamook City, Oregon, i would not want to decide the bet so
;she would lose; now would you?”
by virtue of a warrant issued by the
City Recorder of Tillamook City, Ore-
Notice of Sale of Real Property By the City of Tillamook, County of date hereof.
on, dated September 30th, 1919, is­
Tillamook, State of Oregon, on the
Dated this September 25th, 1919.
Administratrix De Bonis Non
sued by order of the Common Council
10th day of September. 1919.
John William Jennings, of Tillamook City, Oregon, the under­
In the circuit court of the State of
Talmage, Claussen & Mannix
Administrator. signed, Marshal of Tillamook City,
Oregon, for the County of Multnom-
Oregon, has levied upon and will, on
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
One Big Cause.
- -----
The Second Chance.
ah. Probate Department.
------ o------
Address Tillamook, Oregon. Notice of Sale for Delinquent Street Friday the 7th day of November,
George M. Cohun tells the follow­
1919, at the hour of 10 o’clock A. M.
In the matter of the estate of
sell at public auction to the highest
ing story; “When I was a youngster
Leonard Krebs, deceased.
------ o------
I bidder for cash in hand, the properties high cost of living iB the increase on ^our town was thrown into a frenzy
Notice is hereby given, that pur-
freight rates and the demoralization
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That ' hereinafter described.
suant to power and authority grant­
_____ __ of of freight service under government of excitement through the appear­
In the Circuit Court of the State of by virtue of a warrant issued by the
tracts or r
City Recorder of Tillamook City, Ore- ground to be sold, together with the operation. Manufacturers cannot un- ance of a chap known as Jack the
ed to the administratrix de bonis Oregon for Tillamook County.
on, dated September 30th, 1919, is­ respective names of the ovner or (jel. the present system get raw mate­ Kisser. He used to jump out of dark
non of the estate of Leonard Krebs, Jeanette Seymour, Plaintiff
sued by order of the Common Council owners thereof, and the amount for'
places, grab the girls, kiss them, and
decerned, by the above entitled court
of Tillamook City, Oregon, the under­ which separate tract will be sold, are rials when needed; merchants cannot run away. A friend of minfe and a
on t'.e 3rd day of September, A. D., Antone J. Seymour, Defendant.
signed, Marshal of Tillamook City, as follows, to-wit;
girl were discussing the kisser, he
1919, the administratrix de bonis '
To Antone J. Seymour, the above Oregon, has levied upon and will, on Original Town of Lincoln—Block 9, paid on many shipments. All these
declaring that a man could kiss a
non of the above entitled estate will, named defendant: In the name of the Friday the 7th day of November E. 24 % ft., Lot 5; W. 3
ft. Lot6.
1919, at the hour of 10 o’clock A. M. E. M. Hooper, owner. Amt. of Lien, There can be no settled basis of man­ girl whether she willed it or not, and
from and after Saturday, the 25th State of Oregon:
day of October, 1919, offer for sale
ufacturing or distributing costs until she maintaining that it couldn’t be
You are hereby required to appear sell at public auction to the highest »27.42; Int. to Nov. 7, »3.30.
done. Finally they decided that the
and will proceed to sell at private and answer the complaint filed bidder for cash in hand, the properties
transportation system has been only way to prove their contentions
hereinafter described.
Stillwell Add.—Block 3, Lot 4. J.
. , and effl-
sale to the highest bidder, for cash, against you In the above entitled
more , economical
The respective tracts or parcels of u.u.k.» owner. Amt. „»
of T Lien, , rendered
was to try it. They did. And the man
subject to the conf'rmation by the cause, on or before the date of the ground to be sold, together with the McMahan,
»47.04; Int. to Nov. 7, »4.23.
cient‘ Sidetracks are lined with emp- won after a brief struggle and kissed
Circuit Court of tha State of Oregon last publication of this summons, to- respective names of the owner or
Cost of advertising ................ »4.12
car8- old c“r8 needing
for Multnomah County, all the right, wit: on or before November 13, 1919, owners thereof, and the amount for Park Add.—Block 10, Lot 3. L. C. pairs have been destroyed. New cars the gill ardently for several minutes.
title and interest of said estate in and if you fail so to appear and ans­ which each separate tract will be sold, Smith, owner. Amt. of Lien, »33.79; have not been put In service. Mean- Then he released her. ‘Oh, well,’ said
are as follows, to-wit:
and to the following described real wer the complaint, for want thereof, Thayer's
'while, with winter approuching. the girl’, ‘you really didn’t win fair.
Add—Block 40, Lot 5. D. Int. to Nov. 7, »4.06.
property situate in the County of the plaintiff will apply to the Court W. Ijams Estate. Amt of lien
Cost of advertising ................f
»i *"
12 there is a car shortage. It’s a lovely My foot slipped. Let’s try it again.”
Thayer’s Add.—Block 40, Lot 6. mess the administration has made of
Tillamook, State of Oregon, to-wit: for the relief demanded In the com­ »212.21; Int. to Nov. 7,- »39.07.
D. W. Ijams Estate, owner. Amt. of
“A tract of land formerly known plaint, to-wlt: That the contract of
Home of Noted Ace.
Cost of advertising
running everything else it has un-
Lot 6, D.
as Lots Five (5), six (6), Seven (7), matrimony now existing between the Thayer’s Add—Block 40,
“I'm afraid you haven’t much of a
12 dertaken to do.
Cost of advertising ................i, »4 ___
alight (8) and Nine (9), in Block plaintiff and defendant be dissolved W. Ijams Estate. Amt. of Lien, Thayer
town here, my friend."
’s Add.—Block 40, Lot 5. I
Three (3) in Ocean Park, situate in and that the plaintiff be granted an
"What's wrong with it, stranger?”
Paid Publicity.
Cost of advertising .......... . »4.72 D. W. Ijams Estate, owner. Amt. of
Section Ninteen
(19), Township absolute divorce from the defendant,
Lien. »37.25; Int to Nov. 7, »4.46. I I
“Well, you have only half a dozen
-■ o-------
Four (4) South, Range Ten (10) and for such othSr relief as the I front door of the City Hall in Tilla­
Cost of advertising ................ <4)2: i Where the money is coming from ramshackle stores and about the
West, Willamette Meridian, in Tilla­ Court may deem just and meet.
mook City, Oregon, being the build­
that ¡ h being used by the league to same number of dwelling houses. The
mook County, State of Oregon, con­
This Summons is published by or­ ing in which the Common Council of Vosburg, owner. Amt. of Lien, enforce peace to create public senti­ most substantial building I see is the
taining .60 acres, more or less, as der of the Hon. A. M. Hare, County said Tillamook City holds its sessions.
Cost of advertising ................ »4.12 ment in favor of a ratification of the little red depot over there.”
That names of the owners, or re­
shown in Assessor s Tract Book as Judge of Tillamook County, Oregon,
"Maybe, you’re right stranger,
puted owners, of the aforesaid pro­ Stillwell Add.—Block 5, Lot 3. J. L. peace treaty and league of nations
Tract number 930.”
said order being dated September 25, perty as given in the foregoing list, Vosburg. owner. Amt. of Lien, covenant without reservations is to Chiggersville ain't much for looks,
Bid3 offered in writing
11919, and the date.of the first pub­ are the names of such owners, or re­ »37.24; Int. to Nov 7. $4.46.
be made the subject of a congression­ but,” continued the reslder as he
real property may be made
lication being Oct. 2nd, 1919, and of puted owners as they appear or,the
Cost of advertising ................ »4.12 al inquiry. A publicity bureau is be­ straightened up and his eyes flashed.
time after the publication
¡the last publication, November 13, i bond lien docket of Tillamook City, Stillwell Add.— Block 10, Lot 5. ing maintained at Washington, and "I'd have you understand that this is
notice and before making
I Oregon, and the respective tracts of Herman Theissen, owner. Amt. of it is said to be claimed by league of­ the home of an American ’ace."
land described will be sold at said Lien, »37.25: Int. to Nov. 7. $4.46.
the office of Emil P. Slovarp, Attor- ,
Johnson & Handley,
sgle to satisfy the assessment, in­
Cost of advertising ................?4 12 ficials themselves that they have 20-
ney at Law, 608-9 Henry Building, i
Attorneys for the Plaintiff. tent and costs due upon each tract Stillwell
Add.—Block 10, Lot 4. D. 000 speakers on that platform. It is
Sea Dog Stuff.
Portland, Oregon.
P. O. Address: 107-8-9 described herein, and each tract will W. Ijams Estate, owner. Amt of estimated that even if no more than
Over a glass of—er- milk the old
Dated and first published Septem-
I. O. O. F. Building, be sold separately.
Lien, »37.24; Int. to Nov. 7, »4.46. the expenses of these men were paid, sea dogs were swapping yarns. "I
her 18, 1919.
Said sale will be made for the pur­
Tillamook, Oregon.
Cost of advertising ................ »4.12 it would amount to »40,000 a day. It remember one time," said the one
Helen Krebs, Adminls- ,
pose of satisfying delinquent assess­ Maple Grove Add.—Block 3, Lot 1.
tratrix de bonis non of
ments for street improvements, duly I Omar C. Kiger, owner. Amt. of Lien is said that the prominent men have with the scarlet nose. "We ran into
been approached with offers to speak a hurricane. The cook was in the
assessed against said property, to­ $35.47; Int. to Nov. 7. $4.20.
the Estate of Leonard
for the league for at least »400 a galley cooking salt horse, what the
Krehs, deceased.
In the County Court of the State of on, such assessments having been
Said sale will take place at the night. Senator Borah has charged owners call beef, and raising a
C. C. Stout and Emil Slovarp,
Oregon, for the County of Tillamook. made by the Common Council of Till­
door of the City Hall in Tilla­ that the big business interests of dickens of a steam. But that there
€08-9 Henry Bldg., Portland, Ore.
In the matter of the estate of amook City, Oregon, on May front
mook City, Oregon, being the build­ New York are contributing to
I the
Attorneys for Estate.
Nicholas Job, deceased, commonly
ing in which the Common Council of enormous fund, and received u letter hurricane was so cold that it froz.
the steam solid, with poor old cookie
¡known at Nick Job.
said Tillamook City holds its sessions. from Jacob H. Schiff, of New
York, in the center, and it took iih three
same in installments, and said
That names of the owners, or re­
I Notice is hereby given to all whom the
applications having been entered in
saying that he had contributed I »27.- hours to dig him out.” "That soT”
------ o------
it may concern, that the undersigned the bond lien docket of Tillimool. puted owners, of the aforesaid pro­
perty as given in the foregoing list, 000 to the pool.
In the Circuit Court of the State of has been by the County Court of Til­ City,
replied the one with the wooden leg.
default having thereafter been are the names of such owners, or re­
| "Minds tne of an arctic voyage I went
Oregon for Tillamook County.
lamook County, Oregon, duly ap­ made in the payment of the install­ puted owners as they appear or the
James Hiatt, Plaintiff.
on once. The cold was so 'orrible
An Organ's Poor Excuse.
pointed Administrator of the Estate ments due upon said assessments, and I bond lien docket of Tillamook City,
that It froze the bo’sun's shadow to
of Nicholas Job, deceased, commonly more than 20 days having elapsed, Oregon, and the respective tracts of
the Common Council of Tilla­ land described will be sold at said
Osa Hiatt, Defendant.
the deck, and we had to hack it loose
known as "Nick Job; and all persons and
mook City having, on Sepetbmer 3rd
To Osa Hiatt, Defendant.
having claims against said estate are 1919, ordered a warrant issued for sale to satisfy the assessment, in­ that the threat of piosecution in with a chopper before he could move.
In the name of the State of Oregon: hereby notified to present same, duly the collection of said delinquent as­ tent and costs due upon each tract England brought prices tumbling, And another time—” he went on.
You are hereby notified and required verified, as by law required, to the sessments in the manner provided by described herein, and each tract will in explanation the World said that reminiscently. But his friend had
be sold separately.
to appear in the above entitle cause undersigned, at his i office in Tllla- the charter of Tilamook City.
Said sale will be made for the pur­ the reason was that in England vanished.
and court and answer the complaint mook City, Oregon,
------ o------
wlthin six
pose of satisfying delinquent assess­ threats of that kind mean business,
M. E. Gruber.
filed herein, within six weeks from months from this date.
ments for street improvements, duly in the United States they are fre-
Too Gay.
Marshal of Tillamook City, Oregon. assessed against said property, to­
the date of the first publication of
"Why don’t you propose to that
quently a bluff. Whereupon the Syra-
Dated October 16th, 1919, being
gether with interest and costs there­
♦his summons, which said date is the the first publication of this notice.
asked if girl? You like her, and I'm sure she
Notice of Sale for Delinquent Street on, such assessments having been cuse, N. Y., Post-Standurd
11th day of September, 1919, and if
John Leland Henderson.
made by the Common Council of Till­ that didn’t indicate a lack of faith 'would have you."
you fail so to appea^, for want there­
of the
amook City, Oregon .on November in Mr. Palmer. Characteristically the | “Air true, but there Is an insurper-
of. the plaintiff will apply to the
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That 7th, 1917, and the said several own­ World replied that Attorney General able obstacle between us.”
estate of Nicholas Job,
Court for thd~relie’ demanded in the
by virtue of a warrant issued by the ers having made application to pay Palmer is “still waiting for Congress
"All family or religious objections
City Recorder of Tillamook City, Ore- the same in installments, and said to enact laws under which profiteers can be overcome."
complaint, to-wit: for an order and
on, dated September 30th, 1919, is­
decree forever dissolving, cancelling
"Nothing like that. I got a little
sued by order of the Common Council the fond lien docket of Tillumoek can be prosecuted.” The World as
and anulling the contract and rela­
of Tillamook City, Oregon, the under City, default having thereafter been Democratic apologist has jumped out too gay when I first met her and told
tion of marriage heretofore existing NOTCE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That signed, Marshal of Tillamook City, made in the payment of the install­ of the ftying pan into the fire. After her I was getting »50 a week, where­
between the plaintiff and defendant, the undersigned has been by the Coun­ Oregon, has levied upon and will, on ments due upon said assessments, and nix years of complete control of the as I am only getting »25.
and for such other and further relief ty Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, Friday the 7th day of November, more than 20 days having elapsed, executive and legislative blanches of
as to the court may seem equitable appointed administrator of the estate 1919, at the hour of 10 o’clock A. M. and the Common Council of Tilla­ government, the Democratic party,
The imaginative editors and ora-
sell at public auction to the highest mook City having, on Sepetbmer 3rd which came into power promising to tors who compare President Wilson
in the premises.
This summons is served upon you
the collection of said delinquent as­ pulverize the plutocrats and paralyze to Abraham Lincoln ought to remem­
by publication, by order of the Hon. persons having claims against the hereinafter
sessments in the manner provided by the profiteers, now says that it has ber that it was Mr. Lincoln't prede­
A. M. Hare. Judge of the County estate are required to present them ground to be sold, together witn the the charter of Tilamook City.
failed to put on the statute books cessor. not Lincoln, who was “too
Court of the State of Oregon for for allowance to the undersigned at respective names of the owner or
Dated this September 30th, 1919. any law which would enable the At proud to fight” and "kept uh out of
Tillamook County.
owners thereof, and the amoant *or
fo. n«> Geni i al to prosecute prifltcers war."
Made and entered at Chambers at mook, Oregon, within six months from which separate tract will be sold, are Marshal of Tillamook City, Oregon.