eillamnnk üpaùliaht Fred C. Baier, Ed-tor. SUBSC KIP HON per year $2.00 Advertizing late£ Duplay Advu. per inch ......... 2x. Locals ............................ per lise Reader«, with lea.i.r.g matter per Lute................................... Notices of mee’.irgi etc. per Lne Editorial ¡Snap Shots page gene their Pall de city. Th. vrlde-a s gcxji preve build- >f the a clean, ¿¿id Ö executive That’s toigl board of the Tillar Red Croce, for it is composed entirely of men folk. The board will have to get in and dig as there are no lad les on the board to pile the ha d work onto. This is plain proof that Tillamook chee-e did no" receive a square deal at the State Fair. At the county fair the cheese that ob’ained a score of 97 points was sent to the State Fair, wheresit received only 91*4 points. From the same batch, a cheese was sent to the National Dairy Show at Chicago, and in competition with cheese from all parts of the United States, it received 95 *3 points. The snap shot man thinks the S ate Fair managers had a pretty bum cbeeàe judge. He was no doubt a fine gentleman, but knew very little about cheese, hence it looks "hat Til­ lamook cheese did not get a square deal. Fay Bren- EarL » to be _.-ga nixed ■» and Sc.phoa.ores. and nd Fre-hE.es There are d ptayx-rs oa both aioes and expected that there will be ood ganses The teams are ic.ng every day and in abo_ weeks the first gau-e will co nager. Au FIRE-PROTECTION FIRE-INSURANCE What Would Your wife do if fire broke out ? I IOS ! read '•J- co: traited by B t Hadley and Clayi os Let ha re. It* wa» approved by the club and wen* into immediate Dont delay getting this ex­ effect. tinguisher in your home. A eommitty was appointed to Call or phone right now. »nappy and artistic notice« on the ,ey were Betty Lanta Theo­ board. dore Litsberg and Harry Eliiott. Ancther eommif.ee was appointed to get new members for the club. They are Clayton Hailey ar.d George May Carlin. A debate will be giv-n on lhapp. he requited to be bap­ Wednesday by Clayton Hadley and tized and to partake of the holy Audry Earl affirmative and Thomas i Communion, which request Large, negative. This is the first ! gladly granted. tO be g iven and is expected to j Ir. this faith he parsed to the better good one. land on Octoter 17, ISIS. Among FYR-FYTER other relatives who mourn his de­ parture, are his three daughters: Mrs. Frank Donald, of Dt- Angeles, Ca!.; Mrs. Ada Handy, of Nehalem. Ore.; and Mrs. Josephine Schrader, of Tillamook. His funeral was held at the Nazarene church on Sunday, Oct. 19, at 2 p.m.. Rev. A. F. lugler offi­ ciating. Interment in the Odd Fel­ lows' cemetery. Tins AGENCY OFFERS YOU BOTH. If I had all I've SA VED believe me, I'd be some rich kid! » FYRFYTER one-quart hand chemical ex­ tinguisher; instant and panic­ proof in operation; child can work it perfectly; for fac­ tories, offices, homes, garages, autos. Install at once; call or phone now. ROLLIE W. WATSON, “THE WSJKANCE HAN,” OREGON, TILLAMOOK CITY, NATIONAL BUILDING. SPECIAL ! We are going to enter a contract with the Headlight for a year's advertising,so look for this space each week. We are after this so called Grocery Trust and you may well know that when we advertise an article we have an adequate stock on hand and you get what you buy. We give honest weight 40c. per lb Bulk Coffee Tea - 45c. per lb Lesli.es Salt, 50 lb sack - 9Cc. Carnation Feed - $1.85 per sack Prince Albert Tobacco, 2 for 25c. Wheat 84.20 per sack Bacon Back 383 per Crackers - 2 lb. for 2oc Harry J- Foster re. Dorothy Foster. Divorce, which was granted. Emily John-on vs. Elate of James Hughey. Setttled and dismissed. Bay City vs. Eugene McGill. M. F. Murphy and Stephen Cillins. Decided that defendants are the owners of all the right, title and interest to the I property claimed by the plaintiff. StkLppi-W.smer Weeding. Settled and plaintiff» complaint U 'dismissed. A pretty wedding was solemnized Evely n Steidinger vs. N. P. Hansen on Wednesday afternoon, October 7, et al. an injunction suit. Defendants al the parsonage of the Reformed restraied and enjoined from conduct­ Church, the pastor. Rev. W. G. <: "propose capturing the county ing any further blasting or slashing Licnkamper. officiating, when Miss commissioners and judge and treat­ which would result In the turning Edna Wismar became the w.fe of ing them to an automobile tour of the water of the Wilson river in a Albert A Schlappi. They were ac­ the south end of the county when the different direction. companied to the alter hy Mr. and road» get nice and jucy with mud A. G. Beals vs. Silver Spruce Co. Mrs. Herman Schlappi. brother of the and the wheels try to find bottom. Verdict for the plaintiff for 3401.65. groom, and the ring ceremony was Some day they may wake up and E E. White vs. Retta White. Di­ used. The bride is the handsome learn that there are roads and people vorce. Decree gianted that the mar­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Wis- in this end of the county and—it riage contract be annulled. mer, of Pleasant Valley, and she was may be too late.—Enterprise. Buffalo Fertilizer Co. vs. James F. beautifully gowned in a snowy crepe The Cloverdale sheet every once In Bradley. Defendant required to ap­ de chine dress and the bridal veil a while takes a shot at the county pear in court on the ?24th and ans­ was held by a spray of orange blos­ court and threatens vengence. It is wer questions. soms. The bride's bouquet was sweet one thing to sit in an office and Fred Bohmer vs. F. L. Broden and peas and bride's roses. The groom is criticise, but if the Cloverdale scribe A. A. Yager. Motion for a new trial a son of Kasper Schlappi, and is now knew some of th ;■ difficulties that tbe overruled. the cheese maker at the South Prair- county officials have had to contend Bay City vs. W. S. Cone, et al. Or­ ie factory, where he has been em- with he would be a little more con­ der for default and decree against ployed for several years. The happy siderate. True, there is general dis­ defendant Cone. couple are very popular amongst the appointment that the contractors for State ot Oregon vs. Lewis C. Wilk­ young folks and they have the best the five miles of bard surfaced road es.. The clerk was directed to execute wishes of a large number of friends die not complete the work, but the a waiver of priority of the unpaid for their future happiness. The wed­ county officials should not be blamed portion of fine as far as the same ding dinner was served by Mr. and for that as it is the state highway may constitute a lien on defendant’s Mrs. Wismer at their home, which commission who is in charge of that property. was confined to relatives. The tollow­ work. , Fred C. Scomp vs. Charles Elliott. ing Friday evening a reception was ------- o------- Verdict for the plaintiff for 3145.00, given the happy couple at the home We do not want anybody to think and the sheriff ordered to pay same of the bride's parents, which was al­ we aie criticising the county school from sum in his hands. so confined to relatives and a few superintendent or the teachers for The case of Vern Blanchard, a fish­ neighbors. holding annual teachers institutes, ing case appealed from the lustice for the law compels the superintend­ court The jury, which was out nearly "The Forbidden City.” ent to call an institute and the ------- o------- 24 hours and locked up all night, teachers to attend it. We have con­ I Norma Taimage the beautiful Se­ brought In a verdict of guilty. tended a good many time» before that The Whitney Co., vs. Amos P. Cole lect star, will be presented by Joseph we think it altogether out of place, is an injunction suit filed in the cir­ M. Schenck in her latest Select Pic­ direcilv the school gets started after cuit court. ture “The Forbidden City” at the a long summer vacation, to close P. E. Rogers vs. D. W. Snider is a Gem Theatre, Sunday October 2«. them down so that the teacher» can suit filed in the circuit court to re- ' This is a Chinese story by George ho.J an institute. That is one reason cover 3193.20 for merchandise Bold l Scarborough. why we have criticised the annual the defendant. The story begins with Wong Li, a teachers’ institute in this county. It Jas A. Laland was indicted by the Chinese i mandarin, learns that his it is the right thing to close the grand jury last week and the man beautiful daughter, San San, nas schools for teachers’ conventions, v. a Air rex ted in Portlard and brought i married secretly to John Worden, a why stop there? It would be just as ito this city. He is charged with non- ; young officer attached to the Ameri­ logical, after county officials are support. The man carried a Y. M. C. can i counsulate. He spirits tian San elected to close up the court house lA. membership card. He was divorc- away i during her husband's absence, for the best part of a week so that |ed from his wife and it was for the and Warden is never again able to the new county officials could hold non-support of his child that he was find tier. As Wong Li has been in dis­ a conference, or after the county gets indicated on the complaint of his favor of the royal court, he offers its road crews together to stop work I, former wife. The man pleaded guilty San San to the Emperor. The emper­ for a convention land is endeavoring to find someone or accepts his daughter, but when he ---- o--------- to go on his bond to insure the sup- learn» that San San has given birth When a business man employes a to a half American baby girl he 01- i port of tbe child. peison for special work. It is pre­ ders both Wong Li and San San kill­ I sumed that he 1» competent and ex-1 ed. Tiie baby, Toy is ¿saved. perienced in that Hue of buxine •. i De .tl. of Robert George Jack»on. Later in life after loy has g.own ------ O- — — The same rule should apply to teach- | to beautiful womanhood, she makes Robert George Jackson was born era. for a large amount of the tax- her escape to Manila, where she be­ payers' mor.yy 1.- u»ed every yea r for in St. Lawrence, N. Y.. September 20, comes a Red Crass nurse. Here she the tnainteiMiDce of normal schools, 1812. ar.d lived there until he was meets ami falls in love wish Lieut. the Agricultiilal College and the uni- fifteen years of age. At that time Philip Halbert. The two plan to mar­ veisity to prepare teachers, A good 11 he fu.nily moved to Wisconsin, but ry. but when the governor John many teachers agree with us, while in the aqtumnof 1862, they journey- Woidsn. learns that Halbert is about there are others who do not, but we led across the plains in a prairie to marry a Chinest! girl, he sends want (o make it plain that sv are schooner, drawn by an ox team, ar.d him away on a distant mission, la ¡took up their residence near Denver, uot criticising anyone, simply the Colorado Six years later the broth­ the meantime the governor becomes law that makes it Imperative to hold ers. John William and Robeit. went seriously ill. Toy is his ntu.- and as teachers’ conventions, for we cannot he parib recovers he finds out that see any good in allowing 2000 chil­ to California where the latter en­ she is the daughter of his Chinese gaged in the mining business In dren of this county remain in Idle-, to Tillamook wife Then Halbert returns and the liana while about SO teachers bold a| 1883, Robert come ” ICounty, Oregon, where he resided governor gives his consent lot their convention, and we think most of the about twenty years but, since 1903 wedding, which is celebrated at his parents agree with us. It's the law his residence has been in British bedside. however, and we think we are with­ 'Columbia and eastern Oregon. Dur­ in our rights when we criticise that Reformed Church. ing the past three years he has lived law as not exactly the proper kind ------ o with his brother William, near of a law All we need add. if a coun­ Rev. W. G. Lienkaemper. pastor. Monument. Oregon, and. in a help- ty institute Is held we hope the At the Reformed Church the p: teacht rs will have a profitable time. less afflicted condition seven months tor will preach on the coming Sun­ ago, he was brought to his daughter's home in Tillamook, There he has day at 11 o’clock on "The Power and mook, spent Sunday at Garibaldi. High School Note«. been cared for by his brother and Condition of Salvation.” - o - — There will be special singing by a Vivian Walker and wife, of Tilla­ daughter and kind neighbors until Enthusiasm seems to be the •‘•/■J the end came last Friday morning. male quarlett. mook. spent Sunday with .Mr. and note of high school life this fall, not Sunday School at 10 a.m. Mrs. McMillan, Mrs. Walker’s p r- During his lifetime, Robert Jack­ only in athletics but scholarship as sog had read several infidel works. ents. well. btif. In the past few weeks all influ­ J. Beaman and family left Wednes­ GARIBALDI NEWS NOTES. Last week the girls organised an ences of those teachings vanished day for Portland, where they will r Is going to be athletic club. The club from his mind and, when he was J. A. McDonald, of Mohl»r. was at make their future home. one of the "peppiest'’ in the school, ytslted by Christian friends who pres­ Garibaldi Saturday and Sunday. H. Hamilton and faintly, of Forest The members decided to call their sed upon him the need of salvation Dave Knimlauf was home from Grove, are stopping at the Cove in K. organization The Girla' Athletic So­ by faith In the Lord Jesus Christ, he Brighton Sunday. Dave works in the N. Staehr’s house. ciety. The officers elected are: Presi­ was ready to accept the true religion Brighton mills. dent, Betty Lantz; Vice-Pres., Eu- and did so. Several days after thia A. H. Gaylord and wife, of Tilla- 9 -^S***’ CONOVER & CONDIT Girls—Ladies--Women I> I-IX IKII.1.1J.TKR"M K