Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, October 23, 1919, Image 2

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For Lunch
There’s nothing like a cup of Folger’s Golden
Gate Coffee with the noonday meal
It’s different in taste from other coffee and
You can afford Folger’s Golden Gate—it
costs less than two cents a cup.
g u> meeting on aan-
o prayer service on Thurs-
ixvoived piea&ast mee
be neighbors sad fr.e&ic
k met often
La other ways,
ere comparatively few altra:- I
tai came into ccmpetitlcs
with the church, and so there was
eomparatfveiy little teed of ce rising
innovation* to attract lb* public.
since then, he we ver. times have
changed. The life of the average com­
munity has become more complex
and there is far more in the way of I
social diversion to attract people
elsewhere than to church. 1’. there­
fore behcoves the church to follow
the example ot the merchant and f-t
into the competition. There can be
no doubt that the world will be
tremendously benefitted by extend­
ing the influence of the church more
widely. Shivers run down our spines
when we talk ot bolshevism and its
attendant manifestations. uid yet
the purposes of bolshevism are im-
¡Densely furthered by the current
'habit o. going elsewhere than to
church. The church is a p: werful
stabilizing influence in the eommun-
rty and anything that tends to ex­
tend its influence tends to commun­
ity betterment. On the whole, it is a
most encouraging sign to see the
churches getting into the cotpeti-
lion and going after the customer»
that have been strayed off elsewhere.
Truth Coming Out.
We believe with the arrival of the
light shed on the darx ana impene­
trable mysteries of the league of na­
It is devoutly to be hoped such will
be the case.
Earl Grey of Falloden. better
known perhaps as Sir Edward Grey,
a man of 58, has emerged from well-
earned retirement to come here.
Alleyne Ireland. F. R. G. S.
appears in the light of a John
Baptist for the new minister
bluntly (1) that Eearl Grey
firm believer in the league of na­
tions; (2) that be holds no league
of nations, however skillfully devis­
ed, however solemnly subscribed to,
can accomplish its declared purposes
if there should be anything but
friendship between the United States
and the British Empire; (3) that the
duty here is to insure, so tar as lies
were put on a toll basis, and which
in his abilities, experience, character
- —o------
gained further publicity through ad­
and in the great and unusual powers
vertisements of one company pub­ Eugene House of Worship Uses Full with which he is clothed, that in a
world divided against itself there
It is not all surprising that the lished last week, is unfortunate to
Page for Publicity Purposes.
shall be no division between the
Granges of the Northwest are refus­ say the least. Washington county has
ing to form an alliance with the always prided itself upon its efficient
(Editorial in Eugene Register)
English speaking nations.
union labor organizations and the telephone service, and there is no I When the people of Eugene and
railroad brotherhoods, The farmers question that ability to secure rapid the surrounding country saw page
Administration Propaganda.
have suffered enough at the hands connection with all parts of the advertisements of church services in
county has been an asset which the yesterday’s newspapers they doubt­
of labor unions.- -Banka Herald.
One of the most active agencies of
people are unwilling to relinquish less regarded the innovation as a dis­ administration propaganda is pres­
The whole country, indeed the and for which ther are willing to pay tinct novelty—which it is. The ent is the Newspaper Enterprise As­
whole world, is to some extent suf- full value. The Hillsboro company ■ churches have not been in the habit sociation. of Cleveland. Ohio, which
fering from neurasthenia. The nerves has made a statement dealing with of taking their wares to the public supplies feature matter, cartoons and
of the world have been tense for the reasons tor the change and the in that way. On the contrary they cuts to newspapers of the Scripps
last five years. They have been over Scholls company has made another, have been inclined to urge that it is syndicate and to several hundred
strained. A great wave of nerve but whatever the merits ot the con- the duty of the public to seek out the other papers throughout the country.
fatigue is passing over the world, troversy, in the end the public is light that is hid under a bushel. It is Just now the service is issuing car­
and to this is due many of the chiefly concerned, It is a busines.- at least worthy of comment that toons violently assailing the mem­
things from which we are suffering, matter, pure and simple, and it some of them are complaining that bers of the Senate who decline to be
here and elsewhere. We lived for five would seem that an adjustment people are going elsewhere than to administration rubber stamps in
years on nerves, and now exhausted which will deal fairly with all could church.
consideration of the peace treaty
nerves are having their inevitable be made. In the meantime, being a
If the public will analyze a little league of nations covenant,
effect. Yet some men are not willing business matter, it should be consid­ more closely than common its reac­ same organization was active in
to take any decisive step for a peace­ ered purely as such and introductiou tions or surprise following yesterdays he kept us out of war” campaign of
ful order of things, but fight the of the personal element avoided.— advertisements, it will doubtless find 1916 in behalf of the Wilson organ­
country for political advantage.— I Independent.
that it is surprised not at the use of ization.
new-paper advertising, but at the
Telephone Register.
( If the Non-Partisaat League of employment of business methods in
Labor leaders of Oregon and Wash­ North Dakota is to be Judged by the interesting people in the church. It
ington are beginning to talk sound expieiwidns its governor makes in is a well proved maxim of advertis­ Tillamook People Are Pleased to
sense. They are telling the men that it public, no loyal American citizen can ing that the article advertised must
.'.*>rn How it has Been Done
has been proven that the cost of liv­ have much respect for the league. have merit if it is to be benefited by
h , tty hard to attend to duties
ing goes up as wages advance, and Governor Frazier, who was elected publicity. No amount of advertising
Via.. . constantly aching back;
that striking for more pay will not in that state by the non-partisan.i, is could force upon the public a safety
With annoying urinary disorders.
remedy the existing situation. That quoted as saying a short time ago. ¡razor that would not trim the morn­
Doan's Kidney Pills make work
is getting to the root of the evil. For "Our forefathers in 1776 had no ing crop of whiskers, or an automo­ easier for many a sufferer.
the last year too many workingmen voice In the taxes they had to pay, bile that would not run. Similarly
They're for bad backs.
have gone upon the theory that they so they organized the revolution and church attendance cannot be increas­
For we£k kidneys.
should get more wages, not reckon- broke away from tyranny. It was a ed by advertising unless the services
Here is convincing proof of merit.
ing with the fact that every time Just revolution. I hope to God we can I at the church are such as to inter­
Jack Mott, 918 Hoyter St. Dallas,
they get a raise there must be an ad- change things here by the use of the est those who come and draw them Ore., says: "I took Doan's Kidney
vance in the price of the article they ballot. I think we can. but if we can t 'back again to other services. There­ Pills several years ago when I was
produce, This question is one that it may be necessary to have another fore the departure from the ordinary having backache and other kidney
must be settled before the country just revolution." That is bad stuff. [lies In bringing the church into com- disorder. I blame the trouble to the
can get back upon a sound basis.— It is not the language ot a loyal I petition with other activities of nature of my work. Constant strain
American, uor one who respects the everyday life and bidding for attend­ and neglect caused my back to give
stars and stripes. When any man ance on the basis of merit.
out. Doan's Kidney Pills relieved me
■ ■ O-------
talking revolution in this | It seems to be a fact—regrettable, finally, My back soon felt as strong
Personally, we haven't much use starts
for lllram. We think if he had used country where everyone is free and but nevertheless a fact—that church as ever and my kidneys were nor-
his head in 1912 h>* wouldn't have where we have equal suffrage, there attendance has been declining in re- mal.”
Price 60c., at all dealers. Don't
to be touring the country now to ;is either something wrong t with his cent years. Some of us blame the au-
and others the moving pic­
coun tonlobtle
simply n«k for a kidney remedy—get
cotul* internationalism He happens head or he is an enemy of our
to be on the right side of the league try, and in either case, an unsafe tures. Still others place responsibility ■ Doan'8 Kidney Pills—th«- -am* that
of nations but you never can tell man to be at large. The Non-Partisan upon the greater complexity of mod-! Mr. Mott had. Foster-M. burn Co..
when he Is going to be on the right League of North Dakota ought to ern life, which proves so many diver­ .Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y.—Pd. Adv.
side of anything else. Normally you repudiate It* governor's word’ and sions that the social feature ot com­
would have expected him to have apologize to a self-respecting public ing together at the church on Sunday
Oi-namental Fire Placet Built
been for the league covenant as it is. for the insult of even hinting at a is no longer needed to satisfy our
of Brick and Stone, All Fire
He has always taken the sentimental revolution in this country.—Iteniiz- gregarious instinct—In other words,
Places absolutely guaranteed
¡we no longer "go to meeting” in the
aide of an issue—-the grandstand er.
not to smoke or money rs-
sense of meeting neighbors and
side. Now we find him opposing the I
The laborer Is worthy of his hire, friends and joining with them not
superficial and making a fight for
Brick work of all kinds done
the practical. But we don't know
on shor» notice.
an hour or so of pleasant social in­
whether he will be practical about consideration from labor too.
We make a specie
tercourse. But. whatever the reason. 1
------- o-------
pairing smoking Fire
next Issue or not. We prefer
Sometimes indigestion Is the result there is complaint of declining at- .
almost any of the other nientlonablee
of something you’re swallowed, and tendance.
for president.—Gazette Tinies.
sometimes it's the result of some­ | There was a time when the mer­
------ o------
The telephone controversy which thing you can't make the other fel­ chant who was "known by all his
customers" did not need to add In-
raged since out-of-town calls low swallow.
What the Editors Say
Amans life
Reel them off—"Rio".Gibraltar,
Ceyke. Yokohama—all the great
ports of the world—are they only
pieces ce the map to you—or are
they ports where you’ve gone sail­
ing in fr o m the high seas with
every eye alccg the shore turned
admiringly on your big ship—
your ship! Every ocean has a
United States ship sailing for
some pert worth seeing.
If you’ve any call in you for a
full fife— join, and color all your
years ahead with memories of
rtirr.gr worth seeing—with knowl­
edge worth having—with an inex­
haustible ftmd cf sea tales and
adventures picked up ashore and
among men !
afloat that will make you a wrel-
cxne man in any company.
Work?—sure, and a man's work
it it, among men.
Play ?—well, rather, with a bunch
of men who know how to play.
These comrades of yours carry
in their ears the sounds of great
world cities, of booming guns, of
swashing seas—-sounds you will
share with them and that will
never die away.
And when you come home, you’ll
face life ashore with level eyes—
for Uncle Sam trains in eeff-
reliarce as well as self-respect.
The Navy builds straight man­
no mollycoddles.
Shove off ! 'Join the
City Vulcanizing and Tire Shop
Expert Tire Service.
Vulcanizing and Retreading.
All Work Guaranteed.
Let Me Keep You Out of Trouble. I carry a Stock ol Goodrich
Tires, Tubes and Tire Accessories.
Your Patronage Solicited.
IF your immediate need is a de
pendable, painstaking handling of
some business or financial matter,
read the last paragraph of this ad­
vertisement. Our desire is to go
less directly to the point.
/\ the final analysis, it trill be found that this in­
stitution is gorem^d by a spirit of helpfulness, and.
whaterer your business interests in this section may
be, you can confidently rely upon its cordial, intelli­
gent and personal co-operation.
The Strong Home Bank