TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. OCIOBER lb, 1919 MICKIE SAYS I S' you mustn ' t I WERE CARELESS NOU find a T hink JEST BECUZ T ypographical ERROR tN THE PAPER ONCE IN A, WHILE. Ms GOSH WITH T he M illions of chances T hey is t ‘ g - i T T hings wrong ; ) it ' s a wonoea we don ' t ( MAKE MORE ER.P.OPS \ TUAN WE DO *. Films. Cameras and Photo Films developed JOc. orders.—J. W. Edwall, Supplies with print • .GARIBALDI NEWS. ------- o------- Mr. Chas. Olson and a Mr. Hubbard ot Astoria, were at Garibaldi Monday leaving for Asctoria Tuesday. Mrs. Geo. W. Phelps made a trip to Tillamook Monday. Mr. C. G. Carlin and A. E. Hubert, | of the Cummings-Moberly Compan- i ies mill, went up to Belden hunting l and on a pleasure trip. Nick Hulse and family are moving to Coats’ logging camp on Bewely creek, as Mr. Hulse is working in the camp. James McDonald was down from Mohler Tuesday, where he has been working for the past six weeks. Ed Thompson and his brother, Bert, were down from Beldon, Ore- gon, the last part of the week, A. R. Sampson moved out to Carl- ton last Sunday. Mrs. H. E. Best was up from Rock- away Monday doing some shopping. A. N. Davies, ot Netarts, Garibaldi, Monday. Vote of Condolence. —_ Tillamook Cheese Makers Associa­ tion, of Tillamook, Oregon. - We, the committee appointed to draft resolutions ot condolence on Tillamook Headlight he tath and °,the fa;her °J, ou^ b B. I:,o/ e1d ___ O w ’s ** member president, Floyd Cul- THE COMMERCIAL SENSATION TILLAMOOK AND TILLAMOOK CO HALTOM Lands a Smashing Blow to Hi-Cost of living Right in the Face Of Merchandise Going Sky High in Price Announces a Sensational RE-ORGANIZATION « Jfping , , berson, beg to submit the following: n_„ , " | Whereas, the Supreme Ruler universe, in his wisdom and 1 has seen fit to receive from Good Second Hand Maxwell for sale, world of pain and sorrow to that cheap if sold at or.ee. A. H. Harris. happy home above, the beloved Pigs for sale—W. H. Banke, Netarts father of our member and president, and in his death we are once more For Sale, Briscoe five passenger reminded that our lives are but touring car, 1918 model. Price short duration, and are called to *700, terms. Carl Loll, Bay City, pause a moment in the busy whirl of Oregon. Oct. 9. life and bow our heads in humble For Sale—Pure bred Jersey bull, one submission to the will of Him who of the best bred in the county.— rules the destinies of all. Therefore, be it resolved that we, H. A. Springer H mile south ot Tillamook City Ot-23 as members of the Tillamook County Cheese Makers Association, extend Sweet Cider for sale—Call George to the bereaved family, our heartfelt Olson. Mutual I’hone. 0-23 sympathy in this hour of sorrow. Be it further resolved that a copy Just you hear the Brunswick, it plays all records at their best.—Paint of these resolutions be sent to the Confectionary. * bereaved family and one to the news­ papers for publication. For Sale—Thoroughbred Brown i Harry Thomas, Roy Savage and Swill Bull, 9 months old.—John Harry Hogan, Committee. Meier, Route 4, Hillsboro, Ore. 0-30 | _____ ______ For Sale—Team of mules, harness Bert Lytell to be Seen in Circus Play ------ o — Opening Sat., Oct. 18 at 9A.M Don’t Buyx a Dollar’s Worth of Goods Until this Mighty Sale Opens THIS ANNOUNCEMENT [lieraids the news of the opening of Haltom's GREATEST SALE. An event of thefgreatest importance to every person and family—coming as it does just at a time when you are thinking of buying fall and winter needs and right at a time when everything you eat and wear is going higher, and higher in price every day and there is no telling what kind of merchandise you will be able to buy in the near future or what unreasonable prices you will be compelled to pay SO THINK WHAT THIS SALE MEANS TO YOU when we tell you this monster REORGANIZATION SALE includes our entire stocks of high grade, dependable lines of merchandise (with the exception of contract goods.) A sale that will stand absolutely unequaled in the depth of under-pricing and values offered—one that from every view point will stand out as a buying occasion of com­ manding interest and profit to every one in this city and vicinity. and buggy. Inquire of M. E. Saw­ I "One-Thing-at-a-Time O'Day,” in yer, Tillamook. C '' ' which Bert Lytell is the star, will be We have been with you many years and have stood the acid test. Every word, every state­ the attraction at the Gem Theatre For Sale—1917 Ford Touring Car. ment, and every promise we have made during our business career has been lived up to the last In good shape. Oddress P. o. Box, Saturday, October, 18. 253. I The play which was adopted from syllable—we shall follow the same policy, the same business principals, all during this TOE the Saturday Evening Post story by GREATEST. OF ALL SALES and there will be no misrepresentations in our advertisements or in the Miscellaneous < Advertisements, i wiiiiam Dudley r Pelly, tells of a store, [so come to this store and sale expecting to find everything exactly as advertised and we young man who believes the way to Dr. Wise—Dentist. success lies in special study. promise you will not be disappointed. _____ sees and Jails "i In love with • Now is the time to can your meat I O'Day Because we are reducing, practically every article in this store and all hands are cutting and Let me fill your order front grain Marie, the beautiful K bare-back rider fed cows. Prices right ami satlsfar- of a circus and determines to marry slashing prices, it is impossible for us to list at this time any of the numerous bargains that will tion guaranteed—Mutual I’hone, iter. To accomplish this he intends be offered, but let us say with all sincerity that it is going to be a real, genuine bargain feat, sur­ Wm. Stuivenga. * lo make a special study of love- lie passing anything ever attempted by this or any other store, so you may go as far as vour imagina­ has never been lit love before. tie encounters the enmity of the Anyone in need of 4 h. p. Fair­ tion will carry you. Then come to this store and sale not only opening day, but every day, and banks-Morse gasoline engine. Mine stro ig man, who Is also in love with the amount you save will be measured otilv by the amount you purchase. is for sale at a bat gain. Win. D. Marie, but study in the art o; cot.- Shafer. Rockaway Oct. 30. que.iag the enemy aid; hint in van­ quishing ltis foe. His attention is If it is cabbage you want for krout, next turned to saving the circus why Stuivenga's got the good.“. from bankruptcy by having made a Send along your orders, Mutual * special study of saving money, this is phone. Wm. Stuivenga. not a hard matter. When he focuses If you are in need of a heating stove, his attention on love, however, lie it wilt pay you to call and see my finds that study is not necessary as line of new and used heaters. I al­ Marie already loves him. THE STORE LIBERTY FONDS The play is one of Mr. Lytell's so exchange new stoves for old cleaverest and offers many novel und stoves. Allen Page. THAT UNDERSELLS OF ANY DENOMINATION unusual situations that are tilled Wanted: Men or women to take or­ with humor. ders among friends and neighbors BECAUSE IT TAKEN AT FACE VALUE for the genuine guaranteed hoaery, John Barrymore in Charming Com­ full line for men, women and SELLS FCR CASH. edy Are You A Mason <” IN LIEU OF CASH. Tillamook, Oregon. children. Eliminates darning. We -------u------- pay 50c. an hour spare .time or It remained for "Are You a Mason” *24 u week for full time. Exper­ Leo Diti ichstcln's celebrated farce, to ience unnecessary. Write Internat­ bring forth John Barrymore's great­ ional Stocking Mills. Norristown, est talents as a screen comedian. Pa. Dec 30. This inimitable star was in those great laugh-producing screen plays, See Dr. Wise about your dental “An American Citizen,” and ”Th-> 'lie finds himself at the blink of ruin Divorce. Default and plaintiff grant- Work. Nov-6. Man From Mexico,” but the Famous i ' ” ” '" led divorce. which ... . > ,. ... i 1 he tut ns to her for help. She refuses t ....... and on the stock exchange he drtim- Dr.’s Alien and Sharp. Dentists. Players-Laaky Corporation. __ Clyde Hudson vs Leia Hudson. FIND National Building. also produced these former successes ,i ... .... ___ .. lutically denounces her. Ultimately : Divorce. Decree given and plaintiff |T|77 i .I.IHTEK N*K<>< KV MOI XTAIX'JFA a great Laxative— mild, plea®- lias in tile picturlzution of ' Are I ou , , , . . y...... ,, ... . furnished .... given charge of child. Mr. ,, Barrymore she places her fortune at his disposal, F Let W. A. Church write your hay a Mason? ■■int. ceriniti—-so " thorNy ; cleansing and purifying i that (ONSTII’ATION dis- insurance. * 1 A. B. Freeberg vs. Rose Jacob and and when your < ONST! I’ATION; goo-your COM PLEXH >N with an ideal characterization, which Circuit Court Still in Session. 'Bnrnhardt Jacob. To reform deed. proves—yon work l»