TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. CCIOBER lt>, 1919. 1 Awaiting your say-^o, you'll find toppy red ba£s, tidy red OU certainly get yours when you lay your smokecards on the table, tins, handsome pound and pound tin humidors— call for a tidy red tin or a toppy red bag of Prince Albert and roll a hair and—that classy, practical pound crystal ¿lass humidor makin’s cigarette 1 You’ll want to hire a statistical bureau to keep count with sponge moistener top of your smokestunts! Why, you never dreamed of the sport that lies that keeps Prince Albert in such perfect condition I awaiting your call in a home rolled cigarette when it’s P. A. for the packing ! y Talk about flavorf Man, man, you haven’t got the listen of half your smokecareer until you know what rolling ’em with P. A. can do for your contentment! And, back of P. A.’s flavor, and rare fragrance— proofs of Prince Albert’s quality— stands our exclusive patented process that cuts out bite and parch 1 With P. A, your smokesong in a makin’s ciga­ rette will outlast any phonograph record you ever heard 1 Prince Albert is a cinch to roll. It’s crimp cut and stays put like a regular oal! r t Cost of advertising ................$4-37 McDermott Add.— Block 2. Lot 1. C. L. Everson, owner. Amt. of Lien $719.69; Int. to Nov. 7, $86.36 Cost of ¿overusing ................. McDen .ott Add.—Block 2. Lot 2. C. L. Everson, owner. Amt. of Lien, 479.83; Int. to Nov. 7. $57.58. Cost of advertising ............... $4.12 Stillwell Add.—Block 3. Lot 4. J. McMahan, owner. Amt. of Lien, , $192.39: Int. to Nov. 7. $17.30. Cost of advertising ................. $1.12 Said sale will take place at the front door of the City Hall in Tilla­ mook City, Oregon, being the build­ ing in which the Common Council of said Tillamook City holds its sessions. That named of the owners, or re­ puted owners, of the aforesaid pro­ perty as given in the foregoing list, are the same of such owners, or re­ puted owners as they appear ori the bond lien docket of Tillamook ’’ity, Oregon, and the respective tracts ot land described will be sold at said sale to satisfy the assessment, in- terst and costs due upon each tract described herein, and each tract will be sold separately. Said sale will be made for the pur- I pose of satisfying delinquent assess­ ments for street improvements, duly ' assessed against said property, to- , gether with interest and costs there- | on, such assessments having been ■ made by the Common Council of Till- I amook City, Oregon, on November 1 7th, 1917, and the said several own­ ers having made application to pay | the same in installments, and said I applications having been entered In I the bond lien docket of Tillam ><>k City, default having thereafter been made in the payment of the install­ ments due upon said assessments, and more than 20 days having elapsed, and the Common Council of Tilla­ mook City having, on Sepetbmer 3rd 1919, ordered a warrant issued for the collection of said delinquent as­ sessments in the manner provided by the charter of Tilamook City. Dated this September ------, 1919. Dated this September 30th, 1919. M. E. Gruber. Marshal of Tillamook City, Oregon. Notice of Sale for Delinquent Street Assessments NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That by virtue of a warrant issued by the I City Recorder of Tillamook City, Ore- on, dated September 30th, 1919, is­ Prince Albert upsets any notion you ever had as to how delightful a sued by order of the Common Council jimmy pipe can be 1 It is the tobacco that has made three men smoke of Tillamook City, Oregon, the under­ signed, Marshal of Tillamook City, pipes where one was smoked before. It has won men all over the nation i Oregon, has levied upon and will, on to the joys of smoking. I Friday the 7th day of November, i 1919, at the hour of 10 o’clock A. M. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY, Winston-Salem, N. C. I sell at public auction to the highest | bidder for cash in hand, the properties hereinafter described. The respective tracts or parcels of Notice of Sale for Delinquent Street said Tillamook City holds its sessions. the charter of Tilamook City. ■ ground to be sold, together with the Dated this September 30th, 1919. That names of the owners, or re­ Assessments respective names of the owner or M. E. Gruber. puted owners, of the aforesaid pro­ ------- o—- | owners thereof, and the amount lor perty as given in the foregoing list, Marshal of Tillamook City, Oregon. i which separate tract will be sold, are NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That are the names of such owners, or re­ as follows, to-wit; by virtue of a warrant issued by the puted owners as they appear on the Notice of Sale for IDellinquent Street I Original Town of Lincoln—Block 9, Assessments City Recorder of Tillamook City, Ore- bond lien docket of Tillamook City, E. 24 U ft., Lot 5; W. 314 ft. Lot6. on, dated September 30th, 1919, is­ Oregon, and the respective tracts of NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That E. M. Hooper, owner. Amt. of Lien, sued by order of the Common Council land described will be sold at said of Tillamook City, Oregon, the under­ sale to satisfy the assessment, in- by virtue of a warrant issued by the $27.42; Int. to Nov. 7, $3.30. Cost of advertising ................$4.37 signed, Marshal of Tillamook City, terst and costs due upon each tract City Recorder of Tillamook City, Ore- Oregon, has levied upon and will, on described herein, and ’each tract will on, dated September 30th, 1919, is­ Stillwell Add.—Block 3, Lot 4. J. sued by order of the Common Council McMahan, owner. Amt. of Lien, Friday the 7th day of November be sold separately. 1919, at the hour of 10 o’clock A. M. Said sale will be made for the pur­ of Tillamook City, Oregon, the under­ $47.04; Int. to Nov. 7, $4^3. Cost of advertising ..................$4.12 sell at public auction to the highest pose of satisfying delinquent assess­ signed, Marshal of Tillamook City, bidder for cash in hand, the properties ments for street improvements, duly Oregon, has levied upon and will, on Park Add.—Block 10. Lot 3. L. C. hereinafter described. assessed against said property, to­ Friday the 7th day of November, ! Smith, owner. Amt. of Lien. $33.79; The respective tracts or parcels of gether with interest and costs there­ 1919, at the hour of 10 o’clock A. M. Int. to Nov. 7, $4.06. ground to be sold, together with the on, such assessments having been sell at public auction to the highest Cost of advertising ..................$112 respective names of the owner or made by the Common Council of Till­ bidder for cash in hand, the properties Thayer’s Add.—Block 40, Lot 6. owners thereof, and the amount for amook D. IV. Ijains Estate, owner. Amt. of City, Oregon, on May hereinafter described. The respective tracts or parcels of Lien, $37.25; Int to Nov. 7. $4.46. which each separate tract will be sold, 4th, 1916, and the said several own­ are as follows, to-wit: ers having made application to pay ground to be sold, together with the Cost of advertising ..................$1.12 Thayer’s Ado- Block 40. Lot 5 I,. the same in installments, and said respective names of the owner or Thayer's Add. Block 40. Lot 5. W. Ijains Entitle. "Amt of lien applications having been entered in owners thereof, and the amount, for j D. W. I jams Estate, owner. Amt. of 1212.21; Int. to Nov. 7, $39.07. tii" bond lien docket of Tillamook which separate tract will be sold, are Lien. $37.25; Int to Nov. 7. $4.46. Cost of advertising .................. $4.12 City, default having thereafter been as follows, to-wit; Cost of advertising ................. <4 12 Thayer’s Add Block 10, Lot C. D. made in the payment of the install­ Lincoln Add.—Block 3% Alley, C. E. Stillwell A.Id.—Bloc.. •>, Lot 4. L. J. W. Ijains Estate. Amt. of Lien, ments due upon said assessments, and Hadley, owner. Amt. to Lien $27.17; I Vosburg, owner. Amt. of Lien, more than 20 days having elapsed, Int. to Nov. 7, $3.26. $212.21; Int. to Nov. 7, $39.07. Cost of advertising .................. $4.12 1 $37.24; Int. to Nov 7, $¡.46. Cost of advertising ........... $4'2 and the Common Council of Tilla­ Lincoln Add.—Block 9, E. 24.5 ft. I Cost of advertising ..................$4.12 Said sale will take place at the mook City having, on Sepetbmer 3rd Stillwell Add. Block 5. Lot 3. J. L. front door of the City Hall in Tilla­ 1919, ordered a warrant issued for Lot 5, W. 3.5 ft. Lot 6. E. M. j Vosburg, owner. Amt. ot Lien, Hooper, owner. Amt. of Lien, mook City, Oregon, being the build­ the collection of suid delinquent as­ , $37?I; Int. to Nov 7, $4.46. ing in which the Common Council of sessments in the manner provided by $333.85; Ir.t. to Nov. 7. $40.06. Cost of advertising ..................$4.12 ¡Stilh.ell Ada. Block 10,. Lot 5. Herman Tln-irsen, owner. Amt. of Lie, ‘$37.2: Int. to Nov. 7. $4.46. Cost of advertising ................. ?4 < _ Stillwell Add. Block 10. Lot 4. D. I W. Ijams Estate, owner. An.t o. Lien. $37.24: Int. to Nov. 7, $4.46. Cost of advertising ............... $4.12 Maple Grove Add.—Block 3, Loi 1. Omar C. Kiger, owner. Amt. of Lien $35.47; Int. to Nov. 7. $4.20. Cost of advertising .................. $4.12 Said sale will take place at the ’ front door of the City Hall in Tilla­ mook City, Oregon, being the build- , ing in which the Common Council of Isaid Tillamook City holds its sessions. That names of the owners, or re­ puted owners, of the aforesaid nro- 1 perty as given in the foregoing list, are the names of such owners, or re­ puted owners as they appear or the ’ bond lien docket of Tillamook City, . Oregon, and the respective tracts of ■ land described will be sold at said ; sale to satisfy the assessment, in- terst and costs due upon each tract described herein, and each tract will be sold separately. | Said sale will be made for the pur- ' pose of satisfying delinquent assess­ ments for street improvements, duly assessed against said property, to- . gether with interest and costs there­ on, such assessments having been ’ made by the Common Council of Till- ’ amook City, Oregon ,on November ! 7th, 1917, and the said several own­ ers having made application to pay the same in installments, and said applications having been entered in the bond lien docket of Tillamook City, default having thereafter been made in the payment of the install­ ments dile upon said assessments, and I more than 20 days having elapsed, ’ and the Common Council of Tilla- i mook City having, on Sepetbmer 3rd 1919, ordered a warrant issued for I the collection of said delinquent as­ sessments in the manner provided by the charter of Tilamook City. Dated this September 30th, 1919. M. E. Gruber. Marshal of Tillamook City, Qregon. —"and from there we went to Japan” Talk about adventures ! Men in the Navy come home with the kind of experiences that most chaps read of only in the books. Here’s your chance! Uncle Sam has, as you know, a big Navy and gives red- blooded young fellows like you an opportunity to step aboard and "shove off”. What will you get cut of it? Just this: A chance to rub elbows with foreign folks in strange parti of the world. The chance for good honest work on shipboard—the ’metof work that teaches you something real: the kind of work that puts beef on your shoulders and hair on your chest. You will get C O care-'’.-ei vaca­ tion days a year, not counting shore leave in home or foreign ports. You will have the kind of com­ radeship in travel that sailors know. You will have regular pay, over and above your meals, lodg­ ing and your first .:nil’c::a outfit —good stuff all of it. You can join for two years. When you get through you’ll be physically and mentally "tuned up” for the rest of your life. You’ll be ready through and through for SUCCESS. There’s a Recruiting Station right near you. If you don’t know where it i-', your Post­ master will be glad to tell you. To any Father anti Mother:— In the Navy your boy ' a food, health, work anr. play. and moral weltaru ate looked after by responsible viper.a i Shove g ¿£ i - Jofei Oregon, has levied upon and will, on Friday the 7th day of November 1919, at the hour of 10 o’clock A. M. sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand, the properties hereinafter described. The respective tracts or parcels of ground to be sold, together with the respective names of the owner or, owners thereof, and the amount for which each separate tract will be sold, i are as follows, to-wit: Maple Grove Add—Tract beginning j 330 feet S. of S. E. corner of Block ; 8, Tillamook, 100 feet W.; thence S. j Whatever is popular de­ 105 ft. West 100 ft., N. 105 ft. E. I serves attention 100 ft., owner M. A. Baker estate. | Amt. of lien, $35.40. Int. to Nov. 7, $10.11. Cost of advertising .................... $5.02 MOUTHPItCE Maple Grove Add- Block 3, Lot 1. owner, Omer Kiger. Am’t. of lien CIGARETTES Int. to Nov. 7, $105.63. Cost of advertising .................. $4.12 were created to demand at­ Said sale will take place at the tention. A tobacco finely front door of the City Hall in Tilla­ mook City, Oregon, being the build­ blended, a mouthpiece to ing in which the Common Council of take care of it to the last puff,, said Tillamook City holds its sessions. That names of the owners, or re­ mais paper wrapping. Aclassy puted owners, of the aforesaid pro­ perty as given in the foregoing list, cigarette—so popular. are the names of such owners, or re­ Í0 for 13c puted owners as they appear on the i bond lien docket of Tillamook City, j The John Bollman Co. Branch Oregon, and the respective tracts of I Manufacturer« land described will be sold at said ' sale to satisfy the assessment, in- | terst and costs due upon each tract described herein, and each tract will be sold separately. Said sale will be made for the pur­ pose of satisfying delinquent assess­ ments for street improvements, duly General Merchandise, assessed against said property, to­ gether with interest and costs there­ Bay City, Oregon. on, such assessments having been made by the Common Council of Till­ amook City, Oregon, on February 3rd. 1913, and the said leveral own­ ers having made .application to pay the same in installments, and said applications having been entered in tue l end lien docket of Tilla uoo'i City, default having thereafter been made in the payment of the install- Phone 72. said assessments, and more than 20 days having elapsed, HENRY C. VIERECK, M. D. and the Common Council of Tilla­ mook City having, on Sepetbmer 3rd SPECIALIST. 1919, ordered a warrant issued for Disease of The the collection of said delinquent as­ sessments in the manner provided by EYE. EAR, NOSE AND THROAT the charter of Tilamook City. Dated this September 30th, 1919. Only M. E. Gruber. Marshal of Tillamook City, Oregon. 310 Selling Building, Portland. Ore IMPERIALES NELSON & CO., Square Deal and Good Goods Our Motto. The Brunswick “Ultona” plays all records at their best. Notice of Sale for Delinquent Street Assessments NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That by virtue of a warrant issued by the City Recorder of Tillamook City, Ore- on, dated September 30th, 1919, is­ sued by order of the Common Council of Tillamook City, Oregon, the under­ signed, Marshal of Tillamook City, Hear them at the New Music Store. I ^”6 reservoir L. Berkey,