40M VW* 0 « TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, OCTOBER 16, 1919. . .-ar, but if it does not proceed satis- it will put a stop to the heavy main­ eSSS2Sa525g5H5H5B5B525252SaSHSE5aSH52iSB5u252SZSHSa5HS25252SHSE5a5ZSZ5a52S25ZSBS2Sa52Sa5252SH52Sa5H525¿ —ctorily we will feel like making tenance charges and allow road mon­ Editor Baker construction forrnun.— ey to be used elsewhere. Fred C. Baker, Editor. Willamina Times. I We would impress it upon the Theodore Roosevelt. SUBSCRIPTION per year $2.00 Times that the editor has no political I. , ■ o bugs in his bonnet, but every once in Resolutions uiu.te. by Henuanu Advertising Rates. a w hile he would like to be in a po­ 'Hagedorn and adoptee by til.. Nat­ Display Advts, per inch........... 20c. sition to give somebody a good cuss- ional council oi the Boy Scouts of Locals ......................... per line 7c. lug, for that is what the paving America al tiieir annual meeting, Readers, with reading matter company shoulu get that had the 1919. per line.................................. 7c. hardsurxaced road contract in this He was found faithful over a few Notices of meetings etc, per line 7c. county. . things, and he was made ruler over ------- o------- many; he cut his own I. < ail clean Teitgraph reports state that Count and straight and million, followed Von Bismarcw and a number of him toward the light. tí Prussian officers a.e to be tried by | He was frail; He made himself a • ------- o------- etour; martial jjy the allies for their tower oi strength. He was timid; he t Now that auto thieves are being barbarous acts of murder and cruel­ I made hiiitselt a lion of couiage. He Ci ri sent to the penitentiary for a number « ty inflicted upon the inhabitants of was a ureamer; he became one of the of years it will have a whole, .orne ef- Lille w hea the German at my occu­ great uoers ot an time. feet in putting a stop tu that ciass of pied mat city. Count Bismarck Men put tueir trust in him; women thieving, often undertaken for a sought tu terrify the citizens, and be­ founu a champion in him; kings short joy ride. fore 14 ot mem were put to death I stood in awe oi him, but children . ------- o------- nJ It would greatly reduce the high he had them brought out ou the mar­ made him their playmate. ket bquate and floggea before the tie oroKe a nation’s slumber with cost ot living if people who take trivial cases into the circuit court eyes of uu eniorced assentpiy of vil­ his cry, and it lose up. He touched would settle them out of court and lagers. Then the persons were led to the eyes of blind men with 1. -m.-e § not compel the taxpayers to foot the a wall and shot and the houses set ami gave them vision. Souls oecame on lite. Afterwards Bismarck caused sworua tuiough him; swords oecame ' ri bills of trying them. the arrest and death oi a publican servants of God. ------- o------- whom he accused of inciting the peo­ He was loyal to his country, and » The people don’t want it, the tax- i r ple to rebel against the invador. The |h e ted loyalty; — exaC --------------- ,—, ; ne loved many payers don’t want it, the p ipils don't publican was placed against a wail [lands, out .¡e loved uis own lanu want it and the teachers don’t want it, and that being the case will some­ and nhot by German soldiery and be- I best. He was terrible in battle, but ten- body ' inform us who it is that is cause he was not killed, Bismarck, wanting the annual Teachers’ Insti­ who was present, ordeted lancers to Idet; to the weak; joyous and tireless, charge the blood spattered form as it being free from self pity; clean with tute. lay on the ground. Finally Bismarck a cleanness that cleansed the air , ----------0---------- There appears to be a general op­ himself seized the body, and swing- lake a gale, inion that President Wilson's illness ing it over his head, hurled it into a I j{ja courtesy knew no wealth or clas ....... l,e is ls ¡class, his friendship, no creed or is more serious than they are aware water trough close at hand. There a terrible indictment against the ’ color or race. His courage stood every of, and if this is the case the people in nn . . i should be informed. Those who war lords of Germany, and it is no unslaughl of savage beast aau ruth­ AUTO DEALERS AND ACCESSORIES. watch the daily newspapers to ascer­ more than right that they should be less man, ot loneliness, of victory, of In connection with us we have Best Auto Shop in Town. tain the condition of the president made to suffer tor their bloodthirsty, defeat. His mind was eager, his heart 4 have for the past two weeks surmis­ barbarious methods. The trial will was true, his body and spirit defiant help to open the eyes of the German of obstacles, ready to meet what ed that his condition is serious. people, if that is possible, anu show might come. ------- o------- ; and tyranny; We do not know any more appro­ them how they were despised by the | He fought injustice EB priate name to give this part of the people of tile allied countries which bore sorrow ; gallantly; loved all na- waged war against Germany. ture, bleak spaces and hardy com- city than: "Cinder addition to Tilla­ panions, hazardous adventure and mook City.” Who is the hon gentle­ We have received a lengthy com- [the zest of battle. Wherever he went, man on the city council who repre­ sents the cinder Aard, as we would munication in regard to the new lie carried his own pack, and in the like to know how many inches of Bay ocean i road district, and from ut,ermost parts of the earth he kept cinders fall in a day, week and what we understand it was not the his conscience for his guide. month, and whether he considers intention of those who petitioned for the new road district to include them showers of blessing or showers Another Railroad Rumored. property on the south side of the to make his constitutents use cuss bay, but 1 tt> confine the new road dis- The engineer of the United Rail­ words. trict to the peninsular and light ways, which started to build into house district. That being the case The snap shot man was a little Tillamook county some years ago, surprised to hear that the people of we raise no objection whatever, and was in the city and although he this county are cashing in their war no doubt it will be of considerable would not divulge what he knew savings stamps at the rate of ten advantage in raising sufficient mon­ about the road being completed, all dollar withdrawn to one dollar ey by special taxation to build the he would say was that Tillamook stamps bought. Somehow, we hardly road at Bayocean to connect with City was liable to have another rail­ think this is the proper thing for the the county road, which is to be fin­ toad soon. people to do, especially, as another ished next year, but it would be de­ war savings stamp drive is now be­ cidedly unlair to tax property on the The Roosevelt Creed. ing conducted. No doubt there are south side of the bay to improve property in Bayoceau. We know that I believe in honest.,, sincerity and cases where it is a necessity for a person to have their money, but this there are those who believe that the the square deal; in making up one’s money was loaned to the government county court should build the road mind what to do—and doing it. 1 believe in fearing God and taking for a certain length of time and through to the sea, but it is now a matter of co-operation. The cininty one's own part. should not be withdrawn. court has promised to call tor bids to I believe in hitting the line hard ------- o------- Ben Olcott still hangs on tenac­ complete the county road as soon when you are right. 1 believe in speaking softly and iously to two state offices, that of alter the budget meeting as possible, governor and secretary of state, and and we see no reason, when the carrying a big stick. 1 beiieve in hard work and honest we suppose if another spite office be­ county court changes the boundaries I came vacant he would want to fill ot the new road district to conform to sport. the ideus of the petitioners to take in I believe in a sane ntind and a sane that as well. We question whether there ls another man in Oregon who only the peninsular and lighthouse body. I believe we have room for bitt one would show such a greedy disposition district, why a special tax cannot be in holding down two state offices. He levied to complete the Bayocean end soul loyalty, and that is loyalty to of the road. If they will do this it the American people. should resign one of the offices, and this view is taken by the people gen­ would be the best thing that could help Bayocean out of the hole and Its erally. We don’t like selfish indi­ “T. R." bottled up condition, tor it will not viduals, and that is the reason we ----- -o------- take any considerable amount of don’t like to see the governor sel­ money to construct the Bayocean end A many-sided man of might. fishly hanging onto two state offices. Touched with the poet’s vision he of the road. The snap shot man is o------- hearitly in favor of this plan, and Fought always in the van ot right, The colored soldier was good hope it will be carried out, for it will ! And dealt his blows heroically. enough to figlit for Uncle Sam in the be the salvution of Bayocean, making For him there was no turning back— world war, but down south he is not His gaze was fastened on a star; the property there of considerable good enough to be allowed to vote. I Nor saffron-dyed hyena pack value. Wilson While in France President Could daunt the courage of "T. R.” ------- o------- was a great advocate for self deter- This was no fifty-fifty man; , Quite a number of persons residing niination amongst the people ot the His hat was in his country's ring; world but not in the United States, hi the north part of the county are His soul was all American— for lu tile south the colored man is i inclined to think that that part of His genius an eternal thing. good enough to tight for his country the county is entitled to more hard —Euwin Carty Ranck. but is disfranchised by state laws. surfaced pavement, which, probably ls true. By way of explanation,, the The recent congressional election in Notice. Alabama was a great surprise to the County Court is doing its best to leaders of the Democratic party, foi- bring that about, and from what we 66 66 in the County Court of the State of 66 it shows that the Republicans are cun gather. It is proposed to lay five miles next year in that direction. The t Oregon, for the County oi 1 illamook. busting up the solid south. county will have five miles of road in the mutter of the estate of Remember the good old Republican bed ready lor paving this fall, and as Nichol..- Job. deceased, commonly days when the standard price for a there is some heavy construction Known at Nick Job. Notice is hereby given to all wpom good shirt was one dollar Tilla­ work to prepare the road bed as tal­ as the Miami bridge, this will have it may concern, that the undersigned mook Headlight. And when the standard wage for a to go over to next year. The State it., been by tile County Court ot Til­ Dallas Highway Commission is paying 50 lamook County, Oregon, duly ap­ day's labor was two dollar- per cent of the cost of grading and pointed Administrator of the Estate ltemizer. And we will remind the ltemizer hard surfacing the road nortli of this of Nicholas Job, deceased, commonly that it was hollering its head off in city. Tlie grading would have pro­ Known as "Nick Job; and all persons 1912 about the high cost of living ceeded much faster, but it has been having claims against said estate are and the Democratic platform ot that difficult to obtain sufficient men. hereby notified to present same, duly * year promised to reduce the high From all appearance the county road verified, as by law required, to the cost of living. And the ltemizer also south of town to Hebo will be hard- undersigned, at his office in Tilla­ within six in 1916 did a whole lot of hollering surfaced. The present contractors mook City. Oregon, about "he kept us out of war”, have three and it half miles to hard- months from this date. Dated October 16tli. 1919. being which was only another Democrat Ic surface, which will take about two deception to pull the wool over the months to complete. This leaves only the first publication of thia notice. John Leland Henderson, eyes of the American people. The eight miles to complete the hardsur- Administrator of the Krout, Krout. For Sale, United States ls badly in need of a facing to Hebo. As the State High­ QU. L. L. HOY, ------ o------ o------- estate of Nicholas Job, Republican President who knows way commission has promised to let Who want's krout this winter? Dairy-man, this is a snap for a Deceased. something about the industrial life a contract early in the year for 15 Stuivenga has got the cabb.i re. Send man who wants to make money. 180 PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON of this country, and a great majority miles of hardsurfaclng —five miles in him your order, prices rigli. Mutual acj-es, 2H miles south of Coquille, For Sale. now see the mistake they made both the north part of the cvjnty and 10 T illamook B lock , 40 acres cleared. % mile frontage on 1918 5 passenger Mitchell. Only Phone, Wm. Stuivenga. in 1912 when the school inarm miles in the south part of the county, river, about 5 acres up land, balance been run 300 miles. Good tires on requires only eight miles to but as it promised to reduce the price of liv­ the very finest bottom easy to clear. Tillamook, Oregon, ing and in 1916. when "he kept its complete the hardsurfaclng to Hebo, machine and one extra, also a bump­ Fair barn on place, no house, My probably some arrangements could er. Will sell this car cheap. Inquire out of war," Ornamental Fire Placet Built price is |90 an acre if taken soon, be made, providing the road bed at Willard Battery Station. JOHN LELAND HENDERSON. ------- o ■ — of Brick and Stone, All Fire worth |150 now, easy terms to right could be prepared in time to lay the Place* absolutely guaranteed Editor Baker, of the Tillamook man. Address Mrs. K. A. Cole, .Motor fot Sale ATTORNEY not to amoke or money re­ Headlight appears disappointed be­ extra two miles In the north part of Myrtle Point Oregon. funded. the county..The county Is doing and For sale, U h. p. motor and shaft ­ cause of the small amount of improv­ AND Brick work of all kinds dona ed roadway in Tillamook this year. paying for the grading on the road ing. In good condition and equal to COUNSELLOR AT-LAW Announcement. on short notice. No doubt, there are others who think south of the city and the state high­ I new. Call at Parker’s Harness shop. We make a specia Tillamook - . . • Oregj.i more should have been accomplished way Is paying for the hardsurfaclng. Twentieth Century wood saw now pairing smoking Fira on the main roadways. As we have We would like to see the county hard in operation. Wanted To Rent. OBERT H. McGRATH. remarked before, new road construc­ surface the road between Hebo and Dairy near Tillamook on share Ail orders promptly attended to. tion proceeds about as slow as any­ Cloverdale from the bond money basis by competent dairyman of long Call Bell phone 6F2 op leave orders COVNSKLLOR-AT LAW, thing one can think of. We may ex­ next year, and when the road is hard time experience. Reference exchang­ at Star Grocery or Sutton's Market. TILLAMOOK. ORE Karl Wilhelms. pect more from road builders next surfaced from Cloverdale to this city. ed. address "X” Headlight office. TILLAMOOK, OREGON (¿illanuiuk ìttuòlujht FOR IMMEDIATE L> DELIVERY. K S » » Editorial Snap Shots V » I New Cars: 1 1 1 1 1 i 1920 Maxwell. 1920 Mitchell. 1920 Essex. Truck. Atterbery, 3j Ton Truck. Used Cars: 1 1 1 1 1 ? 1917 Maxwell 1917 Maxwell 1915 Ford - Chalmers’ Six Overland ■ - - $500.00. - $400.00. - $325.00. $1000.00. - $400.00. ALDERMAN & POORMAN, DON’T WAIT ANOTHER DAY FOR SATURDAY i « THE SANITARY MARKET », RIB BOILING BEEF 8c lb POT ROAST BEEF 12 l-2c lb. 10 lb. PAIL COMPOUND LARD $2.60 5 $1.30 BOTH PHONES RALPH E. WARREN, :e rnrtiTr« mJ" for th