T1LLAMOOK MICKIE SAYS nou musin T T hink VJERE CARELESS JEST BECUZ nou find a T ypographical error in T he paper once IN A VsIHlLE. N\Y GOSH, WITH the billions op chances T hey i6 T‘ GiT things \ nrohg it ’ s a wonoeu yue don ’ t MAKE. kAORE ERWOAS TUAN \NE DO \ SAN FRANCISCO STUDENTS SAVE $75,000 A YEAR HEADLIGHT, OCTOBER Q Scraps of Paper ------- o — Less midnight oil and more night gasoline is being burned there used to be. No» it Congress would only am­ end the law ot supply aud demand so ' that we would have more supply aud ( niid- less demand, the solution of our than troubles would be simple. “Ever Occur to You?* says the Good Judge Maybe a "contemptible quitter” is That it’s foolish to put up If six votes in the assembly are not a fellow who sends the army and a salute. Vera Cruz to get navy to with an ordinary chew, better than one, isn’t it strange Lloyd doesn’t get it, and comes away with-' George insisted on having 'em? when it doesn’t cost any I out it, leaving his countrymen to the ------- o—— Organized Thrift Now Undei more to get real tobacco mercy ot murderous Mexico.» What we need in the matter of Way in 269 California o------- satisfaction. public expenditures right now more Schools than we do a budget system is a | . Quick action: “If I could do as Every day more men dis­ I pleased, I would take away the stop-it system. San Francisco's-public and parochial president’s war power so quickly that ------- o------- cover that a little chew of school students are saving nearly The best way for the Italian gov­ ¡he wouldn’t know what struck him, real good tobacco lasts »385 a day and ar« investing their ernment to get rid of Gabriel D’An­ and bring home every single soldier, savings in Thrift and War Savings nunzio would be to send a trained sailor and marine in the United longer and gives them real Stamps. In 59 days they saved »22,- States service abroad." exclaimed squirrel after him. contentment. 699.88. These facts were brought out Representative Houghton, Republi­ ------- o------- in a report filed by Philip J Lawler, The Democrats used to be for six­ can, of New York, at a recent hear- There’s nothing like it, manager of the School Savings Depart­ | Ing of the House Committee on For­ ment of the Bank of Italy with C. A. teen to one with silver on the long eign Affairs. Farnsworth, associate director of the end. Now they are for six to one with England on the long end. War Loan Organization of the Twelfth Henry Ford’s paper says: "Today ------- o------- Federal Reserve District. put up in two styles Maybe President Wilson thinks the world exists—civilization exists, For the first seven da.vs of school — only by virtue of American indus ­ this year a total of »2.673.88 was that because one vote can equal six RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco saved and invested in Thrift, War in Mississippi and Virginia the same try, which was able to produce in W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tooacco 'magnificent quantities when all Savings and School Penny Stamps. thing will hold good in Geneva. fear. ” And others were paralyzed by The School Penny Stamps are put out Woytftgn-l^trtôn Oompanÿ/1107 Broadway, Nrfvy York City There will be a big representation American industry exists only be- by the Bank of Italy. There are about 95 schools in San from the United States at the league ’ cause of the protective policy which Francisco with an attendance of ap- of nations meetings so long as Gen­ ' made it possible, und which was maintained over the protest of free proximately 80.000 students This in­ eva remains wet, anyhow. traders like Henry Ford. cludes day and evening high schools, ------- o------- day and evening grammar schools and But of course if those extra five kindergartens. The Thrift Campaign British votes don’t amount to any- Lord Robert Cecil, reputed one of will be puehed throughout all of these thing England won’t object to an the chief authors of the league of na­ schools for the remainder of the school amendment, so why all this opposi­ tions covenant, says: "If we rely on year. provisions of the covenant to pre­ tion? The number of Individual purchasers serve peace we shall be living in a - ------ o------ One cent a word per issue. of stamps so far is 51,359, according to He continues: It is reported that it will take at fool’s paradise.” Mr. Lawler's report. Six thousand of Bibles to "Those who appeal frankly to nat­ least seventeen kinds Good Second Hand Maxwell for sale, one hundred and seventy students delegates at ional selfishness, are perhaps, com­ Zerolene is correctly cheap if sold at once. A. H. Harris. bought stamps duriug the first seven swear in the different school days of the present term, while the first convention of the league of moner in the United States than in refined from selected For Sale, Briscoe five passenger 45,189 invested in the securities for nations. this country.” With the accent California crude oil. It touring car, 1918 model. Price the word "frankly.” ------- o------- the preceding 52 school days during meets with scientific ac­ »700, terms. Carl Loll, Bay City, ------ -u ------- Maybe the Dixis senators are afraid which the savings plan was in opera­ curacy the lubrication Oregon. Oct. 9. tion last term. The number of individual that if the treaty goes back to Paris Preliminary to an "elucidation” needs of all types of au­ purchasers of Thrift and War Savings Liberia will ask for reservations of it, President Wilson, speaking at For Sale—Pure bred Jersey bull, one Stamps was 19,380. The number of against Jim Crow cars and indiscrim­ Salt Luke City, quoted the Foreign tomobile engines. Get a of the best bred in the county.— Correct Lubrication Relations committee’s proposed res­ H. A. Springer % mile south of purchasers of the Penny Stamps was inate lynching. 39,979. The Thrift and War Savings ervation concerning Article X of the ------- o ------- Chart for your car. Tillamook City Ot-23 Stamps had a total value of »15,399.53 A campaign of ridicule is being league of nations covenant. The STANDARD OIL For Sale. Pigs from the Duroc Jersey ' while the School Penny Stamps had a directed against the congressional in­ crowd applauded the reservations so COMPANY Sow, Zell Colonel, a winner of sev- I sales value of »7,300.35. vestigation into administration waste vociferously the President was forc­ Within a short time the school sav­ and extravagance. The committee ed to wait for quiet, and then he pro­ (California) eral blue ribbons. Pigs eligible to register. J. W. Jennings, Kilchis ings plan will be in full operation in must be "getting warm.” tested that the applause was not at i 269 schools in Northern and Central River. the right time. California and results will be checked keep on at our present rate If we Just you hear the Brunswick, it plays closely by Mr. Lawler for the Bank of it won’t be many years until the only The administration partisans who all records at their best.—Palm Italy and the government. Constitu- isay that the un-antended covenant of Confectionary. * Speaking of the savings achieve- place you can observe the ments of San Francisco's students to tion of the United States will be in the league of nations doesn’t impair tue Monroe doctrine, prevent us from Miscellaneous j Advertisements, date, Robert E. Smith, director of the the Smithsonian Institute. ------- o------- H. C. BOONE, Agent, Tillamook, Oregon getting out of the league when we War Ix>an Orgaalzatlon In the Twelfth Dr. Wise—Dentist. Why not gives extra votes in the want to, interfere with domestic Federal Reserve District, said: "Thrift league ot nations for Alaska, For Sale—Good upright piano. Phone is the greatest thing a student can league of nations for Alaska, the questions or require us to enter wars learn In school. School days are chqr- we do not care tor, but that if we in­ 154-J, W. J. Himes. act«r-forming days, The boy or girl Philippines, Porto Rico, the Canal sist amendments specifically saying For Sale—Team of mules, harness who learns to save in school has al- Zone and the American West Indies? that we so interpret it, the other na­ FIND and buggy. Inquire of M. E. Saw­ ready mastered one of the biggest se- — o----- tions will refuse to accept it, furnish HOLLISTER’S ROCKY MOUNTAIN TFA a great Laxative—mild, pleat­ i The more we read the peace treaty a sufficient commentary on their own yer, Tillamook. Qct.-23, Crete of lucani.’’ W. 8. *. ant. certain— no thoroly cleansing and purifying that (’ONKTIPATION dit- ^he more we are convinced that I sincerity. Anyone in need of 4 h. p. Fair­ appears, and when your CONSTIPATION goes—your COMPLEXION im. Lloyd George and Clemenceau had a ------- o------- banks-Morse gasoline engine. Mine THE TREND OF PRICES few three card monte men slt- President Wilson spoke ut Colum­ proves—yon work better—eat better—feet better I b for sale at a bargain. Wm. D. (ting in the conference against Presi­ Give it a thoro trial aud you will recommend yonr women friend. bus of having been "bred in the old Shafer, Rockaway Oct. 30. "Past history baa proven quite con- dent Wilson. 35c. a package. ; Revolutionary slock. ” His biograph ­ olusfvely that you can no mor* legis­ ———o------- ies state that his father's father and if you are in need of a heating stove, late the coat of living up and dowu Secretary Bryan is advocating the ft will pay you to call and see my than you cau stop the tide by building mother were immigrants from Ulster adoption of the unexpurgated cove ­ line of jiew and used heaters. I al­ a sea wall. The basic economic law and that his mother was born of nant. He has changed his slogan 1 has gripped my hand and said a so exchange new stoves for old of supply and demand always has and Scotch parentage in Carlisle, Eng- from "sixteen to one, to six to one.’’ bit huskily: "Well, son—Oh, son, but stoves. Allen Page. 'land. Just how a statesman with always will determine prices, in spite and does not add "without the advice it’s good to see you again.” of art..lc,al restrictions which may tour British grandparents can claim or consent of any other nation what ­ 1 has held me in her arms and Wanted: Men or women to take or­ seem to inteifere temporarily, When ■to have been "urea i.i i.ri; o!4 llevo- ders among friends and neighbors demand exceeds supply, prices are soever." cried a bit and seen that I had my lutionary stock” is not entirely clear, for the genuine guaranteed hosery, bound to rise. W,th three hungry men favorite dessert after dinner. full line for men, women and for a single loaf of bread, but one Don't overlook the fact that the except to those who auCqpt every­ 1 -has said and done a number of — thing Mr. Wilson says as true wheth ­ children. Eliminates darning. We thing can happen. When supply ex­ President had a Democratic Congress things that are no one's business but er it be ti ue or not. pay 50c. an hour spare time or needs demand lite reverse is true, at his back and call up to Match her’s and mine. SIMPLY »24 a week for full time. Exper­ Three loaves of bread to one man bring 4 last and that if anything in the I Oh, well, it's six to one and a half 1 had put muddy paws on my new a dozen to the other. PERFECT. ience unnecessary. Write Internat­ prices tumbling dowu. way of needed legislation was neg­ uniform and nearly wagged his tail ional Stocking Mills, Norristown, "The real cause for the present high lected, the Democrats cannot shift I off trying to tell me that he’s glad Needles, Oil, Belts and all kinds of Sewing , A lather remarkable statement to see me. ’a. Dec 30. level prices is apparent when you real­ that responsibility. Machine supplies, Repairing a specialty.# throwig some hlstehto obscured ize that the United States is exporting Dr.'s Allen and Sharp. Dentists. at present twice the foodstuffs that it light on the lack of efficiency oi Sec­ New Home Users Motor for Sale The reason they say the league of National Building. expo-ted a year ago, and three to four nations covenant provides for peace retary Bakers department during are quality chosers. Let W. A. Church write your hay < times the amount exported In normal and arbitration is that it neither pro­ the war was made recently before For sale, % h. p. motor and shaft­ insurance. « years. We are feeding Europe, What’s vides for disarmament nor leaves the the ¿senate Committee on Military ing. In good condition and equal to For Sale By A^’airti by Major General John F. more, we in'i.-t continue to feed new. decision of international disputes to SHARFF lb DUBIVER Call at Parker ’ s Harness shop. Dr. J. B. Grider, dentist, I. 0. 0. F. Europe, uulil it gets back on its own O'Ryan, who commanded the 27tli Bldg, Tillamook, Oregon. feet again Their crop of 1919 will help a world court. In other words, they Division in France. Th. 27th was a 172 3rd Street say it does because it doesn’t. Wanted To Rent. national guard division aud General Tillamook has a resident piano tuner, rome. but we must wait until the har­ NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE , ----- o------ vest of 1920 before they are wholly in- call Singer Agency Opp. I’. O. O'Ryan lestiticd that it fought COMPANY. dependem of this ccuptry. • * * If the Dairy near Tillamook on share "I do not recall,” "I was not ln- through the war without any Amerl- Pianos and organs for rent. Singer general public can be educated to an formed,” "I had no knowledge of cun equipment except coats and some basis by competent dairyman of long Agency Opp. P. O. appreciation of the situation as it Is, thut until I returned,” and "all doc­ trousers. All the guns, aircraft, shoes, time experience. Reference exchang­ Buy your crabs of Hays & Blanchard, and can be made to see that the well- uments relating to that subject are rifles, machine guns, and even sub­ ed. address "X” Headlight office. Bay City. Pitone 162. • being of every one of us depends upon still in Paris.” are answer:- not to be sistent supplies, he said were sup- every man producing as he never pro­ found in Mr. Bullitt’s testimony be­ plied to the division by the British, For Sale. r. Ramsey, Osteopath, Room 4 duced before, supply can be Increased fore the Foreign Relations commit­ The division’s artillery support, he — —o-----— Masonic Building. to meet anl exceed this imprei edenteu 1918 5 passenger Mitchell. Only added, was supplied by British and demand and we shall weather the tee. been run 300 miles. Good tires on Australian units. ------- o------- Dr. W. E. Le how—Dentist with Dr. storm with everybody ahead. * * • Wise. machine and one extra, also a bump­ Secretary Lansing, who will not ------- o Under the ci.cutnstances. it is more of er. Will sell this car cheap. Inquire deny that he told Ml. Bullitt that if a religious question than an econoui.o The Omaha Bee says: “ Mr. Wilson Counter Sales Books-—Order .your I Sales Books from W. F. Baker, one. Maximum production on the part the American People understood the insists that the peace of the world de­ at Willard Battery Station. treaty and covenant they would not of evsry individual must be made a agent Pacific Sales Book Co. Call pends upon accepting in its entirety moral issue. * • * Decreased demand ratify it now makes a speech demand­ the ambiguity of Article X, even as For Sale. 68 Headlight. ------ o---- means depression, and unemployment, ing immediate ratification. Probably illuminated by his own construction, For Life Insurance, there is nothing and hard times for evert body. Dairy-man, this is a snap for a In­ Mr. Lansing thinks the people still admitting the right of the supreme man who wants to make money. 180 better than what the Maas. Mutual creased production will meet the situa­ do not understand it. Gosh! How my back aches! , z council to "advise ” sending American offers. Ask to see specimen policy. tion and solve the problem, but that acres, 2% miles south of Coquille, -------o------- After influenza or colds the kidnnvs an<* soldiers abroad and holding for the 40 acres cleared. —W. A. Church. * can uuly be accomplished by every mile frontage on bladder are often affected—called ne­ The New York Times, an adminis­ moral obligation to follow that ad­ putting his shoulder to the wheel, river, about 5 acres up land, balance phritis,” or inflammation of the kidney* Wanted—Salesman to sell groceries, man tration organ, editorially states that vice. The Senate is not ready to sur ­ This is the red-flag of danger—better w holesale, direct to farmers, com- and producing as be never produced be it is practically settled that Presi- render the constitutional power of the very finest bottom easy to clear. Fair barn on place, no house. My be wise and check the further inroads ot niL’sion. One competent to estab- fore. • • • When the majority of people dent Wilson is to be the first presi- kidney disease by obtaining that wonder­ Congress to a foreign body. Think Hah and take charge of business were insdv to feel tbal slaveiv was dent of the league of nations, It is this over for yourself, and decide price is »90 an acre if taken soon, ful new discovery of Dr. Pierce s known M wrong. Il was abolished When the worth »150 now, easy terms to right “Anuric” (anti-uric), because «nurt . paying »3000.00 to »4200.00 a majority of people were made to feel understood that the place will carry which is better for the peace and man. Address Mrs. te. A. Colè, expels the uric acid poison from the boay year. We furnish training, exper­ that drinking was wrvug aud »ere a salary of »200,000 a year, and the security of the nation—whether it is Myrtle Point Oregon. and cures those pains, such as bacKacuo. ience. capltol. Not easy money but «shamed to be seen goiua into a sa­ term Will be for six years. wiser to retain the power to declare rheumatism in muscles and joints. permanent profitable opening for loon, we got prohibition. In the ss me ------- o------- Naturally when the kidneys are de­ ¡war in the hands of Congress or to right man. Quality goods sold on way, when people begiu to look down ranged the blood is filled with President turn it over to a body that is rc- Sir Edward Carson says Hatisfaction or money back basis, on the man who Is not a producer, or I waste matter, which settles in the feet, says the 'sponsible only to itself, in whose af- Farmers save 20 per cent. Mun v ho curtails his production, we shall Wilson is wrong when he i ankles and wrists; or under the eyes league of nation» will open the way fairs the United States has but a with farm experience preferred. strike at the tap root of the cost of bag-like formations. „ _ single vote while the British empire to secure consideration of Irish inde­ Dr. Pierce’s Anuric is many Um" m«** Car or rig required. Give nge. ex­ living problems. We must go ou a potent Khan lithia and often ehmmatce pendence. If the friends of the league has six.” perience. phone number. Paiks 'producing crusade’.“—Roger W Bab­ uric acid as hot tea melts sugar. of nation» cannot agree in 11» inter- Bros. Portland, Oregon.’ son ' pretation now. what do you suppose 1 have just returned from France. Work uud save. Invest in War Saw Madn, Cal.—“I recommend Dr. I’ieroo'e Auurto I will happen after the scheme is ad­ 150 people have asked me what Bee Williams about the Republic, the Ings Stamps. very highly. I have Buffered for the hat three yrare t opted yello.v chnsls truck that serves ho 1 the gold stripes mean. I W.8. 8. with catarrh of the bladder, havin« tried every well und honestly, a truck at an 500 have asked whether or not the remedy I heard of but without relic.'. I «aw Anuric Th« price of a »5 War Savin*« t honest price. Tillamook Feed Co. The Grand Army of the Republic average German was a brutal type— Stamp this month la 34.31. Buy on« advertised in the paper and like a drowning man and the United Mine Workers have i"do they look different from other Phone 72. •vary week. ■rabbin« at n straw I thought I would try it Dr. Wise can be found at his Tilla­ Joined President Wilson's “Contempt­ 'people, 1 mean?" mook office across the street from which I did with great cucccue, aa it relievrd ra« ible Quitters Association." But the j 1000 have said, “You must have HENRY C. VIERECK, M. D. almost immediately before I had taken all of the the court house, Mondays, Tues­ the boys in blue stuck to the guns ¡seen some awful sights!" and de- trial package. and bavin« «mat confidence in the days and Wednesdays until further SPECIALIST. mines until and the miners to the i mended gory details. remedy I immediately rent to tl>e dm« star- »nd no«te£ Disease of The two big Jobs were done, and If they i 3.497 have hinted archly at entag- bought a packace. I can say u. all wfforinf Irons had stayed on their Jobs Bke presi-iling alliances with French maidens. EYE. EAR. NOSE AND THROAT any direase of the kidoeya er uric acid trouble, try Films, Camerai and Photo Supplies Films developed 10c. with print dent Wilson stays on bis neither task 48.973 have remarked, "It was a Only thia remedy aud culler oo longer. I have jr-at orders.—J. W. Edwali. would have been finished yet. wonderful experience wasn't it?" 310 Selling Building, Portland, Ore. taUh in Dr Pferre'a nuMdiee.”-d. P. He"«'» THE REAL TOBACCO CHEW Tillamook Headlight’s Trade Mart. FROM CALIFORNIA CRUDE Girls--Ladies--Women 1 NELSON & CO., Geueral Merchandise, Bay City, Oregon. Square Deal and Good Goods Our Motto. --- -------- —------ > ■ Mf« therein October^ From start to finish, the |ly and Photoplay, ib made up of Its liupppremenla .ore -r - --------- r -MTk fmake repairs and for th«4 i Clean Ing rewrvofr. F• L. Berkey,