e TlùLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, OCTOBER q You are hereby required to appear the full taste of the butter. That’s COAXING YOU TO SMILE. and answer the complaint filed why children naturally do It, as also against you iu the above entitled with bread and jam. Misnamed. cause, on or before the date of the "Eat bread and margarine as you Speaking of "setting-up exercises,” publication of this summons, to­ Aunt-Nancy visited camp one day like in order to hide the flavor, but on or before November 13, 1919, when the rookies were going through when it comes to bread and real but­ if you fail so to appear and ans- , their gymnastics, sitting on their ter 1 confess that, as a doctor and the complaint, for want thereof, heels, then raising to a standing po- something of a gourmet, I eat it like the plaintiff will apply to the Court sitlon and repeating the operation, a child, buttered side down.” for the relief demanded in the com­ — o------ "They are going through their plaint, to-wit: That the contract of setting-up exercises,” explained tho Our Puzzling Language. matrimony now existing between the obliging sergeant. A Dutchman was learning English plaintiff and defendant be dissolved “Looks to me more like Bittin' and every morning read a little in au and that the plaintiff be granted an [down exercises." observed jlunt Nan­ English newspaper. One day he was absolute divorce from the defendant, cy. sorely puzzled. and for such other relief as the I "Vot iss this?" he asked a friend. - —o------ Court may deem just and meet. I "Your English is a puzzle.” The Handy Lexicon. This Summons is published by or­ The friend took the paper and read. A couple of pitmen up in London der of the Hon. A. M. Hare, County ¡for a holiday halted in front of a i "Should Mr. Blinks, who sat for the Judge of Tillamook County, Oregon, . brass plate fixed on the front of a Mudville constituency in 19—, con­ said order being dated September 25, ihouse, whereon was inscribed in bold sent to stand again and run, he 1S19, and the date of the first pub­ would in all probability have a walk­ [characters the word "chiropodist.” lication being Oct. 2nd, 1919, and of ■ uliuiupoutst:,'' icmarkej one of over..’’ the last publication, November 13, ------- o------- them, perplexedly, "What’s that?” 1919. "Why,” replied his companion, “a But Drab in Practice. Johnson & Handley, chirrupodist is a chap that teaches “I trust Brother Johnson, ’’said the Attorneys for the Plaintiff. canaries to whistle.” piesiding elder, "that you are en- P. O. Address: 107-8-9 ------- o------- deavoriug as far as possible to bring . 0. F. Building, up your children by the rule of kind­ Unconscious Truth. Tillamook, Oregon. A certain clergyman, inclined to ness; requesting rather than cam- corpulency, officiating as chaiiman manding, and explaining to them NOTICE TO CREDITORS at a social gathering that had met carefully why they should obey your injunctions?" NOTCE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That to celebrate the building of a new "That’s powerful gaudy in the'ry, school room, addressed the audience the undersigned has been by the Coun­ parson,” returned Gap Johnson, of in the following manner: ty Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, "Friends”, he said, 'at the close of Rumpus Ridge, Ark., "but in actual appointed administrator of the estate I this meeting there will be a collec­ practice knocking ’em down with a of William H. Perry, deceased. All i tion. It will not be for the poor,” and neckyoke now and then is about the persons having claims against the unconsciously putting his thumbs in- only way to fetch results. I could estate are required to present them [o trousers' pockets and tapping just about as quick get them to mind for allowance to the undersigned at with his fingers his waistband, con­ me by argifying with ’em as I could the office of Botts & Winslow, Tilla­ tinued, "but for the development and make a turtle giggle by tickling his lit with a feather.” mook, Oregon, within six months from enlargement of this department.” i EVETSEOOT KKTOS oA. WVT-IÍÍ-HEAD A MEANS BUICK The Buick Dry Plate Clutch The exclusive patented features of the Buick disc clutch minimize the effort and skill necessary in gear shifting, and at the same time provide a clutch that is absolutely smooth and positive in operation. Under this patented construction, the heavy rota­ ting parts of the clutch are carried by the flywheel and only the very light parts are carried by the trans­ mission, which accounts for the transmission gears not spinning after clutch is disengaged, thus pre­ venting the clashing of gears in shifting from one speed to another. The slightest pressure of the foot will disengage this smooth acting Buick clutch, which makes it especial­ ly popular with women drivers and those who drive much in congested traffic. date hereof. John Sharpe Williams says the Sen­ Dated this September 25th, 1919. The Limit. ate majority report on the Versailles A group of workers were lunching John William Jennings, treaty is a "piece of insolence.” What Administrator. in a sheltered nook on a wharf. One a pity the whole United States is not Planning The Next Step. Henry A. Wise Wood, of New York, declares that J. J. O’Neil, London manager of the Manchester Guardian, called upon him in New York recent­ ly with the suggestion that the war debts of all the allied and associated powers could be internationalized, that is, distributed among the var- ious nations, and that he had been assured of approval of the plan by certain powerful American financiers now active in promoting sentiment in behalf of immediate ratification of the unamended covenant of the league of nations. There seems to be more enthusiasm for shouldering European war debts in the United States, than there is about handing to this country any of the territorial acquisitions which are the result of the war to some of the allied and as­ sociated powers. [of them went across the street for a ¡plug of tobacco, and during his ab- !sence another substituted for his tin of pale coffee and milk Ills own tin of milkless black coffee. j When the first worker returned to his lunch he could hardly believe his eyes. I "Well,” he said "I have heard of clever thieves, but to steal the milk out of a feller’s coffee is about the limit.” . ------ o------ | one big Mississippi, where to hold any opinion not o-keyed by a Demo­ cratic machine is considered not only "insolent” but ample justification for proscription and persecution. Four years more of dimination by the Dixie Democracy would doubtless have made it so. ------- o----- Now that President Wilson proved that six votes is really less than one vote and that we have done China a favor by robbing her, he Buttered Side Down ought to be asked to write a thesis "Cecily,” reproved the young moth­ on the Sahara desert as a bathing er, "eat your bread and butter prop­ beach. erly. How often do I tell you to eat it with the buttered side topmost?” President Wilson now declares that "Here the elderly physician enter­ in bringing home the Smuts plan ed a defense for this childish table for a league of nations he was fol- manner which every parent knows. lowing the footsteps of Colonel He pointed out that by eating but­ Roosevelt. It's a good thing for Mr. tered bread upside down the butter Wilson that the Colonel Is not here touches the tongue, which thus gets to land on him. When Better Automobiles Are Built BUICK Will Build Them Agent Sunset Garage, Tillamook, Ore Notice of Sale of Real Property By this summons, which said date is the Is described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the northwest corner 11th day of September, 1919, and if Administratrix De Bonis Non In the circuit court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Multnom- ah, Probate Department. In the matter of the estate of Leonard Krebs, deceased. Notice is hereby given, that pur- I suant to power and authority grant­ ed to the administratrix de bonis non of the estate of Leonard Krebs, deceased, by the above entitled court on the 3rd day of September, A. D., 1919, the administratrix de bonis non of the above entitled estate will, from and after Saturday, the 25th day of October, 1919, offer for sale and will proceed to sell at private sale to the highest bidder, for cash, subject to the confirmation by the Circuit Court of the Stare of Oregon for Multnomah County, all the right, title and interest of said estate in and to the following described reai property situate in the County of Tillamook, State of Oregon, to-wit: "A tract of land formerly known as Lots Five (5), six (6), Seven (7), Eight (8) and Nine (9), in Bfock Three (3) in Ocean Park, situate in Section Ninteen (19), Township Four (4) South, Range Ten (10) West, Willamette Meridian, in Tilla­ mook County, State of Oregon, con­ taining .60 acres, iqore or less, as shown in Assessor’s Tract Book as Tract number 930.” Bid3 offered in writing for said real property may be made at any time after the publication of this notice and before making sale, at the office of Emil P. Slovarp, Attor­ ney at Law, 608-9 Henry Building. Portland, Oregon. Dated and first published Septem­ ber 18, 1919. Helen Krebs, Adminis­ tratrix de bonis non of the Estate of Leonard Krebs, deceased. C. C. Stout and Emil Slovarp, 608-9 Henry Bldg., Portland, Ore. Attorneys for Estate. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Tillamook County. James Hiatt. Plaintiff. vs. Osa Hiatt, Defendant. To Osa Hiatt, Defendant. In the name of the State of Oregon: To.i are hereby notified and required to appear In the above entitle cause and court and answer the complaint ftled herein, within six weeks from the date of the first publication of of tide lot number four (4) of W. D. Stillwell's Addition to Tillamook (now Tillamook City) and running thence north 111 feet; thence east parallel with the north line of the Edrlck Thomas D. L. C. to the east line of lot Three (3) of section twenty-five (25), in township one (1) south of range ten (10) west of the Willamette Meridian, and run­ ning thence south along the east line of said lot three (3) to the north line of the said Edrick Thomas D. L. C. and running thence west to the place of beginning, situated in the county of Tillamook and State of I Oregon. Also all the machinery and equipment in the buildings on said real property, including in particular I the following, which constitute the larger pieces of machinery, to-wit: 1 Hack Saw; 1 19 in, American Lathe; 1 36 inch Lathe; 1 Barnes Driller, with sliding head; 1 Davis 24 in. Shaper; 10 h.p. motor and Notice of Sale on Execution. electric appliances; all patterns and appliances for castings, acetelyr- In the Circuit Court of the State of welding apparatus and all parts. Oregon for Tillamook County. Being all the foundry property of E. J. Claussen, Plaintiff. the mortgagor» including buildings vs. and equipment located on the above Feeney & Bremer Company, a described real property and property corporation. Defendant. adjoining thereto. Notice is hereby given, that I, W. I Now, therefore, in accordance with L. Campbell, Sheriff of Tillamook the direction of said execution, com­ County, Oregon, by virtue of an ex­ manding me to sell the premises and ecution issued out of the above en­ property hereinbefore described in titled court In the above entitled the manner provided by law, for the cause, said execution being dated the satisfaction of said decree according 9th day of September. 1919, and be­ to the terms thereof, and the costs ing based upon a judgment entered and disbursements thereof and ac­ in the Circuit Court of the State of cruing upon this writ, I will on Sat­ Oregon for Tillamook County, said urday, the 11th day of October, 1919. judgment being entered in said Cir­ at the hour of 10 o’clock a m. on said cuit Court on the 6th day of Septem­ date, sell at public auction, at the ber, 1919, and being rendered in fa­ front door of the County Court House vor of the above named plaintiff, and in Tillamook City, Oregon, to the against the above named defendant, highest bidder for cash, all the right, and being in the sum of 81,300.00 title and interest of the said Feeney with f.iterest thereon at the rate of & Bremer Company, a corporation, 8 per cent per annum from April 23, defendant herein named, in and to 1918. until paid; in the further sum all the property both real and per­ of $95.55 with Interest thereon at sonal hereinbefore described. the rate of 8 per cent per annum W. L. Campbell, from June 23. 1919, until paid; in Sheriff of Tillamook County, Ore the sum of $150.00 attorney fees, »and for the costs and disbursements Summons. taxed and allowed at $16.20, and -------o .. - said Judgment further providing that In the Circuit Court of the State of a certain mortgage given to secure • he principal Bum hereinbefore nam­ Oregon for Tillamook County. ed. be foreclosed in the manner pre­ Jeanette Seymour. Plaintiff vs. scribed by law. and that the property described In said mortgage be sold as Antone J. Seymour, Defendant. To Antone J. Seymour, the above by law provided and the proceeds of said sale applied to the satisfaction named defendant: In the name of the of said judgment. That said property State of Oregon: you fail so to appear, for want there­ of, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint, to-wit: for an order and decree forever dissolving, cancelling and anulling the contract and rela­ tion of marriage heretofore existing between the plaintiff and defendant, and for such other and further relief as to the court may seem equitable in the premises. This summons is served upon you by publication, by order of the Hon. A. M. Hare, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Tillamook County. Made and entered at Chambers i at the City of Tillamook, County of Tillamook, State of Oregon, on 1 the 10th day of September, 1919. Talmage, Claussen & Mannix Attorneys for Plaintiff. Address Tillamook, Oregon. SOUTH Look I Here is the globe spread out fiat be­ fore your eyes. See those stars? Every star shows where a U. S. Navy ship was oa September 2nd, 1919. The Navy travels the Seven Seas. Don’t you want to see the World ? omance is calling to you! R - Strange and smiling foreign lands are beckoning to you. Shove off and see the world! Learn to “parley-voo” in gay Paree. See the bull-fights in Panama, See surf-riding on the beach of Waikiki. Learn the lure that come« with the «wish and swirl of the good salt sea. Eat well—free; dress well— free; sleep clean—free; and look ’em all straight in the eye—British, French, Chinese, Japanese, Spaniards, Egyptians, Algerians and all manner of people. Come! Be a real man of the world. See the world. See it with the red-blooded, hard-working, hard-playing men of the U. S< Navy. Pay begins the day you join, is always On board ship a learning. Trade schools develop skill, industry and business ability. Thirty days care-free holiday each year with full pay. The food is good. First uniform outfit is fur­ nished free. Promotion is un- limited for men of brains. You can enlist for two years and come out broader, stronger and abler. Shove off—Join the U. S. Navy. If you’re between 17 and 35 go to the nearest recruiting station for all the details. If you don’t know where it is ask your postmaster. Shove off !-Join the U. S .Navy •s